(MGLP) Regional Assessment – Final GIS Data Layers Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership MGLP REGIONAL ASSESSMENT: GIS LAYERS (Final) Lyn Bergquist, MN DNR – 3/31/10 DRAFT ONLY – DATA PREP NOT YET COMPLETE *Format type: Grid (G): i-integer grid, f-floating point grid; xxM-cell size in meters; Shapefile (S) – points, lines or polys * Variable type: Code (C)- alpha or numeric, Number (N), Percentage (P) # 1 2 3 4 5 Calculate by Catchment % of each Land Use Type N P Variables Land Use types: Open Water, Developed, Forest, Agriculture, etc. Mean runoff inches/year % Impervious Gf-30M Gf-30M Gf-30M N C N Available Water Storage (AWC) Hydrologic Soil Group (Hygrp) Soil Permeability (Perm) Mean AWC (inches/inch) Mean HYGRP (1-4) Mean PERM (inches/hour) LITH_ MGLP8 Gi-1000M C % of each Lith type b Texture TEXTURE_MGLP8 Gi-1000M C c Topo Moisture Potential TMP_ MGLP8 Gi-30M C 7 Geology and Minerals GEOL_ MGLP8 Gi-30M C 8 Bedrock Depth BDEP_ MGLP8 Gi-30M C Lith types: Carbonate, Glacial Till, Hydric, etc. Texture types: Fine, Coarse, Other (reclassified Lith types) Moisture types: [1-4], wet to dry Geology types: Igneous, metamorphic, sedimentary, etc. Depth to bedrock types: [201-211], 0–1600 ft depth 9 Climate ANNPPT_MGLP8 ANNMIN_MGLP8 ANNMAX_MGLP8 JANMIN_MGLP8 JANMAX_MGLP8 JULMIN_MGLP8 JULMAX_MGLP8 Gf-100 Gf-100 Gf-100 Gf-100 Gf-100 Gf-100 Gf-100 N N N N N N N Annual sum precipitation in inches Mean annual minimum temp (degrees F) Mean annual maximum temp (degrees F) Mean January minimum temp (degrees F) Mean January maximum temp (degrees F) Mean July minimum temp (degrees F) Mean July maximum temp (degrees F) Mean annual sum ppt Mean mean annual min temp Mean mean annual max temp Mean mean January min temp Mean mean January max temp Mean mean July min temp Mean mean July max temp 6 Layer Category Land Use (2001) Land Use (1992) Run-off Imperviousness Soils Layer Name NLCD01_MGLP8 NLCD92_MGLP8 RUNOFF_ MGLP8 IMPV01_ MGLP8 Format Gi-30M Gi-30M Gf-500M Gi-30M Type* C a b c S_AWC_MGLP8 S_HYGRP_MGLP8 S_PERM_MGLP8 Surficial Geology a Lithology Page 1 of 3 Mean runoff inches/year Mean % impervious surface Sum % Lith types to get % of each Texture type % of each Moisture type or weighted mean value % of each Geology type % of each Depth to Bedrock type Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership # 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Layer Category Hydrography EPA Point Source NPDES Sites Population Road Crossings USDA Waste/Nutrient Mgt Nutrient Model Outputs Agriculture Census Applications Cattle (MGLP) Regional Assessment – Final GIS Data Layers Layer Name Format _MGLP8 11_EPA_Point_ S-points Source_MGLP8.shp _MGLP8 _MGLP8 Type* Variables NUTRIMT_MGLP8 WASTE_MGLP8 Nitrogen TNY_TOT_MGLP8 TNY_PTS_MGLP8 TNY_FER_MGLP8 TPY_LVW_MGLP8 TNY_ATM_MGLP8 TNY_NAG_MGLP8 Phosphorus TPY_TOT_MGLP8 TPY_PTS_MGLP8 TPY_FER_MGLP8 TPY_LVW_MGLP8 NO LAYER TPY_NAG_MGLP8 N N Gi-100M Gi-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M Gf-100M APPS_MGLP8 CATTLE_MGLP8 Gf-100M ELEV30_MGLP8 SLOPE_MGLP8 Gf-30M Gf-30M Lyn Bergquist, MN DNR – 3/31/10 By HUC8 Total acres nutrient mgt applied in HUC8 Total acres waste util applied in HUC8 By HUC8 Total Nitrogen Yield: total mean Total Nitrogen Yield: point source Total Nitrogen Yield: fertilizer Total Nitrogen Yield: livestock waste Total Nitrogen Yield: atmospheric Total Nitrogen Yield: non-agriculture Total Phosphorus Yield: total mean Total Phosphorus Yield: point source Total Phosphorus Yield: fertilizer Total Phosphorus Yield: livestock waste Total Phosphorus Yield: atmospheric Total Phosphorus Yield: non-agriculture By county NASS-determine most imp variables Mean number of cattle and calves per 100 acres of all farm lands in county (adjust by county acres?) Calculate by Catchment Adjust by acre? Adjust by acre? *NO ATTRIBUTE FOR PHOS Elevation (NED) Elevation (m) Slope (% change in elevation) Groundwater Page 2 of 3 Mean Elevation Mean Slope (% change in elevation) (MGLP) Regional Assessment – Final GIS Data Layers Midwest Glacial Lakes Partnership # Layer Category a Baseflow b Runoff x Baseflow c Recharge 19 Air Pollution 20 Ownership a Ownership type b Stewardship 21 Dams 22 Mines and Mineral Plants LAYERS in blue, yet to be assembled Layer Name GW_BFL_MGLP8 GW_RBFL_MGLP8 GW_RCHI_MGLP8 Format Gi-1000M Gf-1000M Gi-1000M Type* Variables N Percentage of total stream flow N N Recharge in inches/year (also ml/year) CADEP_MGLP8 CLDEP_MGLP8 HDEP_MGLP8 KDEP_MGLP8 MGDEP_MGLP8 NADEP_MGLP8 NH4DEP_MGLP8 NO3DEP_MGLP8 SO4DEP_MGLP8 TOTNDEP_MGLP8 HGDEP_MGLP8 Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M Gf-2500M N N N N N N N N N N N Calcium deposition Chlorine deposition Hydrogen deposition Potassium deposition Magnesium deposition Sodium deposition Ammonia deposition Nitrate deposition Sulfate deposition Total nitrogen deposition Mercury deposition OWNER_MGLP8 Gi-30M C STEWRD_MGLP8 DAMS_MGLP8 MINES_MGLP8 Gi-30M S-point S-point C C C Ownership Types: County, Federal, Indian, Private, State Stewardship Protection Types: [1-4] Dams Mines and Mineral Plants x type ITEMs in yellow, yet to be defined Lyn Bergquist, MN DNR – 3/31/10 Calculate by Catchment Mean % baseflow DELETE-DUPE Mean recharge (inches/year) % of each Ownership type % of each Stewardship type # dams upstream of lake # plants upstream of lake All blank table cells will be populated Important note: All variables will be summarized by local catchment and by tributary (upstream) catchments corresponding to each lake >= 10 acres in the 8-state study area. Note that some data is only available at a scale of HUC08 watershed (layers 14, 15) or county (layer 16). For these layers, all catchments within the HUC08 boundary or county boundary will have the same value. For catchments that cross county boundaries (layer 16), we may need to weight the county-summarized values by % of catchment area in each county. Interpretations for layers 14, 15, 16 should be used with caution because a value summarized by HUC08 or county may not actually affect the catchment in question (e.g., high number of cattle observed in county, but actually none are near/upstream of a given catchment and so don’t affect the waterbody; because data comes summarized by county, we don’t know the actual locations/concentrations of the variables of interest in relation to the catchments/waterbody of interest.) Page 3 of 3