Kuhlmann, E.

Selected Publications, mostly since 2010 (except monographs and edited
Ellen Kuhlmann
Journal Articles, since 2010, peer-reviewed
Kuhlmann, E. and von Knorring, M. (2014) ‘Management and medicine: why we need a new
approach to the relationship’, Journal of Health Services Research & Policy, 19, online
first, http://hsr.sagepub.com/content/early/recent (IF 1.6)
Kuhlmann, E., Burau, V., Correia, T., Lewandowski, R., Lionis, C., Noordegraaf, M. and
Repullo, J. (2013) ‘”A manager in the minds of doctors”: a comparison of new modes of
control in European hospitals’, BMC Health Services Research, 13:246,
http://www.biomedcentral.com/1472-6963/13/246 (IF 1.77)
Kuhlmann, E., Batenburg, R., Groenewegen, P.P. and Larsen, C. (2013) ‘Bringing a European
perspective to the health human resources debate: A scoping study’, Health Policy, 110,
6-13 (IF 1.55)
Kuhlmann, E. (2013) ‘Riders on the storm: the professions and healthcare governance’,
Saúde & Tecnologia (Portugal), 10 (Suppl), 6-10 (invited)
Kuhlmann, E. (2013) ‘Professions and the politics of mediation: the case of mental
healthcare and psychotherapy’, Journal of Social Policy Studies Russia (invited article in
Russian), 11 (3), 295-306 (invited, no peer-review)
Kuhlmann, E. (2013) ‘Sociology of professions: towards international context-sensitive
approaches’, South African Review of Sociology, 44 (2), 7-17
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) 'Researching transformations in health services and
policy in international perspective', Current Sociology, 60 (4), 401-414 (IF 0.89)
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) 'Mainstreaming gender into healthcare: a scoping
exercise into policy transfer in England and Germany’, Current Sociology, 60 (4), 551568 (IF 0.89)
Kuhlmann, E. (2012) 'From women’s health to gender mainstreaming and back again: linking
feminist agendas and health policy', selected for the 60th Anniversary Current Sociology EJournal, http://csi.sagepub.com/content/57/2/135.full.pdf+html (reprint)
Kuhlmann, E., Burau, V., Larsen, C., Lewandowski, R., Lionis, C. and Repullo, J. (2011)
‘Medicine and management in European healthcare systems: how do they matter in the
control of clinical practice?’, International Journal of Clinical Practice, 65 (7), 722-724 (IF
Kuhlmann, E. (2011) ‘Mainstreaming gender into healthcare and policy: learning from
international experience‘, Taiwanese Journal for Studies of Science, Technology &
Medicine, 12, 251-271 (invited article, in Chinese, not peer-reviewed)
Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2014: forthcoming) ‘Care, Governance und
Professionsentwicklung’ Governance of care and professional development, Soziale
Welt, Sonderband 20 ‘Sorge Arbeit, Verhältnisse, Regime‘, Baden-Baden: Nomos
Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2013) ‘Langzeitpflege im europäischen Vergleich:
Herausforderungen und Strategien der Sicherung der Pflegepersonalressourcen’
Comparing long-term care in Europe: challenges of nursing staff management,
Bundesgesundheitsblatt, 56, 1064-1071
Kuhlmann, E., Eppenschwandtner, W. and König, T. (2013) ‘Europäische Forschungspolitik:
soziologische Perspektiven gefragt‘ European science policy: sociological perspectives
needed, Soziologie (DGS), 42 (1), 7-15 (no peer-review)
Kuhlmann, E. (2006) Modernising health care. Reinventing professions, the state and the
public. Bristol: Policy Press
Kuhlmann, E. and Kolip, P. (2005) Gender und Public Health. Grundlegende Orientierungen
für Forschung, Praxis und Politik [Gender and public health. Research, practice and
politics]. Weinheim: Juventa
Matthies, H., Kuhlmann, E., Oppen, M. and Simon, D. (2001) Karrieren und Barrieren im
Wissenschaftsbetrieb. Geschlechterdifferente Teilhabechancen in außeruniversitären
Forschungsinstituten [Careers and barriers in academia. Gender differences in research
institutions]. Berlin: edition sigma
Kuhlmann, E. (1999) Profession und Geschlechterdifferenz. Eine Studie über die
Zahnmedizin [Profession and gender. A study of dentistry]. Opladen: Leske + Budrich
Kuhlmann, E. (1996) Subjektive Gesundheitskonzepte. Eine empirische Studie mit
Professorinnen und Professoren [Lay concepts of health]. Münster: Lit Verlag
Kuhlmann, E. (1996) Gegen die sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz. Juristische Praxis und
Handlungsperspektiven [Sexual harassment at the workplace]. Pfaffenweiler: Centaurus
Edited Books
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) (2012) The Palgrave handbook of gender and
healthcare, second edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) (2010) The Palgrave handbook of gender and
healthcare. Basingstoke: Palgrave
Kuhlmann, E. and Saks, M. (eds.) (2008) Rethinking professional governance: international
directions in healthcare. Bristol: Policy Press
Matthies, H., Kuhlmann, E., Oppen, M. and Simon, D. (eds.) (2003) Gleichstellung in der
Forschung. Organisationspraktiken und politische Strategien [Gender equality in research.
Organisational practices and political strategies]. Berlin: edition sigma
Kuhlmann, E. and Betzelt, S. (eds.). (2003) Geschlechterverhältnisse im
Dienstleistungssektor – Dynamiken, Differenzierungen und neue Horizonte [Gender
relations in the service sector]. Baden-Baden: Nomos
Kuhlmann, E. and Kollek, R. (eds.) (2002) Konfiguration des Menschen. Biowissenschaften
als Arena der Geschlechterpolitik [Configuration of the human. Biosciences and gender
politics]. Opladen: Leske + Budrich
Feuerstein, G. and Kuhlmann, E. (eds.) (1999) Neopaternalistische Medizin. Der Mythos der
Selbstbestimmung im Arzt-Patient-Verhältnis [Neo-paternalist medicine. The myth of
self-determination in the physician-patient relationship]. Bern: Hans Huber
Feuerstein, G. and Kuhlmann, E. (eds.) (1998) Rationierung im Gesundheitswesen
[Rationing in healthcare]. Wiesbaden: Ullstein Medical
Guest Editor, Special Journal Issues, peer-reviewed
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) (2012) 'Transforming health services and policy: new
international experiences', Current Sociology, Special Issue, 60 (4), 400-578
Kuhlmann, E. and Burau, V. (eds.) (2009) 'Managerial regimes meet the "healthcare state":
contingencies and dynamics in the governance of healthcare', Journal of Health
Organization and Management, Special Issue, 23 (3), 281-371
Kuhlmann, E. and Bourgeault, I.L. (eds.) (2008) 'Reinventing gender and professions: new
governance, equality and diversity', Equal Opportunities International, Special Issue, 27
(1), 5-121
Saks, M. and Kuhlmann, E. (eds.) (2006) 'Professions, social inclusion and citizenship:
challenge and change in European health systems', Knowledge, Work and Society,
Special Issue, 4 (1), 9-169
Blättel-Mink, B. and Kuhlmann, E. (eds.) (2003) 'Health professions, gender and society:
shifting relations in times of institutional and social change', International Journal of
Sociology and Social Policy, Special Issue, 23 (4/5), 1-185
Riegraf, B., Kuhlmann, E. and Theobald, H. (eds.) (2009) ‘Public Sektor Governance in
internationaler Perspektive' [Governing the public sector: international perspectives],
Zeitschrift für Sozialreform, Special Issue, 55 (4)
Policy briefs/ advisory reports, peer-reviewed
Bourgeault. I.L., Kuhlmann, E., Neiterman, E. and Wrede, S. (2008) How to effectively
implement optimal skill-mix and why, Health Evidence Network  WHO Europe, Policy
Brief Series, http://www.euro.who.int/document/hsm/8_hsc08_ePB_11.pdf
Kuhlmann, E. (2004) Gender Mainstreaming in den Disease Management-Programmen –
das Beispiel koronare Herzkrankheiten Gender mainstreaming and disease
management programmes – the case of coronary heart disease Expertise für die
Bundeskoordination Frauengesundheit (BKF/AKF) Advisory Report for the Federal
Coordination Women’s Health. BKF: Bremen
Chapters in Books, selected, since 2010
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) ‘Gender and health research’, in: Saks, M. and Allsop,
J. (eds.) Researching health: Qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods, second edition.
London: Sage, 351-365
Kuhlmann, E., Bourgeault, I., Larsen, C. and Schofield, T. (2012) ‘Gendering health human
resource management and policy’, in: Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds) The
Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare, second edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 7291
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) 'Bringing gender to the heart of health policy, practice
and research', in Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of
gender and healthcare, second edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 1-18
Cheng, L.-F., Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2012) ‘Gender mainstreaming at the
crossroads of eastern-western healthcare’, in Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.)
Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare, second edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave,
Annandale, E. and Kuhlmann, E. (2012) 'Gender and healthcare: the future', in Kuhlmann, E.
and Annandale, E. (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare, second
edition. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 505-520
Kuhlmann, E. (2012) ‘Professionalism matters: unpacking the knowledge-power nexus in
healthcare governance’, in Cavalho, T., Santiago, R. and Caria, T. (eds) Grupos
Profissionais, Profissionalismo e Sociedade do Conhecimento, Porto: Afrontamentos,
Kuhlmann, E. and Bourgeault, I.L. (2011) 'Gender, professions and public policy: new
directions', in Hunt, K. and Annandale, E. (eds) Gender and health (Major themes in
Health and Social Sciences), Vol III. London: Routledge (reprint)
Kuhlmann, E. (2011) 'Citizenship and healthcare in Germany: patchy activation and
constrained choices', in Newman, J. and Tonkens, E. (eds.) Responsibility, participation
and choice: Summoning the active citizen in Western European welfare states.
Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 29-44
Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2010) 'Bringing gender to the heart of health policy, practice
and research', in Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of
gender and healthcare. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 1-18
Annandale, E. and Kuhlmann, E. (2010) 'Gender and healthcare: the future', in Kuhlmann, E.
and Annandale, E. (eds.) The Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare. Basingstoke:
Palgrave, 454-469
Cheng, L.-F., Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (2010) ‘Gender mainstreaming at the
crossroads of eastern-western healthcare’, in Kuhlmann, E. and Annandale, E. (eds.)
Palgrave handbook of gender and healthcare. Basingstoke: Palgrave, 421-436
Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2012) 'Gesundheitsreformen und Beschäftigungssituation:
Erklärungspotenziale gendersensibler quantitativer Daten’ [Health reform and labour
markets: chances and limitations of gender sensitive quantitative data] in Aulenbacher, B.
and Riegraf, B. (eds.) Erkenntnis und Methode: Geschlechterforschung in Zeiten des
Umbruchs, 2. Auflage, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 217-234
Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2010) ‘Diversity Management und Arbeitskräftemanagement:
Innovationspotenziale für Qualität und Effizienz im Gesundheitssystem’ [Diversity and
workforce management: innovations for quality and efficiency of healthcare system], in
Badura, B., Schröder, H., Klose, J. and Macco, K. (eds.) Fehlzeitenreport. Berlin: Springer,
Kuhlmann, E. (2010) 'Gen- und Reproduktionstechnologien: ein feministischer Kompass für
die Bewertung' [Medical genetics and reproductive technologies: a feminist compass], in
Becker, R. and Kortendiek, B. (eds.) Handbuch Frauen- und Geschlechterforschung.
Theorien, Methoden, Empirie, 3. Auflage, Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, 625-630
Kuhlmann, E. (2010) 'Gender im Mainstream der Medizin: Wohin geht die Reise?’
[Mainstreaming gender into medicine: where are we going?], in Kolip, P. and Lademann,
Gesundheitsversorgung zwischen Marketing und Ignoranz. Juventa: Weinheim, 239-254
Reports, Working and Conference Papers, selected, since 2010 (not published
Kuhlmann, E. (2012) New forms of control and professionalism in health systems: How do
they matter to clinical practice?, http://www.dr-in-mgmt.eu/events/archive/2012/12
Kuhlmann, E., Burau, V., Correia, T., Lewandowski, R., Lionis, C., Noordegraaf, M. and
Repullo, J. (2012) Hospital Control Assessment Framework (H-CAF)© http://www.dr-inmgmt.eu/project_management/
Kuhlmann, E. and Burau, V. (2011) ‘Mobilising knowledge in new managerial regimes in
healthcare: Transformative powers and the importance of location’, paper presented at
the EGOS Symposium, SWG 6 'Organizing the Public Sector', Gothenburg, Sweden, 7-9
July 2011, http//:www.egos.org
Kuhlmann, E. and Larsen, C. (2010) ‘Organising hospitals, governing health professionals:
towards sustainable health human resource management’, paper presented at the ISA
World Conference, joint session RC15/RC52 ‘Reconnecting organisations and
professions’, Gothenburg, Sweden, 11-14 July 2010
Other Publications, , selected, since 2010
Kuhlmann, E. (2013) Book review ‘Constanzo Ranci and Emmanuele Pavolini: Long-term
care policies in Europe’, Social Policy & Administration, 47 (7), 853-855
Kuhlmann, E., Wendt, C. and Bourgeault, I. (2012) ‘Better healthcare for all’, Global
Dialogue, ISA Online Magazine, 3:1, http://www.isa-sociology.org/globaldialogue/2012/10/better-healthcare-for-all/
Kuhlmann, E. (2011) Book review ‘Marc A. Rodwin: Conflicts of interest and the future of
medicine’, Social Policy & Administration, 45 (7), 332-333
Kuhlmann, E. (2011) Book review ‘Robert H. Blank and Viola Burau: Comparative health
policy, 3rd edition’, Social Policy & Administration, 45 (1), 104-105
Kuhlmann, E. (2010) ‘Making connections for sustainable health systems: professionalism
and health human resource policies’, (abstract) European Journal of Public Health, 20
(Suppl 1), 122-123
Larsen, C. and Kuhlmann, E. (2010) ‘Health workforce governance and labour market trends
in Germany’ (abstract), European Journal of Public Health, 20 (Suppl 1), 146-147
----------------------------Kuhlmann, E. (2012) ‘Sensibilität für geschlechterspezifische Unterschiede in der Medizin’
Gender-sensitive medicine, Die Ärztin, 59 (2), 14
Kuhlmann, E. (2012) ‘Sex und Gender in der Gesundheitsversorgung’ Sex and gender in
healthcare, Clio, Zeitschrift für Frauengesundheit, 37 (Nr. 74), 4-6
Kuhlmann, E. (2011) ‘Gender und Diversity in der Gesundheitsversorgung’ Gender and
diversity in healthcare, Impulse, Newsletter Landesvereinigung für Gesundheit
Niedersachsen, Nr. 72, 4-5
Kuhlmann, E. (2011) ‘Neudefinition von Verantwortung, Kompetenz und Koordination in der
Gesundheitsversorgung’ Rethinking responsibility, competence and coordination in
healthcare, Physiotherapie med, Nr. 1, 11-14
Riegraf, B., Kuhlmann, E. and Theobald, H. (2010) 'Einleitung: Wandel wohlfahrtsstaatlicher
Versorgung: neue Forschungsergebnisse im internationalen Vergleich' [Introduction:
changing welfare services: international perspectives], in DGS (ed) Dokumentation des 34.
Kongresses der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag, CD-rom