Redacción de la página web Home page Welcome to the Limakids webpage. Limakids is a social benefit organization created in May 2005 by Joe Donroe, Charo Arroyo and David Moore in Lima, Peru. Specifically, we are a social program of the non-governmental organization AB PRISMA. Our mission is to help children and adolescents at social risk, living in situations of extreme poverty, violence (physical, psychological and sexual), sexual exploitation, and substance abuse. Without doubt, the goal of Limakids is one shared by many organizations, however it is perhaps our specific vision and varied methodologies that differentiate us. We target at risk children through programs which bring sports and art to these populations. By coordinating programs and events between children’s homes, we are developing a network to more efficiently get children off the streets and into effective support networks. We invite you to browse our website to learn more about Limakids. 1. The association - Why do we exist? The idea behind Limakids was born in August 2004 as a health research project which used sports as a means to improve the self esteem and social skills of children. One year later in May, 2005, the Limakids program was created within the Peruvian non-governmental organization AB PRISMA because we found: o A lack of sports programs targeting the population of children we work with o a need to bring together and foster communication between organizations working with at risk populations of children and adolescents - Mission The mission of Limakids is to provide support to at-risk children and adolescents living in situations of extreme poverty, violence (physical, psychological and sexual), sexual exploitation and substance abuse. From this general mission we have identified three goals: o Stimulate the physical, psychological and social development of children and adolescents through the promotion and practice of sports. Maximize each child’s potential through projects fomenting growth and creativity. o Ensure the right to health of each child and adolescent in this population, and those who care for them. o Strengthen partnerships between organizations working with the same population as Limakids to enable these groups to deliver a more cohesive and integrated service. - Our objectives Like any organization, our three goals translate into objectives, thus allowing us to convert our dreams into reality. The objectives of Limakids are: o Develop quality sports programs providing children the opportunity to improve their self-esteem, social skills and physical and mental ability. o Instill in the children that participation in organized sports is a right. o Provide basic healthcare service for the target population when needed, and provide a link for state health services to reach at risk children. o Facilitate a means for children who wish to leave the streets to be admitted to one of the institutions with which we work or have contact. o Organize workshops and discussions teaching the tools necessary for maintaining good health o Involve ourselves in health campaigns with various agencies with the goal of promoting health in the population that does not reach our polyclinic, thus creating alliances with other groups working with the same population o Enhance the work already being done for the target population within children’s homes o Facilitate communication between the various institutions with whom we work to contribute to effective monitoring of at risk youth - Values and Outlook The core values we wish to emphasize at Limakids are the following: o o o o Responsibility: Our institution promotes not only the responsibility of the child to himself, but also the responsibility of the child to others. This is one of the core values which Limakids tries to teach children. Commitment: To improve the accountability of the children, Limakids often makes a commitment to work with them. This leads to more involvement from the children and allows us to achieve our objectives more quickly. Motivation: Limakids motivates and helps street children who want to change their situation. Additionally, our organization encourages growth in children living in children’s homes by working with them on different projects. Respect: In Limakids, as with many other similar organizations, respect is a core tenet. We treat people and organizations as we want to be treated, and we apply this value constantly. o o o Fair play: In each of our sport programs, Limakids teaches the value of fair play, which is transferred to the everyday lives of the children and adolescents we work with. Empowerment: Limakids seeks to promote self-development and autonomy in children. This enables them to take greater responsibility in making decisions in their lives Self-sustainability: In developing each program, Limakids hopes to construct a network of forces which will make each self-sustainable. If we are successful, these programs should continue if Limakids were to dissolve as a program. We view Limakids as the last push to getting these programs to self-sustainability. In addition to these values, our organization as a whole works with a philosophy that can be summarized in our end goal of impelling these children onto a healthy and safe childhood and adolescence. In each activity we try to abide by this belief. - History Within the biomedical research branch of AB PRISMA, Fogarty scholar Joe Donroe initiated an investigation into the effects of sports on the mental health of interned children in August of 2004, with Dr. David Moore as a consultant on the project. His project was to verify if sports could improve the self esteem and social abilities of kids living in children’s homes. To answer this question, he organized a soccer championship in February to March of 2005. Because of the success of this initial program, in May of 2005, the program Limakids was created within the charitable association PRISMA. As time went on, the Limakids soccer league’s popularity and size continued to grow. Initially, there were only 13 homes taking part, a year after, there were 14 and now in 2008, the league has 22 homes involved, with 40 teams and 480 girls, boys and teenagers directly involved. While mostly known for its soccer program, Limakids is not only a sports league, but also serves as a mobile health care system. This was created in September of 2006, as a response to the population of children and teens living on the streets without access to the Peruvian health care system. In its first year, the Limakids polyclinic gave treatment to 476 people, 5% of whom got off the streets by either returning to their family or moving into children’s homes. Much like the population we work with, Limakids is also growing and evolving. Each year we pursue new projects to meet the needs of the people and work with other organization to develop them, Limakids being a link between the idea and the goal. Past and current highlights include a photography project with the association Puentes, a cultural exchange project between Peruvian and French children in coordination with Sport & Ambiance, the value projects in coordination with Arpe, and our collaboration with Shine-a-light helping give children a better sense of identity. First person Technical team What is your name? Dave Moore What do you do in Limakids? I help with the activities of the health care center, the soccer league, on the street or on any additional projects that we realize such as the Identity, Frisbee, Rugby, and Photography projects. I also have an administrative role and am charged with getting sustainable financing in order to continue our stability to give Limakids the opportunity of growing. What is the change you hope to make through your work with Limakids? Often, the kids with whom we are working have been deprived the opportunities that we take for granted. I hope that with the variety of activities we are carrying out, Limakids succeeds in helping them feel like normal kids, with self esteem and value in their existence, feeling a sense of justice and respect not only for others, but also for themselves. More than anything, I try to give them the space to grow up and develop like any other kid. My hope is that one day, Limakids would be self-financed by charities of small businesses formed by the children that were once helped by Limakids, and the persons working at Limakids will be the same ones that had participated in our activities. What do you like most about Limakids? The smiles. Second person What is your name? Rosario del Pilar Arroyo Arnedo What do you do in Limakids? I coordinate between the various childrens homes and organizations involved in the soccer league. I also help with the secondary projects of Limakids. I'm responsible for the financial activities of Limakids, too. What is the change you hope to make through your work with Limakids? I think by developing the activities that are being realized in the children’s homes with the younger kids, we give them the opportunity to have a healthier life and making them feel like normal kids, with the right to be and feel as any person should. What do you like most about Limakids? The thing I like the most is to have the opportunity to speak with so many kids, meet them and learn about them. Regardless of how little they have, they will always give a smile. I like the philosophy of Limakids that uses sports and art as a way to make a difference. Third person What is your name? Anahí Camero Herrera What do you do in Limakids? I am charged with running the health care center. This involves finding kids on the streets in need of medical care and taking them to get treatment. I also train the coaches of the soccer teams so they can work effectively with our target population. What is the change you hope to make through your work with Limakids? First, generate the process of change through promotion of a healthier life style for the people living on the streets, and second, sensitize society at large about the problems faced by many children in Peru. What do you like most about Limakids? The direct contact with the people that we work with, which is to say with kids that are on the streets. I also like the way in which Limakids helps, through novel and creative use of sports (soccer) and art (photography), we get closer to the kids we seek to help. 2. Projects It is starting first, with our mission, and second, with our vision of coordination and assistance between the organizations that work with the same populations, that we carry out or various projects. We have two principal projects worth identifying: - Soccer League - Polyclinic And numerous secondary projects: - Self-identity project - Photography workshops - Cultural exchange - Collaboration of the Roosevelt Institution in social work - Value workshops - Sport activities: Frisbee and Rugby - Projects with Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT): Enhanced Coal project and Bicycle Machine to make Soy milk - Small-business Project If you want to know more of each project, click on each - Principals : Soccer League Limakids has developed a methodology that has as a principal goal the invoking of values through use of the dignity engrained in sports. To win sporting events, children must not only score the most points, but must also conduct themselves in a respectful manner; thus participation in sport helps bring out teamwork, self esteem, responsibility and respect in our athletes. In 2008, the league has 40 participating teams divided into 3 categories: ages 12-14, 15-18 and a girl’s league. The championship takes place in three regions of Lima: Central Lima, Southern Lima and Northern Lima. The training sessions and competitions go on for 4 months and are divided into 2 stages: First, they play with everyone in their region with these match results determining final league position. Before the second stage kicks off, an inauguration ceremony is held with each participant being awarded a medal and a special award given to the “best teammate” of each team, selected by the players. Following the ceremony, the teams face off in the order that they finished in the first stage. The final stage is an elimination competition, to decide the champion. Polyclinic The Limakids Polyclinic is located in the district of El Agustino and is open every Thursday from 4 pm until 7pm to the street youth of Lima. The people that we refer to the polyclinic are high risk populations who are very vulnerable to disease. In fact, nearly all are teens and children that have suffered physical, sexual or emotional abuse. We also receive kids sent to us from other nongovernmental organizations (Mundo Libre, Niños Del Río, Semilla de Mostaza, Rayito de luz) that work with vulnerable children. Thanks to our team composed of a doctor, a psychologist, two nurses and other workers and volunteers, we provide comprehensive personalized treatment and complimentary tests. In addition to our work promoting health, we educate on prevention of preventable conditions and on topics about nutrition and drugs, issues very pertinent to our population. This work we accomplish not only through our polyclinic but also through working in the infrastructure of the other NGO’s in Lima. The health care center is a principal project of Limakids, within which is found the identity project, a collaboration with the NGO Shine-a-light, an organization that seeks to guide people to the services they need and to protect and treat at risk children and teens. - Secondary: Identity Project This project has numerous objectives. One of these is establishing the legal status of the many children, teens and mothers who are not registered with the government of Peru. By not “existing” on paper, they cannot access various social services provided by the Peruvian government country. The motivation behind this project was initially so that mothers and teenagers in need can access the free health services that are offered by the government. We recognized after a time that this project was about something more than just healthcare, we were giving people the right of being a person, the right of existing, and the right of being someone, someone legally recognized. Photography workshops The photography workshop was created to give the kids a way to express and explore their identities in a very creative way. This project exists thanks to the cooperation of an American professional in photography whose name is Nicholas Wynia. Making use of his abilities in this field, the educational team of Limakids lent cameras to the kids to allow them to communicate with each other through the art of photography. The project will culminate with the exposition of the best photos in a photo exhibition. Cultural Exchange The cultural exchange project "Mi país" was the initiative of 5 groups, the French school, "Le Pecq", the Peruvian childrens home, "Comain", and three non-governmental organizations, Sport Ambiance, Niños del Rio and our organization, Limakids. The objective is to let the kids express themselves through presentations of topics representative of their country. A few topics used to describe Peruvian culture have been Machu Picchu, Peruvian food, Lima, and lake Titicaca. The project gave everyone involved a broader vision of the world by sharing time and knowledge with another culture. The project concluded with the painting of three large murals by kids of "Comain Lima" that were unveiled in the third festival of "Le Pecq" in Paris, together with pictures painted by their French friends. Colaboration of the School Roosevelt with social work: The students of the eighth and ninth grade of Delano Roosevelt institute have undertaken various activities with the objective of finding funding for Limakids. They also partake in activities directly with a few childrens homes that work with Limakids, bettering the infrastructure of the homes and their own lives in the process. Additionally, they have been constant collaborators in the organization since the first days of the soccer league in 2006-2007. It is interesting see how teenagers of the same age but with different pasts can affect each others lives to bring out in each an appreciation for what they have. Value Workshops The value workshops aim to emphasize the importance of the values that are already being practised in sports. During the soccer league, each week we take about 300 kids to these workshops in which they are taught about the importance of cooperation values (group work - fair play - dignity), tolerance, responsibility, and friendship. We hope to make the most of the opportunity these workshops present to contribute something more to each childs development. Sports activities: Frisbee and Rugby Using the example that the soccer league has given us, we are developing, little by little, other innovative sports activities for kids. Two which have already taken their first steps are projects with touch-rugby and ultimate-frisby. These projects have the same objective as that of the soccer league. Enhancing the kids thoughts on the fair play, and to teach values to build self-image; improving self esteem, social abilities and physical and mental state. Project MIT: Coal enhancement and a Soy milk producing bicycle machine: The odd marriage of coal and soy milk was created by the Massachusetts Institue for Technology (MIT) to promote development in countries such as Peru. They visited us in January, 2008, and we were so enthralled with their projects we decided to start working with them on workshops demonstrating the production of coal and the innovative machine used to produce soy milk. In fact, the production of this coal allows us to extract a product which is less contaminating than the natural alternative. The second project showed us how to produce soy milk at a very low price produced by human strength through a bicycle like mechanism, therefore a completely healthy production process! Thanks to MIT, in collaboration with Limakids, the population of Sagrada Familia childrens home can produce healthy products at minimal cost. Small-business Project Limakids, through its objective to enhance the work already been done in the children’s homes, decided in May 2008 to begin educating residents of "Hogar Maria de la Paz" in small business skills, after finding that most every girl in the home wanted to start their own business. This project is the result of coordination between 3 social betterment organizations, PRISMA, "Hogar Reina de la Paz" and Limakids. 3. Monitering the Soccer League This year the Limakids Soccer League has 22 childrens homes making up the 40 participating teams which are further divided in 3 categories: ages 12-14, 15-18 and the girls league. For each category the league is further broken into three regions: Central Lima, South Lima, and North Lima. In the first stage of the championship, each team plays against every team in the same region. The second stage of the championship is designed like the finals of the World Cup. The first place team (based on standings from the first stage of the chamionship) plays against the last place team, the second place team plays against the penultimate and so on. This stage of the tournament is single elimination. It is important to note that in the final rankings, not only is the won-loss record of each team taken into account, but also the behaviour of the players. If you wish to know more about the Limakids Soccer League, feel free to click on the links below: - Dates and locations of matches o Zona Lima Centro (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA CENTRO” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) "LIGA LIMAKIDS" PROGRAMACION DE PARTIDOS: LIMA CENTRO PRIMERA FECHA: SABADO 28 DE JUNIO SEDE: DON BOSCO PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CATEGORIA 1 09:00 COMAIN LIMA vs SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL 1 12 a 14 2 09:00 SAN RICARDO vs NUEVO AMANECER 2 Damas 3 10:00 SAN FRANCISCO vs SAN MARTIN 1 15 a 18 4 10:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL 2 Damas 5 11:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN RICARDO 1 12 a 14 6 11:00 DOMI vs REINA DE LA PAZ 1 Damas 7 12:00 SAN RICARDO vs DON BOSCO 1 15 a 18 SEGUNDA FECHA: SABADO 12 DE JULIO SEDE: DON BOSCO PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CAT. 8 09:00 COMAIN LIMA vs SAN RICARDO 1 12 a 14 9 09:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs NUEVO AMANECER 2 Damas 10 10:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN MARTIN 1 15 a 18 11 10:00 SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL vs REINA DE LA PAZ 2 Damas 12 11:00 SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL vs MUNDO LIBRE 1 12 a 14 13 11:00 SAN FRANCISCO vs SAN RICARDO 2 15 a 18 14 12:00 SAN RICARDO vs DOMI 1 Damas LOZA CAT. TERCERA FECHA: SABADO 26 DE JULIO SEDE: DON BOSCO PART. HORA PARTIDOS 15 09:00 SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL vs SAN RICARDO 1 12 a 14 16 09:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs REINA DE LA PAZ 2 Damas 17 10:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs DON BOSCO 1 15 a 18 18 10:00 NUEVO AMANECER vs DOMI 2 Damas 19 11:00 COMAIN LIMA vs MUNDO LIBRE 1 12 a 14 20 11:00 SAN MARTIN vs SAN RICARDO 2 15 a 18 21 12:00 SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL vs SAN RICARDO 1 Damas LOZA CAT. CUARTA FECHA: SABADO 09 DE AGOSTO SEDE: DON BOSCO PART. HORA PARTIDOS 22 09:00 SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL vs COMAIN LIMA 1 12 a 14 23 09:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs DOMI 2 Damas 24 10:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN RICARDO 1 15 a 18 25 10:00 NUEVO AMANECER vs SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL 2 Damas 26 11:00 SAN RICARDO vs MUNDO LIBRE 1 12 a 14 27 11:00 DON BOSCO vs SAN FRANCISCO 2 15 a 18 28 12:00 REINA DE LA PAZ vs SAN RICARDO 1 Damas QUINTA FECHA: SABADO 23 DE AGOSTO SEDE: DON BOSCO PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CAT. 29 09:00 SAN RICARDO vs COMAIN LIMA 1 12 a 14 30 09:00 REINA DE LA PAZ vs NUEVO AMANECER 2 Damas 31 10:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN FRANCISCO 1 15 a 18 32 10:00 DOMI vs SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL 2 Damas 33 11:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN MIGUEL ARCANGEL 1 12 a 14 34 11:00 DON BOSCO vs SAN MARTIN 2 15 a 18 35 12:00 MUNDO LIBRE vs SAN RICARDO 1 Damas o Lima Sur (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA SUR” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) "LIGA LIMAKIDS" PROGRAMACION DE PARTIDOS: LIMA SUR PRIMERA FECHA: SABADO 28 DE JUNIO SEDE: CIMA PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CATEGORIA 1 02:00 VILLA MARTHA vs SANTA MARIA 1 15 a 18 2 02:00 JUAN PABLOII vs VIRGEN DEL CARMEN 2 Damas 3 03:00 VILLA MARTHA vs CIMA 1 12 a 14 4 03:00 SANTA MARIA vs WESTFALIA 2 12 a 14 5 04:00 JUAN PABLOII vs CIMA 1 15 a 18 6 04:00 VILLA MARTHA vs WESTFALIA 2 Damas SEGUNDA FECHA: SABADO 12 DE JULIO SEDE: JUAN PABLOII PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CATEGORIA 7 02:00 CIMA vs VILLA MARTHA 1 15 a 18 8 02:00 JUAN PABLOII vs WESTFALIA 2 Damas 9 03:00 JUAN PABLOII vs CIMA 1 12 a 14 10 03:00 VILLA MARTHA vs SANTA MARIA 2 12 a 14 11 04:00 JUAN PABLOII vs SANTA MARIA 1 15 a 18 12 04:00 VIRGEN DEL CARMEN vs VILLA MARTHA 2 Damas TERCERA FECHA: SABADO 26 DE JULIO SEDE: JUAN PABLOII PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CATEGORIA 13 02:00 SANTA MARIA vs CIMA 1 15 a 18 14 02:00 JUAN PABLOII vs VILLA MARTHA 2 Damas 15 03:00 JUAN PABLOII vs WESTFALIA 1 12 a 14 16 03:00 CIMA vs SANTA MARIA 2 12 a 14 17 04:00 JUAN PABLOII vs VILLA MARTHA 1 15 a 18 18 04:00 WESTFALIA vs VIRGEN DEL CARMEN 2 Damas CUARTA FECHA: SABADO 09 DE AGOSTO SEDE: CIMA PARTIDOS PART. HORA LOZA CATEGORIA 19 02:00 SANTA MARIA vs VILLA MARTHA 1 15 a 18 20 02:00 VIRGEN DEL CARMEN vs JUAN PABLOII 2 Damas 21 03:00 JUAN PABLOII vs SANTA MARIA 1 12 a 14 22 03:00 WESTFALIA vs VILLA MARTHA 2 12 a 14 23 04:00 CIMA vs JUAN PABLOII 1 15 a 18 24 04:00 WESTFALIA vs VILLA MARTHA 2 Damas QUINTA FECHA: SABADO 23 DE AGOSTO SEDE:JUAN PABLOII PART. HORA PARTIDOS LOZA CATEGORIA 25 02:00 SANTA MARIA vs JUAN PABLOII 1 15 a 18 26 02:00 VILLA MARTHA vs VIRGEN DEL CARMEN 2 Damas 27 03:00 JUAN PABLOII vs VILLA MARTHA 1 12 a 14 28 03:00 WESTFALIA vs CIMA 2 12 a 14 29 04:00 VILLA MARTHA vs CIMA 1 15 a 18 30 04:00 WESTFALIA vs JUAN PABLOII 2 Damas SEXTA FECHA: SABADO 06 DE SETIEMBRE SEDE: CIMA PARTIDOS PART. HORA CAT. 31 11:00 CIMA vs SANTA MARIA 1 15 a 18 32 11:00 VILLA MARTHA vs JUAN PABLOII 2 Damas 33 12:00 VILLA MARTHA vs JUAN PABLOII 1 15 a 18 34 12:00 VIRGEN DEL CARMEN vs WESTFALIA 2 Damas o Zona Lima Norte (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA NORTE” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) "LIGA LIMAKIDS" PROGRAMACION DE PARTIDOS: LIMA NORTE PART. 1 2 3 4 5 6 PART. 7 8 9 10 11 12 PART. 13 14 15 16 17 18 PART. 19 20 21 22 23 24 HORA 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 PRIMERA FECHA: SABADO 21 DE JUNIO SEDE:SAGRADA FAMILIA PARTIDOS SAGRADA FAMILIA vs NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA ALDEA SOS vs ACHALAY ACHALAY vs SAGRADA FAMILIA A ALDEA SOS vs ACHALAY ALDEA SOS vs SAGRADA FAMILIA B SAGRADA FAMILIA vs PROYECTO PERU LOZA CATEGORIA 1 12 a 14 2 Damas 1 15 a 18 2 12 a 14 1 15 a 18 2 Damas HORA 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 SEGUNDA FECHA: SABADO 05 DE JULIO SEDE:SAGRADA FAMILIA PARTIDOS SAGRADA FAMILIA vs ACHALAY PROYECTO PERU vs ALDEA SOS SAGRADA FAMILIA B vs ACHALAY NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA vs ALDEA SOS ALDEA SOS vs SAGRADA FAMILIA A SAGRADA FAMILIA vs ACHALAY LOZA 1 2 1 2 1 2 CAT. 12 a 14 Damas 15 a 18 12 a 14 15 a 18 Damas HORA 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 TERCERA FECHA: SABADO 19 DE JULIO SEDE: SAGRADA FAMILIA PARTIDOS SAGRADA FAMILIA vs ALDEA SOS ACHALAY vs PROYECTO PERU ALDEA SOS vs ACHALAY ACHALAY vs NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA SAGRADA FAMILIA A vs SAGRADA FAMILIA B SAGRADA FAMILIA vs ALDEA SOS LOZA 1 2 1 2 1 2 CAT. 12 a 14 Damas 15 a 18 12 a 14 15 a 18 Damas HORA 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 CUARTA FECHA: SABADO 02 DE AGOSTO SEDE:SAGRADA FAMILIA PARTIDOS ACHALAY vs ALDEA SOS PROYECTO PERU vs SAGRADA FAMILIA SAGRADA FAMILIA A vs ACHALAY NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA vs SAGRADA FAMILIA SAGRADA FAMILIA B vs ALDEA SOS ACHALAY vs ALDEA SOS LOZA 1 2 1 2 1 2 CAT. 12 a 14 Damas 15 a 18 12 a 14 15 a 18 Damas QUINTA FECHA: SABADO 16 DE AGOSTO SEDE: SAGRADA FAMILIA PARTIDOS ALDEA SOS vs NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA LOZA 1 CAT. 12 a 14 PART. HORA 21 10:00 22 23 24 25 PART. 26 26 28 29 30 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 ACHALAY SAGRADA FAMILIA A ACHALAY ACHALAY ALDEA SOS HORA 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:00 SEXTA FECHA: SABADO 30 DE AGOSTO SEDE: SAGRADA FAMILIA PARTIDOS ALDEA SOS vs SAGRADA FAMILIA PROYECTO PERU vs ACHALAY ACHALAY vs ALDEA SOS NIÑO JESUS DE PRAGA vs ACHALAY SAGRADA FAMILIA B vs SAGRADA FAMILIA A ALDEA SOS vs SAGRADA FAMILIA - vs vs vs vs vs SAGRADA FAMILIA ALDEA SOS SAGRADA FAMILIA SAGRADA FAMILIA B PROYECTO PERU 2 1 2 1 2 Damas 15 a 18 12 a 14 15 a 18 Damas LOZA 1 2 1 2 1 2 CAT. 12 a 14 Damas 15 a 18 12 a 14 15 a 18 Damas Clasification by region and Division o Zona Lima Centro Girls Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA CENTRO, Tabla LIMA CENTRO, Categoría DAMAS” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA CENTRO TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA DAMAS N° 1 EQUIPO San Miguel Arcangel 2 Mundo Libre 3 Reina de la Paz 4 Domi 5 6 PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE San Ricardo Nuevo Amanecer Ages 12-14 Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA CENTRO, Tabla LIMA CENTRO, Categoría 12-14” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA CENTRO TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA 12 a 14 N° 1 EQUIPO San Miguel Arcangel 2 Mundo Libre 3 San Ricardo 4 Comian Lima PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE Ages 15-18 Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA CENTRO, Tabla LIMA CENTRO, Categoría 15-18” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA CENTRO TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA 15 a 18 N° 1 EQUIPO 2 Don Bosco San Martin de Porres 3 Mundo Libre 4 5 PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE San Ricardo San Francisco de Asis o Region Lima Sur Girls Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA SUR, Tabla LIMA SUR, Categoría DAMAS” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA SUR TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA DAMAS N° EQUIPO 1 Westfalia 2 Juan Pablo II 3 Villa Martha PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE 4 Virgen del Carmen Ages 12-14 Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA SUR, Tabla LIMA SUR, Categoría 12-14” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA SUR TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA 12 a 14 N° EQUIPO 1 Cima Juan Pablo 2 II 3 4 Villa Martha Santa Maria 5 Westfalia PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE Ages 15-18 Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA SUR, Tabla LIMA SUR, Categoría 15-18” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA SUR TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA 15 a 18 N° EQUIPO PJ 1 Cima 2 Juan Pablo II 3 Santa Maria 4 Villa Martha 5 Westfalia o PG PE Zona Lima Norte PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE Girls Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA NORTE, Tabla LIMA NORTE, Categoría DAMAS” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA NORTE TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA DAMAS N° EQUIPO 1 Aldea SOS 2 Achalay 3 Proyecto Perú 4 Sagrada Familia PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE Ages 12-14 Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA NORTE, Tabla LIMA NORTE, Categoría 12-14” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA NORTE TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA 12 a 14 N° EQUIPO 1 Aldea SOS 2 Achalay Niño Jesus de Praga 3 4 PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE Sagrada Familia Ages 15-18 Division (En esta parte, hay simplemente que copiar el documento Excel “Programación de partido LIMA NORTE, Tabla LIMA NORTE, Categoría 15-18” que esta hecho cada año, este año es el siguiente) LIGA LIMA NORTE TABLA DE POSICIONES CATEGORIA 15 a 18 N° 1 EQUIPO Aldea SOS PJ PG PE PP WO PF PC DP PUNTAJE 2 Achalay 3 Sagrada Familia A 4 Sagrada Familia B 4. Testimonials - From the kids From the Limakids workers and volunteers Nota: Los testimonios serán recogidos durante una fase posterior, durante o después la Liga de futbol, así que todavía no hay informaciones que poner aquí. Sin embargo, no hay que olvidar que habrá que rellenar esta parte en el futuro. 5. Supporters We would like to dedicate a space to the people, the organizations, and all the support and energy from around the world which has allowed us to reach our goals. Because without their help, we could not work so closely with all the children who surround us today. It is with great happiness that we thank them with the list that follows, to all the people who have helped us, who are helping us, and who will help us. Thank you. Click the following categories to activate each list. - Financial Entities o Laureus ( o ARPE ( o Sport & Ambiance ( o USEA (United States Embassy Association) o Stony Brook Global Health Association o Colegio Franklin Delano Roosevelt ( o Casa de gringos o Vector Perú SAC ( o American Medical Response ( o Amazing Moves Moving and Storage ( o Rotary Club of Montreal-Lakeshore ( o Health Partners International Canada ( o Hamden Middle School o Learning Dynamics ( o ESCP-EAP con su asociación “Rue des Enfants » ( o And all the donors... Ginny Acha Caroline Corteen Andy Dekany Alex Frosdick Jon and Debbie Pugh Mark and Marjorie Ballamy David Boyd David Woolston Kit Hughes Natasha Pomery and Larry Friton Vicky and Simon Knight Individual private donors Javier Aguilar Yvonne Ahn Wayne Altman Brad Anastasia Janice and Pat Anderson John Arbo Rosario Arroyo Arnedo Ryan Ashley David Bacon Sarah Barnes Angela Bayer David and Michelle Bentzel Vance Berger David and Ashley Berk Esmeralda Bertozzi Dimple Bhatt Dave and Marian Blazes Natalie Bowman Ellen Brager Michiels Christina Brewster Marcene Broadwater Michael and Nancy Brose Erika Bruce Doug Brugge Gilles Buck Greta Bull Richard Bull Miles Buesst Jenn Cabrera Miguel Cabrera Elizabeth Carrion Steven Carter Hector Castañeda Carlos Castellanos John and Rosemary Castelline Rachel Chasen Jesse Clark Aimee Clatterbuck Rose and Gerry Cohen Ed Cong Griselle Corcino Roxana Cortina Jim Cronk Caroline Cunningham David and Suysel Cunningham John and Kathi Cunningham Ruth De Soto Mayor Julian Davies Maureen Davies Robert Delaney Frank and Anita Della Camera Jim Demaio Jill and Helmer Derry Karla Diaz Clarke Rita Dicapua Anthony Dicapua Brian Donohue Adam Donroe Joseph Donroe Joseph and Judith Donroe Genoveva Dorais Carey Dorn Eric Dufais Brian and Elaine Eatough Tanilee Eichelberger Milagros Elizalde Rod Escombe Ben Espinosa Carlton Evans Simon Fabbri Julie Flaherty Andrea Fleming Elizabeth Flores Laura Fochtmann Andres Franco John Fyke Olga Galdos Jen Gallagher Sebastian and Sanga Gehmert Marie Gelato Robert and Jo Gilman Sol Gittleman Victor and Merly Gonzaga Gonzalez Gonzalez Philip Gouin Iris Granek Anne Griffin Valerie Grundon Cristina Guerra Giraldez Tony and Ana Maria Guiulfo Kevin Guptill Luke Haggerty Eric Hall Vicky Halstead Carol Harthausen Damian Hatton Fernando Herencia Arlene Herens Phabiola Herrera King Holmes Stu Holzer Hal Howard Sarah Howard Elaine Hsieh Evelyn Hsieh Andy Hsu John and Annelise Irons Catherine Isely Gavin Jackson Erin Kay Debra and Stephen Kemper Christina Khan Carol Kluznik Harro Koersier David Kone Camilla Korder Melanie Lemay Brian Leonard Roxana Lescano Willy and Kelika Lescano Genina Lisboa David MacNiven Monica Maguina Paula Maguina Gregory Martin Jamie Martin Peggy Martinez Esteban Elise McCarthy Yuli Son McCutchen Laurie McEwen David McLellan Carolina Mejia Mary Mendenhall Marcelo Merino Silvia Montano Bernard and Sheila Moore David and Natalie Moore Patrick Moore Catherine Morris Eduard Mundi David Munro Jennifer Nagel Michael New Louis Nguyen Laurence Noble Barbara Noller Robert Norman Kasia Novak Nora and Richard Nuclo Giovana Nunez Ginnie and Mike O'Donnell Mark O'Hara Jaye O'Leary John O'Reilly Tim O'Reilly John and Janice Panagrosi Rinaldo Pancera Tom Peirce Pernica Pernica Bart and Cindy Piccirillo Jeanette Pina Patty Pozo Ben Proothi Tim Pruzinsky Lilian Quispe Christina Rager Alessi Rainelli Angela Randall Joseph Reagan Jose Reategui Krishna Reddy Eileen Roach Alicia Rocha Matt Rosen Maria Eva Rouleau Andrew and Carla Roussel Marion and Dan Rubertone Gary Ruddell Fernando Ruiz-Mier Milagros Salazar Marco Salinas Frederick Schiavone Kristina Server Alan Shapiro Pam Sheppard Romeo and Louise Simeone Molly Simpson Sarah and EJ Sink Edward and Linda Sink Mark Smith Giselle Soto Robyn Stevenson Susan Thomas David Tompkins Leo Tsantiris Karl and Anthea Vanderbrenk Marlen Vanzanten Troy and Teresa Vest Alex Vinograd John and Brenda Votto David Votto Gloria Votto Michael and Nancy Votto Bernie Ward Robert and Elizabeth Weinstein Todd Welbes Alice and Barney Whiteis Tom Wilkinson Yona Wiseman Kurt Wittig Hilary Wolf Pamela Wong Jorge A. Wong-Valle Irina Wunder Koosje Wylard Markus Zillgens Joseph Zunt - Affiliated Organizations o COMAIN Lima o Comunidad Sagrada Familia o Hogar Reina de la Paz o Hogar Cima o Comunidad de acogida Don Bosco o Casa hogar Juan Pablo II o Casa hogar San Martin o Casa estancia Domi o Instituto Mundo libre niños o Instituto Mundo libre niñas o Hogar Villa Martha o Hogar Santa María o Casa hogar Virgen del Carmen o Aldea Infantil SOS Callao o Casa granja Achalay o Hogar Niños Jesús de Praga o Casa hogar Proyecto Perú o Aldea Westfalia o Casa hogar San Miguel Arcangel o Hogar Nuevo amanecer o Hogar San Francisco de Asís o Aldea San Ricardo - Public and Private Institutions o Municipalidad metropolitana de Lima ( o Municipalidad de Lince ( o RENIEC (Registro Nacional y de Identificación y Estado Civil) ( o MANTHOC (Movimientos de Adolescentes y Niños Trabajadores Hijos de Obreros Cristianos) ( o Universidad Nacional Federico Villareal ( o Centro de la Imagen de Miraflores ( o Asociación Niños del Rio ( o Asociación Semilla de Mostaza ( o Asociación Cometa o INPPARES ( o Comité Olímpico peruano o o o o - Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzman y Valle ( Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos ( Asociación Puentes ( Universidad peruana Cayetano Heredia ( Other Support o All the volunteers from Peru and around the world o All the practicioners o And everyone we managed to forget 6. How to participate - Volunteer Would you like to volunteer with Limakids? Its easy, download the “Cuestionario del voluntario Limakids”, fill it out and mail it with a copy of you resume to: We will get back to you as fast as possible to discuss how we can work together. Download the “Cuestionario del voluntario” Cuestionario del voluntario de Limakids Este cuestionario es confidencial. Apellidos: Nombre: Dirección: País: N° de teléfono (con prefijo del país): E-mail: Fecha de nacimiento: Estado civil: Edad: Su última o actual actividad profesional: Formación: Universidad o Escuela: Competencias especiales: Ocios pasatiempos preferidos Nivel de conocimiento del español: Conocimiento de otras lenguas y su nivel: Dispondrá de una beca o ayuda para realizar este voluntariado: ¿Fue voluntario en otra organización, sí o no? ¿Si sí, en que circunstancias, que hacia y cuanto tiempo? ¿Cuando piensa empezar su voluntariado? ¿Cuanto tiempo quiere involucrarse en nuestra organización? ¿Cuanto tiempo por semana piensa dedicar al voluntariado? Estamos siempre buscando ideas para ayudar a nuestra población. ¿Usted conoce un nuevo vinculo que podría desarrollar en Limakids para “abrir nuevas puertas” a los niños y adolescentes cuyos nos ocupamos? ¿En algunas líneas, podría usted explicar sus motivaciones a ser voluntario en Limakids ? ¿Desea hacer un comentario de nuestra labor o añadir otra cosa? Por favor, para acabar su candidatura, mándenos este cuestionario del voluntario acompañado de su currículo a nuestro buzón internet cuyo email puede encontrar en la sección contactos de nuestro sitio web. - Practitioner Would you like to practice with Limakids? Its easy, download the “Cuestionario del practicante Limakids”, fill it out and mail it with a copy of your resume to: We will get back to you as fast as possible to discuss how we can work together. Download the “Cuestionario del practicante” Cuestionario del practicante de Limakids Este cuestionario quedará confidencial. Apellidos: Nombre: Dirección: País: N° de teléfono (con prefijo del país): E-mail: Fecha de nacimiento: Estado civil: Edad: Universidad o Escuela: Titulo de su formación: Nivel de sus estudios: (Licenciatura, Master, Doctorado, otros…): Competencias especiales: Ocios pasatiempos preferidos: Nivel de conocimientos del español: Conocimientos de otras lenguas y su nivel: ¿Dispondrá de una beca o ayuda para realizar esta practicas? ¿Fue practicante o voluntario en otra organización, sí o no? ¿Si sí, en que circunstancias, que hacia y cuanto tiempo? ¿Cuando piensa empezar sus prácticas? ¿Cuanto tiempo quiere involucrarse en nuestra organización? ¿En que área y a qué podría dedicarse en sus practicas (misión)? Estamos siempre buscando ideas para ayudar a nuestra población. ¿Usted conoce un nuevo vinculo que podría desarrollar en Limakids para “abrir nuevas puertas” a los niños y adolescentes cuyos nos ocupamos? ¿Quiere además de una posible misión, ser voluntario en las actividades de Limakids, sí o no? ¿En algunas líneas, podría usted explicar sus motivaciones a ser practicante en Limakids? ¿Desea hacer un comentario de nuestra labor o añadir otra cosa? Por favor, para acabar su candidatura, mándenos este cuestionario del practicante acompañado de su currículo a nuestro buzón internet cuyo email puede encontrar en la sección contactos de nuestro sitio web. - Donor Would you like to help support Limakids? Help us through a charitable donation. Because with each gesture, big or small, if we act to better the lives of children and adolescents in need will create a better future for us all. Please, fill out the form indicating the amount and type of funds you wish to donate. Donor Form (Continuar) (Página siguiente) Last name: First name: Address: Country: Telephone number: Email: We promise not to reveal your personal information to anyone. Banda donde ponemos la moneda: dolars, euros, pounds, nuevos soles. Banda donde ponemos cifras (pre-preparada por cada moneda lo que permite orientar la donación!): Total Amount: I promise to donate this amount to the Limakids program for use in activities for the betterment of at risk children and teens. □ (Cliquear en al cuadro) (Continuar) (Página siguiente) Secure Payment Name : …… Donation amount : …… Beneficiary : Limakids Pay with : Name of card : Card number : Expiration date : / 200701 Security code on card : ……… - Businesses Would you like your company to help support Limakids? If you would like to make a donation to Limakids through your business, with monetary or material assistance or through help with a specific project, please contact us at: Whatever your idea or project is, don’t hesitate to contact us explaining your idea. We are always interested in new projects to help Limakids improve in our mission to help kids in need. - Other Help Would you like to support Limakids outside of volunteering and donating? Whatever your idea or project is, don’t hesitate to contact us explaining your idea. We are always interested in new projects to help Limakids improve in our mission to help kids in need. You can get a hold of us here: Nota: Sería importante hacer firmar, a cada persona que se involucra en Limakids, un contrato indicando no sólo el trabajo que debe realizar sino también las reglas que debe seguir (¡como el compromiso con los niños!) y también que juró que no tuvo antecedentes de problemas trabajando con niños (violencia, pedofilia,…); eso cuando lo aceptamos en Limakids, enviándole un email positivo. Eso permitirá: - Involucrarlos aun más en Limakids - Asegurarnos que sean “buenas” personas y bajar la responsabilidad que tenemos “contratándoles”. - Enseñarles las reglas que hay que respetar en nuestra organización. - Delimitar sus trabajos para que no desborde en el trabajo de otra persona. 7. Contacts Here is our contact information. Feel free to get a hold of us and ask questions, we love to share what we have learned. Mail: Programa Limakids de la Asociación Benéfica PRISMA Calle Carlos Gonzales 251 Urb. Maranga – San Miguel Lima, Peru Postal code 170070 Email: Telephone: (00511) 4640221 Fax : (00511) 464 0781 8. Fórum Limakideños (Pagina de entrada del Fórum) Bienvenido al portal del “Fórum limekideños”. Este espacio está dirigido especialmente a los trabajadores, voluntarios y practicantes de Limakids. Introduce tus datos para entrar y así participar a la “vida” de nuestra organización. Nombre: Contraseña: (Adentro del Fórum) ¡Hola Limekideños! ¡Aquí es nuestro espacio! En efecto, este lugar esta hecho para facilitar la “vida” de Limakids que sea laboral, festiva, cultural o cual sea… Tienen a su disposición una zona informativa sobre las noticias importantes de nuestra estructura, y dos otras aéreas, una dedicada a un “Fórum laboral”, otra a un “Fórum festivo y salidas” . La idea es que utilizan al máximo los “Fórums” para que todos seamos informados de todo, y así maximizar nuestro trabajo y el buen ambiente de Limakids. Ahora, sabe como actuar. ¡Infórmate y deja tus mensajes! - Informaciones importantes Fórum laboral Fórum festivo y salidas Nota: Dejo al responsable de la realización de la página internet, la selección de la estructura de cada “Fórum” y de la parte “Informaciones importantes". Además este espacio necesitará ser actualizado por cada información importante nueva y necesitará ser “controlado” para los directivos de Limakids, para averiguar que no haya abusos. También un código tendrá que ser entregado a cada nuevo entrante, y borrado cuando ya no pertenecerá nuestra organización. Pues de hecho una base de datos son todos los nombres, fechas de entrada,… tendrá que ser creada.