PIT Modules 2014/15 Module 1: Psychoanalytic concepts in relation to parent infant work Ghosts in the nursery – one day training Early development – 3 seminars Concept of defences – 1 seminar Mentalisation – 2 seminars Projective Identification – 1 seminar Dana Shai- public lecture and seminar Becky Saunders – public lecture and seminar Aim: To introduce psychoanalytic concepts and those relating to early emotional development with regard to parent infant work Objectives: 1. Provide a deeper understanding of the unconscious processes at work within the complexities of the parent-infant relationship. 2. Provide an understanding of some of the theoretical concepts that are most relevant to parent-infant work. 3. Provide a knowledge base of the factors that can affect the parent’s capacity to parent, including intergenerational aspects, psychoanalytic defense mechanisms, projective identification. Module 2: Attachment and neuroscience Attachment – 1 day Neuroscience- 2 seminars Development of a sense of self – 1 seminar Understanding trauma and loss – 1 seminar Aim: To introduce the main theoretical ideas of attachment and neuroscience and how they are relevant to parent infant work Objectives: 1. Provide a knowledge base of the key concepts in relation to parent infant work. 2. Provide an understanding of the theoretical frameworks in these areas through discussion. 3. Provide an understanding of the impact of optimal parenting and how the therapeutic work can have a positive impact where parenting is less than optimal. Module 3: Organisational and group process Organization dynamics – 1 seminar Group process – 6 sessions Working with professional networks – 1 seminar Aim: To introduce the theoretical concepts relating to organisational and group process Objectives: 1. Provide a deeper understanding of the unconscious processes at work in group and organizational settings 2. Provide a knowledge base for this and 3. Provide an understanding of how the particular difficulties of the client group can have an impact on the organisational dynamics Module 4: Development of observational and Reflective Practise Supervision groups – fortnightly group Assessing Parent Infant Relationships – 2 day training Writing a final paper – reflecting on practice – 1 semina Module 5: The Practise of Parent Infant Psychotherapy Starting clinical work with mothers and babies – 1 seminar WWW – I day training Working with couples – 1 seminar Working with fathers – 1 seminar Understanding and Working with parental ambivalence and hostility – 1 seminar Safeguarding and working with risk – 1 seminar Maret Dymond -public lecture and seminar Ending therapy – 1 seminar Module 6: Working with and understanding environmental and parental variables Assessing Parent Infant Relationships – 2 day training Alan Stein- public lecture and seminar Lynn Murray -public lecture and seminar Parental mental health – 1 seminar Domestic violence – 1 seminar Substance misuse – 1 seminar Joan Raphael Leff- public lecture and seminar Cultural difference – 2 seminars Module 7: Parent Infant Observation training Monthly 3 hour seminar