Mayor Bob Dixson called the meeting to order at 6pm on January 20, 2009 Council present: Mark
Trummel, Erica Goodman, Matt Christenson, Gary Goodheart and Brandon Hosheit. Pledge of
Allegiance was said and invocation given by Mayor Dixson.
Additions/Deletions to Agenda
Administrator Hewitt asked to delete agenda item H2 USDA Small Industrial Park, Street Repair. USDA would be at a later meeting. He also requested to add to appropriations for KPP in the amount of
$62,209.90 for a total of $233,444.74. Add Change Order #15 for Incubator for Exhaust Fan.
Councilman Goodheart moved to accept agenda with those changes. Councilman Hosheit seconded.
Motion passed 5-0.
Mayor’s Report
Mayor Dixson gave a report on the Town Hall meeting on their trip to China.
Consent Agenda
Councilman Christenson moved to approve the consent agenda (minutes January 12, 2009 and appropriations #1801 of $233,444.74) as presented. Councilman Goodheart seconded. Motion carried
Incubator Change Order #15
Steve presented incubator change order #15 to relocate exhaust fan 2 for $3,179.48. Councilman
Trummel moved to accept the change order. Councilman Christenson seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Ordinance #976 Solid Waste Refuse Fees
Administrator Hewitt presented the Ordinance #976 to raise solid waste fees. Steve informed Council that the increase in rates was to cover costs of operating the trash service. It is not to pay for the new trash dumpsters. Councilman Goodheart asked about trash exemptions. For clarification, there will be no trash exemptions. Councilman Hosheit to approve Ordinance #976 as presented. Councilman
Trummel seconded. Roll call vote: Councilman Hosheit-yes, Councilwoman Goodman-yes, Councilman
Goodheart-yes, Councilman Trummel-yes, Councilman Christenson-yes. Motion passed 5-0.
Approval of Contract with PEC for Street Repair
Administrator Hewitt presented the Contract with PEC for street repair. City Attorney Stull has reviewed and has no problem with the contract. Councilman Christenson moved to accept the contract as presented. Councilman Goodheart seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Approval of Mennonite Housing Amendment
Administrator Hewitt presented Council with the Amendment with Mennonite Housing with the date correction. Councilman Hosheit moved to accept the Amendment with Mennonite Housing as presented. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Kiowa County Chamber/Economic Development Agreement for Incubator
Jeanette Siemens presented Council with her activities over the last year. Report is attached. She also presented the Council with an agreement between the City and the Economic Development Board to manage the Incubator. The Board will hire an ED Director that will also be a Chamber Director and will manage the Incubator. Councilman Goodheart moved to approve the agreement with the ED Board for management of the Incubator. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Dissolve LOI with Extreme Homes
Councilman Goodheart made a motion to dissolve the LOI with Extreme Homes and directed
Administrator Hewitt to draft a written notice to Extreme Homes. Councilman Hosheit seconded.
Motion passed 5-0.
Ordinance #977 Amending the Official Zoning District Boundary Map by Changing the Zoning
Classification of Lots 13-24, Block 11 of the Fullingtons Addition to the City of Greensburg, KS from R-
1B Single Family Residential to PUD Planned Unit Development
Mike Gurnee presented Council with the request. No public protests were made. Councilman
Christenson moved to approve Ordinance #977 as presented. Councilman Hosheit seconded. Roll call vote: Councilman Hosheit-yes, Councilwoman Goodman-yes, Councilman Goodheart-yes, Councilman
Trummel-yes, Councilman Christenson-yes. Motion passed 5-0.
Public Hearing Show Cause Hearing Concerning Repair or Demolition of 113 N. Pine
Mike Gurnee reviewed the City Code with the Council. Property Owner must show cause for the City to not repair or demolish said property. This particular property has been moved 70 feet to the north.
Mayor Dixson opened the public comment. No public comment. Discussion was held as to whether moving the structure that was in violation made it no longer in violation. Council was in concensus that the structure was still in violation of city code. Public Hearing closed.
Public Hearing Show Cause Hearing Concerning Repair or Demolition of 507 E. Florida
Mike Gurnee reported to Council that there had been no communication with the owner and that the property violates city code. Mayor Dixson opened the Public Hearing. No public comment. Public
Hearing closed.
Public Hearing Show Cause Hearing Concerning Repair or Demolition of 522 W. Grant
Mike Gurnee reported that there had been no communication with the owner. The owner had replaced some window panes. The structure still violates city code. Councilman Trummel asked Gurnee if a building permit had been issued for this property. Gurnee reported that at one time a permit was issued. They are only good for six months. Mayor Dixson opened the public hearing. John Colclazier, owner of the property, commented that he had a building permit for this year. Councilwoman
Goodman asked Colclazier what his plans were for the property. Colclazier reported that he had a family wanting to move in. Councilman Hosheit asked why it has taken him so long as to which he replied that he is only one man doing repairs himself. Gurnee reported that the first notice was sent to owner on April 2008 to his address. No other public comment. Public Hearing was closed.
Public Hearing Show Cause Hearing Concerning Repair or Demolition of 413 E. Wisconsin
Mike Gurnee reported that there had been no communication with the owner. The Property violates city code. Mayor Dixson opened the Public Hearing. No Comments were made. Public Hearing was closed.
Executive Session for Quasi Judicial Determination
Councilman Goodheart made a motion to go into Executive Session for Quasi Judicial Determination until 7:15pm. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
At 7:15pm, Councilman Christenson made a motion to return to open session. Councilman Goodheart seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Councilman Hosheit made a motion that all properties are in violation of City Code and to direct City
Attorney Stull to proceed with criminal action and to abate the properties and assess the abatement costs to the owner. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 5-0. Resolutions will be brought back to Council.
Public Comment
John Colclazier spoke to Council about the 2007 abatement of property was illegal and without merit.
He had two structures torn down and is asking Council for reimbursement for damages.
The following people in attendance spoke on behalf of supporting Administrator Hewitt and encouraged
Council to do whatever possible to retain him: Farrell Allison, Marvin George, John Janssen, Gene West,
Alvin Hewitt, Mick Kendall, Scott Brown, Melinda Kendall and Daniel Wallach.
Administrator Hewitt stated that he appreciated the support of the community.
Administrator’s Report
Administrator Steve Hewitt reminded Council of the Streetlight dedication immediately following the
Council meeting at the Kwik Shop corner. Steve reported on his visit to Washington DC to hear
President Bush’s farewell speech at the Whitehouse. Hewitt then gave a project update. City Hall is still looking at May. Streetscape will begin curb and gutter. Incubator is looking at moving tenants in three weeks.
Executive Session-Attorney Client Privilege
Councilman Goodheart made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes regarding Attorney
Client Privilege. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Councilman Hosheit made a motion to return to open session. Councilman Goodheart seconded.
Motion passed 5-0.
Councilman Goodheart made a motion to go into executive session for 10 minutes for Non Elected
Personnel. Councilman Trummel seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Councilman Hosheit made a motion to return to open session. Councilman Goodheart seconded.
Motion passed 5-0.
Councilman Christenson made a motion to extend executive session for non elected personnel until
8:30pm. Councilman Hosheit seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
At 8:30pm, Councilman Goodheart made a motion to return to open session. Councilman Hosheit seconded. Motion passed 5-0.
Councilman Hosheit reported that Council will do everything possible to keep Steve here.
Councilman Hosheit made a motion to adjourn. Councilman Christenson seconded. Motion passed 4-0.
Meeting adjourned at 8:35pm.
_____________________________ ________________________________
Robert A. Dixson, Mayor Steve Hewitt, City Administrator