GST 153: Final Due Wednesday, June 9, Ms. Gavin`s office, Library

GST 153: Final
Due Wednesday, June 9, Ms. Gavin’s office, Library, 116D (Slide the final under my door—DO
NOT give final to library personnel)
Make sure your answers are specific. Write clearly! If I cannot read your handwriting,
you will lose points.
1. State your thesis in one sentence.
2. State your sub-topic one as a research question:
3. State your sub-topic two as a research question:
The following section will demonstrate your understanding of thesis statements.
1. Define a thesis statement:
1a. Develop a thesis for this topic: the distribution of condoms in high schools
The following section will demonstrate your ability to construct search strategies.
2. Circle the major keywords in the following research statements:
2a. The three most important keywords are:
How do illegal immigrants affect our economy?
2b. The three most important keywords are:
What do doctors think about the legalization of assisted-suicide?
3. Identify the correct Google Boolean search strategy:
Do fashion ads affect a man’s self-image? Circle the correct Google Boolean search strategy: 3c
or 3d?
3a. (fashion ads OR fashion advertisements OR clothing ads) (self-image OR body image)
(men OR males)
3b. (fashion OR clothing) (ads OR advertisements OR marketing) (self-image OR body
image) (men OR males)
Smoking among women attending college has increased dramatically.
Circle the correct Google Boolean search strategy: 3c or 3d?
3c. (smoking OR cigarettes OR tobacco) (women OR females) (college OR university)
3d. (smoking OR cigarettes OR tobacco) (women OR females) (attending college OR going to
The following section will demonstrate your skill in searching web tools.
4. Name two types of power search tools other than the major search engines. Remember to
identify types and not the titles of specific web tools.
5. Perform this search in Google.
5a. Develop a Google Boolean strategy based on your thesis. Draw the Google search box and
record your most successful Boolean search strategy. Include synonyms. Make sure the Boolean
AND/OR operators are clearly stated.
6. Repeat your search in the specialized search engine Google Scholar and answer the
6a. Compare and contrast the top 10 items retrieved from Google and Google Scholar. Include in
your comparison the amount of advertising, types of sources, and topics addressed.
7. Do a search related to your thesis in Google and the Internet subject directory, Librarians
Internet Index ( Compare and contrast the top 10 results in Google with the top results
in Librarians Internet Index. Include in your comparison the amount of advertising, types of
sources, and topics addressed.
8. How does a meta-search engine differ from a general search engine such as Google?
9. Identify one reason to use information from Wikipedia and one reason not to use information
from this source. Be specific.
The following section will demonstrate your knowledge of deep web sources.
10. Describe one advantage that library research databases have over the Google search engine.
11. Perform the following search in the Academic Search Elite database. Develop a Boolean
search strategy for the following topic. Each concept should include 3 to 4 synonyms. Specify
the field(s) searched and indicate truncation by using the asterisk (*). Record the search in the
boxes below.
Search this topic: What are the issues involved with typecasting gays in the movies?
12. Perform the following the Academic Search Elite. Develop a Boolean search strategy based
on your sub-topic one. Each concept should include synonyms or closely related words.
Specify the field(s) searched and indicate truncation by using the asterisk (*). Record the search
in the boxes below.
13. Identify two library research databases, other than Academic Search Elite that will most
likely provide articles related to your thesis. Remember EBSCOHOST and Wilson are not
databases but provide an array of databases.
The following section will demonstrate your knowledge of scholarly and popular
14. Identify three characteristics of a scholarly article important? Be specific.
15. Identify one scholarly article that deals with your sub-topic two.
Title of article____________________________________________
Title of periodical_________________________________________
Date, Volume, and Issue____________________________________
Identify the database that provided you with this article___________
The following will demonstrate your knowledge of researching books.
16. What is the difference between Google Books and the CSUB Library Catalog? Be specific.
The following section will demonstrate your knowledge of web evaluation.
17. Explain, in one fully developed paragraph, why evaluating web sites is so important? Be
specific. Write clearly! If I cannot read your handwriting, you will lose points.
GST 153
Due Wednesday June 10
Ms. Gavin’s office, Library, 116D (Slide the final under my door—DO NOT give final to library
Make sure your answers are specific.
Please write clearly! If I cannot read your handwriting, you will lose points.
1. State your research question in one sentence.
2. State your thesis in one sentence.
The following section will demonstrate your understanding of thesis statements.
1. Define a thesis statement.
1a. Develop a thesis for this topic:
the distribution of condoms in high schools
The following section will demonstrate your ability to construct search strategies.
2. Circle the major keywords in the following research statements:
2a. The three most important keywords are:
How do Illegal immigrants affect our economy?
2b. The three most important keywords are:
What do doctors think about the legalization of assisted-suicide?
3. Identify the correct Google Boolean search strategy:
Do fashion ads affect a man’s self-image? Circle the correct Google Boolean search strategy: 3c
or 3d?
3a. (fashion ads OR fashion advertisements OR clothing ads) (self-image OR body image)
(men OR males)
3b. (fashion OR clothing) (ads OR advertisements OR marketing) (self-image OR body
image) (men OR males)
Smoking among women attending college has increased dramatically.
Circle the correct Google Boolean search strategy: 3c or 3d?
3c. (smoking OR cigarettes OR tobacco) (women OR females) (college OR university)
3d. (smoking OR cigarettes OR tobacco) (women OR females) (attending college OR going to
4. Give one advantage of using keyword searches and one advantage of using Boolean searches.
Be specific.
The following section will demonstrate your skill in searching for information in general
Internet and specialized search engines.
5. Perform this search in Google.
5a. Develop a Google Boolean strategy based on your thesis. Draw the Google search box and
record your most successful Boolean search strategy. Include synonyms. Make sure the Boolean
AND/OR operators are clearly stated.
6. Repeat your search in the specialized search engine Google Scholar and answer the
Compare and contrast the top 15 items retrieved from Google and Google Scholar. Include in
your comparison the amount of advertising, types of sources, and topics addressed..
7. Do a search related to your thesis in Google and the Internet subject directory, Librarians
Internet Index ( Compare and contrast the top 10 results in Google with the top results
in Librarians Internet Index. Include in your comparison the amount of advertising, types of
sources, and topics addressed.
8. How does a meta-search engine differ from a general search engine such as Google?
9. Identify one reason to use information from Wikipedia and one reason not to use information
from this source. Be specific.
The following section will demonstrate your knowledge of searching the Library’s
periodical databases.
10. Describe one advantage that library research databases have over Google:
11. Perform the following search in Academic Search Elite. Develop a Boolean search strategy
for the following topic. Each concept should include 3 to 4 synonyms. Specify the field(s)
searched and indicate truncation by using the asterisk (*). Record the search in the boxes below.
Search this topic: What are the issues involved with typecasting gays in the movies?
12. Perform the following the Academic Search Elite. Develop a Boolean search strategy based
on your thesis. Each concept should include 3 to 4 synonyms. Specify the field(s) searched and
indicate truncation by using the asterisk (*). Record the search in the boxes below.
13. Identify two library research databases that will most likely provide articles related to your
Remember EBSCOHOST and Wilson are not databases but provides an array of
The following section will demonstrate your knowledge of scholarly and popular
14. Compare and contrast the differences between a scholarly press article and a popular press
article. Be specific.
15. Identify one popular press periodical that deals with your thesis.
Title of article____________________________________________
Title of periodical_________________________________________
Identify the database that provided you with this article_____________
16. Identify one scholarly press article that deals with your thesis.
Title of article____________________________________________
Title of periodical_________________________________________
Date, Volume, and Issue____________________________________
Identify the database that provided you with this article___________
17. What is the difference between Google Books and the CSUB Library Catalog? Be specific.
Attach the web evaluations you completed in class to this final.