OSU Summer School Treasure Hunt 2014 KRAKOW

The Ohio State Summer School
in Social Sciences
Krakow Treasure Hunt
prepared by
Joshua Kjerulf Dubrow
Małgorzata Mikucka
Collect golden
and silver
coins by visiting places and searching for
information. Fill in your answers …………. or tick the [ ] to mark accomplishing the task.
Treasure Hunter, please write your name here:
What is the name of the river that runs through Krakow?
Krakow is home to some great universities. Name one.
Krakow’s Old Town is a UNESCO heritage site. What does the acronym,
UNESCO, stand for?
In Krakow, what is the Rynek Główny?
At times, in the window of a tall building in the Market Square of Old Town, a
man plays a bugle. What is name of the building in which he plays his bugle, and what is
the name of his tune?
Around the Old Town there is a ring of parks build in the location of former city
walls. In the XIX century the walls were in poor condition and were demolished
to create a green area for the residents. What is the name of this park?
Have the city walls in Warsaw been also demolished, or are they preserved?
Where are they?
Visit Wawel Hill, home to many historical buildings. Describe the main entrance
to Wawel Hill, including the people who are there.
In the Wawel Hill complex, there is a statue of a religious figure important to
Poland. Who is he?
Who is Smok Wawelski?
Visit the home of Smok Wawelski. What did you see there?
[ ] Visit Oskar Schindler museum, an historical museum about Krakow during
World War Two. Bring back a free pamphlet from this museum.
After visiting this museum, describe an exhibit that you reacted to in a strong
Visit Kościół Mariacki. Pay attention to the colorful paintings on the ceiling and
the walls. Although the church is medieval, these paintings have been created in the 19th
century. What pattern covers the ceiling of the church?
Pay attention to the altar in the church. The scene shows assumption into
Heaven of Holy Mary. This is an original altar from the Middle Ages. From which
material has it been made?
[ ] Next to the entrance to the church there are metal rings attached to the wall,
where in the old times the criminals where put to public view. Try to find them!
Kazimierz is a famous historical district in Krakow. What ethnic group used to
be its main inhabitants?
What colors are the trams in Krakow?
[ ] A characteristic bread of Kraków is „bajgiel“ (plural: „bajgle“), a ring-shaped
bun covered with salt, poppy seeds or sesame. It is sold from small stands all over the
city. Try one of these. (Watch out, those with salt are very salty!)
[ ] Take a boat tour of Krakow.
Some historically significant Poles are buried in nthe cathedral of Wawel Hill.
Name two who were most recently buried there.
1) ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………
2) ………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………
[ ] Visit the Kościoł świętego Franciszka (pl. Wszystkich Świętych 5). Its walls
are covered with 19th century paintings in the style of art nouveau. Also the stained
glasses come from this period. Describe shortly one of the glasses or paintings that you
particularly liked.
Time to add up your treasures!
How many
How many