1. Natural processes operate at different rates and /or scales to create temporal variations (changes over time) in geographic environments. Analyse how interacting natural processes operating at different rates and / or scales cause ONE example of temporal variations found in natural elements and /or natural features in your geographic environment. In my natural environment of Muriwai there are many examples of variation. One variation is the difference between the erosional features like a cave, and stack on the headland and the depositional features of a beach to the north (see map). The main reason why these variations occur is due to the operation of wave erosion. This is a major large- scale process at Muriwai since the large fetch and prevailing strong winds result in highenergy waves that average over 2m and can reach up to 5m in storm conditions. This large-scale process can be broken down into the sub-processes of wave refraction, wave erosion and wave deposition. When these waves approach the headland they slow down and refract. This causes the waves to bend to fit the headland and direct their energy onto Otakamiro point. Here the waves then break down the rock by various types of wave erosion. One important type of this is hydraulic action in which the pressure differential weakens and breaks apart cracks in the rock. Over time this develops into a cave followed by an arch and then a stack. At the beach a different process dominates. Here waves have less energy so that wave deposition occurs. As sediment is deposited a large foreshore is built up. Since each of these sub-processes dominate in different parts of the environment these variations result. Overall Mark: Not Achieved Reason: Does not answer question. Is about spatial not temporal variations. A pity as depth is shown for spatial. 2. Natural processes operate at different rates and /or scales to create temporal variations (changes over time) in geographic environments. Analyse how interacting natural processes operating at different rates and / or scales cause ONE example of temporal variations found in natural elements and /or natural features in your geographic environment. Temporal variation refers to changes that occur over time. In my natural environment there are several examples of variation such as the differences that occur in the steeper beach profile in summer compared to a much flatter profile in winter. The difference in the beach profile is due to the different type of waves that dominate in each season and to the interacting processes of wind and wave action. In summer waves are much smaller, often called spillers or constructive waves. These occur because of the settled high pressure systems at that time of the year meaning winds are much gentler. Waves depend on winds to form as the kinetic energy of the wind is transferred to the waves. A a result only small waves occur at this time of the year. These waves have little energy meaning they are unable to erode so that wave deposition dominates. Incoming waves or swash bring in more sediment than the weaker backwash removes so that over time a steeper slope profile occurs. In winter or in storm conditions the opposite occurs – deep depressions result in strong winds that then form high waves. These are also known as plunger or destructive waves. These waves have a great deal of energy. Their backwash is stronger than the swash so that more sediment is taken off the beach than is brought onto it. Over time the foreshore is reduced leaving a much flatter beach profile. (see diagrams). Overall Mark: Not Achieved Reason: Good understanding of a temporal variation and the role played by 2 interacting processes but its not linked to a specific environment so cannot score. 3. Natural processes operate at different rates and /or scales to create temporal variations (changes over time) in geographic environments. Analyse how interacting natural processes operating at different rates and / or scales cause ONE examples of temporal variation found in natural elements and /or natural features in your geographic environment. Temporal variation refers to changes that occur over time. In my natural environment of South Muriwai one example of variation has been to the sand dunes. After the sand dunes were first created their shape has changed as a result of human interaction modifying the natural processes. The original sand dunes were created by the process of saltation. The strong SW winds that blow over 11 knots (the critical speed required for this process) onshore pick up the grains of titanomagnetite sand and carry them in a bouncing fashion across the foreshore to the backshore. Here the movement is stopped by the presence of vegetation. The vegetation sets up a zone of zero wind velocity that then causes the wind to deposit its load by the process of Aeolian deposition. This is the first stage of dune formation. As the vegetation is buried the plants grow upwards so causing further deposition and the dune grows. Over time this process has been affected by human action. In the 1880’s early European farmers burnt the vegetation and used animals such as goats that depleted the dunes vegetative cover. This meant there was no barrier to the wind so Aeolian deposition could not occur. As a result the process of saltation was allowed to proceed unhindered. The sand was carried inland and the dunes decreased in size. Similar affects resulted from the 1990’s craze of dune surfing. This shows how the dunes have changed their shape over time due to different human interactions on the process of saltation and aeolian deposition. Overall Mark: Merit Reason: The temporal variation to the feature is related to 2 processes. However the interaction between the processes and mention of rate and/or scale is missing to take to an excellence level. 4. Natural processes operate at different rates and /or scales to create temporal variations (changes over time) in geographic environments. Analyse how interacting natural processes operating at different rates and / or scales cause ONE examples of temporal variation found in natural elements and /or natural features in your geographic environment. Temporal variation refers to changes that occur over time. In my natural environment of South Muriwai one example of variation has been to the sand dunes. After the sand dunes were first created their shape has changed as a result of human interaction. The sand dunes were originally fairly high averaging over 8metres. However, in the time of the early Europeans farmers introduced sheep and goats to the dunes. These animals ate the vegetation cover so that their size was decreased. As a result the dunes were no longer able to protect farmland from all the sand and a solution had to be found. Europeans quickly discovered that if they planted the dunes their size would be increased. In the first sand stabalisation programme in 1931 Marram grass was used that was quick growing for this purpose and very rapidly the size of the dunes increased. However, this solution proved too successful as the dunes grew so quickly they eventually became unstable and collapsed. Instead a native dune plant spinifex was used during a second sand stabalisation programme in 1969. This proved much more successful. Attempts have also been made to keep people from walking over the dunes and destroying the vegetation by providing board walks and putting up fences. As a result of these initiatives the dunes are now more stable. Overall Mark: Not Achieved Reason: This is about changes to a feature over time due to human actions not natural processes. There needs to be a link to the effects these actions have on the natural processes that form the feature for it to score. 5. Natural processes operate at different rates and /or scales to create temporal variations (changes over time) in geographic environments. Analyse how interacting natural processes operating at different rates and / or scales cause ONE examples of temporal variation found in natural elements and /or natural features in your geographic environment. Temporal variation refers to changes that occur over time. In my natural environment of South Muriwai one example of variation has been to the headland. The headland was originally formed under the sea. It was only when this was uplifted above sea level that it became subject to change by wave processes. Waves at Muriwai are high energy due to the long fetch of over 2,000km across the Tasman sea. When the waves approach the headland they hit the headland and erode it. The rock crumbles to form a notch. Over time this notch gets larger until it forms a cave. Caves that form either side of the headland then join to create an arch. The arch roof falls down to leave an isolated column of rock called a stack. This shows that over a period of time the headland has changed shape to become a headland and a stack. Overall Mark: Not Achieved Reason: Many reasons. Only one process is mentioned when answer requires 2. It also lacks any analysis that explains why wave erosion occurs or why waves are directed onto the headland. Unpack the Question: Natural processes operate at different rates and /or scales to create temporal variations (changes over time) in geographic environments. Analyse how interacting natural processes operating at different rates and / or scales cause TWO examples of temporal variations found in natural elements and /or natural features in your geographic environment. ACHIEVED MERIT EXCELLENCE ONE temporal variations is outlined as a result of at least 2 named natural processes ONE temporal variations is outlined as a result of at least 2 named natural processes ONE temporal variations is outlined as a result of at least 2 named natural processes The temporal variation is analysed saying what and why it has changed over time. The temporal variation is analysed in detail saying what and why it has changed over time. The temporal variation is analysed comprehensively saying what and why it has changed over time. At least one reference to a case study Several references to a case study (names, dates and/or statistics) Several references to a case study (names, dates and/or statistics) used throughout. The interaction, scale and/or rate of the variation is explained. Also uses geographic terms Based on what you have learnt have a go at writing an Excellence answer to this question.