RATIOS AND PROPORTIONS REASONING UNIT 7 RP.3c Day 70: Percents – Fractions – Decimals (may take 2 days depending on results of pre-assessment) I can use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. I can find a percent of a quantity as a rate per 100, solve problems involving finding the whole, given a part and the percent. Bits 1 Inv. 4 C & S 1.1 & 1.2 3c (Do before beginning this unit!!! Use Go Math p. 199 as Pre-Assessment for frac to dec to %, Review while teaching each lesson as needed. INSTEAD OF GO MATH P. 199, USE SHEET FROM MY FILE FRAC – DEC - %. Review: GO 5.1 Model Percents (depending on results of pre-assessment, do p. 189 #1 – 9) Vocabulary o Percent = a ratio of a number to 100 Real World Video, Inside a Lunar Base o An object’s weight on the moon is about 16% of its weight on Earth o Write 16% as a fraction with a denominator of 100 o Is an object’s weight on the moon more or less than its weight on Earth? How do you know? Review: GO 5.2 Write percents as Fractions and Decimals Unlock the Problem p. 187, 188, 191, 192 together (depending on preassessment results) Work in Go Math 5.1 & 5.2 Homework: p. 93, 94, 95, 96 (can assign fewer problems) Resource: Navigating through Number and Operations, p. 120 Day 71: Fractions & Decimals as Percents GO 5.3 Write Fractions and Decimals as Percents TASK (GO) Unlock the Problem Work in Go Math 5.3 Homework: p. 97, 98 Use “Ratio Conversions” sheet to introduce ratios and fract, dec, percents Mastery Connect: Using Percent (fract to dec to percent) 3c Day 72: Find Whole and Part of whole (percent) 25 is 77% of what number? (part – the % of the whole) Work in Go Math 5.4 through 5.6 o 25 is 77% of what n 25 = .77 x n 21 is 60% of n o 40% of 32 is n .40 x 32 = n 80% of 24 is n o Show how to do both Task: Dallin used 40% of the total allowed 32 test messages for the month? How many more left? Task: Go 5.6 “Lindsey sent 28 text messages so far. That is 20% of the total allowed for the month. How many total can she send before she goes over her limit?” When you get answer, make sure it makes sense. (28 is 20% of n) More practice finding percent Spectrum: Common Core p. 74 - 76 Homework: p. 103, 104 (plus from go math 5.4 and 5.5) Mastery Connect: Percent Quiz (part of a whole/find the whole) MAYBE do percents review and test (or just checkup from end of Go 5) Or Mastery Connect Assessment Day 73: What are RATIOS? Vocab: ratio = a comparison of two quantities using division RP.1 I can understand the concept of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two quantities. RATIOS o compare 2 things that are the same o part-to-part o part-to-whole o 3 ways to write them; 3:4, 3 to 4, ¾ (write ratios these 3 ways throughout the unit) Ratios shapes (dropbox, under Math Flipcharts) Go Math 4.1 (verbally do p. 149) Ratios Task: Use Minute Maid lemonade and Country Time lemonade. Hold a taste test to see who likes which lemonade. If there are 25 students and 12 choose Minute Maid while 13 choose Country Time, the part to part is 12 to 13. The part to whole is 13 to 25. o Make chart to compare choices o Discuss part to part and part to whole o Write ratios all three ways OR o Use Mixing Juice task to show part to part and part to whole RP3a Task: Truffles (computer) TASK for practice (Wiki) Class Ratio (glue in journal and complete in journal) o 1. Mr. Copper’s class has a female student to male student ratio of 3:2. Mr. Copper’s class has 18 girls, how many boys does he have? Show how you determined your answer. Explain your reasoning in words. o 2. Ms. Green’s class has the same number of students as Mr. Copper’s class. Her female-tomale ratio is 2:1. Which class has the greater number of females? How do you know? Create homework sheets with part-to-part and part-towhole, can use 4.2 but only ratio questions NOT RATE. Can use truffles and lemonade stand tasks as HW More Practice with ratios and rates, Spectrum: Word Problems p. 54, 55 I can use ratio Day 74: Equivalent Ratios in a table and rate reasoning to solve Go Math 4.2, 4.3 real-world and - Vocabulary mathematical o Equivalent ratios: ratios that name the same problems. comparison p. 156 (Go Math) show using multiplication table. Bottom of p. 156 shows a different way Work in Go Math 4.2 and 4.3 Homework: p. 77, 78 (CMP) More practice with tables Math Workouts p. 7 More practice with equivalent ratios Spectrum: Common Core p. 68 More practice with graphing ratios Spectrum: Common Core p. 72 RP.3a Resource: Rate and Ratio Video (Wiki) – for teacher use I can make tables Anchor Chart: Under Ratios - Equivalent Ratios of equivalent ratios relating Day 75: Problem Solving quantities with GO 4.4 Problem Solving-Use Tables to Compare Ratios whole number measurements, TASK (Wiki) Kitty Food (which store has the better deal?) find missing P. 159, 160 together values in the Work in Go Math 4.4 tables, and plot Homework: p. 79, 80 the pairs of Extra Practice: SF 6-3 (questions: 27 & 28) values on the coordinate plane. Use tables to compare ratios. Mastery Connect: Ratios/Equivalent Ratios Day 76: Using equivalent Ratios RP.3a I can use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, eg, by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. C & S 3 SF 6-3 GO 4.5 Algebra- Use Equivalent Ratios Unlock the Problem together, p. 163 Work in Go Math 4.5. Show this by making equivalent ratios Homework: p. 81, 82 Day 77: Rates Vocabulary: rate – compare 2 quantities that have different units ratio that compares two quantities; unit rate: ratio comparison to 1 unit Task: CMP 7 – 3.1 Calculator task RP.2 I can understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b not 0, and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship. Bits 1 Inv. 3, 4 C & S 3 SF 6-3, 6-6, 76, 10-1, 10-2 a/b what if b = 0? Go Math 4.2 rate questions and CMP HW Anchor Chart: Under Ratios - Rates Day 78: Unit Rates GO 4.6 Find Unit Rates TASK (Wiki) Chocolate Fix (Find pictures of small, medium, and large candy bars. Buy small candy bars) o Rebecca went to Fresh Market to get her chocolate fix for the day. She saw that there were different sizes of candy bars as well as different prices. Rebecca sees one smaller candy bar that is 1.5 ounces and costs $0.72. Then she spies a bigger candy bar that is the same kind but is 2.5 ounces for $1.49. Then she sees a larger one. It weighs 4.4 ounces and costs $1.98. Which candy bar should she purchase if she wants the best price per ounce? Show your work. RP.3.b I can use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems (tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, equations). I can solve unit rate problems including those involving unit pricing and constant speed. Work in Go Math 4.6 p.171 #1 – 11 More practice with unit rates Math Workouts p. 6, 8 More practice with unit rates Spectrum: Common Core p. 69, 70 o Homework: p. 83, 84 Anchor Chart: Under Ratios - Unit Rate Day 79: Use Unit Rates GO 4.7 Algebra- Use Unit Rates TASK (Wiki) Fashion Design Unlock the Problem together Work in Go Math 4.7 Homework: p. 85, 86 Mastery Connect: Find and Use the Unit Rate Day 80: Working with Unit Rates/Equivalent Ratios and Graphs RP.3a Do a little of Go 4.8 (Ratios and Graphs) I can use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and mathematical problems, eg, by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations. Use shopping ads – “you can buy 12 bags of cookies for $6.00. How much would each bag cost (unit rate)? use Tape diagram Other tasks: “minivan vacation” on wiki, “fashion design” on wiki HW or practice (any above task or “Kitty Food” on wiki) REVIEW AND TEST ON FRACTIONS, DECIMALS, PERCENTS, RATIOS, RATES, AND UNIT RATES