Call for Tender: Development of a logo and a website FINOVATIS, as managing partner of the IMI-funded project Zoonoses Anticipation and Preparedness Initiative (ZAPI) invites interested parties to file a tender for the development of a logo, and a website with a public and private part. The public part will be used to disseminate the project’s aims and outcomes to the wider community and the private part should allow the exchange of documents between ZAPI partners. The tender shall be based on the terms of reference below and provide a detailed outline of the services offered, a breakdown of the total costs, references to third-party software, products or services the tenderer intends to use and references to similar services provided by the tenderer previously. Previous experience of providing a similar service for EU projects (IMI or FP6/7 or H2020) will be appreciated. Project Branding and Logo The contractor would be expected to produce a logo for the ZAPI project which would reflect its aims, principles and philosophy : Emerging infectious diseases are occurring at an increasing frequency in Europe and other regions of the world, having a profound impact on public or veterinary health, as well as disruptive effects on sectors, regional or even global economy. The predominantly zoonotic nature of emerging pathogens, predominantly viruses, calls for a “One Health approach” uniting the human medical and veterinary fields, dedicated to controlling emerging pathogens both at the source and in the human population. Such an approach requires a strategically designed capacity for delivering efficient responses to disease outbreaks. To this end, the main objective of the ZAPI project to develop a universal platform for the rapid antigenic characterization of pathogens, and the design and surge production of vaccines and neutralizing reagents against both known and newly emerging pathogens, in particular viruses. This platform will build on close collaborations between human and veterinary medical institutions, governmental regulatory agencies, expert academic groups and industrial partners, within the scope of a broad spectrum of existing EU-funded consortia and initiatives. In addition, this platform aims at ensuring a fast track for the timely registration and implementation of the control tools as soon as possible after pathogen emergence. The aim is not to develop a commercial product but rather a methodology and a manufacturing process (up to large scales) which can be used in existing facilities and transferred in the context of zoonotic infectious disease outbreaks. This methodology / manufacturing process should significantly decrease the time for effectively delivering Vaccines, Antibodies, Antibody-like molecules, against (re-) emerging viral diseases with zoonotic potential The logo should be simple and the name ZAPI should appear clearly. It should also reflect the notions of 1 health (animal + human), shield, protection, worldwide, and speed. FINOVATIS can provide the contractor with all information and advice required. The contractor would be expected to produce, based on the logo, a template in a coherent design for PowerPoint presentations, Word documents and the project Website. Website - general The contractor would be expected to setup a website with an an adapted architecture that is easy to use and update for people who have only limited experience in web publishing. It should be based on the website design as described above. The website should provide the following core features: Managing texts, articles, images, downloadable files, etc Full-text search Sitemap Submission of forms and documents External links The public part should include the following sections: 1- Home 2- State of the art on Zoonoses 3- ZAPI project : a. General description b. Aim & objectives c. Workpackages d. Main expected impacts e. Partners f. Advisory Boards 4- Publications 5- Agenda 6- News 7- Contact The private part should include the following sections with the following functionalities: This part is accessible to all ZAPI partners thanks to their login and password, except for section 2 (access to meeting minutes only to members of each committee) and for uploaded documents of sections 3 and 5. Only the Website administrator can modify the website, except for section 3 and 5 where partner can add documents 1- Agenda : private agenda of meetings scheduled for the ZAPI project (Google Agenda) 2- Access to all ZAPI partners Meeting Minutes : Links to pdf documents Access only to members of each committee a. KOM b. GENA c. COT d. EPMT 3- e. Ethic committee f. SAB g. ESAG h. WP Deliverables / Reports Access to all ZAPI partners. Indicated leaders can upload a document or add an external link (an email is automatically sent to members of the COT when a document is uploaded or a link added optional) Delivrable/report Deadline WP Leader Document Validated by COT Name of Deadline for N° Organization + Document uploaded Date on which the Deliverable / report delivering it Deliverable / report or external link (for document was Fixed text Fixed date responsible names example for validated by COT List Biobase) Impact September 2015 6 Assessment report P-20 FINOVATIS, Estelle VINCENT Impact assessment August 31st 2015 report_1.doc n°1 4- Reference documents 5- Optional : possibility to sort by deadline, WP, leader, Validated by COT Access to all ZAPI partners a. Manual of Management b. Models c. Contacts Documents Exchange Access to all ZAPI partners. All ZAPI partners can add a new line and fill it in. Partners who have added a line are the only one (except for administrator) able to modify or delete it. Only addressees can access the document Document’s Document’s Concerned name description and Tasks Name of Short document Document description WP Addressees Document multiple multiple Document checklist checklist uploaded or Optional an external link email is automatically sent to addressees 6- Communication a. News b. Publications c. 7- Pictures Useful links a. Biobase The website should be flexible and allow future extension of its functionality, as required. A first version of the website, comprising mainly static content, should be launched by September 28th 2015. This first version would only require very basic functionality. Full functionality may be implemented at a later stage and the fully functional website should be online no later than the 14st of October 2015. The tenderer is kindly asked to include costs estimation for domain name acquisition and website maintenance until December 2020 and an optional bid to also host the website, in case such a service is offered (but this is not mandatory). Contact Interested parties are invited to submit their tender to Estelle VINCENT ( no later than Wednesday September 2nd 2015 24:00 CET. Do not hesitate to contact us at the same email address for any additional information or queries.