Term 3 - 2015 Grade 12 Mrs C. Munro Schedule may change according to pace of pupils Date Week 1 A 21/07 Tues 22/07 Wed 23/07 Thurs 24/07 Fri Week 2 B 27/07 Mon Plan for Lesson Welcome back What we will be doing this term Workshop dates Individual appointments Overview of what is expected L1 Formulating the perfect essays from their exam papers. How could they have changed them? Pairs How did the exam papers go? Go through them, weaknesses and strengths. How could we improve? Compare to checklists Compare to mark schemes P 4 and 5 L2 Ch 9 Literary texts Lesson 1 – reading Lesson 2 – learn definitions Hand out paper Definition test P 2 and 8 L3 Important elements to consider for the exams Time management during exams Reading instructions properly P 2 and 8 P 2 and 3 P2 and 7 28/07 Tues 29/07 Wed 30/07 Thurs 31/07 Fri Week 3 A 3/08 Mon 4/08 Tues 5/08 Wed 6/08 Thurs 7/08 Fri Week 4 B 10/08 Mon 11/08 Tues 12/08 - Wed 13/08 - Thurs 14/08 - Fri Week 5 A 17/08 - Mon 18/08 - Tues 19/08 - Wed 20/08 - Thurs 21/08- Fri Week 6 B 24/08- Mon Continuation from yesterday Planning Understanding the questions correctly Breaking down the questions PFC Test L4 Ch 10 Spoken texts cont Lesson 1 – reading Learn definitions Hand out paper Definition test and Spelling P5 Ch 10 Spontaneous speech Spontaneous speech Planned speech Above continues TEST - Speech Lesson 1 – reading Lesson 2 – hand out definitions and spelling for pupils to learn Spelling test P 7 and 8 L5 Your own writing Ch 4 Ch 4 Your own writing Ch 4 TEST – pg 101 Lesson 1 – reading Lesson 2 – hand out definitions and spelling for pupils to learn Spelling test P 2 and 8 L6 PFC PFC PFC TEST - PFC Lesson 1 – reading Lesson 2 – hand out spelling and definitions Test P 7 and 8 L7 P 2 and 8 P6 P3 and P8 P5 and 5 P 4 and 5 P 2 and 3 P 2 and 8 P2 and 7 P5 P6 P3 and P8 P1 P 4 and 5 P 2 and 3 P 2 and 8 P2 and 7 25/08- Tues 26/08 - Wed 27/08- Thurs 28/08 - Fri Week 7 A 31/08 - Mon 01/09 -Tues 02/09 - Wed 03/09 - Thurs 04/09- Fri Week 8 B 07/09- Mon 08/09 - Tues 09/09- Wed 10/09- Thurs 11/09- Fri Week 9 A 14/09- Mon 15/09- Tues 16/09- Wed 17/09- Thurs 18/09 -Fri Week 10 B 21/09 - Mon 22/09 - Tues 23/09 - Wed Writing for an audience Writing for an audience P5 L8 Imaginative writing TEST – Writing for an audience Lesson 1 – reading Lesson 2 – hand out spelling and definitions Test P6 Imaginative writing L9 Directed writing Revision and recap Revision and recap Questions and answers – pupils will be able to ask questions, receive feedback. Guidance will be given P 7 and 8 P 4 and 5 Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams Exams P 2 and 8 P5 P6 P3 and P8 P5 and 5 Hand back papers Hand back papers School closes P 2 and 8 P5 P6 Paper 2 Workshop P3 and P8 P5 and 6 P 2 and 3 P 2 and 8 P2 and 7 P 7 and 8 P 4 and 5 P 2 and 3 P 2 and 8 P2 and 7 Paper 1 Workshop