2.6 Machine Detector Interface - Indico

Chapter 2: Accelerator physics description
of the Main Beam Complex
2.6 Machine Detector Interface
L.Gatignon, B.Dalena, A.Jeremie, A.Sailer, M.Modena, H.Gerwig, A.Herve,
Ph.Burrows, R.Veness
2.6.1 Overview
The Machine Detector Interface (MDI) region deals with the part of the CLIC facility within the detector
cavern, where there is a strong coupling of technical subsystems of the machine and of the physics
detectors. An important aspect is the conceptual design, alignment, stabilization and integration in the
experiment of the final focusing quadrupole QD0. This quadrupole plays a key role in achieving the
nominal vertical beam size of 1 nm RMS, necessary to achieve the nominal luminosity at 3 TeV. To avoid
these movements, the vertical position of the quadrupole must be stabilized to 0.15 nm at frequencies
above 4 Hz. Lower frequencies are mainly stabilized by beam-based feedback and feed-forward loops in
the linacs and beam delivery systems. Also other systems for luminosity optimization have been
considered, such as intra-pulse feedback, which corrects the beam position within the 158 ns pulse train.
The non-interacting beam has a power of 14 MW and must be transported away cleanly through the
experiment onto beam dumps via the post-collision lines. Backgrounds in the detectors, from the dumps
as well as muons from the collimators in the beam delivery system, must be minimized. Finally,
radiation to detectors and people must be minimized by appropriate shielding and cavern layout.
The detector layouts are based on the ILC detectors SiD and ILD, adapted to the CLIC specific
parameters. For both detectors a layout drawing exists with the beam-related elements integrated,
including QD0 and its related instrumentation. However, for the CDR phase detailed studies will only be
done for the SiD-like detector. The distance L* between the exit of the QD0 quadrupole and the
interaction point is 3.8 m for the SiD like detector and 4.6 m for the ILD-like detector. The shorter L* is
considered the most challenging and delivers in principle the higher luminosity. Therefore we will
concentrate on this layout in the present document. The other, ILD-like, detector has an L* of 4.6 m and
this case will be worked out in detail later, in the TDR phase.
For the L*=3.8 m option, the required gradient of the QD0 magnet is 575 T/m. Some tenability of the
gradient is required to allow energy scans over a limited range, form nominal – 10% to nominal.
As, according to measurements around the CMS detector, the ground motions and technical noise are
much larger (more than 100 nm) in the detector than at the ends of the tunnel (few nm), it was decided
to support the QD0 magnet from a very stiff support, attached to the tunnel floor via a high-mass preisolation system with very low eigen-frequency. Active stabilization of the quadrupole will then be
achieved with different gauges and piezo-actuators.
Provision is made for having two detectors running alternately, by installation on a push-pull platforms.
Interventions on the detector will not be possible on the IP. During the detector movement the QD0 will
be supported from the detector. It will be removed from the detector once in the garage position.
A simplified view of the Machine Detector Interface (MDI) is shown in figure 1. Technocal details will be
described in Chapter 5.
Fig. 1: MDI layout view (simplified)
2.6.2 Beam parameters
The nominal beam parameters of interest are listed in Table 2.1. The most relevant parameters are the
vertical beam spot at the interaction point and the length of the bunch train.
Beam parameter
Center of mass energy
Total Luminosity
Luminosity L99 (within 1% of energy)
Linac repetition rate
3 TeV
5.9 1034 cm-2s-1
2 1034 cm-2s-1
50 Hz
Number of bunches per pulse
Number of particles per bunch
3.72 109
Bunch separation
0.5 ns
Bunch train length
156 ns
Beam power per beam
14 MW
Nominal horizontal IP  function
6.9 mm
Nominal vertical IP  function
0.068 mm
Horizontal IP beam size
45 nm
Vertical IP beam size
1 nm
Bunch length
44 m
Table 2.1: The beam parameters that are of interest to the MDI region
2.6.3 System descriptions QD0 and support
In figure 1some major components of the Machine Detector Interface can be identified. As concerning the
QD0 assembly it can be noted the tight integration of
– The QD0 magnet
– The vacuum pipe of the INCOMING beam (smaller diameter)
– The vacuum pipe of the spent (OUTCOMING) beam (bigger diameter).
The incoming and outcoming lines cross at an angle of 20 mrad (the IP crossing angle) and the outcoming
(post-collision) vacuum pipe will have a conical shape with an angle of 10 mrad.
A major consequence of these geometrical aspects is that the post-collision vacuum pipe must be hosted
inside the QD0 magnet until where the separation of the two vacuum pipes will permit to change to a
different cross section with the post-collision line running externally to the magnet.
QD0 Main Parameters
The design parameters for the QD0 as defined by the Beam Physic Team (Ref. [1]) are the following:
Table 1: QD0 main parameters
Magnet Aperture (diameter)
8.00 [mm]
Nominal Gradient
575 [T/m]
Effective length (magnetic)
2.64 [mm]
Required Tunability of the Gradient
Design Technical Choice
In the majority of the recent accelerator projects, the preferred technology to build high gradient
quadrupoles for the Final Focus system is the superconducting technology but in the case of CLIC this
solution seems not easily applicable.
The major reasons for that are:
The space available around the magnet is extremely limited ( not easy to assembly/integrate a
cryostat and all the ancillary components/system)
The magnet aperture is very small ( not easy to precisely wind superconducting cables in a sound
design withstanding the huge electromagnetic forces on so small radius and available space)
The difficulties to actively ALIGN and STABILIZE at the nm level a complex assembly as a
superconducting magnet ( due to the different layers of: coils, collars or other forces containing
structure, thermal insulation, supports, cryostat, etc.)
The difficulties to design a cryostat assembly allowing the integration of a conical post-collision
For all these reasons we decided to investigate the concept of a compact “hybrid” magnet working with
permanent magnet (PM) and with classical electro-magnetic (EM) coils (see Section, QD0
Magnet Assembly, for details about the magnet design).
QD0 Support
Figure 2 shows again a conceptual layout of the MDI region. It can be noted how several elements as the
QD0, BeamCal, LumiCal, Kicker, etc. will be hold by a support tube that will be fix as a cantilever to the
cavern edge. Details on this removable supporting tube, that is a key element of the “push-pull”,
stabilization and alignment systems, are presented in Section
Fig. 2: Supporting Tube concept in MDI region Anti-solenoid
Due to the crossing angle the magnetic field of the main detector solenoid [1] has a perpendicular
component with respect to the incoming beams. This leads to several distortions of the beam at the IP as
described in [2,3]. The most severe effects originate from the overlap of the main solenoid and QD0 field
[2-4]. In addition, since permendur material is considered in the QD0 design [5], the shielding of the
latter from the external field is necessary. In order to achieve both the shielding of the QD0 magnet and the
reduction of the beam distortions an Anti-solenoid has been proposed [6]. In the L* = 3.5 m option the
Anti-solenoid consists of four bucking coils interleaved with free spaces, surrounding the QD0 support tube
and connected to the detector end-caps. The current of each bucking coil is adjusted in order to minimize
(cancel) the detector solenoid flux density along the beam trajectory. In the L * = 6 m option the bucking
coils can have a smaller radius and just surround the QD0 magnet. Optimization of the bucking coils
assembly and the overall integration of the system within the MDI need to be further finalized. Forward region design
Figure 2.1 shows the current design of the forward region for one of the detector concepts envisaged,
the CLIC-ILD detector. The forward region contains two parts of the detector that complete the
coverage very small angles. The Luminosity Calorimeter (LumiCal [1]) for precision luminosity
measurements and an instrumented absorber for beam-beam background pairs (BeamCal) for high
energy electron tagging. Together they complete the angular coverage down to a polar angle of 11
mrad. Since BeamCal sits closest to the beams, it also acts as a mask against particles back-scattering
from the beam dump.
LumiCal is an electromagnetic sandwich calorimeter consisting of 40 layers of 3.5 mm tungsten
absorbers with silicon sensors. LumiCal covers an angular region from 40 to 110 mrad. LumiCal is
designed to count Bhabha events and give a slow but precise measurement of the luminosity. The goal
for the luminosity precision is 1% for an integrated luminosity of 100 fb-1. The lower acceptance angle
of LumiCal is chosen to keep the number of incoherent pairs hitting LumiCal low, the pairs could
otherwise reduce the energy resolution of LumiCal.
BeamCal is another electromagnetic sandwich calorimeter, consisting of 40 layers of 3.5 mm tungsten
absorber and sensors. To reduce back-scattering from the surface of the BeamCal a 10 cm thick
graphite disk is placed on the IP-facing side. Because of the large radiation dose of up to several MGy
per year, a radiation hard sensor material has to be used. BeamCal extends the angular coverage down
to 11 mrad and is therefore the primary absorber of background pairs that might otherwise damage
the final focus quadrupole or the equipment of the intra-train feedback system. At the ILC BeamCal is
used for the tagging of high energy electrons, the distribution of deposited energy from the background
pairs is used for beam diagnostics. It remains to be confirmed whether this is indeed possible at CLIC.
Figure 2.1: The very forward region of the CLIC-ILD detector.
Shown are the Luminosity Calorimeter (LumiCal),
the Beam Calorimeter (BeamCal), the Beam Position Monitor (BPM)
and Kicker of the intra train feedback and a representation
of the permanent part of the final focus quadrupole QD01. Intra-pulse feedback system
A fast beam-based intra-train feedback (FB) system is foreseen to correct for the relative vertical
displacement of the colliding beams at the IP by steering them back into collision. This FB system can be
considered as the last line of defence against relative beam-beam offsets, and it may also help to relax
the tight vibration tolerance of the FD quadrupoles. At CLIC intra-train FB is especially challenging due
to the extremely small bunch separation of 0.5ns and bunch train length of 156ns. With current
technology one cannot apply bunch-to-bunch corrections, but can only make a few correction iterations
per train by using an all-analogue FB system. No intra-train angle FB system is currently planned due to
latency time constraints.
Preliminary picture subject to change and maybe redone as technical
drawing. This is probably shown anyway this chapter?}
Figure 2.2: Schematic of FB system components in the CLIC interaction region.
A schematic of the system layout is show in Figure 2.2. The key components are a beam position monitor
(BPM) based on stripline pickups for registering the position (and hence deflection angle) of the
outgoing beam; a front-end signal processor and feedback circuit; an amplifier to provide the required
output drive signals; and a kicker for applying an angular correction to the opposite incoming beam.
Such a system would be deployed (to provide backup) on both sides of the IP. Details of prototype
components and system tests with real beams are given in [2]. For this layout the total latency, due to
beam time of flight and hardware delays, can be kept to 37ns or less [2]. This allows for approximately 3
luminosity correction cycles during the bunch train duration (Figure 2.3). A detailed description of the
potential luminosity recovery performance is given in [3].
Figure 2: Simulated luminosity versus bunch number for nominal CLIC 3TeV parameters.
This example corresponds to a simulation based on a single random seed of (very noisy)
ground motion for the element misalignments in the BDS, and considers a perfect linac.
Extra material – can be used if desired. Vacuum system
The MDI vacuum system is composed of three physically connected sectors (QD0, experimental and postcollision) with different requirements.
The QD0 sector consists of an incoming beam chamber inside the magnet and a post-collision chamber
passing through the magnet structure. CLIC plans to use room temperature QD0 magnets as opposed to
the superconducting QDO planned for the ILC. This means that the CLIC QDO will not be able to profit
from the high capacity cryo-pumping available within a magnet cold bore. However, simulations [refRumolo in MDIWG, Maruyama for ILC] show that incoherent instabilities and beam gas background are
acceptable upto pressures of 105 nTorr and 103 nTorr respectively in this region. These relatively
relaxed pressure requirements suggest that local lumped pumping from the extremities of the magnet
may be feasible.
An additional constraint is imposed by the detector push-pull concept. This means by definition that the
beam vacuum must be separated to switch detectors. The system must therefore be designed so that the
required operating pressure can be obtained within ~24h [TBC] of venting the push-pull sector.
The experimental vacuum sector must combine BDS vacuum requirements with the needs of the
surrounding detectors. CLIC detectors have requested a geometry consisting of a cylindrical section
inside the vertex detector with symmetric cones on either side opening with an angle [of XX] originating
at the IP. The vacuum system design (chambers, supports, instrumentation) within the experiment must
be optimized to present the minimum radiation length within the acceptance of the detectors. Low-Z
materials such as beryllium and aluminium also have high secondary emission yields. Optimizing the
vacuum chamber for physics may therefore imply the use of coatings and/or in-situ heating of the
chamber to maintain vacuum stability.
The post-collision line vacuum has a less demanding pressure requirement in the medium vacuum range
[required pressure TBC], allowing for a conventional un-baked system design.
2.6.4 Accelerator physics issues
Luminosity spectrum and accelerator background levels strongly influence the experimental conditions
and have an important impact on detector design. Two main sources of background can be identified:
those coming from the beam interactions before and after the collision point, the so called machine
background, and those arising from beam-beam effects, so called beam-beam background. Luminosity spectrum
Fig. 3 shows the total luminosity spectrum and the luminosity in the peak for the CLIC nominal beam
parameter listed in Table XX. The small transverse dimensions at the collision point lead to strong
beam-beam effects (beamstrahlung mainly), which smear the luminosity spectrum. The single-bunch
energy spread due to the RF structures has been optimized to give the minimum contribution as
possible. Coherent processes (see next section) also contribute to luminosity increasing mainly the low
energy tail of the spectrum. They create collisions where an electron, from a coherent pair produced in
the positron beam, collides with the electron beam (and vice versa).
Fig.1: Total luminosity spectrum (left) and zoomed view of the luminosity in the peak (right). Beam-Beam background
In order to achieve the required luminosity, the beams are focused to very small sizes. In electron
positron collisions the electromagnetic field of each bunch will focus the other, leading to an
enhancement of luminosity. Due to the strong bending of their trajectory, the beam particles will emit
high-energy photons, so-called beamstrahlung. In addition to beamstrahlung photons also QED and
QCD backgrounds are produced during collision. The relevant processes are: coherent pairs production,
incoherent pairs production and   hadrons events. At the CLIC energy also higher order coherent
processes has been found to contribute, so-called tridents [Jakob]. A detailed description of the
production processes and typical cross sections can be found in [Daniel Thesis]. The expected rates per
bunch crossing considering the nominal CLIC parameters of Table XX are reported in Table 1.
A study of the impact of imperfections on luminosity and backgrounds shows that background levels can
be up to 40% higher than nominal, according with a luminosity increase. During operation the beam
parameters and collision conditions can change due to imperfections. Realistic simulations show that
background levels fall off more slowly than luminosity but they do not increase [bbIPAC10].
Table 1: Expected background rates for the CLIC nominal beam parameters.
Rate per bunch crossing
Beamstrahlung photons
2.1 per particle
Incoherent pairs
330  103 particles
Coherent pairs
66  107 particles
  hadrons
2.8 events Machine background
Halo particles are stopped by the collimators of the BDS sub-system, but the secondary muons produced
can reach the detector. The absolute muon flux depends on the amount of the halo particles that impact
the collimators, which in turn depends on the collimators settings and details of the lattice including
imperfections and misalignment. Considering halo particles generated by beam-gas scattering
mechanism only and perfect BDS lattice a fraction of 2x10-4 of the beam it is found to hit the spoilers,
producing a flux of 1.2 104 muons/train at 10 m from the interaction point within a 6 m radius around
the beam line [BurkhardtIPAC’10]. Muon suppression methods are discussed in section
The disrupted beams after the collision and the pairs produced during the interaction are transported
to the main dump with minimal losses. Nevertheless losses occur in the carbon magnet protection
absorbers, at the intermediate dump and at the main dump [CLIC-Note-847]. These losses generate
backscattered photons and neutrons that can reach the detector. The flux trough a 2 m x 2 m plane at
0.0 m is calculated as 8.4 ± 2.8 photons cm-2 per bunch crossing, with an average energy of 162 ± 4 keV.
2.6.5 Component specifications
REFERENCES Anti-solenoid
[1] detector main solenoids reference
[2] Y. Nosochkov and A. Seryi, Phys. Rev. Spec. Top-Acc. and Beams 8, 021001 (2005).
[3] B. Dalena, et al. PAC09 and IPAC10
[4] J.J. Murray, SLAC-CN-237
[5] QD0 magnet design reference
[6] D. Swoboda, B. Dalena and R. Tomás, “CLIC spectrometer magnet interference computation of
transversal B-field on primary beam”, CERN-OPEN-2010-016 and CLIC-Note-815.
Forward Region
1. I.Sadeh, H.Abramowicz, R.Ingbir, S.Kananov and A.Levy, A Luminosity Calorimeter for CLIC, LCDNote-2009-002, 2009
IP Feedback
2. P.N. Burrows et al: ‘Tests of the FONT3 Linear Collider Intra-train Beam Feedback System at the
ATF’, Proceedings PAC05, Knoxville, TN, May 2005, p. 1359.
P.N. Burrows et al: ‘Performance of the FONT3 fast analogue intra-train beam-based feedback system
at ATF’; Proceedings EPAC06, Edinburgh, UK, June 2006, p. 852.
3. J. Resta-Lopez, P.N. Burrows, G. Christian, C. Perry: ‘Luminosity Performance Studies of the
Compact Linear Collider with Intra-train Feedback System at the Interaction Point’ (August
2010); to appear in Journal of Instrumentation.