Department: College of Education

Graduate Faculty Status Application Form
Requested Length of Appointment:
Please attach current curriculum vitae.
Date of Request:
Date of Hire:
Mailing Address:
Email address:
TAMUCC employees:
Academic Rank:
Non-TAMUCC employees:
Current Affiliation &
Position Title:
Highest Degree Attained:
Department/Mail Stop:
For Teaching Appointments: Certification of Credentials has been completed and is on file in the Provost’s
Office (required).
Appointment Requested:
Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty
Reason for request:
New Faculty (3 years)
Reappointment (5 years)
Non-Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty*
Type of requested appointment:
Associate Graduate Faculty
Adjunct Graduate Faculty
Special Appointment
Reason for request (check all that apply):
Specialized field of study not available at TAMUCC
Serve on doctoral/thesis/dissertation committees
Co-chair doctoral/thesis/dissertation committees [Assoc. Grad Faculty Only]
*Please attach a memo explaining the reason for the appointment.
We certify the applicant meets all requirements for scholarship outlined in University Rule 12.99.99.C3.01
Applicant (Please print name)
Applicant (Signature)
Dept. Chair/Program Coordinator
Dept. Chair/Program Coordinator (Signature)
College Dean (Signature)
(Please print name)
College Dean (Please print name)
For Graduate Office Use Only:
Dean of Graduate Studies (Please Print Name)
Dean of Graduate Studies (Signature)
Graduate Faculty Approval Process
The process has been designed and is intended to evaluate tenure and non-tenured faculty members to determine if they
meet the criteria to be graduate faculty. The specific criteria are determined by each of the five discipline colleges and the
process is detailed in TAMUCC University Policy 12.99.99.C3.01. The purpose of the process at the College of Graduate
Studies level is to ensure that all faculty being granted graduate faculty status have been reviewed using the appropriate
standards and that the process is fully documented.
The process is guided by a set of forms, which determine the appropriate routing and process steps. The two forms are the
Graduate Faculty Status College Summary Form and the Graduate Faculty Status Application Form (this form).
The below provides a short description of each:
The Graduate Faculty Status College Summary Form is a multiple page form designed to be attached to a package of
Graduate Faculty Status Application Forms. The form is broken into the following subsections:
 Tenured/Tenure Track
o Initial Faculty Appointments
o Faculty Reappointments
 Non-Tenured/Tenure Track
o Associate Graduate Faculty Appointments
o Adjunct Graduate Faculty Appointments
o Special Appointments
The data for each section is taken from the individual Graduate Faculty Status Forms. The individual colleges are
responsible for completing and submitting this form. Note: College Dean’s signature on the Summary Form can
suffice in lieu of individually signing all attached Graduate Faculty Status Application Forms.
The Graduate Faculty Status Application Form is the form submitted for each faculty member that graduate status is
being requested for. Below is a brief explanation of each field and its routing role.
Length of request: Has boxes for 1 yr, 2 yr, 3 yrs, 4 yrs, and 5 yrs. One must be checked. Name and other individual
information follows and needs to be complete.
Credentialing information (required for all applicants): checking this box confirms that the applicant is credentialed
by the Provost’s Office to teach at Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi.
Appointment Requested: Separated into two columns. The first column is for tenured or tenured-track only. The
second column is for non-tenured or tenure track faculty and includes three fields: Associate Graduate Faculty
Appointments, Adjunct Graduate Faculty Appointments, and Special Appointments.
Reason for request: Separated into Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty and Non-Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty.
Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty: If “New” is checked, the appointment is for three (3) years unless special
circumstances warrant a shorter appointment. If “Reappointment” is checked, the appointment is for five (5) years unless
special circumstances warrant a shorter appointment. Any requests for shorter appointments should include an explanatory
Non-Tenured/Tenure Track Faculty: Need to have at least one field checked and an explanatory memorandum
describing the proposed assignments and rationale must be attached. Please note that only Associate Graduate
Faculty can co-chair a dissertation committee. All requests for non-T/TT appointments for longer than one (1) year
require a strong justification.
Deadlines: All requests for consideration of non-tenured/tenure track faculty must be submitted to the College of
Graduate Studies by April 15 for the following academic year.
A Vitae must be attached to all graduate faculty status application forms.