BCC Newsletter 2nd August 2015 Chirp So coming up next week is to be our first Winter Series Race. We hope to have an exciting race, and the proposed course will be announced, provisionally by sms on Thursday. It looks as though there is a significant contingent of paddlers heading to Breede this year. Remember to check your proficiency status with our river proficiency, and safety team (Leslie Van Zyl Smit, Travis Smith, and Gary Atkinson) If you are still hoping to do Fish, and are needing to complete your river proficiency, please contact Gary Atkinson on gary@mweb.co.za For those paddlers and fishermen wanting to renew membership at the Yacht Club (social membership), more information should be available in the next week or two. Membership will probably be about R200 per person. The Yacht club intend to construct additional racks which will also be available at an additional charge. Winter Series See our newsletter for latest news, or visit our website on http://www.bordercanoeclub.co.za/winter-series/ Beeeg thanks to to Jacques van der Berg, Helen Wood, Bulla Wood, Margaret van der Vyver, Kelvin Herman, Jen Petzer and Angus Warren (Winter Series Team), for your efforts so far, and to NSRI and sponsors, Out The Green Box, Hansa, Dunlop, Milltrans, FLA Sportswear, Thompson Trading and Life Healthcare Especial thanks particularly to Bulla and Helen (and the rest of the team who helped with “apps” and set-up) for their role in the Safety briefing at the club yesterday, together with NSRI and Metro Emergency Services Anyone who ordered a smoke flare will be contacted by Hilary as soon as they arrive. Tracker units are still available, but are now in short supply. Safety Thanks to Brendon Thompson, Charl van Wyk, Kelvin Herman, Andre & Helen Wood (& yours truly) who continue to commit time and energy to the debate, and process of improving Sea Safety Protocols and Procedures. We have committed significant time and energy this year to promoting and introducing the application of the new "minimum safety requirements" imposed by CSA earlier this year. For more information on this please visit our website: wwwbordercanoeclub.co.za Of course it is equally important to train and educate our members, particularly new members, and beginners in the sea. Those of us who paddle on the sea on a regular basis need to help the newer paddlers to gain experience safely, and to learn about the hazards of being under prepared, or finding themselves in a situation beyond their capability. All new members are expected to complete basic proficiency courses (flat water) followed by River proficiency courses, and Sea proficiency courses. Advanced proficiency is attained through experience, and we are hoping that our senior paddlers will continue to assist the beginners, and intermediate paddlers to gain experience safely. This process needs debate, and Brendon, Charl, Kelvin, Helen, Andre and I intend to hold another Saturday morning "workshop" to chat about how we can better manage our sport, so as to ensure our own safety. We will give advance notice once a date has been set for another Sea Safety workshop, and hope that this will be as well attended as our safety Meeting held last Saturday. Trailers Unfortunately both spare tyres were stolen off the trailers despite being chained (with a large padlock), We have replaced the tyres (thanks Clifton Donald), and they are now stored in the BOTTOM boathouse where they may be collected (and returned) before use of the trailer. Remember to take along the yellow tool kit, which includes the spanner to change the wheel Trackers for sale Interested in purchasing one of the “trackers” used during the PE2EL Challenge?? Selling for R600 including pouch (cost R1250) Contact Hilary on 083 967 9343 or email secretary@bordercanoeclub.co.za Our service provider Steve Haywood will assist with “set-up. Anyone who has anything newsworthy, or who would like to make a contribution to the newsletter, please let me know Cheers Angus Wednesday Night Meal Date: 5 August 2015 Meal: Spaghetti Bolognaise and & salad – R35 Contact : SMS Hiki on 083 378 6516 before Tuesday 2pm to order your supper. PLEASE REMEMBER IF YOU DON’T ORDER THERE’S NO SUPPER Time Trial Thank you to our sponsors, The Terrace Bed and Breakfast sponsoring this week’s Time Trial – please support our sponsors. for On duty for August 2015 Please note that it is your responsibility to find a replacement if you cannot do your time trial duty on the Wednesday allocated to you. 5 August- TBA 12 August – Georg Waechter 19 August – Hennie Roos 26 August – Hugh Friedenstein Coaching Duncan Boyd is offering Coaching to paddlers. Please contact Duncan if you are interested on duncanrboyd@gmail. Coaching will take place on the 1st Saturday of every month, booking is essential. BCC CLUB HIRE: Members – R750 / Non-Members & Companies – R1500 / Kids parties - R350 Contact our Club Manager Margaret van der Vyver on 083 459 3568 or clubhouse@bordercanoeclub.co.za or www.bordercanoeclub.co.za Media and Photos of recent Events Visit our website for event information, race calendar and much more! www.bordercanoeclub.co.za with link to Face book for pictures of events. UPCOMING EVENTS - 2015 8 August- Winter Series 2 15 August- Winter Series 3 22 August – Intercity Kowie 29 August- Winter Series 4 5 September- Winter Series –spare date 5-6 September - Breede 12 September- Winter Series –spare date 19 September – Coastal Clean up 9 Oct – Fish River Marathon 10 October – ICF World Champs 18 October – Three Sisters Challenge 23 October – Summer Series 1 30 October - Summer Series 2 6 November - Summer Series 3 14/15 Nov – Pete Marlin 20 November - Summer Series 4 27 November - Summer Series 5