LCPS Core Experience | Force and Motion Investigation ONE Light and Optics Stud ent N o tes The Panda Birth The Zoologists at the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. have discovered that the panda bear is due to give birth to a cub. The zoologists need to make observations of the birth and cub development without disturbing the mother. New research shows that video cameras disrupt the actual behaviors and development of the panda bears. The zoologists have decided the best method to observe the panda bears is to place mirrors in the habitat, with one specifically behind the panda cave which is located in the middle of the habitat, but are not sure of the best placement for the rest of the mirrors. They have called in 8 th grade science classes, who have been studying light and reflection, for their expert opinions on the placement of the mirrors. The zoo has requested a blueprint of the mirror placement. Make sure you have the Zoo Supervisor (teacher) check your mirror set up when you think you are done. Purpose: How would you arrange the mirrors to see the bear in a mirror behind the cave? IV: None, this is an engineering lab Control: None DV: None, this is an engineering lab Constants: None Hypothesis: None this is an engineering lab Materials: 4 mirrors, model bear, 3 wood blocks, binder clips, paper, protractor, meter stick Procedure: 1. Arrange the blocks so they create a cave with an open front and back. 2. Place one mirror against the back of the cave so that the reflective part faces outside of the cave; when you look at the cave from behind, you should see yourself. 3. Place the bear in the cave. Mark the location of the bear, the middle of the bear (indent between its feet), the cave and the mirror are on the paper. 4. Arrange the mirrors so that you can see the bear in the center of the mirror behind the cave. 5. Have your zoo supervisor (teacher) check your set up. Your bear should be visible at eye level with the table and looking straight at the back of the cave. LCPS Core Experience | Force and Motion Investigation ONE 6. Mark the location of the mirror base and the middle of the bear in each mirror after your supervisor gives you the okay. 7. Define: angle of incidence, angle of reflection, normal (line) using either the text book or technology you have available. 8. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection for each mirror, using the protractor, and record it in the table. Mirror 1 is the mirror closest to the bear cave. Data: Use the data table below to record your data and answer the following analysis questions in essay form. Make sure to include a description of your blue print and summarize your data in your conclusion essay Table A: Angles of Incidence and Reflection Created by a Bear in a Cave Path of Image Mirror #1 Mirror # 2 Mirror #3 Angle of Incidence Angle of Reflection