B.E/B.Tech DEGREE EXAMINATIONS, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009 FIFTH SEMESTER INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CS 1402 – OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (REGULATIONS 2007) PART – A 1. compare object oriented approach with traditional top down approach 2. list the four quality measures for system evaluation 3. state the significance of object modeling technique 4. give the guidelines for naming classes 5. differentiate between users and actors 6. give the significance of use-case modeling in OO analysis 7. what is the relationship between coupling and cohesion 8. how do you distinguish transient data from persistent data 9. what is regression testing 10. define a test case PART – B 11. (a) (i) illustrate the relationship among the classes and objects (12) (ii) list the categories of prototyping and state why it is useful (4) Or (b) Describe the activities of an object oriented system development life cycle (16) 12 . (a) discuss on Jacobson methodology (16) Or (b) (i) Give the use case diagram for the library information system (8) (ii) Compare the sequence diagram with collaboration diagram with suitable example (8) 13.(a) Explain noun phrase approach to identify classes with suitable example (16) Or (b) Illustrate the techniques to identify object relationships (16) 14. (a) (i) Decribe about OO design axioms and corollaries (10) (ii) How design axioms and corollaries help in object oriented design (6) Or (b) Explain the steps involved in designing the access layer classes with example(16) 15 . (a) i) Explain activities involved in micro level process for interface objects (12) ii) list of Myer’s debugging principle (4) or b) i) give the impact of object orientation on testing (6) ii) list out the guidelines for developing usability testing (5) iii) state the guidelines for user satisfaction testing (5) 1 B.E/B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOV/DEC 2009 Seventh Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS1402- OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PART A 1.Give the characteristics of object oriented system. 2.What is an object? Give an example. 3.Give a note on patterns and its necessity. 4.Mention the models in Object Modelling Techniques in Rambaugh methodology and its role for describing the system. 5.List out the steps for finding use cases? 6.Give the hint to identify the attributes of a class? 7.Define axiom along with its types. 8.For the schema employee(emp-id, emp-name, street,city) give the class representation along with the attribute types. 9.Mention the purpose of view layer interface. 10.What are client/server computing? Give two applications which work on this basis? PART B 11.(a).Explain and develop the payroll system using the steps of Object Oriented approach (Or) 11.(b).Explain the following (i).Object Modelling Technique (ii).Compare aggregation and Composition with a suitable example. 12.(a).Explain the relationships that are possible among the classes in the UML representation with your own example. (Or) 12.(b).What are the various diagrams that are used in analysis and design steps of Booch methodology? Explain with your own example. 13.(a).Explain the method of identifying the classes using the common class approach with an example. (Or) 13.(b).Consider the Hospital Management System application with the following requirements System should handle the in-patient, out-patient information through receptionist. Doctors are allowed to view the patient history and give their prescription. 2 There should be an information system to provide the required information. Give the use case, class and object diagrams. 14.(a).With a suitable example explain how to design a class. Give all possible representation in a class(name, attribute, visibility, methods, responsibilities) (Or) 14.(b).Design the access layer for the students information management which includes personal, fees and mark details. 15.(a).(i).Explain the various Testing strategies. (ii).Give the use cases that can be used to generate the test cases for the Bank ATM application. (Or) 15.(b).(i).How will you measure the user satisfaction? Describe. (ii).Perform the satisfaction test for any client/server application. 3 B.E./B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2009. Fifth Semester INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CS1402-OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN Regulation 2004 Time:Three hours Maximum: 100Marks Answer ALL questions PART A-(10x2=20 marks) 1. Mention the advantages of Object oriented. 2. Write about Object Persistence. 3. What does a Framework mean? 4. Compare Aggregation with Association. 5. How 'uses' and 'extends' occur in Use case Modilleing. 6. Why is the development of sequence/collaboration diagram a useful activity in developing classes? 7. What is the significance of separating public and private protocols? 8. Compare OODBMS with RDBMS. 9. State the goals of User interface. 10. What do you mean by Quality Assurance tests? PART B-(5x16=80marks) 11. (a) Explain Object Oriented System Development Life Cycle in detail. (16 Marks) OR (b) (i) Compare Traditional SDLC with Object Oriented SDLC with an example. (10 Marks) (ii) Write short notes on Object Relationships. (6 Marks) 12. (a) Write short notes on: (i) Objectory (8 Marks) (ii) Patterns (8 Marks) OR (b) Prepare a UML modelling for the automation of E-Learnibng system. Clearly state your assumptions. (16 Marks) 13. (a) An automated fuel management system assists in managing fuel stations by providing a computer-based solution. It provides details about the exact quantity of fuel left in the storage tank, gets quantity of fuel and fuel type required form the customer, calculation of bill amount, generation of bills and generation of report of total sales done in a day. (i) Perform USe case Modeling for the above scenario. (8 Marks) (ii) Identity Noun phrases, Relevant and Fuzzy classes. (8 Marks) OR 4 (b) Write Short notes on: (i) CRC Process (8 Marks) (ii) Effective Documentation. (8 Marks) 14. (a) List the Object oriented Design axioms and corollaries and explain each one of them in detail. (16 Marks) OR (b) (i) Discuss about the issues involded in Object Design. (6 Marks) (ii) In how many ways an Object - Relation Mapping can be done? Explain with an example. (10 Marks) 15. (a) (i) Define the purpose of a view layer interface. (4 Marks) (ii) Describe the Micro level process of a view layer in detail. (12 Marks) OR (b) (i) Write the guidelines for developing Usability testing and User Satisfaction testing. (8 Marks) (ii) Discuss the various testing strtagies. (8 Marks) 5 B.E/B.Tech. Degree Examination, November/December 2007 Seventh Semester (Regulation 2004) Computer Science and Engineering CS 1402- Object Oriented Analysis and Design Part-A(10*2=20 marks) 1. Differentiate between the traditional and object oriented views of software. 2. Are messages different from function calls ? Justify your answer. 3. why is unified approach needed ? List its components. 4. Describe the functionalities of the different models in OMT methodology. 5. Differentiate a pattern from a framework. 6. What is a meta-model ? Is understanding a meta-model important ? 7. Why are classes,responsibilities and collaborators useful ? 8. What is the relationship between coupling and cohesion ? 9. List the object oriented design axioms and corollaries. 10.What are public and private protocols ? What is the significance of separating these two protocols ? Part-B(5*16=80 marks) 11. (a) Explain in detail the macro processes in object-oriented system development with a neat diagram. [16] (OR) (b) What are the different kinds of relationship between classes ? Discuss each relationship with an example. [16] 12. (a) Describe the use of the following diagrams in UML with an example of a video rental system. (i) Activity diagram [8] (ii)Class diagram [8] (OR) (b) (i) What are the elements of a class diagram?Explain with examples.[6] (ii)Prepare a class diagram to show atleast 10 relationships among the following classes: expression,constant,variable,function,argument list,term,factor, relational operator,arithmetic operator,program,statement [10] 13. (a) (i) What is the purpose of a use-case model ? Illustrate the different types of relationships between use cases with an example. [8] (ii)Construct a use case diagram for a video rental system and 6 explain. [8] (OR) (b) What is classification ? Describe briefly the different approaches to identify classes. Explain these approaches with the following elevator system. [16] A product is to be installed to control elevators in a building with m floors. The problem concerns the logic required to move elevators between floors according to the following constraints: (1) Each elevator has a set of m buttons, one for each floor. These illuminate when pressed and cause the elevator to visit the corresponding floor. The illumination is cancelled when the elevator visits the corresponding floor. (2) Each floor, except the first floor and top floor has two buttons, one to request an up-elevator and one to request a down-elevator. These buttons illuminate when pressed. The illumination is cancelled when an elevator visits the floor and then moves in the desired direction. (3) When an elevator has no requests, it remains at its current floor with its doors closed. 14. (a) Write short notes on: (1) Database models [6] (2) Client server computing [5] (3) Cooperative processing [5] (OR) (b) What is the purpose of an access layer ? Explain in detail the process of creation of access layer classed with an ATM example. [16] 15. (a) Explain in detail the different activities involved in the design of view layer classes with an example. [16] (OR) (b) (i) Explain in detail how usability of a software is tested ? [8] (ii)What is a test plan ? Explain in detail the guidelines to be followed in developing a test plan. [8] 7 B.E. / B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY / JUNE 2007 Seventh Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS-1402 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. What is an object? Give an example 2. What is the main advantage of object oriented development? 3. What are the phases of OMT? 4. List the difference between patterns and Framework 5. Mention the elements used in the Use-case model. 6. When to use CRC cards? 7. How do you distinguish transient data from persistent data? 8. What is Design Axiom? 9. Describe UI design rules. 10. What is Quality assurance? PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) (i) Discuss the advantages of Object Oriented Approach. (ii) Briefly explain the elements of object model Or (b) (i) Briefly explain about Object oriented systems developments life cycle. (ii) Describe state, behaviour, and identity with respect to an object with relevant example. 12. (a) (i) Compare and contrast the Object oriented methodology of Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson. (ii) Write short notes on Unified approach. Or (b) Draw the class diagram, use-case diagram, interaction diagram for Library management system. 13. (a) (i) Describe the basic activities of Object oriented analysis and explain how Use-Case modeling is useful in analysis. (ii) Draw the Use-Case model for ATM Bank operation Or (b) (i) Discuss the importance of proper classification. Briefly explain the different approaches used for identifying classes and objects. (iii) Explain the relationship exit among objects. 14. (a) Write short notes on the following : (i) Object interoperability (ii) Access Layer Or (b) (i) Briefly explain, how design axioms help to avoid design pitfalls. (ii) Explain the principles and metrics of good Object oriented design. 15. (a) (i) Explain the macro and micro process of a view layer design. (ii) How do you develop a custom form for a user satisfaction test? Or (b) (i) Describe the different testing strategies. (ii) Create a User satisfaction test for bank system application. 8 B.E. / B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, MAY / JUNE 2006 Seventh Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS-1402 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. What is object oriented system development methodology? 2. Distinguish between method and message in object. 3. What is an object model? What are the order OMT model? 4. What is UML called as modeling language? 5. What are the three relationship that can be shown in UML diagram? Define them. 6. List the guidelines for identifying tentative classes using non phrase approach. 7. What are few characteristics of bad design? 8. What is OODBMS? 9. What is meant by quality assurance? 10. What is impact object orientation in testing? PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (i) Briefly describe the Booch system development process. (ii) Define pattern and frame works. How do they differ from one another? 12. (a) (i) What is prototyping? How is it useful? State the advantages and disadvantages of prototyping. (ii) Describe the different phase OOSD life cycle. Or (b) (i) What is system development methodology? Discuss the advantages of object oriented system development methods. (ii) What is object relationship? Explain different types of relationship with. suitable examples 13. (a) Explain with an example how the classes can be identified using non phrase approach. Or (b) (i) What is CRC? How is it used to identify classes? Explain with an example. (ii) How is super-subclass identified? Explain with an example. 14. (a) (i) What is meant by axioms? Explain two object oriented design axioms. (ii) What are public and private protocols? What is the significance of separating these two protocols? Or (b) (i) Describe the necessary characteristics that a system must satisfy to be considered an object oriented system. (ii) Write notes on class mapping view layer. 15. (a) (i) State the guidelines for developing quality assurance test cases. (ii) What are statement and branch testing coverage in object oriented testing? Explain. Or (b) (i) What is meant by usability tests? How are they carried out? (ii) What is user satisfaction test? State the objectives of it. 9 B.E. / B.Tech. DEGREE EXAMINATION, NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2005 Seventh Semester Computer Science and Engineering CS-1402 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN PART A – (10 x 2 = 20 Marks) 1. What is meant by software development methodology? 2. Distinguish between encapsulation and information hiding. 3. Why do we need to model a problem? 4. What is an association class? How is it represented in UML? 5. What is a use case model? 6. What is the basic principle of CRC method? 7. What is meant by an axiom? List the two design axioms of object oriented design. 8. List any two differences between OODBMS and object oriented programming language. 9. What is regression testing? 10. What is user satisfaction testing? Give any two objectives of user satisfaction test. PART B - (5 x 16 = 80 Marks) 11. Book section of an engineering college is to be computerized. The important functions of a book section are (i) Addition, deletion and modification of membership details (ii) Issuing books to members and returning (iii) Computing fine at the time of returning the books (iv) Creation of defaulters list. For the above problem, draw the following UML diagram: (1) Use case diagram (2) Class diagram (3) Sequence or collaboration diagram of any two use cases (4) Activity diagram for any two classes. 12. (a) (i) Discuss the similarities and differences between structured approach and object oriented approach. (ii) What is dynamic inheritance? What is multiple inheritance? Discuss the merits and demerits of multiple inheritance. Or (b) (i) What is meant prototype? Why is it necessary to create prototype? Discuss about the different categories of prototype. (ii) Describe the process that are involved in unified approach for software development. 13. (a) (i) Use the noun phrase approach to identify the objects from the following grocery store problem. A store wants to automate its inventory. It has point-of-sale terminals that can record all of the items and quantities that a customer purchases. Another terminal is also available for the customer service desk to handle returns. It has a similar terminal in the loading dock to handle arriving shipments from suppliers. The meat department and produce departments have terminals 10 to enter losses/discounts due to spoilage. (ii) Discuss the guidelines for finding use cases. Or (b) (i) Explain the guidelines for identifying super-sub relationship in an application. (ii) What is aggregation relationship? Describe the two properties of aggregation relationship. What guidelines would you use to identify aggregate relationship? 14. (a) State 6 corollaries of O.O.Design. Explain any four of them in detail with suitable examples. Or (b) (i) Explain how objects are mapped with relational systems (tables). (ii) Briefly describe the four major activities in the design process of view layer classes. 15. (a) (i) Discuss inheritance testing with an example. (ii) What is a test plan? Describe the content and characteristics of a test plan. Or (b) Write short notes on the following : (i) Guideline for developing a user satisfaction test (ii) White box testing (iii) Black box testing (iv) Debugging. 11 CS-1402 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN NOVEMBER / DECEMBER 2004 PART A 1. Why does one go for object oriented system analysis design? 2. What are the various processes involved in object oriented software development life cycle? 3. What is OMT? 4. List at least four graphical diagrams defined in UML. 5. What is the application of use-case model? 6. What is meant by generalization hierarchy? 7. State the OO design axioms. 8. What are the various attribute types? 9. What is scenario based testing? 10. What are the principal objectives of the user satisfaction test? PART B 11. (i) Why do we follow standards for testing any particularly Quality Assurance (QA)? (ii) What are the guideline adapted for developing QA test cases. 12. (a) Compare the salient features that make object orientation a better approach than structure approach? If you are a student of Engineering then state the attributes and methods required for getting admission in reputed institutions. Or (b) How is software development viewed? What are the various phases of OOSD life cycle? What is waterfall approach? List out its limitations. 13. (a) What are the components of Booch method? Explain with examples. Or (b) (i) Give an example of UML Collaboration diagram. (ii) How does a complex system is modeled? 14. (a) (i) What are the guidelines for developing effective documentation? (ii) Describe the activity diagram for Banking System. Or (b) (i) What is the difference between users and actors? How would you identify them? (ii) Discuss the relationships and aggregation. 15. (a) (i) What are the activities of designing view for layer classes? (ii) Why does refinement of attributes is a must? Give a suitable example for it. Or (b) What are OODBMS standards? Explain them briefly. When to use object database? List down atleast four of their advantages and disadvantages over RDBMS. 12 OBJECT ORIENTED SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN APRIL / MAY 2005 PART A 1. Mention the OOSD life cycle 2. What is dynamic binding? When does one go for it? 3. What is unified approach? Does it specify a methodology? 4. What is meant by dynamic modeling? 5. Define aggregation. 6. Name few diagrams in Booch Methodology. 7. What is meant by Database interface? Give an example. 8. What is a protocol and its function? 9. Discuss the impact on object orientation on testing. 10. Continuous testing cured the last minute crunch comment on it. PART B 11. Why is object orientation started finding place in system development? What are its major advantages and methodologies? How to design objects, relationships and associations? How is object persistence helpful and how to store only the persistent attributes? 12. (a) (i) Outline OMT functional model. Also give OMT data floe diagram primary symbols. (ii) What is the strength of Jacobson methodology emphasizing the two key concepts in it? Or (b) Why do we need to model a problem? What is UML and describe its importance? How is the dynamic behaviors expressed using various diagrams as per Booch? 13. (a) Describe the non phrase approach for identify tentative classes in a problem domain. Why are classes, responsibilities and collaborations useful? Identify the 3 steps in CRC process. Or (b) what are the guidelines for defining attributes? How would you identify a supersub class structure? 14. (a) What is coupling? While designing software programs, what precautions will one bore in mind. Tabulate types of coupling among objects or components. Or (b) what are some characteristics of a bad design? In a networking environment what precautions one has to consider to design associations. If server-client architecture is adapted. 15. (a) Describe the different testing strategies. How to develop test plans guided by Thomas. Or (b) Sketch the guidelines for developing quality assurance test cases described by Freedman and Thomas adapted for the UA. What are the steps involved to make the testing successful? 13 M.C.A DEGREE EXAMINATION,MAY/JUNE 2007 Fourth Semester MC 1753-OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN (REGULATION 2005) Time:THREE HOURS Maximum:100 marks PART A-(10 x 2=20 marks) 1. Give the characteristics of an object oriented methodology. 2. What are the four quality measures for system evaluation? 3. List out differences between patterns and frameworks? 4. What is UML?What is the importance of UML? 5. Distinguish between users and actors. 6. Why is the CRC approach useful? 7. What is the relationship between coupling and cohesion? 8. How can use cases help in designing the view layer objects? 9. Give the impact of object orientation on testing. 10. Why do we need to measure user satisfaction? PART B-(5 x 16= 80 marks) 11. (a) (i) List out the advantages of object –oriented system development.(6) (ii) Explain the categories of prototyping and why it is useful? (6) (iii) Compare inheritance and aggregation. (4) Or (b).Describe the activities involved in Object Oriented Software Development Life Cycle. (16) 12. (a) Explain the Booch’s system development process in detail . (16) Or (b) Identify the use cases,classes and relationships in a Library Information system .Also give the use case diagram and class diagram. (16) 13. (a) With an example explain the use-case driven approach to identify the classes and their behavoiurs through sequence an collaboration diagram.(16) Or (b) Explain how would you identify the object relationships,attributes And the methods of a Library Information System? (16) 14. (a) (i) List out object-oriented design axioms and corollaries and explain(8). (ii) Discuss how can you map the objects from relational systems. (8) Or (b) (i) Explain the activities involved in the micro-level process for viewing the view layer classes. (12). (ii)Give the ways to provide the user feedback. (4) 15. (a) (i) Give the guidelines for developing quality assurance test cases. (8) (ii) What are the steps needed to create a test plan? (8) Or (b) (i)List out the Myer’s debugging priciples. (4) (ii)Give the guidelines for developing usability testing and user satisfaction testing. (12) 14 MCA EXAMINATION, MAY /JUNE 2009 MC1753- OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN. Part –A 1. What is meant by dynamic binding? 2. What are meta classes and abstract classes? 3. What is the use of an interaction diagram? 4. Define extensibility? 5. What is the significance of use case model? 6. Define object responsibility? 7. Mention the general purpose of a view layer interface? 8. Mention the major activities involed in the micro development process? 9. What is meant by a Test plan? 10. Write about usability testing? Part –B 11. a)i)What is meant by object oriented modeling and design ? Describe the general aspects of object oriented approach [Mark 12] ii) write a note on information hiding. [Mark 4] Or b) Explain the object oriented system development life cycle in detail with suitable example? [Mark 16] 12.a) Write notes on following: i)Unified approach to object Modeling. [Mark 6] ii)Static UML notations. [Mark 6] iii)Patterns and frameworks. [Mark 5] Or b)Design a system for electronic voting machine with the following diagrams i)Use case diagram [Mark 4 * 4=16] ii)Class diagram iii)Object diagram iv)Interaction diagram 13.a) Write notes on following: [Mark 4 * 4=16] i) Documentation ii)Classification iii) Super sub classes iv) Use case model Or b) Explain as to how you would identify the relationship among classes in OOA in detail with suitable example? [Mark 16] 14. a) i) Explain the rules involing design of a classes and method in detail with suitable example. [Mark 8] ii) Describe the macro process of object oriented development. [Mark 8] Or b) Explain in detail the purpose of a view layer interface and process of designing interface 15 object with suitable example.[Mark 8] 15.a) i)Define satisfaction in testing strategies and explain satisfaction testing with the guidelines for development satisfaction testing. [Mark 8] ii) what is meant by s/w quantity assurance? Describe the importance of s/w quantity assurance plan. [Mark 8] Or b)i)What are test cases ? Mention the objectives and the guidelines for developing Test cases [Mark 8] ii) What are Top down testing and Bottom up Testing? Discuss theit adv and disadv ? [Mark 8] 16 CS-1402 OBJECT ORIENTED ANALYSIS AND DESIGN MAY / JUNE 2007 PART A 1. What is an object? Give an example 2. What is the main advantage of object oriented development? 3. What are the phases of OMT? 4. List the difference between patterns and Framework 5. Mention the elements used in the Use-case model. 6. When to use CRC cards? 7. How do you distinguish transient data from persistent data? 8. What is Design Axiom? 9. Describe UI design rules. 10. What is Quality assurance? PART B 11. (a) (i) Discuss the advantages of Object Oriented Approach. (ii) Briefly explain the elements of object model Or (b) (i) Briefly explain about Object oriented systems developments life cycle. (ii) Describe state, behaviour, and identity with respect to an object with relevant example. 12. (a) (i) Compare and contrast the Object oriented methodology of Booch, Rumbaugh and Jacobson. (ii) Write short notes on Unified approach. Or (b) Draw the class diagram, use-case diagram, interaction diagram for Library management system. 13. (a) (i) Describe the basic activities of Object oriented analysis and explain how Use-Case modeling is useful in analysis. (ii) Draw the Use-Case model for ATM Bank operation Or (b) (i) Discuss the importance of proper classification. Briefly explain the different approaches used for identifying classes and objects. (iii) Explain the relationship exit among objects. 14. (a) Write short notes on the following : (i) Object interoperability (ii) Access Layer Or (b) (i) Briefly explain, how design axioms help to avoid design pitfalls. (ii) Explain the principles and metrics of good Object oriented design. 15. (a) (i) Explain the macro and micro process of a view layer design. (ii) How do you develop a custom form for a user satisfaction test? Or (b) (i) Describe the different testing strategies. (ii) Create a User satisfaction test for bank system application. 17