Limestone Pulmonary and Sleep Associates P.C. 101 Fitness way, Suite 2500, Athens, AL-35611 Ph: 256-262-6720 Fax: 256-206-8100 Name: ____________________________________________________ DOB: ______________ DOS: _______________ Reason for Visit: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Chief complaint that brings you to our office today: ________________________________________________________ Please check any of the following symptoms you have: Chest Pains Cough Coughing up Blood Difficulty with sleep Daytime Sleepiness (Excessively tired) Frequent awakenings while sleeping Leg Swelling Shortness of Breath Sinus Problems Snoring Sputum or Mucous Quantity Wheezing Others _________________ _________________________ How long have you had these symptoms? _______________________________________ days/weeks/months/years How severe are your symptoms? Mild Moderate Severe Do you consider your symptoms to be Stable Getting Worse Improving When are the symptoms worse? Throughout the day at night in the morning Please check any of the following that makes it harder for you to breathe: Cold Weather Cold or Flu Sinus Infections Smoke Stressful Events Warm Weather Other: ______________________________________________________________________ What improves your symptoms? Inhalers Humidifiers Avoiding Allergens Others: ________________________ Please check any of the following associated symptoms: Weight Loss Weight Gain Anxiety Acid Reflux Other: _____________________________________________________________________________ Current Medications (Include all Prescriptions, Supplements, Over the Counter and Herbal Medications) Name Dosage Frequency 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Limestone Pulmonary and Sleep Associates P.C. Allergies/Intolerances Do you have allergies / intolerances to Medication or other substance No Yes If yes, please list the medication and the reaction Medication Reaction 1 2 3 4 Past and Current Medical History: Allergies Bipolar Disorder GERD/reflux Obesity Arthritis COPD Heart Disease Sinus problems Asthma Depression High Blood Pressure Stroke Atrial fibrillation Diabetes High Cholesterol Sleep Apnea Anxiety Disorder Emphysema Lung Cancer Thyroid problems Others (please list) ________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you have any surgeries in the past: No Yes if yes please list below __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Father Mother Others (Please specify) ____________________ Family History (Please check all applicable) Medical Problems COPD Asthma Cancer High Blood Pressure Sleep Apnea Heart Disease Diabetes Others __________________________________________________________________ COPD Asthma Cancer High Blood Pressure Sleep Apnea Heart Disease Diabetes Others __________________________________________________________________ COPD Asthma Cancer High Blood Pressure Sleep Apnea Heart Disease Diabetes Others __________________________________________________________________ Social History: What is your marital status? Single Married Divorced Widowed Other Did you ever smoke ? Yes No Quit? Yes No If quit, please indicate when: _____________________________________________________ Cigarettes: # __________ pack(s) per day for ______________ years Cigars: # __________ cigar(s) per day for ______________ years Chewing Tobacco: for ______________ years Do you drink alcohol? No Yes – how often do you drink? ___________________________________________ Do you use any of the following: Marijuana Heroine Cocaine Other: ____________________________ 2 Limestone Pulmonary and Sleep Associates P.C Do you currently work? Yes No Please list your current and past jobs: ___________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been exposed to any Toxic Environmental or Occupational Inhalants? Yes No If yes, please describe in detail: ________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Immunization History: Have you ever had a pneumonia shot (Pneumovax)? Yes No Do you get a yearly influenza shot (flu shot)? Yes No Review of Systems: Please check any other symptoms you currently have: Weight Gain Weight Loss Fever Chills Feeling Tired/Fatigue Other: ________________ General: Head: Headache Sinus Other: _______________________________________________________________ Eyes: Itchy Eyes Watery Eyes Other: _________________________________________________________ ENT: Itchy Throat Sore Throat Nasal Congestion Runny Nose Post Nasal Drip Hoarseness Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Cardiovascular: Wheezing Shortness of breath Cough Sputum Other: ____________________________ Respiratory: Gastrointestinal: Endocrine: Chest Pain Chest Tightness Palpitations Leg Swelling Other: ___________________ Heartburn Diarrhea Constipation Other: ______________________________________ Excessive Thirst Excessive Urination Other: __________________________________________ Heme/Lymph: Easy Bruising Easy Bleeding Other: ______________________________________________ Musculoskeletol: Joint Pains Joint Swelling Other: ________________________________________________ Skin: Rash Itching Other: ____________________________________________________________________ Neurologic: Sleep Disturbance Dizziness Poor Concentration Excessive daytime sleepiness Other: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Psychiatric: Depression Anxiety Insomnia Other: _____________________________________________ Allergy/Immunologic: Pollen Grass Mold Dust Mites Cats Dogs Other _______________________ 3