SECTION 8 METHOD STATEMENT AND DETAILED COSTINGS Repairs to Roofs Location Roof A Tiles on South Slope and Ridge Cement and sand flashings to chimney Observations Method/ materials to be used Some pointing needed under ridge tiles Foot of west verge needs repointing Cracked but serviceable Dormer D1 See north elevation - west range. The apron flashing under the cill has slipped. North Gutters Rendering missing from eaves soffite. South Gutters Serviceable. Leak apparent in joint over skylight RL3. Gutter also tends to overflow due to lack of fall in very heavy rain. East Lead Gutter (access from spiral stair) Condition of four Flash Band patches deteriorating 19 Cost Location Roof B North East Gutter Roof C Tiles on North Slope Tiles on South Slope Roof D Roof Tiles over Doorway DG/38 Observations Method/ materials to be used Render between two rafters forming eaves soffite missing Tiles – 1 broken, 3 missing under ridge Tiles – one tile cracked near eaves, middle of slope. Tiling at east end of south slope – one tile slipped just below chimney Underfelt needs replacing at the eaves. East Slope Gutter One length broken and dropped into the lead lined gutter below. Snow Guards Not adequate to stop tiles 20 Cost Location Roof E North Slope Tiles Observations West Slope Tiles Tiling – approximately 8 broken tiles West Lead Gutter One length of gutter from the eaves above has fallen into the lead gutter. South Slope Tiles Tiling – two tiles broken adjacent to SE hip Porch N Slope Tiles Tiling – two broken tiles Porch E Slope Tiles Tiling – one broken tile Rooflight RL2 Woodwork Cracks in north gable Method/ materials to be used Tiling – one cracked tile adjacent to NE hip. 21 Cost Location Roof F Air Handling Unit Observations Rooflight RL3 Seal at bottom edge of centre and east panel needs renewing Roof H West Slope Tiling West Slope Gutters and Fascia Roof J (Conservatory Glazing) East Bay Method/ materials to be used Cost Insulation in poor condition Two tiles missing near eaves by vent. One tile displaced south of vent 1/3 way up roof Under-eaves netting back edge needs securing One cracked pane adjacent to valley, last full length panel (inner leaf) Total for Repairs to Roofs £ 22 Repairs to Elevations Location North Elevation: East Range Ground Floor Walls Second Floor Walls Window WS/8 Dormer North Elevation: Entrance Porch Walls North Elevation: Middle Range First Floor Walls North Elevation: West Range Ground Floor Walls Window WG/5 Observations Method/materials to be used Shelter coat to plinth eroded. Plinth cracking under WG14/13A. Minor cracks over WG14 & 15 & 13A West lining lacks paint at abutment with flashing Crack in render at top right hand corner of door opening Blistering on the wall finish to the right of WG7 Slight crack in stonework above east light 23 Cost Location Window WG/2 Observations Slight crack in stonework above east and west light Window WG/1 Decorations to window reveals breaking down Squint Window Trefoil opening. Shelter coat eroded First Floor Wall Window WF/3 Second Floor Window WS/2 Dormer Window WS/1 Dormer Method/materials to be used Slight crack in stonework at head of window East rendering check crack close to tiling. Paint failing at foot of outer linings. Gap beneath tiling at the end of the west eaves 24 Cost Location West Elevation Ground Level Walls – North end Observations Ground Level Walls – South End Door DG 46C (Meter Cupboard) The applied mouldings defining the bottom rail and muntin are showing signs of rot Ground Level Walls Kitchen Yard Exposed stonework on buttress First Floor Wall RWP 6 First Floor Wall – east (above flat roof) Window WS13 Dormer Method/materials to be used Rendered plinth breaking away at low level on south buttress Rendering at the head of the back door opening is breaking away from the frame. Shelter coat is very badly weathered and is now nonexistent A permanent replacement is required for the temporary extension piece on the rainwater shoe Cill opening up 25 Cost Location South Elevation West Facing Wall Shelter coat stonework Observations Window WG/18A Leaded light coming adrift at bottom edge Tiled awning over DG/88 and flashing The roofing felt stops short of the eaves South Facing Wall and clunch plinth – lime shelter coat Plinth capping badly eroded First Floor Walls Oriel Window WF/21 Method/materials to be used Stonework shelter coat is eroding, especially to the plinth capping Some sash joints beginning to open slightly. Cill mitres have opened slightly. Oriel Window WF/20 Some sash joints beginning to open slightly. Cill mitres have opened slightly. Oriel Window WF/19 Some sash joints beginning to open slightly. Cill mitres have opened slightly. 26 Cost Location Oriel Window WF/18 Observations Some sash joints beginning to open slightly. Cill mitres have opened slightly. Oriel Window WF/17 Some sash joints beginning to open slightly. Cill mitres have opened slightly. Bottom rail of panel beneath WF/17 – the filling seems to be opening up for the full length of the rail Method/materials to be used 27 Cost Location East Elevation Ground level walls Window WG/10 First Floor Walls Second Floor Walls Window WS/7 RWP 19 Observations Method/materials to be used Cost Window heads shelter coat badly weathered. Reveal of WG/15a badly weathered and the walls beneath WG/16 and WG/15a both badly weathered. Shelter coat beneath window is badly eroded One of two old fractures which have been made good starting to open up again at band course level. Crack opening up on north cheek between rendering and outer lining of window frame Is either blocked or has been blocked Total for repairs to elevations £ 28 External Redecoration Previously water-based masonry or cement based painted rendered external wall surfaces (with the possibility of underlying coats of distemper) Shelter Coat - Stonework Method/materials to be used Previously varnished exterior woodwork Previously oiled external hardwood Previously painted exterior woodwork (including roof and lantern lights) Previously stained woodwork (including rafter feet and fire escape duck boarding and handrails) Previously painted ferrous metals (excluding the galvanised spiral staircase) Total for external redecoration £ 29 30