Notes -

The Under-Shepherd
Jn. 21:15-17; I Peter 5:1-4
Introduction: The Good Shepherd gave His life for His sheep. He calls them and
they respond to His voice. Yet in this dispensation of the church age, He has placed
Under-shepherds to fulfill His plan. He tells the pastors to shepherd the sheep.
A. Professional, first usage of the word professional is of the clergy
1. Oxford English Dictionary, 1420
2. Used for clergy (Willimon)
a. Something to profess
b. Some body of knowledge
c. Allegiance to some notion of a higher good
d. Some attachment to good and goals more significant than self
3. Some trace back to Calvin
B. Historical sequence, Matt. 16:13-20, 18:15-20; Acts 2:37-47; Eph. 4:11
1. Jesus is the Head of the church, Col. 1:15-23
2. Apostles were to start the building process, I Cor. 3:1-9
3. Office of the Pastor is established to continue to build the church, Eph. 4:7-16
C. Five descriptive terms used for the office of Pastor
1. Elder, presbyter, presbeuterous, Titus 1:5; I Tim. 5:17, church in business
2. Bishop, overseer, episkopos Titus 1:7; I Tim. 3:1, overseer of a working force
3. Pastor, shepherd poimen, Jn. 21:16, Eph. 4:11, shepherd of the flock
4. Teacher, didaskolos, Eph. 4:11, teacher
5. Preacher, kerux, II Tim. 4:2, “herald delivering a message from a sovereign”
D. Pastors must be called, Psa. 37:4; I Cor. 9:16; I Tim. 1:12, 3:1
1. Called first by God, I Pet. 5:2, Sugden & Wiersbe
a. Inner conviction, Charles Spurgeon identified the first sign of God’s call to the
ministry as “an intense, all-absorbing desire for the work.”
b. Divine urgency, “Those called by God sense a growing compulsion to preach
and teach the Word, and to minister to the people of God.” Mohler, Jer. 20:9
Spurgeon warned those who sought his counsel not to preach if they could
help it. “But,” Spurgeon continued, “if he cannot help it, and he must preach or
die, then he is the man.” That sense of urgent commission is one of the central
marks of an authentic call.
c. Perhaps a crisis experience, Moses, Isaiah, Saul/Paul
2. Recognized by others, I Cor. 9:1-14
3. Gifted, Eph. 4:11
4. Prepared, “He who He calls He also calls to prepare.” RVC
5. Called by their respective church, Titus 1:5
E. Pastors must meet qualifications, I Tim. 3:1-7; Titus 1:5-9, I Pet. 5:1-4
1. Negatively, I Pet. 5:2, 3
a. Not forced, vs. 2
b. Not for sordid gain, vs. 2
c. Not lording it over the flock, vs. 3
2. Positively, I Pet. 5:2, 3
a. Voluntarily, vs. 2
b. With eagerness, ready mind, vs. 2
c. Being an example to the flock, vs. 3
F. Pastors are going to be held accountable for the body, Heb. 13:17; I Pet. 5:4
1. Be careful of holding the office
2. Some accounts will be joyous
3. Some accounts will be with grief
4. There is a crown for Pastors
Conclusion: This is Jesus’ church, He is the Chief Shepherd, there is no authority
over the church but Him. The church is self -supporting, self-governing, and self propagating. His plan is to have a Pastor be the Under-shepherd over the flock.