Title Slide (text) “Technology’s use on Neonatal Care” Jasmine Hobbs April 12, 2011 Title Slide (image) (Windows Movie Maker default title). Technology’s use on Neonatal Care, Jasmine Hobbs, April 12,2011 Image 1 (Introduction) Introduction: Audio Script (Image 1) (Image1)There are a number of things that technology is used for in healthcare. One in particular is to improve the health of infants in the NICU. There are many premature and sick infants that come into this world every day, but with the use of technology some may actually have a chance. In my slideshow my main point is to help others understand the importance of technology when it comes to the care of these unfortunate infants. According to Neonatal Care, Approximately 520,000 babies are born prematurely in the United States each year. (Human Babies or Infants, 2007) Body (Content) Audio Script Image 2 (Content) (Images 2-3) (Image 2 )According to NICU, Neonatology is explained to be a specialty of pediatric medicine that provides care for sick or premature infants. Infants less than one month old are often referred to as "neonates." These neonates can be born as early as twenty-four weeks development (five months of pregnancy) and spend several months in the NICU. (Image 3)The NICU is a highly technical specialized unit in a hospital that provides medical and nursing care to support to sick and/or high-risk premature infants. (Robert Wood Johnson,2011) Image 3 (Content) (Ralston, 2004) Image 4(Content) Body (Content) Audio Script (Images 4-5) (Image4)Premature infants are the largest group of infants who require this high-tech (Research that Changes Lives, 2008) environment to survive. Most preterm infants stay in the NICU until their due date. If a Image 5 (Content) child was born six weeks early, parents can expect that their child will be in the NICU for six weeks. (Image 5)The NICU often becomes a second home for many families, where parents spend many hours each day with their infants. For the most part, these tiny infants must learn to breathe and grow before they can go home. (The Youngest Great Legacy, 2005) Body(Content) Audio Script Image 6 (Content) (Image 6) (Image 6)To better support these vulnerable infants there has been many advancements in technology. These advancements have greatly influenced the ability of medical personnel to support infants in the NICU. (Horton, 2011) Conclusion Conclusion (Images 7-8) Image 7(Content) (Image 7)In conclusion, Technology has a great effect on how efficiently infants get better in neonatal intensive care unit. These devices save infants lives every day, while some unfortunately cannot be saved. Without the nurses to care and nourish and the technology used to heal the infants most of these poor babies will be out of luck. (Image 8) According to NICU, there are many different kinds of technology in the NICU, including different types of infant ventilators, monitors, and supportive devices. Even though this equipment has become more responsive to the needs of the infants, (Melissa George, 2011) there is still a lot that that scientific and medical communities can learn about the Image 8(Conclusion) use of technology to support neonates. For more information please visit: http://www.chw.org/display/PPF/DocID/3275 5/router.asp Thank you for watching my slideshow and I hope you found this information interesting. (Karen Murphy,2007) References Fleischman, A. R. (2011). Neonatal Care. In The Hastings Center. Retrieved April 7, 2011, from http://www.thehastingscenter.org/Publications/BriefingBook/Detail.aspx?id=2196 N EONATAL I NTENSIVE C ARE U NIT (n.d.). In Death and Dying. Retrieved April 6, 2011, from http://www.deathreference.com/Me-Nu/Neonatal-Intensive-Care-Unit.html Photos (2007). In Human Babies or Infants. Retrieved April 6, 2011, from : http://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/animal_images/human_baby_intensive_care_p remature_birth_neonatal.jpg Horton, A. (2011). Registered Nurses Salaries - The average salary of neonatal nurse. In Thoughts.com. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from http://www.thoughts.com/aubrey65horton/registered-nurses-salaries-the-average-salary-ofneonatal-nurse Johnson, R. W. (2011). NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit). In Robert Wood Johnson. Retrieved April 7, 2011, from http://www.rwjuh.edu/images/women/nicu_hand_1.jpg Ralston, J. (2004, May 10). In the NICU. In Shutter Point. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from http://www.shutterpoint.com/Photos-ViewPhoto.cfm?id=60145 Research That Changes Lives (2008). In Wayne State: College of Nursing. Retrieved April 13, 2011, from http://www.nursing.wayne.edu/images/home/SS082108/Pic3.jpg The Youngest Great Legacy (2005, February 7). In Legacy Matters. Retrieved April 7, 2011, from http://www.estatevaults.com/lm/images/%20%20Will%20Kenyon%20preemie-1.jpg Melissa George National Memorial Fund (2011). In Madison Hospital. Retrieved April 7, 2011, from http://www.madisonalhospital.org/foundation/images/SymoneSuber240.jpg Murphy, K. (2007, October 7). World's Tiniest Baby, Maybe. In Babble. Retrieved April 7, 2011, from http://www.babble.com/CS/blogs/strollerderby/smallest-baby.jpg