candy bar volume activity

Lesson Plan Format
Name: Alex Sargent
Virginia SOL:
Start time:
Stop time:
Subject: Volume
Lesson Title:
Candy Bar Volume
Objectives (What do you want students to know, do, or feel as a result of your instruction?)
TSW understand how to find the volume of a 3D shape
TSW be able to find the length, height and width of an object with a ruler
TSW understand that the volume is how much space something takes up
Volume, length, height, width, centimeters
Critical vocabulary:
Candy bars, centimeter rulers, mobile lab, volume roll center, candy bar volume worksheet, dice
Pre-assessment: (How will you know if your students already know what you are teaching?)
Intro (how do you capture their attention and get them interested?):
Body (what comes after your interesting intro?)
Today we will be doing Seat, Circle, Center, but as a whole group we will first go over math homework from last night and the
warm-up from this morning.
After we are finished going over that I will go over the seat, circle, center stations so that the students know what we are going to
be doing.
Seat-students will get laptops while they are at their seatwork and they will log onto Mrs. Stoud’s website and practice finding the
volume of objects by using the website Mrs. Stroud has listed under SOL 5.8
zCircle- during circle time with me the students will each get a fun sized 3 Musketeer and a mini Kit Kat bar. Each student will
unwrap their candy bars and measure the length, the height and the width of each bar and record their numbers on their
worksheet. They will then draw a picture of each bar. Students will then show their work and find the volume of each of the
candy bars. The 3 Musketeer should have a larger volume than the mini Kit Kat bar. Once every student in the group is finished
finding the volume the students may eat their candy bars.
Center-the students will work with a partner on the volume roll center. They will get 2 dice and roll them. The number that they
roll will tell them which question they are answering on the sheet. They will first draw the 3D rectangular prism and label the
length, height and width that the question tells them it should be. Then they will need to calculate the volume of the shape with
the given variables.
Closure (purposeful summary-help them remember today or anticipate tomorrow):
Assessment: (How will you assess if they have mastered your objectives? Be specific.)
Are you differentiating lesson content, process, or product by readiness, interest, or learning profile? Explain below.
For cooperative learning explain how you have insured:
positive interdependenceindividual accountabilitygroup processingsocial skillsface-to-face interactionReflections (So, how did it go? What will you change to improve it? Do it now or you’ll forget.)