Sample Lesson Plan Format Course Title: Title: Unit: 1 Name Chris Paulk Total Duration: One semester Overview/Annotation: The student will develop a SAE for the purpose of applying for a national FFA Proficiency award. Background/Preparation: The student will need to have a working knowledge of FFA. Students will be able to: AG-AML-2,AG-AML-4,AG-AML-5,AG-AML-6, AG-AML-7 Content Standar d (s) Students will be able to: National Standar d (s) Learning Objectiv e(s) Essentia l Questio n(s): Students will be able to: To develop a FFA SAE. To develop Goals for their SAE. To develop skills for their SAE Develop a record of time, investment, profit/loss of their SAE What is the relationship between SAE and FFA Award applications? Content Knowledge What is SAE? Integ rated Cont ent Code Instructional Activities (Procedures/Act ivities) Have students watch the video: SAE! What’s in it for you Materials, Equipment and Technology Resources LCD projector, speakers, laptop with dvd player Time on Task On class period Laptops What SAE is for me? Have students Two Class periods Have students complete FFA Proficiency application using excel template. explore the FFA website of SAE examples and discover what SAE will be best for their situation given their independent resources. Laptops; Pages/default.aspx# Through out semeste r Have student develop the proficiency application throughout the semester. Each Friday will be designated as a SAE/Proficiency day. Assessm ent Strategi es: Application will be applied to the rubric. Application grade will transcend as a final for the class. CTSO Activity: Developing a SAE for the purpose of writing a FFA Proficiency. Culmina ting Product: A completed National FFA Proficiency application Remediation: Review FFA terms such as National FFA, FFA, CDE, FFA Degrees, FFA Proficiency, Accommodation: NONE INTEGRATED CONTENT CODES BASIC SKILLS R=READING SKILLS W=WRITING SKILLS C=COMMUNICATION SKILLS SS=SOCIAL STUDIES M=MATH S=SCIENCE IR-INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP SKILLS CL=COMPUTER LITERACY SKILLS PROCESS SKILLS DM=DECISION MAKING SKILLS PS=PROBLEM SOLVING SKILLS CT=CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS EMPLOYABILITY ES=EMPLOABILITY SKILLS MS=MANAGEMENT SKILLS WA=WORK ATTITUDES TW=TEAMWORK LEADERSHIP SKILLS IM=INTEGRATION OF LEADERSHIP CTSO=CAREER/TECHNICAL STUDENT ORGANIZATION LD=LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT SKILLS THE MORE INTEGRATION THE BETTER