
A video is presented in which a technician at a semiconductor lab explains the gowning procedure she uses at work
Immersive Learning Modules
Introduction to Modules
Developer Notes
Contamination poses a significant risk to technical processes of experiments or
production as well as to the individual. Unguarded proliferation of contamination
can quickly lead to product damage, yield reduction, product recalls and other
outcomes highly detrimental to business and human lives. The most important
source of contamination in the cleanroom is the microbial and particulate
material generated by the operators in the room. Humans shed thousands of
particles every minute which consist of everything from hair and skin flakes to
bacteria that reside on the skin. The Doffing and Donning process is designed to
reduce the amount of contaminants entering the clean room as much as
In these modules you will learn about sources of contamination and procedures
and processes designed to inhibit the spread of contaminants. You will also have
a chance to check your knowledge and understanding prior to actually entering
the cleanroom environment.
ILM 1: Tour Cleanroom Changing
Area (demo)
Welcome to the Cleanroom Changing Area. There are actually two separate
areas for the gowning procedures: the non-sterile pre-gowning area and the
sterile gowning area. There is also a separate area for doffing your cleanroom
attire. Feel free to walk about the rooms. Click on each button below to access
each room.
Walk through demonstration
User can freely navigate the gowning
Mouse over label—item changes color
to highlight
Mouse over each item and you will see the name. If you click on the item, you
will get a detailed description of the item, its function, and characteristics. When Mouse click: text box with information
you have finished your tour, you should click the Gowning button at the bottom
of the page for a demonstration of the procedures used during the gowning
Three menu buttons on bottom of
page indicate three rooms
 Pre-gowning
 Gowning
 Doffing
Immersive Learning Modules
1) Studies by 3M show that over 80% of contamination enters a
cleanroom through entrances and exits, mostly at or near floor
level on transport equipment or people’s shoes. Special tacky
mats are used to attract, retain and inhibit growth of viable
organisms. These mats come as a pad of sheets, and every time
the top sheet becomes sufficiently dirty/contaminated, you
simply peel it off to expose the next clean tacky sheet (similar to
a lint brush roller).
2) Cleanroom equipment and furniture such as this Gowning Bench
are designed to generate minimal air contamination and to be
easy to clean. Seating height is 18" above finished floor. 12" wide
seats have rounded front and back edges for comfort. This bench
is used to sit on while putting on protective booties.
3) Common materials made from natural fibers such as paper and
cardboard not only trap environmental contaminants and
potentially transport them into the clean room, but they also
decompose easily. Once these contaminates are in the clean
room it is only a matter of time before they begin to enter the
controlled area. Therefore, many of the items are taken out of
their cardboard boxes and placed into special bins/containers for
4) Bouffant Caps or Bonnets look like shower caps and are designed
to cover the hair to protect against dry particulates in
nonhazardous environments. They are manufactured from a
comfortable, breathable nonwoven material designed. Caps are
disposed of after use.
5) The face mask protects the clean room from any contaminants
that may come from your breath. A metal strip on top of the
mask is formed over the nose. Elastic ear loops or ties secure the
mask. The mask is pulled below the chin. Masks are disposed of
after use.
Developer Notes
Immersive Learning Modules
6) Beard Covers fit over facial hair and are made of nonwoven
polyester to protect against dry particles. Beard covers are
disposed of after use.
7) Booties are manufactured from compressed polyethylene film
(CPE) laminated fabric and usually have a non-skid bottom. They
are designed to provide protection against particulates entering
the cleanroom environment. Booties are disposed of after use.
8) Gloves are used to protect the clean room from any dirt, dust, or
oils that may be on your hands. Clean room gloves are available
in three sizes, small, medium, and large. Special non–latex gloves
are available for people who are allergic to latex. Gloves are
disposed of after use.
9) Washing hands is necessary for preventing the transfer of
pathogenic microorganisms. Some stations, such as this
one, automatically dispense soap and water and dry hands
without touching anything. The automatic dryer eliminates
the need for towels that shed particles and harbor germs.
10) Stainless steel waste receptacles with easy open foot pedal
design and self closing lid keep operators hands free and are used
for optimal cleanliness.
11) The Storage Cabinet stores prepackaged, unopened and opened
garments for cleanroom use. Cabinets are specially designed to
prevent particulate build-up.
12) The wall to floor transition in a "clean" facility is a necessity. The
cove wall design results in a "negative" edge which will not
collect dirt and dust.
13) To prevent airborne contamination, high efficiency particulate air
filters, commonly known as HEPA filters and airlocks are used.
HEPA filtration systems used in the medical sector also
incorporate high-energy ultra-violet light units to kill off the live
bacteria and viruses trapped by the filter media. These measures
Developer Notes
Immersive Learning Modules
restrict the number of particulates within the atmosphere, and
inhibit growth in those that are viable.
14) Stainless steel waste receptacles with easy open foot pedal
design and self closing lid keep operators hands free and are used
for optimal cleanliness.
15) Safety goggles should be worn in the cleanroom at all times.
These will provide protection against flying objects and some
chemical splashes. When working with chemicals, especially
when heating or mixing, goggles that seal around the face will
provide better protection and prevent damage.
16) The free-standing garment rack is constructed from stainless
steel tubing with electropolished hangers. Reusable items such as
the coveralls and hoods are placed on the hangers instead of in
the storage cabinets.
17) The cleanroom bunny suits or coveralls are all-in-one garments
designed to keep the cleanroom clean, not the wearer safe. They
do provide an extra layer of protection that may protect against
minor spills and splashes, but their primary purpose is to prevent
skin and hair being shed into a clean room environment.
Coveralls may be disposable or reusable. Each is made of a
special fabric and design that reduce particle counts while also
providing a protective layer. The disposable garments are
chemically and biologically inert, low linting and static dissipative.
Reusable garments are made from a super-dense weave of
polyester fibers, which meet the highest standards for particulate
18) The hood protects the clean room from any particles from your
head and hair. It fits over the entire head, covering the bouffant
and hair. The hood is worn inside the coverall.
19) In the cleanroom, it is important to protect your feet from
chemical spills and dropped objects. Shoes should be close-toed,
close-heeled, and non-porous. Boot/Shoe Covers are worn to
Developer Notes
Immersive Learning Modules
protect the clean room from any dirt that may be on your shoes.
Make sure the gaiter is snapped to the coverall behind the calf
and the boots are snapped tight around the leg.
20) Cleanroom latex gloves provide some protection for your hands
from hazardous materials. They are NOT chemical gloves.
Cleanroom gloves are discarded whenever they are torn or dirty.
Gloves are an important piece of safety equipment in the lab, but
they reduce dexterity. When working in the lab, it is important to
use gloves that are appropriate for the task. You may need to
wear more than one set.
21) The Gowning Bench is designed to generate minimal air
contamination and to be easy to clean. Seating height is 18"
above finished floor. 12" wide seats have rounded front and back
edges for comfort. This bench marks division between the sterile
and non-sterile side of the Gowning Area.
22) The foam disinfectant sanitizes without the need for water. As an
added protection against contaminants, disinfect hands before
putting on gloves. It is also a good idea to disinfect the gloves just
prior to entering the cleanroom facility.
23) A full-sized mirror is located near the exit door in the clean side
of the room so employees can make a final check of their apparel
before entering the clean room facility.
24) Cleanroom furniture such as this Bench is designed to generate
minimal air contamination and to be easy to clean. This bench is
used to sit on while taking off the cleanroom garments when
exiting the cleanroom.
25) Stainless steel waste receptacles with easy open foot pedal
design and self closing lid keep operators hands free and are used
for optimal cleanliness. Use this waste receptacle to deposit all
disposable cleanroom apparel when exiting the cleanroom.
Developer Notes
Immersive Learning Modules
26) The cleanroom table is made from polished stainless steel. Place
goggles and nondisposable items such as boot covers on the
table for sanitation.
27) The free-standing garment rack is constructed from stainless
steel tubing with electropolished hangers. Reusable items such as
the coveralls and hoods are placed on the hangers instead of
28) The cleanroom bunny suits or coveralls are all-in-one garments
designed to keep the cleanroom clean, not the wearer safe. They
do provide an extra layer of protection that may protect against
minor spills and splashes, but their primary purpose is to prevent
skin and hair being shed into a clean room environment.
Reusable garments are made from a super-dense weave of
polyester fibers, which meet the highest standards for particulate
control. Reusable coveralls are hung on the garment rack when
exiting the cleanroom.
29) The hood protects the clean room from any particles from your
head and hair. It is worn over the bouffant cap which covers the
hair. Reusable hoods are hung with the coveralls when exiting the
Developer Notes
ILM 2: Donning Procedures—
You are now ready to learn the donning procedures in order to gain access to the For this demonstration, items will
cleanroom. Pay attention to each of the steps in the process.
be located in the correct area and
camera will pan to the area and
It is very important that garments be sized correctly. Improperly sized garments walk them through the process.
can raise the level of contaminants and cause safety concerns. Since the majority
of contamination enters the cleanroom at or near the floor level, make sure that Text box directions and narration
items touching the floor are kept to a minimum. When you enter cleanroom, be provided
careful not to touch the door handle with your gloved hand. Open the door using
your wrist.
Wash/dry hands—turn on water,
click on soap, pull down towel
When you have finished the demonstration, you will have a chance to
check your knowledge and understanding by clicking on the Practice
button at the top.
Pre-Gowning Room (Text Box)
1. Walk over tacky mat 5-6 times with each foot to remove excess soil from
Cover hair with bouffant cap. Make sure that all hair is confined under the
bonnet. Cover ears with cap.
Put on disposable booties.
Wash hands using bactericidal soap and dry thoroughly.
Put on first set of “donning” gloves by touching only the inside of the glove.
Walk over tacky mat to gowning area door.
You are now ready to enter the sterile gowning room. Click on the
Gowning Room button below to continue.
Pan to non-sterile area.
Go to head gear area. Move
bouffant to avatar head and click
into place.
Left submenus
These buttons will not be
stationary. They will have an
arrow that when clicked brings
out the menu and then when
clicked again hides it—like in the
M16 VLO.
1. Tacky Mat
2. Bouffant Cap
3. Booties
4. Wash & Dry
5. Gloves
6. Tacky Mat
Gowning Room (Text box)
1. Gather coveralls, hood, goggles, sterile gloves and proceed to Gowning Left submenus
These buttons will not be
2. Don hood. Touch only the inside of the hood.
1) Completely cover bouffant.
2) Ensure a snug fit and proper face and neck seal.
stationary. They will have an
arrow that when clicked brings
out the menu and then when
clicked again hides it—like in the
M16 VLO.
3. Don coverall. Do not let it touch the floor or walls.
1) Grasp inside neck of coverall.
2) Unzip zipper to the full length.
3) Begin rolling coverall backwards into a tube gathering the sleeves
inside the roll.
4) Gather up one leg.
5) Place foot in one leg and pull up to thigh.
6) Do the same with the other leg.
7) Pull coverall up to waist.
8) Begin unrolling top of coverall.
9) Slide in one arm and roll coverall over back and shoulders.
10) Slide in other arm.
11) Zip up coverall.
12) Make sure the “skirt” of the hood in completely inside the collar of
the coverall.
13) Snap at collar and ankles.
3. Don boot covers
1) Place hand on inside of boot top.
2) Remove one boot from cleanroom bag.
3) Put on boot and step to “cleaner” side of gown area.
4) Place hand inside of other boot top.
5) Remove other boot from cleanroom bag.
6) Put on boot and step to “cleaner” side of gown area.
7) Pull up boot tops.
8) Snap around calf area and snap to back of coverall.
4. Don goggles.
5. Either remove donning gloves or put on second pair of gloves over first pair.
Roll gloves over cuffs of coverall sleeves.
You are now properly gowned to enter the cleanroom. Make sure you complete a
final check in the full-length mirror before entering. Click on the Practice button
to proceed.
Gather items
Boot Covers
ILM 3: Donning Procedures—Practice
You will now have a chance to check your knowledge and understanding of the
donning process. For this exercise, you will be provided with a series of steps. You
should complete the steps in the correct sequence in order to proceed. The steps
will be listed on the left. Click the steps in the correct sequence in order to
properly attire the avatar. Only the items clicked in the correct order will remain
on the avatar. You may return to the Demonstration section at any time for a
review of the material. Click on the Pre-Gowning Room button to start. When you
are ready, click on the Gowning Room button to practice suiting up in the sterile
Pre-Gowning Room
Left submenus
1. Bouffant Cap
2. Tacky Mat Entrance
3. Gloves
4. Booties
5. Tacky Mat
6. Wash & Dry
Gowning Room
Left submenus
1. Boot Covers
2. Coverall
3. Hood
4. Goggles
5. Gloves
6. Gather items
Congratulations! You are now properly gowned to enter the cleanroom. Now it is
time to demonstrate that you can do this on your own. Click on the Evaluate
button at the top to prove yourself. You may also choose to go through the
Demonstration and Practice modules again before proceeding.
ILM 3: Donning Procedures—Evaluation
To prove that you are ready to enter the cleanroom environment without
User will click on the items to
jeopardizing the activities, you will need to properly clothe the technician in the correctly
correct order. In each area, you should complete the steps in the correct order.
You will need to complete the steps with 100% accuracy in order to be able to
continue to the next area. You will have three chances to incorrectly click an item When receive Congratulations
in the wrong sequence before you will be taken back to the Donning
Demonstration. Click the Pre-Gowning Button to continue.
Pre-Gowning Room
1. Tacky Mat
2. Bouffant Cap
3. Booties
4. Wash & Dry
5. Gloves
6. Tacky Mat
message, should automatically
take them to the Doffing
You are ready to continue to the Gowning Room. Click the Gowning Room button
Gowning Room
1. Gather items
2. Hood
3. Coverall
4. Boot Covers
5. Goggles
6. Gloves
Congratulations! You are now prepared to enter cleanroom. Once you have
completed all your duties in the cleanroom, you should follow specific procedures
upon exiting. Click the Doffing button at the bottom for a demonstration.
ILM 4: Doffing Procedures—
The doffing procedures are simply a reverse of the donning procedures.
The following demonstration will take you through the doffing process,
placing the item in the correct receptacle. When you have finished the
demonstration, have a chance to check your knowledge and understanding
by clicking on the Practice button at the top.
NOTE: In the case of an emergency evacuation, you should immediately
leave the cleanroom without doffing cleanroom garments.
Place disposable items in the trash
Place reusable coverall, hood, and boots in proper receptacle
Place goggles in separate receptacle
Start with properly clothed
Each item will be highlighted in
the correct order and moved to
the correct receptacle—like the
M16 rifle.
Text box at the top of the screen
will show the name of the item
and the correct receptacle.
ILM 4: Doffing Procedures—Practice
Exit gowning area
You should now undress the technician following the steps demonstrated.
Click on the highlighted piece of clothing and move it to the correct
Items to be removed will be
In order to exit the cleanroom environment, you must demonstrate the
proper procedures. For this exercise you will be presented with a fully
clothed technician. It is your responsibility to follow the doffing procedures
correctly without any visual hints. You must perform the sequence with
100% accuracy.
User should click on item to move
it to the correct receptacle.
User should click on item to move
Do you think you can follow the proper procedures to exit the Cleanroom it to the correct receptacle. Item
Changing Area without any help? If so, click on the Evaluation button at the will only go to the correct
top to proceed to the final module. You may also choose to go through the
Demonstration and Practice modules again before proceeding.
Item will disappear when moved
to the correct receptacle. They
will bounce back to original
position if incorrect.
ILM 4: Doffing Procedures—Evaluation
Congratulations! You may now exit the Cleanroom Changing Area.
Item will disappear when moved
to the correct receptacle.