Table 1. (Reference VI-B2 and VII-B2) Clinical criteria for reporting and defining a case of anthrax expressed as standard SNOMED codes Code system name Clinical criterion Text basis for coding Code skin lesion evolving during a period of 2-6 days from a papule, through a vesicular stage, to a painless depressed black eschar Painless necrotic skin lesion with gradual onset following a papular eruption 421306004 | necrotic eschar | : SNOMED CT 363705008 | has definitional manifestation | = 38433004 | absence of pain sensation | , 363698007 | finding site | = 20795001 | structure of skin region | , 263502005 | clinical course | = 61751001 | gradual onset | , 255234002 | after | = 271757001 | papular eruption | fever (any) Fever 386661006 SNOMED CT fever (any) Cough with fever 135883003 SNOMED CT fever (any) Fever greater than 100.4 426000000 Fahrenheit SNOMED CT fever (any) Fever with chills 274640006 SNOMED CT fever (any) Fever with sweating 373906002 SNOMED CT fever (any) Low grade pyrexia 304213008 SNOMED CT fever (any) O/E - fever nos 164318008 SNOMED CT fever (any) O/E - hyperpyrexia 274308003 SNOMED CT fever (any) O/E - hyperpyrexia greater than 40.5 degrees Celsius 164304001 SNOMED CT fever (any) O/E - temperature elevated 164303007 SNOMED CT fever (any) Spiking fever 102496004 SNOMED CT Malaise Malaise 367391008 SNOMED CT Malaise Malaise and fatigue 271795006 SNOMED CT Lymphadenopathy Lymphadenopathy 30746006 SNOMED CT brief prodrome resembling a Brief prodrome viral respiratory illness 83931009 | prodrome | : SNOMED CT 263502005 | clinical course | = 424572001 | clinical course with short duration | , 47429007 | associated with | = 161920001 | respiratory symptom | hypoxia Hypoxia 389086002 SNOMED CT dyspnea Dyspnea 267036007 SNOMED CT dyspnea Dyspnea at rest 161941007 SNOMED CT dyspnea Dyspnea on exertion 60845006 SNOMED CT dyspnea Increasing breathlessness 297216006 SNOMED CT dyspnea O/E - dyspnea 162890008 SNOMED CT acute respiratory distress Acute respiratory distress 373895009 SNOMED CT Cyanosis Cyanosis 3415004 SNOMED CT Cyanosis Cyanosis of skin 119419001 SNOMED CT Shock Shock 27942005 SNOMED CT Shock Septic shock 76571007 SNOMED CT Shock Gram-positive septic shock 361206004 SNOMED CT radiographic evidence of mediastinal widening Radiographic evidence 363646005|mediastinal of mediastinal widening widening|:418775008|finding method|=302550007|radiographic procedure of chest| radiographic evidence of pleural effusion Radiographic evidence 60046008 | pleural effusion | : SNOMED CT of pleural effusion 418775008 | finding method | = 415232002 | radiographic procedure of chest | radiographic evidence of pleural effusion Radiographic evidence 425802001 | bilateral pleural effusion | : SNOMED CT of bilateral pleural 418775008 | finding method | = 415232002 effusion | radiographic procedure of chest | radiographic evidence of pleural effusion Radiographic evidence 307202004 | hemorrhagic pleural effusion | SNOMED CT of hemorrhagic pleural : effusion 418775008 | finding method | = 415232002 | radiographic procedure of chest | severe abdominal pain and tenderness Severe Abdominal Pain 21522001 | abdominal pain | : SNOMED CT 47429007 | associated with | = 43478001 | and Tenderness abdominal tenderness | , 246112005 | severity | = 24484000 | severe | nausea Nausea 422587007 SNOMED CT nausea Nausea present 162057007 SNOMED CT nausea Nausea and vomiting 16932000 SNOMED CT vomiting Vomiting 422400008 SNOMED CT vomiting Vomiting - infective 236062000 SNOMED CT vomiting Nausea and vomiting 16932000 SNOMED CT Hematemesis Hematemesis 8765009 SNOMED CT SNOMED CT bloody diarrhea Hemorrhagic diarrhea 95545007 SNOMED CT Anorexia Loss of appetite 79890006 SNOMED CT Anorexia Anorexia symptom 249468005 SNOMED CT Anorexia No interest in food 249469002 SNOMED CT Abdominal swelling Swollen abdomen 60728008 SNOMED CT Abdominal swelling On examination uniform abdominal swelling 163203002 SNOMED CT signs of septicemia Septicemia 105592009 SNOMED CT Painless mucosal lesion in the oral cavity Painless mucosal lesion 276320009 | lesion of mucosa | : SNOMED CT in the oral cavity 363698007 | finding site | = 113277000 | oral mucous membrane structure | , 47429007 | associated with | = 38433004 | absence of pain sensation | Painless mucosal lesion in the oropharynx Painless mucosal lesion 276320009 | lesion of mucosa | : SNOMED CT in the oropharynx 47429007 | associated with | = 38433004 | absence of pain sensation | , 363698007 | finding site | = 33044003 | structure of mucous membrane of oropharynx | cervical adenopathy Cervical adenopathy 3502005 cervical edema Cervical edema 267038008 | edema | : SNOMED CT 363698007 | finding site | = 297166009 | musculoskeletal structure of cervical spine | pharyngitis Pharyngitis 405737000 SNOMED CT Convulsions Seizure 91175000 SNOMED CT Coma Coma 371632003 SNOMED CT Meningeal signs meningeal irritation 70784009 SNOMED CT Meningeal signs on examination meningism present 163910000 SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Anthrax diagnosis of anthrax 409498004 SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Anthrax Septicemia diagnosis of anthrax 14972006 SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Cutaneous Anthrax diagnosis of anthrax 84980006 SNOMED CT SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Gastrointestinal diagnosis of anthrax Anthrax 111798006 SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Inhalational Anthrax diagnosis of anthrax 11389007 SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Anthrax Pneumonia diagnosis of anthrax 195902009 SNOMED CT healthcare record contains a Anthrax Manifestation 111800004 diagnosis of anthrax SNOMED CT death certificate lists anthrax Death Associated With 419099009 | dead | : SNOMED CT 47429007 | associated with | = 409498004 | as a cause of death or a Anthrax anthrax | significant condition contributing to death SNOMED CT code system OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Table 2. (Reference VI-B3 and VII-B3) Laboratory criteria for reporting and defining a case of anthrax expressed as standard LOINC and SNOMED codes Laboratory criterion Text basis for coding Test code Test Text code basis for system result name code Result code Result code system name Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a clinical specimen B anthracis Islt Ql Phage Lys 33698- LOINC Positive 2 10828004 SNOMED CT Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a clinical specimen B anthracis XXX Ql Cult 11469- LOINC Isolated 4 46651001 SNOMED CT Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a clinical specimen Bacteria Shlw Wnd 17915- LOINC Bacillus 21927003 Aerobe Cult 0 anthracis SNOMED CT Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a clinical specimen Bacteria Spt Aerobe Cult 622-1 LOINC Bacillus 21927003 anthracis SNOMED CT Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a clinical specimen Bacteria Bld Aerobe Cult 17928- LOINC Bacillus 21927003 3 anthracis SNOMED CT Isolation of Bacillus anthracis from a Bacteria XXX Anaerobe+Aerobe 21020- LOINC Bacillus SNOMED 21927003 clinical specimen Cult Demonstration of B. anthracis B anthracis cell antigens in tissues by wall Ag XXX IF immunohistochemical staining using both B. anthracis cell wall and capsule monoclonal antibodies 3 anthracis CT 44269- LOINC Bacillus 409629009 9 anthracis antigen SNOMED CT Demonstration of B. anthracis B anthracis capsule 51976- LOINC Bacillus 409629009 antigens in tissues by Ag XXX IF 9 anthracis immunohistochemical staining using antigen both B. anthracis cell wall and capsule monoclonal antibodies SNOMED CT Evidence of a fourfold rise in antibodies to protective antigen between acute and convalescent sera or a fourfold change in antibodies to protective antigen in paired convalescent sera using quantitative anti-PA IgG ELISA testing B anthracis Ab Titr 22859- LOINC Ser 3 Quantitative value Evidence of B. Anthracis DNA (for B anthracis DNA example, by polymerase chain XXX PCR reaction) in clinical specimens collected from a normally sterile site (such as blood or CSF) or lesion of other affected tissue (skin, pulmonary, reticuloendeothelial, or gastrointestinal) 41622- LOINC Bacillus 21927003 2 anthracis SNOMED CT Evidence of B. Anthracis DNA (for B anthracis DNA example, by polymerase chain XXX Ql PCR reaction) in clinical specimens collected from a normally sterile site (such as blood or CSF) or lesion of other affected tissue (skin, pulmonary, reticuloendeothelial, or gastrointestinal) 41623- LOINC Positive 0 10828004 SNOMED CT Positive result on testing of clinical serum specimens using any quick ELISA anthrax-PA kit B anthracis Ab Ser 22863- LOINC Positive Ql EIA 5 10828004 SNOMED CT Detection of lethal factor (LF) in clinical serum specimens by LF mass spectrometry There are no test codes this test in LOINC Positive results on testing of culture from clinical specimens with the redline alert test There are no test codes this test in LOINC LOINC code system OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.6.1 SNOMED CT code system OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Table 3. (Reference VI-B2 and VII-B2) SNOMED CT to ICD-9-CM mappings for anthrax related clinical criteria. SNOMED CT text SNOMED CT code ICD-9-CM code ICD-9-CM text Fever 386661006 780.61 FEVER PRESENTING WITH CONDITIONS CLASSIFIED ELSEWHERE Malaise and fatigue 271795006 780.79 OTHER MALAISE AND FATIGUE Lymphadenopathy 30746006 683 ACUTE LYMPHADENITIS Hypoxia 389086002 799.02 Hypoxemia Dyspnea 267036007 786.05 Shortness of breath Acute respiratory distress 373895009 518.82 Other pulmonary insufficiency, not elsewhere classified Cyanosis 3415004 782.5 Cyanosis Septic shock 76571007 785.52 Septic shock Radiographic evidence of pleural effusion 60046008 | pleural 511.89 effusion | : Other specified forms of effusion, except tuberculous 418775008 | finding method | = 415232002 | radiographic procedure of chest | Abdominal tenderness 43478001 789.60 Abdominal tenderness abdominal pain 21522001 789.00 Abdominal pain Nausea 422587007 787.02 Nausea and vomiting 16932000 787.01 Nausea with vomiting Vomiting 422400008 787.03 vomiting alone Hematemesis 8765009 578.0 Hematemesis Nausea alone Hemorrhagic diarrhea 95545007 578.1 Blood in stool Loss of appetite 79890006 783.0 Anorexia Swollen abdomen 60728008 789.3 Abdominal or pelvic swelling, mass, or lump Septicemia 105592009 038.9 Unspecified septicemia Painless mucosal lesion in the oral cavity 276320009 | lesion 528.00 Cervical lymphadenitis 3502005 Cervical edema 267038008 | edema 782.3 |: 363698007 | finding site | = 297166009 | musculoskeletal structure of cervical spine | Edema Pharyngitis 405737000 462 Acute pharyngitis Seizure 91175000 780.39 Other convulsions Coma 371632003 780.01 Coma meningeal irritation 70784009 781.6 Meningismus Anthrax 409498004 022.9 Anthrax, unspecified Anthrax 409498004 795.31 nonspecific positive findings for anthrax Anthrax septicemia 14972006 022.3 anthrax septicemia Stomatitis and mucositis, unspecified of mucosa | : 363698007 | finding site | = 113277000 | oral mucous membrane structure | , 47429007 | associated with | = 38433004 | absence of pain sensation | 289.3 Lymphadenitis, unspecified, except mesenteric Cutaneous anthrax 84980006 022.0 cutaneous anthrax Gastrointestinal anthrax 111798006 022.2 gastrointestinal anthrax Inhalational anthrax 11389007 022.1 pulmonary anthrax Inhalational anthrax 11389007 484.5 pneumonia in anthrax ICD-9-CM Diagnosis code system OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.6.103 SNOMED CT code system OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Table 4. (Reference VI-B2 and VII-B2) ICD-10 codes for anthrax related morbidity and mortality ICD-10 text ICD-10 code Other specified local infections of the skin and subcutaneous tissue L088.9 Fever, unspecified R50.9 Other malaise R53.81 Acute lymphadenitis, unspecified L04.9 Hypoxemia R09.02 Dyspnea NOS R06.00 Acute respiratory distress syndrome J80 Cyanosis R23.0 Severe sepsis with septic shock R65.21 Pleural effusion in other conditions classified elsewhere J91.8 Generalized abdominal pain R10.84 Generalized abdominal tenderness R10.817 Other and unspecified abdominal pain R10.4 Nausea alone R11.1 Nausea with vomiting R11.0 Other vomiting without nausea R11.3 Hematemesis K92.0 Melena K92.1 Anorexia R63.0 Generalized intra-abdominal and pelvic swelling, mass and lump R19.07 Other specified septicemia A41.8 Other lesions of oral mucosa K13.79 Acute lymphadenitis of face, head and neck L04.0 Localized edema R60.0 Acute pharyngitis due to other specified organisms J02.8 Unspecified convulsions R56.9 Unspecified coma R40.20 Meningismus R29.1 Cutaneous anthrax A22.0 Pulmonary anthrax A22.1 Gastrointestinal anthrax A22.2 Anthrax sepsis A22.7 Other forms of anthrax A22.8 Anthrax, unspecified ICD-10 Diagnosis code system OID = 2.16.840.1.113883.6.90 A22.9