Minutes of the Meeting held on Wednesday 19th

Halfway Community
Including the communities of Flemington, Cairns, Overton, Lightburn, Westburn,
Newton, Drumsagard, Hallside and Greenlees.
Minutes of the Meeting held on
Wednesday 19th November 2014 at 7pm in Park View School,
1. Sederunt
Council: Jim Walker, John McGuigan, Jim Cunningham, Gillie Feron, Margaret Ferrier, Marion
Morris, Graham Crombie, Sandy Paterson, John Edgar, Alison Kennedy, Douglas Beard, Robert
Murphy, Jackie Rinn, Jackie Weldon, Lizanne Drummond and Fay Dougal.
S.L.C. Councillors: Walter Brogan
In attendance: Lynn Pike-Hallside P.C., Fiona Boyle - Community Links, Colin Hitchens,
Elspeth Clark, Jack Reilly, E. Reilly, Anne Whyte, Sgt. Roy Williams and Sgt. Natalie WoodPolice Scotland.
Apologies: Councillors Clearie and Deanie, Heather Ross, Cheryl Vernel and Bob Doris MSP
2. Police Report:
Sergeants Williams and Wood reported that although things were relatively quiet residents
should take reasonable precautions with regard to doors and windows particularly towards the
rear of the property. Garden sheds are also a target for thieves and should be kept locked.
Questions were asked about problems relating to residents of the Eva Burrows Centre which had
been the centre of some recent problems. The sergeants were unaware of any incidents and
stated that reported problems had been low since the start of the year but agreed to check this
information and report back.
3. Minutes:
There was a correction to the minutes relating to Cheryl Vernel’s report on youth club
arrangements which stated there would be 2 youth club nights on Fridays and Sundays.
Though the 2 nights had been planned, it had been stated that only the Sunday night clubs
would go ahead in Halfway as Universal Connections had already planned a Youth Club night for
Halfway youngsters in Cambuslang on Friday nights.
The minutes of our previous meeting were accepted as a correct record with this correction.
Moved by Dougie Beard
Seconded by John Edgar
4. Matters Arising:
Healthy n Happy
John Edgar asked if we had received a copy of the Healthy n Happy grant application which they
had submitted for a project in Halfway. Jim Walker stated that this had not happened and agreed
to request a copy.
Action: Jim Walker
Linked by Light
Jim Walker reported that Pride of Place had agreed to provide a donation of £6865.00 towards
this project.
4. Matters Arising continued:
Logan Towers Boundary Wall
Councillor Brogan reported that SLC had commissioned a survey on this wall and will provide a
report at our next meeting. Action: Councillor Brogan
Move the Goalposts
John Edgar reported that this equipment had now been made available in Halfway.
Eva Burrows Centre/Logan Towers issues
A letter has been sent to Anne Gee, Executive Director of Housing raising our concerns and
requesting a meeting to discuss the issues.
We await a response.
Halfway Community Facilities
A letter has been sent to Lindsay Freeland, SLC Chief Executive regarding Community Facilities
raised by Bob Doris MSP. This was an exchange of letters and not a meeting as minuted and
related to the setting up of a Community Hub in Halfway rather than a Community/Sports
172 Bus Route
Henderson Travel have folded and the route has temporarily been taken over by McGill’s Buses
until the tendering process has been completed.
It was reported that the 364 and 65 services have been similarly affected and it was agreed that
we seek a meeting before the tender process is completed.
Action: Jim Walker
Car Dump
SLC Environment officials have visited the New Road site and have stated they could find no
evidence of dumping. After discussion it was agreed that we follow this up.
Action: Councillor Brogan.
Traffic issues at Park View School
SLC official are to undertake a survey at the school to evaluate the scale of the problems with a
view to finding a solution.
We await the result of the survey
School Buses
Some members expressed alarm at reports in the “Reformer” that school bus services were
under threat. It was agreed that we raise this matter with the Executive Director of Education and
request a meeting to air our views.
Action: Jim Walker
5. Correspondence:
SLC Weekly Planning Report read and noted.
Proposal of Application Notice has been submitted for a housing development of 125 houses
on the land bounded by Gilbertfield Road, Lightburn Road and Hamilton Road. An exhibition will
be held on Friday 12th December 2014 in the Cambuslang Institute, Greenlees Road running
from 12noon to 8pm.
Letter from Strathclyde University regards an anti social behaviour survey. Circulated.
Email from Stuart Hashagen from SCDC re setting up a trust. It was agreed that we arrange a
meeting of all interested parties.
6. Councillors Reports:
Councillor Brogan
Reported that the recent fireworks display had been a great success and thanked all the various
groups for their donations. It is hoped that the event will be repeated next year and hopefully on a
grander scale.
The Halfway Christmas Lights switch on will be held on Saturday 29th November from 3pm with
entertainment including the schools choir and the Salvation Army Band. Teas, coffees and soup
will be available from the Community Hub in the Precinct ( formerly Munro’s Newsagent).
Santa will switch on the lights at 4.30pm
The Community Hub mentioned above is on lease from 28th November until 1st December
however it is hoped that a long term lease can be arranged. Discussions are on-going.
We await a report.
Proposals are being discussed for an extension to the Westburn Cemetery.
Network Rail are planning to replace the bridge at the cemetery which would involve major
diversions over 6 to 9 months.
7. Treasurers Report:
Jackie reported that there had been no additional expenditure since the last meeting.
Jim Walker stated that the sum of £6865.00 from Pride of Place had been deposited in our
account and will be paid to Glasgow Council asap.
Secretary presented a receipt for £9 for paper and asked permission to purchase a new printer
and ink cartridges at a total cost of £114.37
This was agreed, moved by John Edgar seconded by John McGuigan
8. Community Links – SELECT I.C.T.
Fiona Boyle gave a detailed report of the services provided the unit which aims to help people to
develop basic computer skills, which will increase confidence and motivation.
They currently have 9 centres within the Cambuslang/Rutherglen area including 1 in the Archway
Centre, Halfway on Tuesdays from 10am to 4pm
If you would like to volunteer at the centre please contact Community Links or email
HCCsecretary@icloud.com for more information
9. Halfway Community Development
Jim Walker gave a report of a meeting with Michael McGlynn, Executive Director of Planning
where they discussed the proposal from the Glasgow City Ladies Football Club to build a
Football Stadium on the Hallside Regeneration Woodland Site. We also discussed our hope
that a Community/Sports Centre could be incorporated into the design to include a new health
The land is owned by Scottish Enterprise and managed by the Greenbelt Group.
Mr McGlynn agreed to take our proposals away to consider them in some detail and discuss
with colleagues in other departments.
We await Michael McGlynn’s response.
10. A.O.C.B.
Newton Miners Cairn – This will be erected in Newton as a memorial for miners killed in the
Newton pit. The tribute will also carry details of Dr. Anne Mitchell who descended into the pit to
tend injured miners.
V.C. Star
John Edgar reported that approaches have been made to S.L.C. for a Memorial Star to be
placed in Newton for Private Hugh McIver who, though born in Linwood was brought up in
Newton from the age of 3 months.
Hugh McIver was posthumously awarded the V.C. after he gave up his life to save many of his
comrades and it is only fitting that we have a plaque marking his life and courage.
The VC was collected by his mother and father at Buckingham Palace. Unfortunately a short
time later his father, also Hugh died in Newton Pit after a roof collapse.
Have attached a short history of both events for information.
It was agreed that we support this project
Cairns Residents Association
Jim Cunningham reported that the Cairns Residents Association is to be re-formed.
This was welcomed by the meeting and we wish them every success.
Halfway Youth Cafe
Alison Kennedy intimated that the Youth Cafe will start on Friday 29th November for s1 to s4
pupils. The cafe will be from 7 to 9pm for an 8 week pilot run.
Entry will be 50p and there will be hot chocolate and a Tuck Shop.
11. Next Meeting:
7pm Wednesday 17th December 2014
In Park View School, Halfway.
All residents are very welcome to attend.
Jim Walker
E-mail: HCCsecretary@icloud.com
Mobile: 07969282647
McIVER, Hugh
Private. Royal Scots. *
London Gazetted 15th November, 1918.
Born 21st June 1890 at Linwood, Kilbarchan, Renfrewshire, Scotland.
Killed in action on 2nd September, 1918.
Memorial on grave at Vraucourt Copse Cemetery, France.
Digest of Citation reads:
For acting with most conspicuous bravery and devotion whilst employed as a
runner on 23rd August 1918, to the east of Courcelles-de-Comte, France. He
carried messages regardless of his own safety. He followed an enemy scout
into a machine-gun post, and single-handed, having killed six of the garrison,
captured 20 more prisoners along with two machine guns. This action enabled
the company to further advance unimpeded. At a later time, at great personal
risk, he succeeded in stopping the deadly fire from a British tank which had
been incorrectly directed at very close range. This very gallant action, without
doubt, saved many unnecessary British soldiers from death.
* Lothian Regiment.
Additional information: Private McIver was awarded the Military Medal (MM)
Gazetted on 19th September, 1916, followed by a Bar to the Military Medal,
Gazetted on 21st October 1918.
He was the son of Hugh and Mary (née Flynn) MacIver. Educated at St Charle's
Roman Catholic School, Newton, Lanarkshire. He joined the army on 18th
August 1914, serving in the European War (WWI) in France with the 2nd Royal
Scots from 11th May 1915 to 19th October 1917 and from 12th February, 1918
until he was killed in action on 2nd September 1918. He was not married.
5 January 1929
Miner Electrocuted – Lady Doctor Descends Pit - When a number of men were at
work on Saturday in the main coal section of Newton No. 1 Colliery, Cambuslang,
which is owned by A. G. Moore & Co. (Ltd.), one of them, Duncan Connor, came into
contact with the electric current, and was killed instantaneously. The deceased was
37 years of age, and resided at 9 Clyde Street, Newton He leaves a widow and child.
Thomas Lochrie; another miner, 25 Clyde Street, Newton, was also affected, but after
medical attention recovered consciousness, and was removed home suffering from
shock. Samuel Templeton, 64 Dunlop Street, Newton, had a narrow escape of being
involved in the accident, as he left his comrades just as the accident occurred. When
intimation of the accident was conveyed to Dr Anne Mitchell, Newton, she proceeded
at once to the colliery, where she was joined by the Rev. George Galbraith, M.C., St
Charles R.C. Church. Newton, and together they descended into the mine and walked
half a mile through the workings to the scene of the accident. Artificial respiration was
tried for three hours by Dr Mitchell in an attempt to revive Connor, but without
success. Owing to the accident, the miners stopped work and the colliery was thrown
idle for the day. [Scotsman 7 January 1929]
31 March 1919
Scottish V.C.'s Father Killed - When the miners were at work in Newton No. 1
Colliery, Cambuslang, yesterday, a fall from the roof in the virgin coal section look
place. Two miners were caught, and one of them, John Dickson, Alexandria Terrace,
Newton, was extricated and removed home. The other miner, Hugh M'lvor, 34-Dunlop
Street, Newton, father of the late Private Hugh M'lvor, V.C., Royal Scots, was,
however, buried alive. Efforts were made by the miners to rescue the entombed man,
but when he was brought out life was extinct. The deceased was 67 years of age, and
had worked in the mine since early manhood. He leaves a widow and grown-up
family. About a month ago Mr and Mrs M'lvor were summoned to Buckingham Place,
and received from the King the Victoria. Cross which had been gained by their son,
the late Private Hugh M'lvor, who mas killed a fortnight after having been recommend
for the honour. About a fortnight ago the parents received as a testimonial about
£300, with a framed photograph of their V.C. son, at a public meeting in the Institute.
After the accident the miners remained idle for the day. [Scotsman 1 Apr 1919]