Class 1 - State Prohibited Weeds. The plant must be eradicated from the land and the land must be kept free of the plant. Class 2 - Regionally Prohibited Weeds. The plant must be eradicated from the land and the land must be kept free of the plant. Class 3 - Regionally Controlled Weeds. The plant must be fully and continuously suppressed and destroyed. Class 4 - Locally Controlled Weeds. The growth of the plant must be managed in a manner that reduces its numbers, spread and incidence and continuously inhibits its reproduction * Plant must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed, control of existing infestations cannot be enforced but is encouraged The plant must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed by any person other than a person involved in hay or Lucerne production. # Except cultivars Black Satin, Chehalem, Chester thornless, Dirksen thornless, Loch Ness, Murrindindi, Silvan, Smoothstem and Thornfree ≈ The plant must not be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed § ALL Asparagus species are declared noxious and cannot be sold, propagated or knowingly distributed with the exception of Edible Asparagus (A. officinalis) and A. racemosus. Other Asparagus species listed below have a declaration class given. Class 5 - Restricted Plants. The requirements in the Noxious Weeds Act 1993 for a notifiable weed must be complied with. This list is current under Noxious Weeds (Weed Control) Order 2014 issued 28 February 2014 DECLARED NOXIOUS WEEDS OF THE CENTRAL COAST COMMON NAME African Boxthorn African Feathergrass African Turnip Weed BOTANICAL NAME CLASS Lycium ferocissimum 3 Cenchrus macrourus 5≈ Sisymbrium thellungii & S. runcinatum 5≈ Alligator Weed Alternanthera philoxeroides 3≈ Anchored Water Hyacinth Eichhornia azurea 1≈ Annual Ragweed Ambrosia artimisiifolia 5≈ Arrowhead Sagittaria montevidensis 4* Artichoke Thistle Cynara cardunculus 5≈ Asparagus species § Asparagus sp exp A. officinalis & A. racemosus 4* Asparagus Fern Asparagus virgatus 2 Athel Pine Tamarix aphylla 5≈ Bear-skin Fescue Festuca gautieri 5≈ Bitou bush Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp rotundata 4≈ Blackberry # Rubus fruticosus (agg.spp.) 4≈ Black Knapweed Centaurea nigra 1≈ Black Willow Salix nigra 4 Boneseed Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp monilifera 1 Broomrape Orobanche spp 1≈ Burr Ragweed Ambrosia confertiflora 5≈ Cabomba All Cabomba sp exc C. Furcata 5≈ Cat’s Claw Creeper Dolichandra unguis-cati 3 Cayenne Snakeweed Stachytarpheta cayennensis 5≈ Cecropia Cecropia species 2 Chilean Needlegrass Nassella neesiana 4≈ Chinese Violet Asystasia gangetica ssp Micrantha 1 Climbing Asparagus Asparagus africanus 2 Climbing Asparagus Fern Asparagus plumosus 3 Clockweed Oenothera curtiflora 5≈ Corn Sowthistle Sonchus arvensis 5≈ Crofton Weed Ageratina adenophora 4 Dodder (except native species)Cuscuta sp 5≈ East Indian Hygrophila Hygrophila polysperma 3≈ Espartillo Amelichloa brachychaeta & A. caudata 5≈ Eurasian water milfoil Myriophyllum spicatum 1≈ Fine-bristled burr grass Cenchrus brownii 5≈ Fireweed Senecia madagascariensis 4* Flax Leaf Broom Genista linifolia 3 Fountain grass Cenchrus setaceum 5≈ Frogbit/Spongeplant Limnobium laevigatum & L. spongia 1 Gallon's curse Cenchrus biflorus 5≈ Gamba Grass Andropogon gayanus 5 Giant Parramatta Grass Sporobolus fertilus 3 Giant Rat’s Tail Grass Sporobolus pyramidalis 3 Glaucous starthistle Carthamus glaucus 5≈ Golden Dodder Cuscuta campestris 4 Golden thistle Scolymus hispanicus 5≈ Gorse Ulex europaeus 2≈ Green cestrum Cestrum parqui 3 Grey Sallow Salix cinerea 4 Groundsel Bush Baccharis halimifolia 3 Harrisia cactus Harrisia spp 4≈ Hawkweeds Hieracium spp 1≈ Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos 3 Horsetail Equisetum spp. 1≈ Hydrocotyle Hydrocotyle ranunculoides 1≈ Hygrophila Hygrophila costata 2≈ Hymenachne Hymenachne amplexicaulis 1≈ Italian Bugloss Echium italicum 4 Kidneyleaf Mudplantain Heteranthera reniformis 1≈ Kudzu Pueraria lobata 2 Karoo thorn Acacia karoo 1≈ Kochia Bassia scoparia exc B.scoparia ssp. Tricophylla 1≈ Koster’s Curse Clidemia hirta 1≈ Lagarosiphon Lagarosiphon major 1≈ Leafy Elodea/ Dense waterweed Egeria densa 4* Lippia Phyla canescens 4 Long-leaf Willow Primrose Ludwigia longifolia 4≈ Ludwigia Ludwigia peruviana 2 Mesquite Prosopis sp 2 Montpellier/Cape Broom Genista monspessulana 3 Mexican feather grass Nassella tenuissima 1≈ Mexican poppy Argemone mexicana 5≈ Miconia Miconia spp 1≈ Mikania Mikania Micrantha 1≈ Mimosa Mimosa pigra 1≈ Ming Asparagus Fern Asparagus macowanii var. Zuluensis 2 Mistflower Ageratina riparia 4≈ Mossman River grass Cenchrus echinatus 5≈ Mother -of-Millions Bryophyllum spp & Hybrids 3 Nodding Thistle Carduus nutans ssp nutans 4 Pampas grass Cortaderia spp 3 Paper Mulberry Broussonetia papyrifera 2 Patersons Curse Echium plantagineum 4 Parkinsonia Parkinsonia aculeate 2 Parthenium weed Parthenium hysterophorus 1≈ Pond apple Annona glabra 1≈ Prickly acacia Acacia nilotica 1≈ Prickly pears Cylindropuntia sp & Opuntia spp. except O. ficus indica (Indian Fig) 4≈ Rattlepod Crotalaria lunata 3 Red Rice Oryza rufipogon 5≈ Rhus tree Toxicodendron succedaneum 4≈ Rubbervine Cryptostegia grandiflora 1≈ Sagittaria Sagittaria platyphylla 4* Salvinia Salvinia molesta 3≈ Scotch/English Broom Cytisus scoparius ssp scoparius 4* Senegal tea plant Gymnocoronis spilanthoides 1≈ Serrated tussock Nassella trichotoma 3≈ Siam weed Chromolaena odorata 1≈ Sicklethorn Asparagus falcatus 2 Silverleaf Nightshade Solanum elaeagnifolium 4* Smooth-stemmed turnip Brassica barrelieri Subsp oxyrrhina 5≈ Soldier thistle Picnomon acarna 5≈ Spotted Knapweed Centaurea stoebe Subsp micranthos 1≈ St John’s Wort Hypericum perforatum 3 Texas blueweed Helianthus ciliaris 5≈ Tropical Soda Apple Solanum viarum 1 Vipers Bugloss Echium vulgare 4 Water caltrop Trapa species 1≈ Water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes 3≈ Water lettuce Pistia stratiotes 1≈ Water soldier Stratiotes aloides 1≈ Willow Salix ssp 4≈ exc S. babylonica S. x calodendron & S. x reichardtii Witchweed Striga all species 1≈ exc native species S. parviflora Yellow burrhead Limnocharis flava 1≈ Yellow nutgrass Cyperus esculentus 5≈ NOTE: The label on any chemical is a Legal Document. Please read the label before commencing any control work involving chemicals. WEED CONTROL TECHNIQUES Printed by: Wyong Shire Council Last update: 11 July 2014 CUT AND PAINT Please contact Councils Weeds Officer for advice specific to the species you are treating FRILLING To ensure a thorough kill, the herbicide must be applied within 20 seconds of the cut being made. An axe can be used with this method. Ensure you wear thick PVC coated gloves when doing this. To ensure a thorough kill, the herbicide must be applied within 20 seconds of the cut being made. Ensure you wear thick PVC coated gloves when doing this. DRILL AND INJECT SCRAPE AND PAINT To ensure a thorough kill, the herbicide must be applied within 20 seconds of the cut being made. Ensure you wear thick PVC coated gloves when doing this. To ensure a thorough kill, the herbicide must be applied within 20 seconds of the hole being drilled. Holes should drilled at 100mm intervals around the trunk at a downward 45° angle. Holes should be about 6mm wide and 25mm deep. If plant is multi stemmed, treat each stem as a separate trunk. Ensure you wear thick PVC coated gloves when doing this Control technique diagrams courtesy of the National Trust CROWN REMOVAL FOR ASPARAGUS SPECIES For advice on relevant control techniques please contact Councils Noxious Weeds Officer on WYONG (02) 4350 1690 or GOSFORD (02) 4325 8432 or email: or DECLARED NOXIOUS WEEDS OF THE CENTRAL COAST