SECTION 4 ACADEMIC PROMOTIONS 2016 Guidelines for Committees 1. Faculty Promotions Committees 1.1 The Faculty Promotions Committee will have available to it, through Queen’s Online: 1.2 1.3 a) b) c) d) The applicant’s Academic Curriculum Vitae and Applicant Statement; Heads of Schools’ report for each applicant; Minutes of the meeting of the School Committee; In the case of applications for Professorship and Readership, four references will be provided to the Faculty Committees. a) Each Head of School will attend the meeting of the relevant Faculty Promotion Committee(s) and be asked to comment on each application from their School to assist the Committee in coming to a recommendation. Committees will only consider information in relation to applicants’ performance up until the closing date. b) Heads of School will be present at the Faculty Committee when the Committee makes its recommendations. They can participate in the discussion but will not take part in the decision-making itself even if they are a member of the Committee. If a Head of School is an applicant the relevant Faculty PVC will comment on the case. Composition of Faculty Promotions Committees Chair: Faculty Pro-Vice-Chancellor; Faculty Deans of Research and Education; 1 Dean of Research or Education from outside the Faculty; Heads of School from Faculty (normally to include a minimum 50% of the Heads of School on a rotating basis). 2. Central Promotions Committee 2.1 The Central Promotions Committee will review all the recommendations made at the various stages in the process. The Chairs of the Faculty Promotions Committees will present their assessments, explaining how their decisions were made and highlighting any case where a different decision was made by the Faculty Committee from that recommended by the School or where specific issues have caused difficulty. The role of the Central Promotions Committee is to moderate between the Faculty Promotions Committees to ensure a consistent standard has been applied. At this stage it may exercise its power to encourage an unsuccessful applicant to apply in the next promotion exercise. 2.2 Final decisions on promotion will be taken by the Central Promotions Committee, chaired by the Vice-Chancellor. Where the Central Promotions Committee determines that an applicant best meets a different grade profile it reserves the right to offer promotion to a grade different from that for which application was originally made. The Central Promotions Committee will have available to it through Queen’s Online: a) b) c) d) The applicant’s Academic Curriculum Vitae and Applicant Statement; Heads of Schools’ report for each applicant; Faculty Committee’s recommendations; External references. Final decisions will be taken in the light of evidence provided in internal and external reports. 2.3 The Central Promotions Committee will make the final decisions and will write to let applicants know the outcome. Those whose applications are unsuccessful will be given an indication in writing of the main areas in which they do not meet the required academic profile and or exceed their School’s academic standards. The Faculty PVC and the Head of School will provide verbal feedback to each applicant. 2.4 Composition of Central Promotions Committee Vice Chancellor Registrar and Chief Operating Officer 3 Faculty PVCs 2 Lay Senators PVC (Research) PVC (Education) 3. Central Promotions Review Committee 3.1 The Central Promotions Review Committee will have available to it through Queen’s online: a) b) c) d) e) The applicant’s Academic Curriculum Vitae and Applicant Statement; Heads of Schools’ report for each applicant; Faculty Committee’s recommendation; Central Promotions Committee’s decision; External references. 3.2 The Central Promotions Review Committee will be comprised of individuals not previously involved in the process. 3.3 The Central Promotions Review Committee will consider each case and will advise applicants of the outcome. 3.4 Composition of Central Promotions Review Committee Pro-Vice Chancellor for Academic Planning, Staffing and External Relations Member of Professoriate 1 Lay Senator (not previously involved) Director of Human Resources 4. Equality and Diversity 4.1 Each Promotion Committee will take into consideration the contractual arrangements and other relevant factors in assessing the quality of the application against the relevant academic profile and School’s academic standards. Consideration will be given to any personal, family or other non-academic circumstances that may have restricted or delayed the development of an applicant’s academic career. Promotion decisions will take into account all the relevant factors and will be based on merit. Q:\Wendy\Acad Prom\2016\Guidelines Committees.docx DMcG/WM (14.12.15)