Elizabeth Grosz, “Chaos, Territory, Art: Deleuze and the Framing of the Earth: - - This paper is about ontology; the materiality and logical structure of art Arts produce and generate intensity, and directly impacts the nervous system and intensifies the sensation. Art is the submission of its materials – paint, canvas, concrete, steel, marble, words, sounds, bodily movements Art and nature are excessive and useless production Art is the sexualisation of survival: equally sexuality is the rendering artistic. Architecture – little other than design and construct frames: basic forms of expression. In the architecture frame, the frame re-enacts itself and its territorializing function through furniture, an architecture on the inside of architecture. “Like architecture, art is not only the movement of territorialisation, the movement of joining the body to the chaos of the universe itself according to the body’s needs and interests. Painting is about rendering the invisible in visible form Music is about sounding the inaudible Art is not the activation of the perceptions and sensations. “Art is the most direct intensification of the resonance, and dissonance between bodies and the cosmos. Thinking about art and architecture, what were the strategies that Grosz used to convey her idea about Art? How is she relating this ideology to Music and painting? Kevin Kelly, “Coevolution” - Coevolution: “the change of a biological object triggered by the change of a related object.” If we’re in a stable state of instability, what are the warnings, color shift? The feedback in the chameleon is set to adjust quickly then illusion of stable system which alter. Shift will occur when the feedback is constantly achieving micro adjustments which will cause illusion of a stable system due to its dispersement over time. Chameleon could experience fluctuation of stress and colour does not change However the colour will change until chatastrophic failure without any warning. With coevolution – you can win without beating others; win-win is the story of life in coevolution. In coevolutionary words control and secrecy are counterproductive. How does coevolution shape architecture and the built environment? When addressing the coevolutionary systems, what evolves and extinct around it, what are the end results of the effect?