PPL 1O - Concussion Awareness Student note

Concussion Awareness
Name: _____________________________________
Date: _____________________
What is a Concussion?
Definition: A ___________________ injury that causes changes in how the
_________________ functions, leading to _________________ that can be
___________________ (dizziness, headache), ______________________ (difficulty
concentrating or remembering) and/ or ________________ to _______________
(drowsiness, difficulty falling asleep).
It may be caused by a _____________________ blow to the ______________,
______________ or neck, or a blow to the _______________ that transmits a
________________ to the head that causes the brain to move
____________________ within the _____________________.
It can occur even if there has been __________ loss of
It cannot normally be seen on ________________, standard ____________ or
________ scans.
Mechanism of the Injury – How A Concussion Occurs
1.) ________________________ impact
2.) ________________________ up the spine to the brain
3.) ________________________ hit from the front or behind
Anatomy of the Brain
Interesting Facts:
Signs & Symptoms of a Concussion
Signs Observed by Others
Symptoms Reported by Athlete
Appears dazed or stunned
Headache or “pressure” in head
Confused about assignment/position
Balance problems or dizziness
Forgets sports plays
Double or blurry vision
Is unsure of game, score, or opponent
Sensitivity to light
Moves clumsily
Sensitivity to noise
Answers questions slowly
Feeling sluggish, foggy, or groggy
Loses consciousness (even briefly)
Concentration or memory problems
Shows behaviour/personality changes
Can’t recall events prior or after hit
Does not “feel right”
Source: CDC
Where can I go for help?
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________
Recovery Times
These are based for the first concussion an Individual receives:
Most Adults – ____________________ days.
University students – ___________ days.
High School students – _________________ days.
(5 – 15% may experience persistent symptoms for _______ months)
Video - Dr. Mike Evans: Concussion management and return to learn
Highlights / Thoughts of the Video –
Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE)
Repetitive concussions ___________ lead to brain degeneration (CTE).
CTE occurs later in life leading to:
- B_________________ and c_________________ deficits
- P________________’s Disease, D______________, E____________,
- A__________________________, A_________ (Lou Gehrigs Disease),
- Deep D____________________, destructive b__________________,
- S___________________, h______________________
The increase in TAU Protein from multiple concussions destroys neural
It is a biochemical injury where upon the chemical transfer from one cell to
another is altered.
Second Impact Syndrome
If the concussion is not fully __________________ and a second
______________ occurs the signs and symptoms will worsen.
The Concussion will take __________________ to heal.
D_____________ could occur.
Video: Keeping Quiet Can Keep You Out of the Game
Highlights / Thoughts of the Video –
Return to Learn: 6 Steps
There is a six-step process to follow:
Step 1 – ________________________________________
Step 2 – Gradual reintroduction _______________________________
Step 3 – Homework at _____________ before school work at ______________
Step 4 – ________________________________________
Step 5 – Gradual re-integration ___________________________________
Step 6 – Resumption of full _______________________________________
Return to Physical Activity
Returning to normal activities, including sport participation, is a step-wise process that
requires p___________________, a_____________________, and caution.
The athlete must be s____________________ free for a m___________________ of
________ hours before progressing to the next step
There is a _______ step process to follow:
Step 1: No ______________________, only complete rest.
Objective – R________________________.
Step 2: Light _________________________ exercise.
Objective - ________________________ Heart Rate (HR)
- 70 % of maximum heart rate (220 - age x 0.70)
Step 3: Sport ___________________________ activities. No contact (running drills)
Objective – Add _____________________________.
Step 4: More complex _____________ without ____________ contact (Full Practice)
Objective – E_________________, C__________________, &
Cognitive load.
Step 5: Begin drills with ________________ contact.
Objective – Restore confidence and assess functional skills by coaching
Step 6: Game play.
Objective – Full return to pre-injury activities / Normal Game play
Summary of the most important facts:
A concussion is a clinical diagnosis, since there is a judgment call based
on reported symptoms there may be room for error.
It cannot be seen on a CT scan or MRI.
No proven treatments...no drug or therapy is available to speed up the
A concussion aggravates existing conditions.
Females may be more predisposed to concussions.
There may also be a genetic link to concussion.
The recovery time is different for everyone.
The effects of a concussion, such as the inability to maintain attention and
focus, can last from six months to a year in teenagers.
The adolescent brain is the most susceptible to damage and takes the
longest to recover.
Post concussion syndrome can become apparent years later.
Repetitive concussions lead to brain degeneration (CTE).
Mouth guards or helmets do not prevent concussions.