Lesson 8 Speciation student copy

Biologists consider physiology, biochemistry, behaviour and genetics
when distinguishing one species from another.
Biological Species:
When some members of a _________ reproducing population change
so much that they can ___ longer ________ viable/fertile offspring
then ___________ has occurred. __________ is the formation of
new species from existing species.
When various factors or __________ cause ______ changes within a
population, it is called ____________ (ie genetic drift, mutations etc).
When _____________ evolutionary changes occur, resulting in the
formation of a ______ species, that is called _____________.
Two populations can become _____________ isolated over time if
there is little to no gene flow between them. Two types of
reproductive isolating mechanisms that prevent gene flow are
_____________ and ________________.
Types of Speciation
Sympatric Speciation
Factors such as chromosomal changes (in plants) and non-random
mating (in animals) alter gene flow. This type of speciation is far more
common in plants.
A new species can be ____________ in a ________ generation if a
_________ change results in a _____________ barrier between the
offspring and parent population. (ie mutations in DNA -deletion or
addition of DNA).
_____________ results from ________ in ________ where
the offspring has _____ sets of chromosomes. Large numbers
of plants can result in this condition since plants can self
Two species can _________ to produce a _________ offspring
but the offspring can reproduce asexually resulting in the
formation of a separate population. If an error occurs in meiosis
of this new population then the sterile hybrids can be
transformed into fertile individuals. IE. Wheat is a hybrid of
two grasses.
Allopatric Speciation
Occurs when a ___________ is ______ into ____ or more ________
groups by a __________ barrier. Eventually the ___________ of the
split population becomes so _______ that the two groups are ______
to _________ even if they were brought back together.
Geographic barriers include:
Once populations are isolated gene frequencies begin to diverge
due to natural selection, mutation, genetic drift or gene flow.
Darwin’s _________ are an example of _________________
and __________ _____________. Adaptive radiation is a type
of allopatric speciation in which the original species is
diversified into a variety of differently adapted species. When
finches arrived on the Galapagos Islands they were the only
_____ ______ on the islands and therefore had many ecological
niches to move into and adopt. Individual finches were
subjected to __________ selective pressures and as a result
over time the species _______ into _________ populations and
some into ____ species altogether.
Consequences of Human Activities on Speciation
We may be preventing gene flow causing the bottleneck
Develop wilderness areas for recreation and tourism
Urban subdivisions
Flood large areas of land to build dams for hydroelectric power