Section 1: Pen Rhos, Llanychan, and St. Hychans Parish Church

Remembering our Roots
A Tribute to the Edward Jones Family
Pen Rhos Farm, Llanychan, Denbighshire, Wales
Family of Edward Jones (1826-1896) and
Elizabeth Williams Jones (1826-1914)
Elizabeth Williams Jones with son Edward (Ted) Jones at Pen Rhos Farm circa 1900
Jones Family Reunion
May 23-25, 2015
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
This edition of the Jones Family Reunion book is focused on the Edward
and Elizabeth Jones family, which gave us the three Jones Brothers who emigrated
from Wales to America, eventually settling in Paddock and Barneston Townships
south of Wymore, Nebraska beginning in 1880.
The stories of John W, Robert E, and Thomas E Jones are fairly well
documented from the time of their arrival and settling in Gage County, but less has
been covered about those who stayed behind in Wales, and the generations before
Sources include a wide range of family memories and ancestry reference sites.
Primary family contributions include previous Jones Family Reunion publications
by Esther Jones Pilster (and many helpers!), the 1997 Jones Family Tree compiled
by Amy Keller Ruyle, photos and details provided by Carolyn Jones Strother,
Welsh Cousins Emyr and Anwen Morris (descendant of Jane Jones and Thomas
Hughes), and countless, invaluable contributions provided over the years to the
Jones Reunion books produced by Esther Jones Pilster for all previous Jones family
gatherings. Information gleaned from, Find My, and is also included.
This book is dedicated to the memory of Esther Jones Pilster, who for years
kept the Jones cousins connected through her tireless efforts to maintain the ties
that bind us all together. Her enthusiasm for keeping the Jones Families connected
knew no bounds.
Jeff Jones – with a lot of help!
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Section 1: Pen Rhos, Llanychan, and St. Hychans Parish Church
We’ll start with a short familiarization of the area in Wales where our ancestors hail
from. We’ve all heard about Pen Rhos Farm, where the three Jones Brothers were born. In
some references, it is listed as Penrhos or Pen rhos. Pen Rhos was actually a tenant farm
house, which resides in a small hamlet with other tenant homes. The owners, or renters, of
these homes, were tenant farmers to a landlord who owned the farm property. In the case of
our Jones ancestors, this was Rhos Farm. Tenant families included names such as Lloyd,
Evans, Williams, Morris, Hughes, Davies, and many others, in addition to Jones.
Rhos Farm sits in the tiny parish of Llanychan. Llanychan is a parish near Ruthin,
Denbighshire, Wales. The parish consists of just 567 acres, which equals approximately
0.884 mi2! It is the smallest parish in the diocese of St Asaph. The parish stands
approximately three miles north of Ruthin. The southwestern boundary follows the valley,
or vale, of the River Clwyd.
The following is taken from A Topographical Dictionary of Wales, 1833 & 1849 by
Samuel Lewis. "A parish in the Union and hundred of Ruthin, county of Denbigh, 3 miles
(NNW) from Ruthin, containing 115 inhabitants. This parish is pleasantly situated nearly in
the centre of the fertile and picturesque Vale of Clwyd. It is only of inconsiderable extent,
but in the beauty of its situation, and the richness and variety of the surrounding scenery, it
is not inferior to any spot of the same extent in this part of the principality. The lands are all
enclosed and in a high state of cultivation, and the soil is tolerably fertile." 1
There are only two churches in Wales consecrated to the 5th Century Saint Hychan.
Saint Hychans Parish Church, Llanychan, is one of these. The single chamber building is
mentioned in the Norwich Taxation of 1254. It was extensively restored in 1878, but has a
window dating back to 1626, a reading desk from 1730, and a raredos (alter backdrop) from
1846. The church was restored extensively and reopened in 1878.2 3
Many of our Jones ancestors are buried in the churchyard of St Hychans Parish
Church. It is common in Wales for cemeteries to be established around and managed by
the parish church, not on a separate parcel of land. Bethel Cemetery is similar in this
regard, as it was established on the ground surrounding Bethel Church.
A close-up of the Pen Rhos area shows a little more detail of the hamlet of homes.
The small village of Gellifor is just to the north of Pen Rhos. St. Hychans Parish Church is
also close by, just a little less than a mile by road from Pen Rhos.
The headstones of Edward and Elizabeth are visible in the left edge, under the large
tree, in the first photo of St. Hychans on the following page. Right behind their headstone
are the graves of his parents: Edward (born 1801 - died Oct. 11, 1868) and mother Elizabeth
(born 1800 - died 1855), with daughters Margaret, Elizabeth, and Margaret adjacent to
theirs.4 Other Jones relatives are buried in this churchyard, as referenced in later pages.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
1870 Llanychan Map
A close view of Llanychan Parish and many of the
place names referenced in the following pages.
The closer view on the next page shows some of
the home (abode) names from census registers.
In the photo to the left, the two
headstones under the tree on
the far left are for daughters
Margaret, Elizabeth, and
Margaret, then Edward and
St. Hychans Parish Church and its
churchyard, where our ancestors
worshiped, and in many cases, are buried.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
We know that our forefathers (John W., Robert E, and Thomas E.) were born at Pen
Rhos, but we only recently found the birthplace of their father, Edward. He was born in a
residence called Pen y Stryt in the village of Gellifor, just north of Pen Rhos. The placard on
the side of the house and the small placard on the gate both state “Pen Stryt” in the photos
below. Records from and Find My coupled with photo sleuthing by
Cousins Emyr and Anwen Morris found the location! The map below provides context for
the remainder of the booklet, and shows the locations of many place names discussed.
Pen y Stryt
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Section 2: The Story of Edward and Elizabeth
- Edward Jones III (*Feb 1828 – 31 Jan 1896)
- Elizabeth Williams Jones (*Sep 1828 – 9 Jan 1914) [Married 25 Mar 1854]
- John William Jones (20 Dec 1854 – 28 Dec 1917)
- Elizabeth Jones (*Jan 1856 – 6 Jun 1875)
- Robert E. Jones (6 Jan 1858 – 16 Feb 1931)
- Jane Jones (*May 1859 – 13 Oct 1929)
- Thomas E. Jones (*Oct 1860 – 3 Jun 1934)
- Edward Ted Jones (*Oct 1863 – 7 Oct 1937)
- Margaret Jones (*Aug 1865 – 4 Sep 1868)
- Mary Jones (*Apr 1867 – 12 Apr 1946)
- Margaret Jones (*Jan 1870 – 29 Jun 1876)
* indicates exact date unknown, estimated based on baptism or other facts
Edward and Elizabeth Williams Jones were the parents of the three Jones brothers,
John W, Robert E, and Thomas E Jones, who immigrated to America beginning in 1880.
Six siblings who did not immigrate to America, include Elizabeth, Jane (Jones) Hughes,
Edward T. (Ted), Margaret (passed at age 3), Mary, and another Margaret (passed at age 6).
Edward was born in February 1828 at Pen y Stryt, Gellifor, Denbighshire, North
Wales, to Edward and Elizabeth Jones. He was baptized on February 25th, 1828, as recorded
in the Llanychan Parish baptisms records. Gellifor is a small village just north of Pen Rhos.
We also find the names of other dwellings in the “Abode” column in both Baptism
and Burial records. One such example is of Edward’s baptism record, in which Pen y Stryt
is listed. A current view of homes along the road near Pen Rhos include abode names such
as Pen Cottages, Penrhos Bach, Vale Mount, Plas Yn Rhos, and other abodes in Llanychan,
such as The Rectory, Plan Llanychan, and others.
Baptism Record for Edward Jones, 25 February 1828
From the 1841 census, Edward was 15 years of age, living with his parents Edward
and Elizabeth, and two brothers, Jacob (b. 1832) and William (b. 1835). It should be noted
that in comparing census records from one set to the next, it is often apparent that
differences in ages sometimes occurred. This can be attributed to birth dates in relation to
when in the year the census was actually taken, or simply mistakes made by census takers.
During the next census in 1851, Edward is not listed as a resident of Pen Rhos, but
only parents Edward and Elizabeth and another brother, Thomas (b. 21 Mar 1839) are listed.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
This was because in 1851, 23 year old Edward resided as Plas Coch Farm as a farm servant,
along with his brother, Jacob, age 10.
It was common in Wales for young adolescents and young adults to work on other
farms or in businesses as indentured servants to learn their trade. On census records, this
was indicated by “M.S” as male servant, “F.S” as female servant, “farm servant,” “house
maid,” “dairy maid,” or various other entries.
1841 Census, Pen Rhos Farm – Parents Edward and Elizabeth, brothers Jacob and William
1851 Census, Pen Rhos Farm – Parents Edward and Elizabeth, and brother Thomas
1851 Census, Plas Coch Farm – Edward Jones as Farm Servant
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Elizabeth was born in September 1828, at Tyn Dwr Llangynhafal Parish, the
daughter of John and Margaret Williams. Tyn Dwr is a farm in Llangynhafal Parish, less
than a mile east of Pen Rhos. She was baptized in Llanychan Parish September 21, 1828.
Her father, John Williams, is listed as a laborer in Rhos, presumably the Rhos farm.
Baptism Record for Elizabeth Williams, 21 September 1828
The 1841 census record for Gellifor lists the Williams family with Elizabeth as the
oldest at age 11, and only daughter. Five younger brothers Richard (8), William (6), Thomas
(4), Daniel (2) and Ellis (6 months) rounded out the family.
1841 Census Record for Gellifor, John Williams Family
Her father, John Williams, passed away in 1848 at the age of 46. Her mother,
Margaret, was now caring for six other children with the help of 22 year old Elizabeth, the
oldest. Richard is not show, probably living as a servant elsewhere. Daniel and Ellis may
have passed, Jane, Robert and Daniel arrived later, as they are less than 10 years old.
1851 Census, Llangynhafal Parish, Margaret Williams Family
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
The 1851 census records are important, as they help identify with certainty the
marriage record of Edward and Elizabeth on March 25, 1854. As we have discovered over
the years of research on our Jones ancestry in Wales, there are a very few surnames in the
area. To add to the confusion, many families used the same names passed down from
generation to generation with little variety that we are accustomed to today. Additionally, it
was common to not only name sons after fathers and grandfathers or uncles, but also to
name daughters after mothers and grandmothers. Hence, the chances of finding other
couples named Edward Jones and Elizabeth Williams who were married within a couple of
years of each other is not uncommon.
Edward resided at Plas Coch, as shown in the 1851 census, same as on the marriage
record, while Elizabeth is listed as a “General Servant” on her census record, compared to
“servant” on the marriage certificate. The marriage was witnessed by Jacob Jones,
Edward’s brother, and Elizabeth Jones, his mother.
Plas Coch Farm, located just north of St. Hychans Church
where Edward worked as a Farm Servant
Marriage Record, Edward and Elizabeth Williams Jones, March 25, 1854
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
John William Jones was born December 20, 1854. He was baptized January 7, 1855 in
Llangynhafal Parish. Note that the Abode is listed as Gellifor, which is just north of Pen
Rhos, and just outside the Llanychan Parish boundary in Llangynhafal Parish.
Baptism Record of John W. Jones, January 1855
(Remember the headings at the top of this register. It will be useful for later examples!)
Next came Elizabeth, probably born in the month of January, 1856. Baptisms usually
occurred soon after a baby was born during this time, as can be seen in later children of
whom we know their dates of birth. We do know that she was baptized on January 27, 1856.
By this time, Edward and Elizabeth were living at Pen Rhos according to the record.
Baptism Record of Elizabeth Jones, January 1856
Robert E. Jones was the third child of Edward and Elizabeth, born January 6, 1858.
He was baptized on January 24, 1858.
Baptism Record of Robert E. Jones, January 24, 1858
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Jane Jones was born May 1859, baptized June 5, 1859
Thomas E. Jones was born October, 1860, baptized October 28, 1860
1861 census records recorded the fact that the Jones family was growing quite
rapidly. In just 7 years of marriage, Edward and Elizabeth already had 5 children. Edward’s
father, Edward Jones, is listed as a Boarder and Agricultural Laborer at 59 years of age.
1861 Census, Pen Rhos
Baptism Record of Edward “Ted” Jones, October 4, 1863
Margaret was the seventh child born to Edward and Elizabeth and third daughter.
She was born in August 1865, baptized August 30, 1865.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Baptism Record of Margaret Jones, August 30, 1865
Mary was the next daughter, born in October 1867, baptized on October 27, 1867.
This is the first time since the 1841 census that Pen Rhos appears in this form, as opposed to
Baptism Record of Mary Jones, October 27, 1867
Margaret passed away September 4, 1868 at six years of age just one year later after
Mary was born. She is buried in the St. Hychans Parish Church churchyard. Incidentally,
the entry for her burial is just two entries above that of her grandfather, Edward Jones, who
was also buried in St. Hychans Parish Church churchyard on October 15, 1868. He passed
away at the age of 65.
Burial Record of Margaret Jones, September 5, 1868
Burial Record of Edward Jones, father of Edward Jones, October 15, 1868
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
The final Jones child born to Edward and Elizabeth was also named Margaret
following the passing of the first Margaret. She was born late December 1869 or early
January 1870. She was baptized January 9, 1870. Naming newborns after relatives that
preceded them, even siblings, was not uncommon. It was also not uncommon for
daughters to be names after their mothers, as sons were often names after fathers!
Baptism Record of Margaret Jones, January 9, 1870
By the time of the 1871 census, John W. and Robert E. are not listed as residents of
Pen Rhos. At the time of the census, John W. was residing at Rhydonen Farm in Llanynys
Parish as a Farm Servant. Rhydonen Farm is about a mile north of St. Hychans Parish
Church. 14 year old Robert E. was residing at ‘Rhen by, a residence in Gellifor, as shown in
the 1871 census on the next page. He was listed as ‘Labouring Boy’ on the census, also
referred to as a “farmer’s son.” The head of household listed for ‘Rhen by is Edward Jones.
No details are available at this time to know if this Edward was a relative or not. Edward
Jones was a very common name in the area!
1871 Census for Pen Rhos, showing John W. and Robert E. not living there
1871 Census for Rhydonen Farm, John Jones listed as Farm Servant, born in Llanychan
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Recent view of Rhydonen Farm, John W. Jones, Farm Servant (Google Maps)
1871 Census for ‘Rhen by, an abode in Gellifor, Llangynhafal Parish, Robert Jones Laborer
In 1875, the family lost Elizabeth, the oldest daughter, at the age of 19. She passed
on June 6, and was buried in St. Hychans Parish Churchyard on June 9, 1875.
Burial Record for Elizabeth Jones, June 9, 1875
Elizabeth’s loss was followed a year later by the loss of Margaret, who passed June
29, 1876 at the age of 6. She was buried in St. Hychans Churchyard in July.
Burial Record for Margaret Jones, July 3, 1876
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
The next big event in the history of the Jones family was the departure from Wales of
John W. and Robert E. Jones to immigrate to the United States. Initially settling in the area
of Shenandoah, Pennsylvania, they read articles by an uncle, Owen R. Jones, about the area
where he lived in present day Nebraska in the “Y Drych” or “Looking Glass”, a popular
Welsh paper of the time. Interested in what Nebraska had to offer, they arrived in present
day Gage County in 1880. Owen moved on to California by the time they arrived, so they
went to stay a short time with Mr. and Mrs. Morris Jones until they purchased 80 acres for a
homestead.5 The original homestead was in Section 13 of Paddock Township, located just
south of present day Big Indian Lake.
The 1881 census listed only one son, Thomas E., and one daughter, Mary, residing at
Pen Rhos with Edward and Elizabeth. With John W. and Robert E. having left for America,
and Elizabeth and the two Margarets having passed at young ages, Jane and Edward Ted
are the only two unaccounted for in the census.
As it turns out, Jane resided just down the road at Plas Yn Rhos Farm as a “Dairy
Maid” and domestic servant for a farmer, Ellis Roberts. Similarly, Edward Ted resided at
The Vicarage as a domestic servant to the Rector of Llanychan, Henry Jones. The Rectory,
which is most likely the actual name of the abode in question, was located about halfway
between Plas Yn Rhos Farm and St. Hychans Parish Church.
The Rector would have lived in a Rectory, whereas a Vicarage would be the name of the
abode for an Anglican pastor. Another case where the census taker may have assigned a
name to the abode in reference to his personal choice in description as opposed to the
actual name given to the property.
1881 Census for Pen Rhos Farm, Edward Jones Family
1881 Census for Plas Yn Rhos Farm, Jane Jones (Dairy Maid)
1881 Census for “The Vicarage” recording Edward Ted Jones, General Servant
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
After just a few years in Nebraska, John W. returned to Wales for a short time. While
there, her met and married Mary Humphreys. From her own memories:
“In about 1883 I met a man John Jones in Liverpool, who later became my husband.
On November 10th 1885 we were married in the morning in the Episcopalian Church in
Liverpool. His brother Tom and my sister Margaret were with us. Annie made a Wedding
breakfast. We went to say good-bye to John’s family and mine and about three weeks later
left for America.
My husband’s brother Thomas E. Jones came with us. Wages in England and Wales
were very low for both men and women. John had been in America coming with his brother
Robert E in 1880.”6
The 1891 census provides more information. By this time, only Jane, now a 31 year
old “spinster” resided at Pen Rhos with Edward and Elizabeth, now both 63 years of age.
Isaac and Elizabeth Hughes, a couple in their early 30s, resided at Pen Rhos as agricultural
laborers. Edward Ted is not listed.
1891 Census for Pen Rhos Farm, Edward Jones Family
In 1890, Mary was married to John Roberts of Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd and lived at a
Clyttir Farm in Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd according to the 1911 census. (See section 3)
In July of 1892, Jane married Thomas Hughes and moved with him to Tyn Llan
Farm in the village of Llandyrnog, in Llandyrnog Parish. This left only Edward Ted as the
remaining unmarried child of Edward and Elizabeth. (See section 3)
Edward passed away on January 31, 1896 at the age of 68, and was buried in the St.
Hychans Parish Churchyard on February 5, 1896.
Burial Record for Edward Jones, February 1896
The 1901 census shows only Elizabeth, widow, age 73, and Edward, age 34, living at
Pen Rhos. This may have been about the time, within a year or two, that the photo on the
cover of this booklet was taken
1901 Census for Pen Rhos Farm, Elizabeth and son Edward Ted Jones
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
The English version of the 1911 census was taken in a completely new format. In this
version, only the head of household was listed by name, all other inhabitants were
accounted for by tallying the number of males, females, and total persons populating the
dwelling or tenement. Undoubtedly, Edward Ted is the one male, and Elizabeth is one of
the females.
The following excerpt provides more insight into the naming of the dwellings, as
Penrhos Bach (across the road from Pen Rhos), Pen Rhos, Pen Cottages, and Penstryt (or
Pen street) are listed in order.
English version of the 1911 Census for Pen Rhos
However, a more detailed Welsh version lists all names of residents, as shown below.
The second female inhabitant was a 15 year old Elizabeth Roberts. She is listed as
“Morwyn” or Maid. Interesting to note, is that the “Postal Address” at the bottom below
Edward’s signature states “Pen Rhos,” whereas the English version states “Penrhos.”
Elizabeth passed away on January 9, 1914, at the age of 86. She was buried in St.
Hychans Churchyard on January 13, 1914.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Burial Record for Elizabeth Williams Jones, January 1914
Although census records after 1911 are not readily available, it appears that Edward
Ted Jones continued to live and work at Pen Rhos. He eventually married Elizabeth
“Lizzie” but the date is unknown at this time. They had no children. She passed on
December 3, 1933. He passed away on October 7, 1937 at the age of 74. They were laid to
rest in the Rhewl Chapel Cemetery in Rhewl, just a mile north of Ruthin, a little over a mile
southwest of Pen Rhos.
Rhewl Chapel and Cemetery, Resting Place of Edward Ted Jones
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Section 3: Children of Edward and Elizabeth Jones and Their Families
John William Jones married Mary Humphrey in St. David’s Welsh Episcopal Church,
Liverpool England on November 10, 1885. Mary was born on August 3, 1857 at Plas-Docyn
Farm, Manafon near Meifod, Montgomeryshire. Plas-Docyn is located roughly 36 miles
south of Pen Rhos, just west of Welshpool. They arrived in Nebraska on December 20, 1885
to live in the original homestead with Robert E. and his wife, Elizabeth, just north of what is
now Highway 8, just south of present day Big Indian Lake, in Section 13 of Paddock
Township. John W. and Mary Jones are buried in Bethel Welsh Cemetery.
Plas-Docyn Farm, Birthplace of Mary Humphreys Jones
John W. and Mary had four children:
- John D., born September 10, 1886. Married Leta E. Fisher, October 29, 1917
- Robert H., born August 20, 1888. Married Alice Hughes, March 10, 1915
- Thomas C., born July 31, 1890. Married Mary R. Jones, June 11, 1913
- Jennie E., born May 25, 1892. Married Hugh D. Lloyd, January 31, 1917
Elizabeth Jones. Elizabeth passed away at the age of 19 and was unmarried. She is
buried at St. Hychans Parish Church. See photos on page 22.
Robert E. Jones married Elizabeth E. Evans at the home of her brother, Robert E.
Evans, on March 9, 1883. Robert Evans had come over from Wales several years previously
and settled in the house one mile west of Bethel Church - it was later lived in by Ralph
Miller.7 Robert E. bought 80 acres south of the road from the original homestead and built a
house on it in 1888. This farm was located just south of what is now Highway 8, in Section
24 of Paddock Township. Robert E. and Elizabeth E. Jones are buried at Bethel Cemetery.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Robert E. and Elizabeth had six children:
- Edward E., born Dec 25, 1883. Married Margaret Oliver Humphreys, Dec 21, 1911
- Elizabeth E., born Feb 10, 1886. Married Hugh Williams, Mar 1, 1911
- Catherine D., born Aug 20, 1888. Passed Apr 6, 1891 at the age of 2-1/2
- Robert H., born Jan 6, 1891. Married Alice E. Evans, Oct 4, 1922
- Llewelyn L., born Apr 24, 1893. Married Rosanna B. Hughes, Feb 11, 1925
- Mary A., born Oct 10, 1897. Married Daniel P. Davies, Sep 1, 1921
1900 Census for Paddock Township: John W. (Jno) Jones and Robert E. Jones
Jane Jones. Jane was born in May of 1859, died Oct 13, 1929. She married Thomas
Hughes in July 1892. Thomas Hughes was born and raised in Llanrhaiadr, just a few miles
west of Llanychan. Thomas and Jane resided at Tyn Llan Farm in Llandyrnog. They are
buried in St. Tyrnog Churchyard in Llandyrnog.
Tyn Llan Farm, Llandyrnog, 1933.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Jane and Thomas Hughes had four children:
- Margaret Jane, born 1896. Died, Dec 13, 1898, buried in St. Tyrnog Churchyard
- Mary Elizabeth, born April 1894, died Jan 25, 1946. Married David Davies, June 1917
- John Ogwen, born July 1898. Died 18 Feb 1901, buried in St. Tyrnog Churchyard
- Gwladys Hope, b. Jun 14, 1900, d. Jan 13, 1976. M. William E. Ffoulkes, June 1926
Above - Thomas and Jane Hughes family plot, St. Tyrnog Church in Llandyrnog
Below - Mary Elizabeth & David Davies, Gwladys Hope and William Ffoulkes, St. Tyrnog8
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Thomas E. Jones immigrated to America with John W. and Mary Jones in 1885, and
lived in the original homestead dugout with Robert E. and John W. families. He returned to
Wales in 1888 and married Mary Jones of Aberdovei, Wales on May 25, 1889. After settling
near his brothers, Thomas and Mary moved to Postville in Platte County, Nebraska,
returning to the Wymore area in 1922.9 Thomas E. and Mary Jones are buried in Bethel
Welsh Cemetery.
Thomas and Mary had three children:
- Elizabeth E., born 1890, passed 1891 (Bethel Cemetery)
- Mary Jane, born Nov 21, 1891. Married Evan Evans, Sep 1925
- David E., born 1894, passed 1902 (Bethel Cemetery)
Edward Ted Jones. Ted, as he is commonly referred as, married Elizabeth, or
Lizzie, and never lived anywhere other than Pen Rhos Farm. Lizzie passed away December
7, 1933 at age 67. Ted passed away October 7, 1937 at the age of 74. They are buried in
Rhewl Chapel Cemetery, located about two miles southwest of Llanychan.10
Carolyn Jones Strother visiting the grave
of Edward Ted and Elizabeth “Lizzie”
Jones at Rhewl Chapel, May 1986.
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Margaret Jones. Margaret passed away September 4, 1868 at the age of 3. She is
buried at St. Hychans Parish Church.
Mary Jones married John Roberts in 1890 and resided at Clyttir Farm, located about a
mile south of Pen Rhos on the road to Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd. At some point in the 1930s,
John and Mary moved from Clyttir Farm into Bryn Teg in Gellifor. She passed away in 1946
in Gellifor. They had four children:
- Thomas E. born 1893
- John Herbert, born Apr 7, 1894
- Blanche Elizabeth, born Oct, 1900
- David, born 1908
1911 Census, Clyttir Farm, Llanbedr Dyffryn Clwyd
Top Left: Clyttir Farm
Top Right: Bryn Teg
Left: View from Bryn Teg
looking south. The
buildings in view are Rhos
Farm, including Pen Rhos!
It is about a quarter of a
mile walk by road from Pen
Rhos to Bryn Teg.11
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Margaret Jones. Margaret passed away June 29, 1876 at the age of 6. She is buried at
St. Hychans Parish Church.
Headstones in St. Hychans Parish Churchyard for Margaret, Elizabeth, & Margaret at left;
Edward and Elizabeth on the right. The daughters’ headstone is just to the left of their
parents’ headstone as shown in the center photo.12
1919 photo including Edward Ted and wife Lizzie Jones behind him, Llewelyn L. Jones, son
of Robert E. Jones (on furlough from France in WW I), along with Jane Jones Hughes and
her two daughters, Gladys (Hughes) Ffoulkes, and Mary (Hughes) Davies - plus John
Herbert's wife Jennie (he was away at war), and also two of Aunt Lizzie's relatives.13
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Pen Rhos, May 201514
I take this pledge
that I will pass to my children
this faith of my heritage,
which is the belief in God,
the love of Christ,
and the salvation of the Holy Ghost,
with freedom of all men.
Calvin Jones -June 1982
Remembering our Roots: 2015 Jones Reunion
Many of the details and images used in this booklet are included in the family tree at (must log in to see the tree) and on the
Find A Grave website, starting with Edward Jones memorial at, search for memorial number 133396478. Once on Edward’s
memorial page, there are links to all family members that we have details for, to include
parents, spouses, siblings, and children. No login in needed for viewing Find A Grave.
Special thanks to Carolyn Jones Strother for the inspiration, guidance, and wealth of
information to point us in the right direction. And also a huge thanks to Cousins Emyr and
Anwen Morris of Penisa'r Waen, Llandyrnog for the treasure trove of photos and
information from Wales. Anwen is the great-granddaughter of Thomas and Jane Jones
Hughes of Tyn Llan Farm in Llandyrnog.
Finally, a big thank you to Scott Jones for organizing the reunion, along with Yvonne
Drake, Carolyn Jones Strother, Barb Keller Vitosh, Aline Jones, Janey Williams Rudder,
Martha Strother, and many more.
UK and Ireland Genealogy,
Wikipedia -
Clwyd Family Historical Society,
Carolyn Jones Strother – from photos taken during visits to St. Hychans
“Welsh Descendants Carry On Community Spirit of Pioneer Fathers” – Wymore Arbor State, April 17, 1947.
Memories of Mary Humphreys Jones as told to Clela Jones for the article.
“Memories of Mrs. John W. Jones (Mary Humphreys Jones) as told to her daughter, Jennie Jones Lloyd,
November 1970.
Carolyn Jones Strother.
Photos courtesy of Cousins Emyr and Anwen Morris, Llandyrnog, Denbighshire, Wales
Lest We Forget, 1997 Jones Family Reunion, Esther Jones Pilster
Carolyn Jones Strother
Photos and info by Emyr Morris
Photos by Cousins Emyr and Anwen Morris
Carolyn Jones Strother
Photo by Emyr Morris