Subarea Planning Context: Distributed to LVPRC

& Shoreline
Management Acts
Lopez Village
Regulations and
Design Standards
Parks, Stormwater
Plans, etc.
Lopez Village
Subarea Plan Goals
and Policies
San Juan County
Code Development
Growth Management Act (GMA) Periodic Update and SJC Comprehensive Plan (Comp Plan)
Every county and city in the state is required to conduct a periodic update of its comprehensive
plan and development regulations (RCW 36.70A.130(1)). San Juan County’s update is due
December 31, 2016; however, the planning update has not been initiated. We will use the
Washington Department of Commerce’s update checklists to ensure that the Lopez Village
subarea plan and development regulations address the GMA’s minimum requirements.
General Update Strategy
Ensure that the subarea plan goals and policies are consistent with but more specific than
those in the Comp Plan.
Review and update the Comp Plan for any new information related to housing, capital
facilities, and transportation.
Base the subarea plan on current Comp Plan projections (Issue: Population and housing
projections may be reduced in the periodic update. The Lopez Village Urban Growth Area
size was reduced in 2005. The population and housing projections will likely remain ok.)
Consider and integrate Lopez Village issues with other related planning processes and
San Juan County Shoreline Management Plan (SMP)
The SMP is currently in the update process. After the legal staff completes their review, the
County Council will host public meetings and hearings.
San Juan County Parks, Trails and Natural Areas Plan (Parks Plan)
The Parks Plan must be updated by November 2016 for the County to retain eligibility for State
Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO) funding. The draft plan must be submitted to the
RCO by March 1, 2016.
San Juan County Stormwater Basin Plan
This plan is intended to ensure compliance with the GMA and State water quality standards
while establishing a path towards sustainable stormwater management.
Phase I: The June 5th Draft of San Juan County Stormwater Basin Planning Volume 1:
County Overview is available for public comment.
Phase II: Plans are being drafted for five focus basins including Lopez Village. The draft
report should be available in September 2014 and completed around November 2014.
Related Planning Efforts
2013 SJC Comp Plan Economic Development - Planning Commission on July 18th
2013 SJC Comp Plan Transportation Element
2005 Lopez Village UGA – Hearings Board Compliance actions – reduced UGA size and
addressed the following information:
 Boundary adjustment, water availability and capital facilities
 2005 SJC LV Water System Analysis - HDR
 2003 Abbreviated Coordinated Water System Plan: LV Water System Planning
 2002 Report on Water Issues on Lopez Island by Ronald Mayo, P.E.
 2003 Lopez Island Saltwater Intrusion Model Report by Ronald Mayo, P.E.
 2003 Groundwater Model Report by Pacific Groundwater Group
 Water Service Plan by Fisherman Bay Water Association (conclusion of HDR Plan)
 Fisherman Bay Sewer Study
 Long Range Drainage Plan
 Affordable housing/water conservation which were not compliance issues.
Stormwater/rainwater catchment bonuses based on the Stormwater Drainage Manual
were considered but were not included in the Comp Plan due to a lack of enforceability
under current regulations.
Public Participation Plan
The County adopted a public participation plan consistent with GMA requirements. Staff prepared a
draft public participation plan specifically for this project. The LVPRC’s review is requested prior to the
next meeting.
Lopez Village Subarea Plan Form Options
Insert the Lopez goals and policies in the appropriate section of the Comp Plan. For
example, put the goals and policies related to transportation and trails, in the section of
the overall Comp Plan that covers County transportation goals and policies, or
Adopt the subarea plan and associated goals, policies and implementation table as a
stand-alone appendix to the Comp Plan.
Stand-alone Subarea Plan: Contents for future discussion (All chapters may not be desired/needed.)
Chapter 1: Introduction and Plan Element Overview
 History and purpose
 Vision statement
 Authority (GMA & subarea planning, general relationship to other plans, legislative history
and effective date)
 Official maps
 Applicability
 Appeals and severability
Chapter 2: Existing Conditions in Lopez Village
Chapter 3: General Goals and Policies
Chapter 4: Land Use, Community Character and Design
 Existing land use and character
 Community land use designations, character and design
 Relationship to other plans
 Goals and policies:
 Village core/center
 Residential designation
 Mixed use designation
 Design and landscaping
Chapter 5: Natural Environment (water, air and land resources)
 Relationship to other plans
 Existing conditions overview
 Goals and policies
Chapter 6: Housing
 Relationship to other plans
 Existing residential development
 Goals and policies
Chapter 7: Transportation
 Relationship to other plans
 Existing conditions overview
 Goals and policies (Motorized and Nonmotorized (Bicycle and Pedestrian))
 Funding
Chapter 8: Capital Facilities (Including)
 Relationship to other plans
 County Provided Facilities and Services: Existing Conditions
 Law enforcement, fire protection, parks, open space and recreation, and other
 Water and wastewater systems
 Goals and policies
Chapter 9: Utilities
 Existing public and private utilities overview
 Goals and policies
Chapter 10: Historic & Archaeological Preservation
 Relationship to other plans
 Existing conditions overview
 Goals and policies
Chapter 11: Economic development
San Juan County Code Title 18 Unified Development Code
Lopez Village development regulations will be adopted in SJCC Title 18 Unified Development
Code. During their development, we will consider:
 Changing the appropriate section of the UDC (for the entire County) if any proposed Lopez
regulations make good sense for the entire unincorporated County.
 Making the proposed components of the Lopez regulations specific subsections in the UDC.
This approach would be user friendly. For example, if different landscaping standards are
desired, we could add a code section on Lopez Village landscaping standards to SJCC
18.60.160. Applicants and staff would be able to easily find the Lopez landscaping
standards and the more general UDC landscaping standards that also apply.
 Putting the Lopez regulations into the Lopez section of SJCC 18.30.210 if the bullets above
are not practical.
Existing Regulations Pertaining to Lopez Village UGA and LVPRC Matrix Issues
 18.30.030 Land use table – Activity center land use designations.
 18.30.190 Subarea plans.
 18.30.210 Land use controls in LV UGA, growth reserve area, marine center LAMIRD.
 18.60.220 Planned unit development.
 18.60.240 Standards for new and substantially altered development Eastsound and
Lopez Village urban growth areas.
 18.60.050 Density, dimension, and open space standards.
 18.90.050 Subarea plans.
Hours of Lighting, Decorative Lighting, Scale, Intensity, Height and Energy Efficiency
 18.60.170 Lighting.
 18.50.120 Signs. Table 8.2. Guidance for Administrative Review of Impacts for the
Assignment of Applications to Provisional Use or Conditional Use.
 18.40.070 Automotive fuel, service, and repair stations.
Tree and Vegetation Plans for Parking Areas
 18.50.090 Parking.
Parking: UGA Coordinated Parking and Public Access Plan
 18.60.120 Parking and 18.60.140 Off-street loading space requirements.
 18.50.090 Parking.
Access: Bike Paths and Standards
 18.60.130 Bicycle parking standards.
Pedestrian Pathways and Circulation
 18.60.110 Pedestrian circulation.
View Protection
 18.50.140 View protection.
Personal Wireless Communication Facilities
 18.40.590 Regulations for personal wireless service facilities (PWSF).
Critical Areas
 18.30.160 Fish and wildlife habitat conservation areas (FWHCAs). (G) Nomination of
Species or Habitats of Local Importance.