Dr Julia Ipgrave Publications

Dr Julia Ipgrave Publications (Last updated 9/6/15)
1. Peer-reviewed articles
Ipgrave, J (2004) Including pupils’ faith background in primary religious education Support
for Learning: British Journal of Learning Support Vol. 19 (3) Aug. 2004
Ipgrave, J. (2009) English Pedagogies of Religious Education Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift
3.9.Årgang 110 pp152-166
Ipgrave, J. (2009) ‘The language of friendship and identity: children’s communication
choices in an inter faith exchange’ British Journal of Religious Education vol 31 No. 3
pp213-225 ISSN 0141-6200
Ipgrave, J. (2010) ‘Including the Religious Viewpoints and Experiences of Muslim Students
in an Environment that is Both Plural and Secular’ in The Education of Minority Muslim
Students Comparative Perspectives (special issue) Journal of International Migration and
Integration SpringerLink
Ipgrave,J., Miller, J., Hopkins, P. (2010) ‘Responses of three Muslim majority primary
schools in England to the Islamic faith of their pupils’ in The Education of Minority Muslim
Students Comparative Perspectives (special issue) Journal of International Migration and
Integration SpringerLink
Ipgrave, J. (2011) ‘Religious Diversity: Models of Inclusion for Schools in England’ in The
Canadian and International Education Journal Vol 40 #2
Ipgrave, J. (2012) ‘Conversations between the Religious and Secular in English Schools’ in Religious
Education Vol 107, No. 1, Jan-Feb 2012 ISSN 00344087 92012) 107 (1)
Ipgrave, J. (2012) ‘Three challenges to the common understanding of the role of RE in promoting
religious tolerance’ in Resource 35:1 Autumn 2012 ISSN: 0143-2710
Ipgrave, J. (2012) ‘Relationships between local patterns of religious practice and young people’s
attitudes to the religiosity of their peers’ Journal of Beliefs and Values 33 (3), December
Ipgrave, J (2013) ‘The language of Inter Faith encounter among Inner City Primary School Children’
in Religion and Education Vol. 40 Issue 1
Ipgrave, J. (2013) ‘From Storybooks to Bullet Points: Books and the Bible in Primary and Secondary
RE’ in British Journal of Religious Education Volume 35, Number 3, 1 September 2013 pp. 264-281
Ipgrave, J. (2014) ‘Identity and Interreligious Understanding in Jewish Schools in England’ in British
Journal of Religious Education (online) DOI: 10.1080/01416200.2014.984584
2. Book chapters, books
Ipgrave, J. (2003) Dialogue, Citizenship and Religious Education in Jackson, R. (ed.)
International Perspectives on Citizenship, Education and Religious Diversity London:
RoutledgeFalmer 147-168
Ipgrave, J. (2003) Religionsunterricht und Bildung für Staats-und Weltbürger in England.
Theorie und Methoden in Dommel, Christa, Heumann, Jürgen, and Otto, Gert (eds.)
WerteSchätzen: Religiöse Viefalt und Öffentliche Bildung (2003) Frankfurt am Main: IKO
Ipgrave, J. (2004) Building e-bridges: interfaith dialogue for primary children using email
The Religious Dimension of Intercultural Education Strasbourg: Council of Europe
Ipgrave, J (2005) Construire des ponts électroniques: Le dialogue inter religieux par courrier
électronique pour des enfants du primaire in Ouellet, Fernand (ed) Quelle formation pour
l’éducation à la religion? Les Presses de L’ Université de Laval 223-238
Ipgrave, J. (2005) Pupil-to-Pupil Dialogue as a Tool for Religious Education in the Primary
Classroom in Jackson, R. and McKenna, U. Intercultural Education and Religious Plurality
Oslo: Oslo University
Ipgrave, J. and McKenna, U. (2007) Values and Purposes: Teacher Perspectives on the
‘Building E-Bridges’ Project for Inter Faith Dialogue Between Children Across the UK’ in
Bakker, Cok & Heimbrock, Hans-Günter (ed) Researching RE Teachers, RE Teachers as
Researchers Münster: Waxmann 215-234
McKenna, U., Ipgrave, J. & Jackson, R. (2008) Interfaith Dialogue by Email in Primary
Schools: an evaluation of the Building E-Bridges project Münster: Waxmann 136pp
Ipgrave, J. and Bertram-Troost, G (2008) European Comparison: Personal Views and
Experiences of Religion in Knauth, T., Jozsa, P. , Bertram-Troost, G., Ipgrave, J. (eds.)
(2008) Encountering Religious Pluralism in School and Society: A Qualitative Study of
Teenage Perspectives in Europe Münster: Waxmann 375-387
Knauth, T., Jozsa, P. , Bertram-Troost, G., Ipgrave, J. (eds.) (2008) Encountering Religious
Pluralism in School and Society: A Qualitative Study of Teenage Perspectives in Europe
Münster: Waxmann 416pp
Ipgrave, J. and McKenna, U. (2008) Diverse Experiences and Common Vision: English
Students' Perspectives on Religion and Religious Education in Knauth, T., Jozsa, P. ,
Bertram-Troost, G., Ipgrave, J. (eds.) (2008) Encountering Religious Pluralism in School and
Society: A Qualitative Study of Teenage Perspectives in Europe Münster: Waxmann 113-147
Ipgrave, J. (2009) ‘English Pedagogies of Religious Education’ Norsk Teologisk Tidsskrift · 3
· 2009 · Årgang 110 pp152-166
Ipgrave, J. and Jackson, R. (2009) ‘Reflecting on the interpretive approach: issues raised by
individual studies’. in Ipgrave, J., O’Grady, K. (ed) (2009) Religious Education Research
through a Community of Practice: Action Research and the Interpretive Approach Münster:
Waxmann pp137-154
Ipgrave, J. and O’Grady, K (2009): ‘Reflecting on the case studies as action research: issues
and responses’ in Ipgrave, J., O’Grady, K. (ed) (2009) Religious Education Research through
a Community of Practice: Action Research and the Interpretive Approach Münster:
Waxmann pp155-167
Ipgrave, J. (2009) ‘My god and other people’s gods: children’s theology in a context of
plurality’ in Yde Iversen, G., Pollard, G., Mitchell, G. (eds.) (2009) Hovering over the face of
the deep: Philosophy, Theology and Children Münster: Waxmann.
Ipgrave, J., Jackson, R., O’Grady, K. (ed) (2009) Religious Education Research through a
Community of Practice: Action Research and the Interpretive Approach Münster: Waxmann
McAndrew, M., Ipgrave, J., Triki Yamani, A. (eds) (2010) The Education of Minority Muslim
Students Comparative Perspectives (special issue) Journal of International Migration and
Integration SpringerLink
Джулия Ипгрейв. (2010) Духовность: современные тенденции в религиозном
образовании // Петербургский образовательный Форум – 2010: Модернизация
образования и приоритеты развития. – СПб: РХГА, 2010. – С. 42-49 [Julia Ipgrave
(2010) Spirituality: current trends in religious education, in: St. Petersburg Educational
Forum – 2010. Modernization of Education and Priorities of Development (St. Petersburg:
Russian Christian Academy for Humanities), 42-49]
Ipgrave, J. (2011) ‘Trends in Religious Education with Young Children in England’s MultiFaith Society’ in Schweitzer, F., Edelbrock, A., Biesinger, A. (2011) Interreligiöse und
Interkulturelle Bildung in der Kita Münster: Waxmann pp125-146
Ipgrave, J. (2013) ‘The Language of Inter Faith Encounter among Inner-City Primary
Children’ in Miller, J., O’Grady, K., McKenna, U. (eds) (2013) Religion in Education:
Innovation in International Research London: Routledge
Ipgrave, J. (2014) ‘Le débat anglais sur la “Religious Education” dans les écoles publiques’
in Williame, J.-P. (2014) Le défi de l’enseignement des faits religieux à l’école Paris:
Riveneuve pp 31- 42
Ipgrave, J. (2014) ‘Inter Religious Relations and the English Model of Church Establishment
in Nation and Parish’ in Weisse, W., Amirpur, K., Vieregge, D, (eds) (2014) Religions and
Dialogue Münster: Waxmann pp 167 – 186
Ipgrave, J. (2015) ‘Interfaith Dialogue in the Classroom’ in Sally Elton-Chalcraft (ed) Teaching
Religious Education Creatively, Abingdon: Routledge pp123-138
Published Report
Ipgrave, J. (2015) Grassroots Theologies of Inter Faith Encounter The Centre for Theology
and Community
Jackson, R., Ipgrave, J., Hayward, M., Hopkins, P., Fancourt, N., Robbins, M., Francis, L.
(2010) Materials used to Teach about World Religions in English Schools DCSF