ECS chapter 2 exam study guide

Earth’s changing Surface Chapter 2 Exam Study Guide
Know all vocabulary section 1, 2,3.
What is weathering – how is weathering different from erosion and deposition
Know the difference between mechanical and chemical weathering
Know the agents ( causes) of mechanical weathering
Know the agents of chemical weathering – if mineral composition of a rock changes is
that due to chemical or mechanical weathering?
Know the steps in soil formation
Know the soil horizons including the O horizon – descriptions and location with
reference to bedrock and each other and the order of their formation.
A soil rich in humus = a soil rich in organic matter = a very fertile soil
Know what affects the rate of weathering – under what conditions will weathering of
rock take place the fastest.
Which rocks would weather faster – granite or limestone? ; granite or marble?
Who are the decomposers? What organisms aid in the decomposition of organic matter
and the formation of soil?
Why is soil a valuable resource?
What can cause loss of soil?
What can cause soil damage?
What practices can protect soil?
What does permeable mean with regards to rock?
What does the texture of soil determine? Is texture the same as saying particle size?
What is litter?
Why do plants grow poorly in soil that is mostly clay or sand?
How do living things depend on soil
How is soil damaged or lost?