OISE/UT GSA Equity Committee Purpose: The GSA Equity

OISE/UT GSA Equity Committee
Purpose: The GSA Equity Committee hopes to answer the following question, “Is the
student experience at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education equitable and
Methodology: The Equity Committee is asking OISE students to complete the following
survey regarding their experiences on campus. This survey asks both students of
minority groups and students of majority groups to describe their perceptions of student
life on campus. It includes both rating scales and open-ended questions. Through the
collection of this information, the Equity Committee will be able to contribute to ongoing
efforts to ensure that OISE/UT is a safe and inclusive environment for all.
Why is this important? It is important to model inclusive practices in our everyday lives
and to create a safe environment. By ensuring that OISE/UT is a leader in inclusive and
equitable practices, we will mold educators and researchers who will implement these
practices into their professional lives on a day-to-day basis.
The Ontario Institute for Studies in Education of the University of Toronto
Equity Committee Survey: Inclusivity on Campus
The Equity Committee of OISE/UT would like to know more about your experiences on
campus either as students of minority groups and/or your perceptions of inclusive
practices on campus. Please provide as much as possible, along with constructive
feedback on what can be done to improve these practices as a whole.
As a participant of this survey, please be aware that specific contents of this survey will
remain internally within the OISE Graduate Students’ Association. We may use certain
quotations when condensing information into a summary, but student names will never
be used. By taking this survey, you consent to this information being used by the Equity
Committee to gain a better understanding of students’ experiences at OISE. We will also
ask for your department, degree, and year of study for statistical purposes.
In appreciation for your participation in the survey, we are offering an opportunity for you
to win a $20 Starbucks gift card. If interested, please provide your name and utoronto
email address at the end of this survey (at your discretion) to be entered into the draw.
Your name will only be used for the draw, and will not be used to link you to your survey
Click the highlighted text for drop-down menus. For the questions that require an
explanative answer, please feel free to elaborate in the space provided. Please email
the completed survey to oise.equity@gmail.com or slip it under the door of OISE
8-105 (GSA Office).
Thank you very much for your participation in this survey.
Please indicate your department.
Please indicate your degree.
Please indicate your year of study.
Choose a department
Choose a degree
1. OISE provides a safe and inclusive learning
Choose an item
environment for all students who identify as racialized.
2. Do you identify yourself as a racialized student? Why or why not? What
does that mean to you?
3. As a racialized student in OISE, what would you like to see improve at
OISE? If you are not a racialized student, what do you think can be done to
improve the experience of students that are racialized?
4. Are you a newcomer to Canada (racialized or not)? If so, in your
experience as a student in Canada, are there any issues you think the OISE
community could improve on? If you are not a newcomer to Canada, have
you seen any ways in which newcomer experiences could be improved for
students? Please explain.
5. What are some issues that LGBTQ+ identified students may encounter
when being open about their gender identity and/or sexual orientation in
the classroom environment at OISE? What are some support mechanisms
that OISE should offer in that regard?
6. How have issues relevant to LGBTQ+ identified people been approached
in your classes at OISE?
Choose an item
7. OISE promotes LGBTQ+ inclusive practices.
8. I feel that everyone at OISE is supportive of LGBTQ+
Choose an item
students’ rights.
9. OISE provides a safe and inclusive learning
Choose an item
environment for all LGBTQ+ identifying students.
10. I personally fully support promoting gender-neutral
classrooms. Gender-neutral classrooms are learning
environments where gendered descriptors and
categories are not used. For example, educators refer
Choose an item
to students without gender pronouns (using first names
or singular they instead), toys and play areas are not
separated by genders, students are not grouped by
gender, etc.
11. According to Merriam-Webster Online, sexism is defined as “unfair
treatment of people because of their sex.” Have you ever been subjected to
or seen anyone subjected to any form of sexism on campus? If so, what
are ways OISE can prevent it from happening again?
12a. The main OISE building (252 Bloor Street West) is
Choose an item
accessible to all students.
12b. If yes, how so? If not, what can be done to improve accessibility to all
OISE spaces?
13. All identity groups (religion, sexual orientation, race,
Choose an item
gender etc.) are represented and visible on campus at
14. I have never felt subjected to any
Choose an item
stereotypes/prejudices at OISE.
15. Do you feel that OISE is equivalent to U of T in terms of the inclusivity
of minority groups, including race, religion, culture, sexual orientation,
among others? Why or why not?
16. Overall, OISE is a safe and inclusive environment
for all students.
Choose an item
Thank you for participating in the OISE Equity Committee’s Survey: Inclusivity on
Campus. The information collected in this survey will remain anonymous and will be
used to assess the experiences of minority groups on campus at OISE. It will be
collected and examined internally, and students will not be identified.
If you would like to be entered into a draw for a $20 Starbucks gift card, please leave
your name and utoronto email address in the spaces provided below.
If you have any questions, please contact Eunice Chow, VP Internal of the OISE
Graduate Students’ Association at internal.gsa@utoronto.ca
Thank you again for your time and input.
Please provide your name and UToronto email address below (optional).