o September 12 – October 2, 2013 Science Matters Network in Michigan eBlast http://msta-mich.org/smn In this E-Blast 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Leadership The Science Matters Network in Michigan a. Another FREE Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Study of Geologic Processes on Earth b. Michigan Science Matters Teacher and Her Students Win International Research Competition Michigan Department of Education a. California Adopts NGSS with Unanimous Vote b. Green Ribbon Schools Announcement Information for Students (and Parents too!) a. Registration Now Open for the 2013-2014 eCYBERMISSION Competition b. Fostering Interest in Scientific Study c. MDCH Explore Lab Science Program Launches Free Virtual Science Fair d. National Geographics Great Nature Project e. Upcoming Deadlines Grants and Opportunities for K-12 Teachers a. Free Airline Tickets to an NSTA Fall 2013 Fall Conference: Apply to Win by Friday b. Pollinate Peace in the World c. Target Field Trip Grants d. Pilot 6th – 10th Grade Health Units and Earn a $200 Stipend e. Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grant f. Complete Calendar of Grants from NSTA g. Need MS and HS Teachers to Partner on NGSS and Climate Change Curricular Units h. Kids in Need Teacher Grants Help Teachers Realize Their Dreams i. Upcoming Deadlines Information for K-12 Teachers a. Educators’ Night at the Museum – MSU Museum b. Homemade Glue from the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum c. MSELA Fall Meeting – Detroit Dirt d. Report Findings from the Field – Wildlife Migration and Seasonal Change e. Project WILD, Aquatic WILD, Flying WILD, and a RHINO Encounter f. 3rd Annual Fall into Phenology Campaign g. Metric Practice App h. MAEOE and MESTA Conference to be Held on Belle Isle October 4 – 6 i. Upcoming Deadlines Ideas from the Twitterverse Information for High School Teachers a. Think Like Scientists and Mathematicians b. Attend the Genetic Update Conference at GVSU with Dr. Sam Rhine c. What do Physicists Do? d. Educational Gaming in Physics e. Upcoming Deadline Information for Middle School and High School Teachers a. Join the Global Sun Temperature Project b. Manipulate Molecules Information for Middle School Science Teachers a. Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry Information for Elementary and Middle School Science Teachers a. Water Cycle for Kids – New Interactive Diagram b. Project WET Launches FREE Flipped Classroom Lesson for Grades 3 – 6 Information for Elementary School Science Teachers a. See the World Through a Scientist’s Eyes Science Humor – Jokes Fount on Twitter August Contest Winners September Contest – Win a $10 Panera Gift Card David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Here are your science education resources and announcements for September 12 – October 2, 2013 provided by the Michigan Science Matters Network. Please forward this eBlast on to other science educators in your school/district. If you have questions or comments, please forward them to: David Bydlowski Michigan Coordinator—Science Matters Network bydlowd@resa.net http://bap.nsta.org http://www.msta-mich.org/smn or Sue Campbell MSTA Representative sue@ucia2.com http://www.msta-mich.org Please Note: If you do not receive the full e-blast you can view it at: http://msta-mich.org/smn or request a Word/pdf version by emailing: bydlowd@resa.net ----------------------------------------------------------------1. Leadership “Sit or Stand. Just don’t wobble.” Zen Thank you to Herm Boatin, Science consultant and lecturer, University of Michigan-Dearborn, for contributing this leadership quote. ----------------------------------------------------------------The Science Matters Network In Michigan ----------------------------------------------------------------2a. Another Free Gift for You in the NSTA Learning Center – Study of Geologic Processes on Earth I hope you will enjoy this free gift that you can access in the NSTA Learning Center. The gift is a set of resources on the topic of “Geologic Processes on Earth.” To access just visit: http://learningcenter.nsta.org/share.aspx?id=5MyYmBMbjr This collection includes: A World of Change Blue Marble Matches Earth’s Changing Surface Find Impact Craters The Earth in Space Spheres of Earth Why We Explore If you have not joined the NSTA Learning Center yet, you can have an invitation to join sent directly to you, just send an email to: bydlowd@resa.net and an invitation will be sent directly to you. ----------------------------------------------------------------2b. Michigan Science Matters Teacher and Her Students Win International Research Competition Congratulations to the 80 students who took part in the 2nd Annual Student Research Exhibition, August 12 – 16, at the GLOBE Annual Partner Meeting and to many more who participated virtually. Their energy and enthusiasm for benefiting their communities through research about the environment was an inspiration to all. There were 27 David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn posters from five countries and six virtual presentations from seven countries. All GLOBE regions were represented. Three prizes were distributed as part of this competition: First prize went to students from Dearborn Heights, Michigan, USA, for their project,“Correlations between vernal pool phenology and a breeding population of Bufo americanus in Dearborn Heights, Michigan.” Diana Johns, Science Matters Network Member and Teacher at Crestwood HS, is the mentor for these students. Second prize went to students from Thailand for their project “Measured concentration of nitrate in water from the bulb of Wetland plant Nepenthes in Bung Khong Long, Thailand.” Third prize, to students from Croatia for their project “Water quality and the revitalization potential of Mrtvi Kanal Channel.” For information about the student projects, scoring and a summary of regional participation, visit the 2nd Annual Student Research Exhibition webpage at: http://www.globe.gov/events/meetings-and-symposia/student-research-exhibition/2nd-student-research-exhibition ----------------------------------------------------------------Michigan Department of Education ----------------------------------------------------------------3a. California Adopts NGSS with Unanimous Vote On September 4, California became the 6th state to adopt the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) after a unanimous vote by the State Board of Education. A timeline and plan for implementation will be decided in the coming months. According to Tom Torlakson, state superintendent of public instruction, "the adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards in California marks a crucial step in making sure our students are prepared to succeed after they leave our classrooms." Other states that have adopted the NGSS include Rhode Island, Kentucky, Kansas, Maryland, and Vermont. ----------------------------------------------------------------3b. Green Ribbon Schools Announcement The Green Ribbon Schools program was launched in 2012 by the U.S. Department of Education to recognize schools that save energy and reduce operating costs, create environmentally friendly learning spaces, promote student health, and provide environmental education to incorporate sustainability into the curriculum. Michigan Department of Education will participate again this year in the initiative. In 2011-2012, three Michigan schools received recognition awards: Clarkston High School, Detroit Edison Public School Academy, and Springfield Plains Elementary (Clarkston Public Schools). For 2013-2014 application materials, resources, and more, visit: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_2629-271090--,00.html A webinar for interested applicants will take place October 11, 2013 at 3:00 p.m. It will be an opportunity to ask questions and seek clarifications in the requirements in the application. If you are interested in participating in the webinar, please email Janice Ambs at ambsj@michigan.gov. If you have any questions, please contact Patty Cantú, Director, Office of Career and Technical Education at cantup@michigan.gov or (517) 335-5224. ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Students (and Parents too!) -------------------------------------------------------4a. Registration Now Open for the 2013-2014 eCYBERMISSION Competition Science teachers and the U.S. Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) are on a mission to increase student interest in STEM education through the eCYBERMISSION program. Administered by NSTA, eCYBERMISSION is an online learning competition aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards for students in grades six through nine. The competition challenges students to think about real-world applications of STEM by working in teams to identify a problem in their community and using scientific practices or the engineering design process to David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn find a solution. Students can win on a state, regional, and national level, with national winning teams receiving up to $8,000 in U.S. EE Savings Bonds, valued at maturity. Register today and mentor America's next generation of STEM leaders! Students registered by November 1st will receive a FREE STEM Research Kit. All registered teachers will receive an eCYBERMISSION Starter Kit, which includes lessons, resources and tools available to introduce the competition in the classroom. For more information, visit: www.ecybermission.com or contact eCYBERMISSION Mission Control at 1-866-GO-CYBER (462-9237) or via email at missioncontrol@ecybermission.com. -------------------------------------------------------4b. Fostering Interest in Scientific Study The Siemens Foundation, in partnership with the College Board, has established the Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology. The competition seeks to promote excellence by encouraging students to undertake individual or team research projects. It fosters intensive research that improves students’ understanding of the value of scientific study and informs their consideration of future careers in these disciplines. Students enrolled in high school (grades 9–12) during the 2013–2014 school year are eligible to apply. Students can compete as individuals or as members of a team. Individual projects promote independent research; team projects foster collaborative research efforts as well as individual contributions to the cooperative endeavor. Students should be prepared to participate in all aspects of the competition, including attendance at the regional and national levels of the competition if selected as a finalist. Scholarships for winning projects range from $1,000 to $100,000. Deadlines: September 30, 2013: receipt of competition materials; October 12, 2013: announcement of semifinalists and finalists; November 1–16, 2013: three consecutive regional competitions; December 6–10, 2013: national competition. For more information, please visit: http://siemens.collegeboard.org -------------------------------------------------------4c. MDCH Explore Lab Science Program Launches Free Virtual Science Fair The Explore Lab Science Program within the Michigan Department of Community Health (MDCH) Bureau of Laboratories (BOL) is hosting a free virtual science fair, open to all elementary, middle, and high school students throughout Michigan. Students across the state are asked to explore a science topic, record a video and submit it to the Explore Lab Science Program. Experiments, research studies, demonstrations, and models are all acceptable project formats. While there is no cost to participate, registration is required at http://fall2013fair.questionpro.com The virtual science fair is open September 4, and all submissions are required by October 4, 2013. Winners will be announced on October 18, 2013 on the Explore Lab Science website. To register online and for full details and rules about the MDCH Explore Lab Science Program's 2013 virtual science fair, visit www.michigan.gov/explorelabscience. -------------------------------------------------------4d. National Geographic’s Great Nature Project National Geographic's Great Nature Project is a worldwide celebration of the planet and its wonders. People of all ages are invited to appreciate nature by taking pictures of plants and animals in their worlds, and then share those pictures with the whole world. You can contribute to the Great Nature Project by contributing your photos of plants to the Project BudBurst Flickr page in September. Please visit: http://www.greatnatureproject.org/participate/group/projectbudburst/?utm_source=September+2013&utm_campaign=September+2013&utm_medium=email ----------------------------------------------------------------4e. Upcoming Deadlines September 30, 2013: Deadline for Competition Materials for the Siemans Competition in Math, Science and Technology. Please visit: http://siemens.collegeboard.org David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn October 4, 2013: Deadline to submit a project for the Virtual Science Fair. Please visit: http://fall2013fair.questionpro.com October 31, 2013: Deadline for MS and HS Students to apply for the Cogito Research Award. Please visit: https://cogito.cty.jhu.edu/39168/cty-cogito-research-awards/ November 1, 2013: Deadline to enter the “Get to Know” Contest. Please visit: http://www.get-to-know.org November 15, 2013: Deadline for students in grades 3 – 8 to enter America’s Home Energy Education Challenge. Please visit: http://homeenergychallenge.org January 15, 2014: Deadline for teams to register for the eCYBERMISSION Competition for 6 th-9th graders. Please visit: http://www.ecybermission.com March 14, 2014: Deadline for K-12 Students to enter the NASA Exploration Design Challenge. Please visit: http://www.nasa.gov/audience/foreducators/spacelife/explorationdesign/overview/index.html#.UdLvoBZU3dI ----------------------------------------------------------------Grants and Opportunities For K-12 Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------5a. Free Airline Tickets to an NSTA Fall 2013 Conference: Apply to Win by Friday Apply to win a round trip ticket on Southwest Airlines to one of NSTA’s fall area conferences: * Portland, Oregon: October 24–26 * Charlotte, North Carolina: November 7–9 * Denver, Colorado: December 12–14 To enter, write a 150-word essay on what science content, teaching strategy, technique, or topic you are most interested in learning about at the conference and why. Include your name, school, address, email, and phone number along with your essay—if you fail to submit any of this information your essay will be disqualified. E-mail your entry to swtravelscholarship@nsta.org. The deadline is 5:00 p.m. on September 13, 2013. Thirty round-trip airline tickets will be awarded. Winners will be notified September 20, 2013. Good luck! ----------------------------------------------------------------5b. Pollinate Peace in the World The Pollination Project, in partnership with the Institute for Humane Education, is offering up to 20 grants in fall 2013 for educators to create projects that support their students in making a positive difference in the world. The institute is seeking educators who are committed to bringing forward a just, peaceful and healthy world through projects that directly promote environmental stewardship, social justice, human rights or animal protection. Applications will be accepted from any educator, at any level (preschool through postgraduate), anywhere in the world, with priority given to educators working in traditionally underserved communities. The award includes $1,000 from the Pollination Project to launch or expand a social change project in your school; paid tuition in the Institute for Humane Education’s six-week online course “Teaching for a Positive Future” (CEUs available in most states); and peer support from likeminded educators. The deadline to apply is September 22, 2013. For more information, please visit: http://thepollinationproject.org/special-initiative-education/ ----------------------------------------------------------------5c. Target Field Trip Grants The Target Field Trip Grants program is an innovative initiative that funds field trips for students nationwide. More than 3,600 grants of up to $700 each will be awarded in January 2014. Grants are provided to applicants throughout David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn the United States. The grant funds are best used for visits to art, science and cultural museums, community service or civic projects, career enrichment opportunities and other events or activities away from the school facility. Funds may be used to cover field trip–related costs such as transportation, ticket fees, food, resource materials and supplies. Deadline: October 1, 2013 Please visit: https://targetfieldtripgrants.target.com/faq.php ----------------------------------------------------------------5d. Pilot 6th – 10th Grade Health Units and Earn a $200 Stipend NewPath Learning has just completed a series of Multimedia Lessons on the Human Body with a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and is looking for teachers who teach Life Science in Grades 6 - 10 to pilot test these lessons with at least 30 students and submit their results - anonymously, if preferred - for analysis. Each piloted lesson will include four parts: * Short pre-test to determine what your students know about the topic (20 questions) * Engaging animated lessons on the topic * An interactive lab related to the topic * Short post-test to determine what your students learned about the topic (20 questions) Each lesson will require approximately 90 minutes for students to complete and can be completed over two sessions, if necessary. You may select one or more of the following lessons: * Nervous System-a lesson from our complete Multimedia Lesson - Systems of the Human Body I - Moving and Controlling the Body * Blood and Blood Typing-a lesson from our complete Multimedia Lesson - Systems of the Human Body II Providing Fuel and Protection * Disease and Immunity -a lesson from our complete Multimedia Lesson - Systems of the Human Body III Maintaining Life - Protection, Reproduction & Cooperation Pilot teachers who complete the pilot testing will be given a $200.00 Stipend, as well as FREE one-year subscription to NewPath's Online Learning Program - a $199.95 Value. Information on NewPath's Online Learning Program If you are interested in being a NewPath Learning Pilot Test Teacher, please complete the application at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P8R9FVT The deadline for applications is September 20, 2013. Teachers selected for pilot testing will be notified by no later than October 1, 2013. ----------------------------------------------------------------5e. Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grant The Michigan Water Environment Association (MWEA) is pleased to announce the "Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grant” for this year. The MWEA partners with the Michigan Science Teachers Association to identify those teachers who have a great program and are in need of financial assistance to execute a project within a curriculum focused on water environment issues. Grant applications and more information about the grant, is available in the current Summer issue of the MSTA newsletter. It can be found at: http://www.msta-mich.org/images/pdfs/newsletter/MSTA%20Summer%202013%20FINAL.pdf There is a October 31, 2013 submission deadline. ----------------------------------------------------------------5f. Complete Calendar of Grants from NSTA Would you like a complete list of grants that has been provided by the National Science Teachers Association? NSTA has put these grant and their deadlines in an easy to follow calendar. It includes: deadline date, description, category, and grade level. To view this list, please visit: http://www.nsta.org/publications/calendar/ David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn -------------------------------------------------------5g. Need MS and HS Teachers to Partner on NGSS and Climate Change Curricular Units Thanks to their funding from the National Science Foundation, the Center for Essential Science at the University of Michigan, is seeking middle and high school teachers for the 2013-2014 academic year who might be willing to implement part or all of their middle school and high school climate change curricular units during this academic year. The units were developed over the past three years to specifically foster the kind of science knowledge that is emphasized in the Next Generation Science Standards (e.g., knowledge that uses science practices to deepen students' understandings of disciplinary core ideas about climate change). Participating teachers would receive: a. Online and face-to-face professional development support as needed and desired, b. All of the materials and supplies needed to implement the units, including infrared thermometers and other laboratory materials, all written and online resources, and pre and post-tests, c. $500. compensation for full participation in either a middle school or high school module implementation, and d. A graduate student support person who would visit (if local) or provide classroom support once a week or more (as needed) to help with any questions or logistics. Interested individuals should do any of the following: 1. Sign up for our Online Webinar to be held Thursday, October 3rd, from 6-8 pm eastern that provides an interactive overview of the curricular units here: sign up 2. Send email inquiries or questions to essentialscience@umich.edu 3. Visit our project webpage for more information: www.essentialscience.umich.edu -------------------------------------------------------5h. Kids in Need Teacher Grants Help Teachers Realize Their Dreams Kids In Need Teacher Grants provide K-12 educators with funding to provide innovative learning opportunities for their students. The Kids In Need Foundation helps to engage students in the learning process by supporting our most creative and important educational resource — our nation's teachers. 2013 Teacher Grant applications are now available! Apply now at: http://www.kinf.org/grants/index.php The deadline to apply is September 30, 2013. ---------------------------------------------------5i. Upcoming Deadlines Would you like a complete list of grants that has been provided by the National Science Teachers Association? NSTA has put these grant and their deadlines in an easy to follow calendar. It includes: deadline date, description, category, and grade level. To view this list, please visit: http://www.nsta.org/publications/calendar/ September 13, 2013: Deadline to apply for free airlines tickets to a NSTA Fall Conference. E-mail your entry to: swtravelscholarship@nsta.org September 15, 2013: Deadline to apply for the NWF Trees for Wildlife Program. Please visit: www.nwf.org/treebank September 20, 2013: Deadline to apply to be a Pilot Teacher for the Health Multimedia Lessons. To apply, please visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/P8R9FVT September 22, 2013: Deadline to apply for a Pollination Project Grant to Pollinate Peace in the world. Please visit: http://thepollinationproject.org/special-initiative-education/ September 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the $100 Green Thumb Challenge Grants. Please visit: http://www.greeneducationfoundation.org/greenthumbchallengesub/green-thumb-challenge-winners September 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Kids in Need Teacher Grants. Please visit: David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn http://www.kinf.org/grants/index.php September 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for a Captain Planet Foundation Grant. Please visit: http://captainplanetfoundation.org/apply-for-grants/#sthash.4aYoRoru.dpuf October 1, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Target Field Trip Grants. Please visit: https://targetfieldtripgrants.target.com/faq.php October 1, 2013: Deadline for K-5 Teachers to apply for the Toshiba America Foundation Grants. Please visit: http://www.toshiba.com/taf/k5.jsp October 15, 2013: Deadline to register for the Recycle Bowl. Please visit: http://recycle-bowl.org/overview/ October 15, 2013: Deadline to apply for a Seeds for Education Grant. Please visit: http://www.wildones.org/seeds-for-education/sfe/ October 31, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Dan Wolz Clean Water Education Grant. Please visit: http://www.msta-mich.org/images/pdfs/newsletter/MSTA%20Summer%202013%20FINAL.pdf October 31, 2013: Build – A – Bear Foundation Grant. Please visit: http://www.buildabear.com/shopping/contents/content.jsp?catId=400002&id=700012 November 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the DuPont Pioneer Excellence in Agricultural Science Education Award. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx#dupont November 30, 2013: Deadline to apply for the Robert E. Yager Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award. Please visit: http://www.nsta.org/about/awards.aspx#yager January 31, 2014: Deadline to apply for a Captain Planet Foundation Grant. Please visit: http://captainplanetfoundation.org/apply-for-grants/#sthash.4aYoRoru.dpuf ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for K-12 Science Teachers -------------------------------------------------------6a. Educators’ Night at the Museum – MSU Museum A special event for K-12 educators to [re]connect with the MSU Museum and their new education resources! Thursday, Sept. 26, 2013 from 6:30pm - 9:00pm The MSU Museum, 409 W. Circle Drive, East Lansing, Mich. 48824 The MSU Museum can … Give your students a unique learning experience Increase your content knowledge Come to your classroom Connect you to worldwide databases Mini- Sessions Current classroom teachers will team up with Museum staff and curators to share ideas on how to create meaningful Museum experiences for your students using the exhibits, specimens and artifacts. Choose two 20-minute sessions from topics including zoology, paleontology/geology, language arts, and social studies. Presenters will provide strategies for both elementary and secondary levels. Resource Fair Stations Getting the most out of school field trips Virtual Outreach Programs – the Museum comes to you David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Education kits – enhance existing curricula Digital instructional materials and databases just a click away Story Telling station Arts integrated K-12 lessons Tour Guide mobile app for creating your own tours And much more……. Vertebrate Collections Tours Go behind the scenes with their vertebrate collections staff and experience the wonder of a major research and teaching specimen collection. Snacks and desserts will be provided. Several fabulous door prizes will be awarded, including transportation for a class fieldtrip to the Museum and a free Virtual Outreach Program. Reserve your spot; pre-register via: http://museum.msu.edu then click the Education tab. More information: (517) 432-1472 Free parking on campus after 6:00 pm. Suggested parking area: Grand River Ramp (Ramp #6) just north of the Museum. -------------------------------------------------------6b. Homemade Glue from the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum Hands-On Activity of the Month from the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum Homemade Glue! This fun project is a great exploration of basic chemistry and a fun way to practice measuring skills. Materials: 1 cup flour 1/3 cup sugar 1 ½ cup water 1 teaspoon vinegar Procedure: 1. Combine flour and sugar in a medium saucepan. 2. Slowly add water and vinegar while stirring. 3. Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly, until thick. This will take approximately 5 minutes. 4. Let cool. Glue will last a few days at room temperature, refrigerate to extend shelf life. For extra fun, add food coloring, glitter, or scented oils. For more information on the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum, please visit: http://aahom.org -------------------------------------------------------6c. MSELA Fall Meeting – Detroit Dirt Join the Michigan Science Education Leadership Association for their Fall Meeting on October 5, 2013. The first part of the program is about composting and the second part is lunch at Slow’s Bar-B-Q. The presentation will be on sustainability including a hands-on, outside adventure, so dress accordingly. Detroit Dirt’s mission is to combat environmental deterioration by learning, educating, leading and serving the public through programs and services on sustainable land utilization, ecosystem remediation, renewable energy practice and improved waste management. This Saturday event is free, but you pay for your own lunch. For full information, please visit: http://www.mselanow.webs.com David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn -------------------------------------------------------6d. Report Findings from the Field – Wildlife Migration and Seasonal Change Journey North engages students in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. K–12 students share their own field observations with classmates across North America. The free Journey North app for iOS and Android devices allows teachers and students to record and submit their observations while they are in the field. The app also connects to the website where you’ll find migration maps, pictures, standards-based lesson plans, activities and information to help students make local observations and fit them into a global context. Widely considered a best-practices model for education, Journey North is the nation’s premiere “citizen science” project for youth. -------------------------------------------------------6e. Project WILD, Aquatic WILD, Flying WILD and a RHINO Encounter 3 Certifications in 1 Workshop! Join in for a Project WILD, Aquatic WILD and Flying WILD Educator Workshop with a RHINO Encounter on Saturday, September 21, 2013 From 9 am – 4pm Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, MI. This workshop is for teachers and non-formal educators interested in learning how to get their students and program participants involved in interdisciplinary conservation and environmental education emphasizing wildlife. Hands-on, engaging, inquiry-based activities will be covered, with discussion on how to meet your GLCEs. Reservations: Reservations can be made by emailing Natalie Elkins at: elkinsn@michigan.gov with your name and organization/grade level taught. Registration Fee: $70 Registration Deadline: Sept. 19, 2013 This workshop is jointly sponsored by the Michigan Department of Natural Resources and Environment, MAEOE and the Potter Park Zoo. -------------------------------------------------------6f. 3rd Annual Fall into Phenology Campaign Mark your calendars for the 3rd annual Fall into Phenology campaign from September 1st to October 31st. Make observations of what plants are doing in your neighborhood, schoolyard, or nearby park! Educators, Fall into Phenology is a great way to introduce your participants of all ages to the wonder of making phenological observations. Become part of the Fall into Phenology community. Please visit: http://budburst.org/fall/?utm_source=September+2013&utm_campaign=September+2013&utm_medium=email -------------------------------------------------------6g. Metric Practice App How many centimeters are in 3.6 kilometers? Your students need this updated version of one of Carolina’s most useful apps. The Metric Practice app helps hone skills for converting between metric prefixes using S.I. units. It provides helpful practice in converting between metric prefixes at different skill levels. Select either units, value, or both to determine the equivalent for a given value and unit. Designed for both the iPhone® and iPad®, the Metric Practice app is available in the iTunes® store in either a full or Lite (free) version. Check it out today! -------------------------------------------------------6h. MAEOE and MESTA Conference to Be Held on Belle Isle October 4 - 6 An intriguing array of workshops, have been scheduled for the MAEOE and MESTA Conference. Included are presentations by folks from the Geology Departments at Wayne State University, Michigan State, and Grand Valley State University. You can learn about the new NASA MAVEN mission and teaching activities to complement that expedition. You can find out a simple way for your students to collect and study micrometeorites at school. . . and find out the latest about fracking (hydraulic fracturing) in Michigan. Sessions will address groundwater, rock strata interpretation, and economic geology. Get outside on a walking tour of buildings and monuments of Belle Isle while David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn learning how to create a similar lesson with buildings around your school. Or experience the “Walk Through Time” lesson developed by some MESTA leaders. Find out about the growing “college credit by exam” opportunity, more astronomy lessons, and the new information about national leading pre-college seismology project, MiQuakes, and more. Registration will be handled through links on the MAEOE web site: http://www.maeoe.com The MESTA web site will also start posting information about the conference, soon. ----------------------------------------------------------------6i. Upcoming Deadlines September 19, 2013: Deadline to register for the Project WILD, Aquatic WILD, and Flying WILD workshop at the Potter Park Zoo in Lansing, MI. To register, please email: elkinsn@michigan.gov October 1, 2013: Deadline to apply to present at the MACUL Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. Please visit: http://www.macul.org October 4 – 5, 2013: MESTA/MAEOE Annual Conference on Belle Isle in Detroit, MI. Please visit: http://www.mestarocks.org/cms/content/conferences/mesta or visit: http://www.maeoe.com/2013_Conference.html October 5, 2013: MSELA Fall Meeting at Slow’s Barbeque, in Detroit. Please visit: http://www.mselanow.webs.com October 13 – 19, 2013: Earth Science Week. Please visit: http://www.earthsciweek.org October 21 – 25, 2013: Nuclear Science Week. Please visit: http://www.nuclearscienceweek.org November 15, 2013: America Recycles Day. Please visit: http://americarecyclesday.org November 16, 2013: MDSTA/DACTM Fall Conference at Woodhaven HS in Woodhaven, MI. Please visit: http://mdsta.org January 10, 2014: Deadline to apply to become a State Green Ribbon School. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/mde/0,4615,7-140-6530_2629-271090--,00.html March 6 – 8, 2014: MSTA Annual Conference in Lansing, MI. Please visit: http://msta-mich.org March 12 - 14, 2014: MACUL Conference in Grand Rapids, MI. Please visit: http://macul.org April 3 – 6, 2014: NSTA National Conference in Boston, MA. Please visit: http://nsta.org ----------------------------------------------------------------Twitterverse ----------------------------------------------------------------7a. Ideas from the Twitterverse GlobalClimateTreaty @ClimateTreaty Naomi Klein: Green groups may be more damaging than climate change deniers - Salon bit.ly/17Sz9vQ - #ClimateChange David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Diana R. Johns @drjohns4msu FDA Receives 89 Reports Of Illness From Yogurt huff.to/1fVdPVx via @HuffPostBiz Clarence Fisher @glassbeed A database of 3D fossil models that you can download and print in your classroom! http://zite.to/1dyETOG Jeff Alexander @JeffAlexander84 Experts say #GreatLakes restoration must be science based, not "random acts of conservation." #GLRI Louisiana Sea Grant @LASeaGrant Learn how deltas are formed in LSG's latest video - "How a Delta is Formed" fb.me/16oKGwJIk NatSciTeachAssoc @NSTA RT @cbeyerle: Augmented Reality in the Science Classroom zite.to/14H6TGv #scied #EdTech Andy Henry @ICCARS_AndyH Hey teachers! This is happening this month! Here is a chance to ask real climate scientists about climate change.... nasa.gov/content/goddar… Jerry Blumengarten @cybraryman1 @pammoran: My #STEMx page: http://www.cybraryman.com/stem.html #acps ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for High School Science Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------8a. Think Like Scientists and Mathematicians A group of researchers in MIT’s Education Arcade are trying to harness the power of Massive Open Online Games (MOOGs) to teach high school students to think like scientists and mathematicians. Their education game The Radix Endeavor capitalizes on the interactions students can have as a way to build their knowledge and skills. Radix, as it’s known, is aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards for biology, focusing on topics such as genetics, evolution, ecology and human body systems. In math, the game is aligned to the Common Core and focuses in particular on algebra, probability and statistics, as well as geometry. Radix can be used as assessments or tools for teachers to monitor progress over time. The game captures every detail of how a student plays—for example, how long the student takes to complete a challenge, what order the student chooses to do things and what tools he or she uses. All of these data points can provide valuable insight to a teacher assessing whether a student understands a concept. Please visit: http://education.mit.edu/projects/radix-endeavor ----------------------------------------------------------------8b. Attend the Genetic Update Conference at GVSU with Dr. Sam Rhine On Monday, November 11, 2013, the Regional Math and Science Center at GVSU will host the Genetic Update Conference featuring the internationally known lecturer, Dr. Sam Rhine. Dr. Rhine is a physician who graduated from the Harvard Medical School and Indiana University’s School of Medicine. For the past 30 plus years, he has devoted himself to genetics education, developing student programs for high school Biology, AP Biology, and other life science courses. His one-day conferences are designed to teach the latest in genetics advances and active research areas. Date: Monday, November 11, 2013 Time: Registration: 8:30 a.m., Program: 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Location: Grand River Room, Kirkhof Center, GVSU Allendale campus. This Genetic Update Conference for area high school biology students and their teachers. The cost is $20 per person. To pre-register and more information go to: www.samrhine.com Every school must pre-register on line to attend the conference. Every school that pre-registers will receive an updated set of notes the week before the conference. Plus, only those who are pre-registered can receive information about site parking, time changes, weather delays or postponements. ----------------------------------------------------------------David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn 8c. What do Physicists Do? Are you a high school physics teacher? Do your students ever ask… -What do physicists do? -What does this have to do with the “real world”? -Has anything new been discovered in physics since Einstein? If yes, register today for the fall session of Adopt-a-Physicist -- a free program for high school physics classes hosted by the physics honor society Sigma Pi Sigma. Adopt-a-Physicist virtually connects high school physics students to real physics graduates who are eager to share their stories. For details, see: www.adoptaphysicist.org ----------------------------------------------------------------8d. Educational Gaming in Physics The Educational Gaming Environments group (EdGE) at TERC invites high school physics teachers to participate in a nationwide study, funded by the National Science Foundation, to measure how free-choice games can support STEM learning. During the 2013-2014 school year, they will be conducting a research study to test their hypothesis that the games and bridge activities they have developed will lead to improved knowledge of high school standardsbased science content and skills among a diverse teen audience. Participating teachers will receive a cash stipend and be eligible to win fun game-related prizes for their classrooms and students. You'll also come away with a warm fuzzy feeling, knowing that you and your students have contributed to ground-breaking research around games and science education. Please visit: https://surveys.terc.edu/NoviSurvey/TakeSurveyPage.aspx?s=66410707727144059afe2aaae1b8cb40&tsid=fcbcee90 d7fb4bf9ae502c2edbed437c&c=en-US ----------------------------------------------------------------8e. Upcoming Deadline October 23 – 24, 2013: 2013 GreenUp Michigan Green Chemistry and Engineering Conference at the Eberhard Center, Grand Valley State University in Grand Rapids, MI. Please visit: http://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3308_3333-274602--,00.html November 11, 2013: Genetic Update Conference Update Conference at GVSU in Allendale, MI. Please visit: http://www.samrhine.com ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School and High School Science Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------9a. Join the Global Sun Temperature Project The Global Sun Temperature Project is an internet-based multidisciplinary project in which students determine how their proximity to the equator affects daily temperature and sunlight. Your participation, partnered with schools from around the globe, will provide your students with a unique and compelling learning experience. Students, in large numbers, and across great distances, record and submit data to the project website. Afterwards, the data can be analyzed by all participants. During the project, students can discuss their theories and findings with other participating schools. This truly is a collaborative project. Join today! Project Title: The Global Sun Temperature Project Dates: September 23 to November 8, 2013 Purpose: How does your proximity to the equator affect daily temperature and sunlight? Subjects: Physical Science, Mathematics Grade Levels: 5-12 Number of Participants: Unlimited Registration: Registration is now open. There is no fee for this project. Website: www.ciese.org/curriculum/tempproj -------------------------------------------------------9b. Manipulate Molecules David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Molecules, a free app for the iPad and iPhone, lets students view three-dimensional renderings of molecules and manipulate them using their fingers. Students can rotate the molecules by moving their finger across the display, zoom in or out by using two-finger pinch gestures or pan the molecule by moving two fingers across the screen at once. Students can view the structures in both ball-and-stick and space-filling visualization modes. They can also download new molecules from either the Research Collaboratory for Structural Bioinformatics’ (RCSB) Protein Data Bank, an international repository of biological molecules and their 3-D structures, or the National Center for Biotechnology Information’s (NCBI) PubChem, a public database of compounds. Students can download the molecules directly to their handheld device and store them for later viewing. They can also download custom molecular structures to the application via iTunes file sharing or through the use of custom URL formats. ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Middle School Science Teachers -------------------------------------------------------10a. Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry Doing Science: The Process of Scientific Inquiry helps students in grades 6–8 understand the basics of scientific inquiry. Lessons progress from what students already know about scientific inquiry, or think they know, toward a more complete and accurate perspective. Activities include distinguishing questions that can be tested by a scientific investigation from those that cannot and participating in a computer-based scientific investigation as members of a fictitious community health department. Please visit: http://science.education.nih.gov/supplements/nih6/Inquiry/default.htm ----------------------------------------------------------------Information for Elementary and Middle School Science Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------11a. Water Cycle for Kids – New Interactive Diagram There is a new tool that the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) has just released about the Water Cycle (for kids/students) that they hope can be useful as a teaching tool. It is their Interactive on-line version of the water cycle - with versions for three age levels. You view the water cycle diagram on the web and then hover your mouse over components to see popup information, pictures, and further links. The page is: http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycle-kids-adv.html ----------------------------------------------------------------11b. Project WET Launches FREE Flipped Classroom Lesson for Grades 3 - 6 "Flipping" a classroom is a concept that is gaining in popularity. It involves having students use technology to learn class content at home. Class time is used for what traditionally would be homework assignments. This allows teachers to spend more one-on-one time with students who are struggling. With this concept in mind, Project WET in conjunction with the Flipped Learning Network and in celebration of Flipped Classroom Day, September 6, created an entire flipped lesson based on Project WET's water cycle activity "The Incredible Journey." Interested educators can access the lesson for free from Project WET's website. To access this free lesson, please visit: http://www.projectwet.org/flipped-day/water-cycle ---------------------------------------------------------------Information for Elementary School Teachers ----------------------------------------------------------------12a. See the World Through a Scientist’s Eyes What’s under foot? What are things made of? Science projects that emphasize inquiry help students make sense of their world and build a solid foundation for future understanding. The Inquiry Project supports teachers in third to fifth grades as they guide students in hands-on investigations about matter. Students develop the habits of scientists as they make observations, offer predictions and gather evidence. Companion videos show how scientists use the same methods to explore the world. Teachers can connect the inquiry activities to longer-term projects, such as creating a classroom museum that showcases students’ investigations. Please visit: http://inquiryproject.terc.edu ----------------------------------------------------------------David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn Science Humor ----------------------------------------------------------------13. Jokes Found on Twitter What kind of fish performs surgery? A neurosturgeon. If someone waves their biology lab equipment around carelessly, are they said to have poor pipetiquette? My favorite jokes are chemistry jokes, but I am always scared they’ll get no reaction. A photon is going through airport security and gets chosen for a random inspection. The agent says “No bags, eh?” "Nope," says the photon, "I’m traveling light." Man, entropy ain’t what it used to be. ----------------------------------------------------------------14. August Contest Winners In August, we gave away three $10 Amazon gift cards. Here is a list of the winners: Janet Gilyard, Chandler Park Academy Middle School – Chandler Park School District Jill Teegardin, Holy Trinity Catholic School – Comstock Park There was also one other one other winner, but I misplaced the name. Sorry If you didn’t win, try again this month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters Network. ----------------------------------------------------------------15. September Contest – Win a $10 Panera Gift Card This month we have three great prizes to give away. The prizes are 3 - $10 Panera Gift Cards. To win one of these prizes, send an email to: David Bydlowski bydlowd@resa.net State Coordinator for the Michigan Science Matters Network You MUST INCLUDE your name AND mailing address AND your school name/district. You may only enter once and only one entry per email address. Respondents 1, 11, and 21 will receive a prize. We will post all of the winners in our next E-Blast. Good luck to you and thank you for being part of the Michigan Science Matters Network. If you don’t win, try again next month. Thanks to everyone for being part of the Michigan Science Matters Network. ----------------------------------------------------------------To subscribe to the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please visit: http://nsta.org/sciencematters Click on Teachers, and then click on Become a Point of Contact. To unsubscribe from the Science Matters Network in Michigan e-blast, please email David Bydlowski, Michigan Coordinator for the Science Matters Network, at bydlowd@resa.net. David Bydlowski, State Coordinator: bydlowd@resa.net -- msta-mich.org/smn