RE Assessment Framework Pollington-Balne

Pollington-Balne CE Primary School
RE Assessment Framework
Pupil Name……………………………………………………………….
Year Group
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
Year 4
Year 5
Year 6
EOY Target
Autumn (%)
Spring (%)
Summer (%)
Annual Total (%)
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
1.2 – New Beginnings
1.1 – Looking at me & at you
Practices & Ways of Life
Name some religious festivals and
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Recognise what makes me unique
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Identify what is the same and what
is different between people of
different faiths
Explore some traditions linked to
religious festivals and talk about
their meaning
Talk about important days in my
year and how I celebrate them
Talk about what is the same and
what is different between myself
and other people
Ask questions about the ways in
which people of faith celebrate
Reflect sensitively upon the
differences between people
Values and Commitments
Recall religious stories that show the value of
each individual
Identify how and why religious people show
care for others
Think about and share why I matter and who
I matter to
Share ways in which I value and care for
Recall faith stories from two
different religions
Recall a creation story and talk
about the wonder of new life
Respond sensitively to the teaching
in religious stories
Talk about what is the same in
different creation stories
Say how the world is a special place
Think about why the world is a special and
wonderful place
Talk about my own experiences of
new life and how they made me feel
Ask questions about new
Recognise a number of repeated
religious actions that form a
Identify repeated actions used by a
person of faith
1.3 – Stepping Out
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Expressing Meaning
Name different ways of worshipping
Say why worship is important to
people of faith
Talk about why people repeat
actions in their daily lives
Name a place of worship and the
group of people who worship there
Explore ritual in a religious
Identify the features of a place of
worship and explain how they are
Identify and name a number of
religious ceremonies
Share how I feel and think about a
local place of worship
Talk about what I thought mattered
most when I took part in a ceremony
Suggest why a place of worship has
meaning for some people
Compare with others my thoughts
about what matters most within
religious ceremonies
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Share my experiences of ritual
Talk about what I find interesting or
puzzling about how people worship
Ask questions about the ways in
which people worship
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Recall stories told by a faith
founder and identify the key
Practices & Ways of Life
Talk about how a person
expresses their faith in the
Know that faiths have their
own special books
Compare my daily life with that
of a child of faith
Retell religious stories which
involve a belief
2.1 - Belonging
Listen to and reflect upon a
story told by a faith founder
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Expressing Meaning
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Recognise groups we belong to
Recognise that some people
belong to a faith group
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Listen to stories from holy
books and recall the things
that make people special
Consider what it feels like to
Recall and understand the
teaching of Jesus through
Respond sensitively to
members of different faith
Understand that many values
come from holy books
Values and Commitments
Recognise teaching about
forgiveness in a religious story
Talk about a book that is
special to me and say why
Consider a faith story that
deals with a consequence of
not telling the truth
Compare my response to a
belief expressed in a religious
story to that of a faith
Reflect on who matters to me
and consider the ways I show
care for them
Understand who my neighbour
is and how I should treat them
Recognise the need for values
in our school family
Talk about how we say sorry
and forgive each other in my
family and in school
Consider the consequence of
not telling the truth
Talk about belief
Recognise that other people
might have similar beliefs
Talk about the beliefs
expressed in a faith story
Say how people’s beliefs
come from different faith
Reflect on what other people
Identify the similarities
between religious festivals
Suggest reasons why festivals
are important
Talk about rules which people follow
in their daily lives and recognise right
and wrong behaviour
Identify the special rules that religious
people follow
Talk about what commitment means
Recognise commitment in the life of a
religious person
Understand that I have a
responsibility for my own behaviour
and that I can make choices which
might affect others
Talk about a faith story and
say why it is special to me
Think about my commitments
Compare my response to a
belief expressed in a religious
story to that of a faith
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Reflect on the commitments of a
religious person and my own
Practices & Ways of Life
Expressing Meaning
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
Reflect on precious things in
my home or place of worship
Talk about a rite of passage
Understand that religions may
have different answers to the
same question
Give some reasons why religious
people think the world should be
treated with respect
Make links between religious
stories about how and why
people of faith live the way
they do
Consider ways everyone can help care
for the world and how I may play my
Identify and name some
religious artefacts and say
how they are used
2.3 - Living
Say how religious buildings are
special to the people who go
Identify some religious
ceremonies and say what
Recognise an important
symbol or artefact used during
a rite of passage
Say what religious places
mean to members of faith
Identify how an important
religious artefact or symbol
might be used during a rite of
Recall how religious people
express their faith
Share my feelings about
significant times in my life
Explore a religious painting or
poem and suggest its meaning
Reflect on the importance of
rituals or ceremonies to
Say why some objects are
precious to me and reflect on
what is special to others
Consider what religious
artefacts mean to people of
Talk to someone else about
their special place and what it
means to them
ask Big Questions
Say what I find interesting or
puzzling and listen and
respond sensitively to the
views of others
Talk about what I hope for me
and children of the world
Talk about a symbol or artefact
special to me
Explore how symbols and
artefacts have significance for
people including faith
Reflect on the places which
have special meaning for me
and say why
Talk about the ways in which I
express myself
Create something to show
what I believe and say what it
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Practices & Ways of Life
Explore and describe the
experiences of different
people participating in a
religious festival or celebration
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Expressing Meaning
Consider the thoughts and
feelings of participants in
religious celebrations and
compare to my experiences of
3.1 – Remembering
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Investigate and describe
celebrations which foster a
sense of belonging and identity
for faith members
Compare and contrast
religious festivals that develop
and promote a sense of
Reflect upon a diversity of
celebrations in the community,
including religious festivals,
making links between my own
and others’ responses
Consider the impact of
celebrations on faith members
and the wider community in
developing a sense of
belonging and identity
Give examples of the
teaching of a faith founder
Explain the significance to
faith members
Describe and show an
understanding of what
particular faith members
Recognise the links between
beliefs and religious texts
Compare and show an
understanding of the beliefs
illustrated by writings from
different faiths
Express my thoughts and
feelings about the teaching of
a faith founder
Consider how this teaching
might influence me
Make links between beliefs
and religious stories and other
forms of sacred texts
Suggest meanings within a
range of religious writings,
including hymns and prayers
Express my thoughts about
different forms of religious
Recognise the diverse
expression of belief in religious
and spiritual writing
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
Consider the beliefs of
different religions and how
they might differ from my
Consider the influential
sources of authority on
Share my response to a
familiar religious text
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Practices & Ways of Life
Expressing Meaning
Describe and compare the
actions of participants in
worship including the purpose
of artefacts and symbols
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
Describe the main features of a
religious place and know how
people worship there
Demonstrate understanding of
what is sacred in a religious place
for members of the faith
Consider similarities in worship
within and/or between faiths
Compare the rituals in my life
with those of others
Describe different uses of religious
places by faith members and the
wider community
Express my thoughts about the
significance of worship for
faith members
3.3 - Encounters
Recognise similarities and
differences in places of worship
within or between religions
Show awareness that worship may
take place in different spaces
Talk about times when I have been
to a place of worship and consider
the importance of that place for
my community
Show awareness of the effect a
sacred place might have on faith
members and their sense of
Reflect upon why a religious
building gives both faith members
and the wider community a sense
of belonging
Express and share personal
responses to the spiritual nature of
sacred places and spaces
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Describe and explain how the
activities of a local faith community
reflect the teaching of the faith
Make links between different
religious communities and the
teachings of their faith founders
Practices & Ways of
Identify and explain
how regular religious
activity impacts on the
lives of faith members
Consider my own and
others’ views on the
challenges of living a
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
Explore activities that give a believer a
sense of identity and belonging
Recognise the range of regular
activities within and between faiths
that create a sense of identity and
Express my thoughts about how shared
activities create a sense of belonging,
meaning and purpose to faith groups
Describe the teachings of significant
religious people, identifying some
similarities and differences
Explain the commitment of key religious figures
Explain why a significant person of faith acted
according to their commitment
Investigate how significant religious
people gained their inspiration
Examine life-changing events for significant people
of faith and consider the consequences
Reflect on the teaching of significant
religious people and how these
teachings might influence me
Reflect on the commitment that makes key
religious figures significant
Express my thoughts and feelings about the
actions of significant people of faith
Reflect on what inspired and
influenced key religious people and
consider what inspires me
Consider the impact of the commitment of
significant people of faith on the lives of others
4.3 – Our World
4.2 – Saints & Heroes
4.1 - Community
Compare different faith beliefs
about how the universe began
Give reasons why people of faith have a sense of
awe and wonder about the Earth
Describe how the belief that all
life is sacred affects the way
people of faith live their lives
Examine sacred texts and teachings concerning
stewardship to identify how followers should care
for the Earth
Express my own thoughts,
feelings and beliefs about how
the universe began
Investigate how faith members demonstrate
stewardship of the Earth
Give my reasons why all life
should be treated with respect
Consider something in the natural world which
gives me a sense of awe and wonder
Express my thoughts on what religions say about
why the world should be treated with respect
Express my understanding of stewardship and
suggest actions we might take to support it
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Beliefs, Teach
& Sources
Practices & Ways of Life
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Expressing Meaning
5.2 – Faith in Action
5.1 – Expressions of Faith
Explore and experience creative forms of religious
Suggest meanings for believers within religious
Explore how the artefacts and symbols which faith
members may wear, own or carry relate to their beliefs
Choose a faith belief and express it in a creative way
Share the meaning of my creative expression of a faith
Identity, Diversity
& Belonging
Compare and contrast
religious festivals that
develop and promote a
sense of belonging
Values and Commitments
Consider the impact of
celebrations on faith
members and the wider
community in
developing a sense of
belonging and identity
Ask good questions of my own about why believers
express themselves through symbols and artefacts
Explain what
influenced the
authors of
religious texts
Compare the inspiration and actions of significant people of
different faiths
Investigate the work of a religious charity
Explore the values that motivate people of faith to respond
to a cause
Make links
between sources
of inspiration
found within
religious texts
Consider how I might be inspired by the actions of
significant people of different faiths
Consider what motivates people of faith to get involved in a
religious cause
Consider the ultimate sacrifice and why people of faith may
be prepared to make this
5.3 - Pilgrimage
describe and show understanding of actions carried out
by a pilgrim before, during and after pilgrimage
give reasons why people make a religious pilgrimage and
consider the impact of such an experience
compare rituals in pilgrim journeys from different faiths
and connect with ritual in my life
ask questions about the meaning of pilgrimage to a
believer and the impact on their life
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
investigate the importance of holy places and show
understanding of why they have significance for
explain why pilgrims of different faiths and within a
faith express their belief in this way
reflect on places which have significance for me and
analyse why they are important
think about significant journeys in my life and reflect on
how I might feel if I were to make a pilgrimage
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Practices & Ways of Life
6.2 – Hopes & Visions
6.1 – Living a Faith
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
Describe how the actions of participants in both
personal and communal religious rituals
demonstrate identity and belonging
Select examples of codes of conduct from
different faiths and consider what they
demand of a follower
Explain the impact of rites of passage on a faith
member, their family and their religious
Investigate how the demands of a code of
conduct impact on the life of a follower
Consider the codes of conduct in my life
which arise from religious tradition
Show I understand the significance of religious
ritual for believers and connect to ritual in my life
Explore my thoughts about the relationship
between faith rules and the challenges they
present in the life of a follower
Show an understanding of how the milestones of
life engender a sense of identity and belonging
for faith members and others
Show understanding of the
way participating in a festival
may impact on the life of a
faith member
Explore Biblical stories to identify God’s expectations for humanity
Investigate key events in Jesus’ life and consider the fulfilment of Old Testament
Identify what makes some questions ultimate
Reflect and share how
religious celebrations have an
impact on us and on our
Explore responses offered to an ultimate question from different faith perspectives
Express my thoughts about promises, covenant and prophecy
Reflect on a key moment in Jesus’ life and consider the choices he faced
Suggest answers to some ultimate questions
Compare my response to an ultimate question with that of a faith member, respecting all
Describe what freedom means to people of faith
Show understanding of beliefs, feelings and experiences of faith members who have
experienced injustice
6.3 – Justice & Freedom
Make links between different experiences of injustice related to faith and belief
Describe the ways in which people of faith have demonstrated forgiveness and
reconciliation in their lives
Identify the impact of a religious teaching such as forgiveness on a believer’s actions
Explain what freedom means to me
Share experiences of injustice in my life and the wider world and suggest ways to create a
fairer world
Describe and explain my hopes and dreams for a just world and the ways these might be
brought to reality
Recognise situations where I need to forgive or be forgiven and ways in which I might
enable this to happen
Appreciate the power of forgiveness and reconciliation in my world and that of others
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
AT1 Learning About Religion (Knowledge & Understanding)
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Practices & Ways of Life
Engage in dialogue with local
faith members to explore the
origin, development and
current practice of their
Express insight into how the
religious practice of a faith
community has local impact
7.1 – Local Communities of Faith
AT2 Learning From Religion (Reflection & Response)
Expressing Meaning
Identify and explore different
ways in which a space is
considered to be sacred
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Demonstrate understanding
of how artefacts and symbols
may be used to enhance the
communication of feelings,
thoughts and beliefs
Evaluate the importance of
different forms of religious
and spiritual expression for a
Evaluate the ways in which
different people take meaning
from religious places and
consider the impact on their
Communicate in a creative
and thoughtful way what
inspires and influences me and
the ways in which I express my
Consider the significance of a
range of forms of religious
and/or spiritual expression for
myself and others
Demonstrate knowledge and
understanding of similarities
and differences in belief
within and between a
number of faiths
Consider, analyse and
evaluate the ways in which
faith members acquire their
religious beliefs in the
contemporary world
Consider my beliefs in
comparison to the beliefs
held by faith members
Analyse and evaluate how
religious practice impacts on
the life of a faith member and
across the community
Demonstrate an understanding of
how artefacts and symbols may be
used to communicate a sense of
identity, diversity and belonging
Express insight into how
commitment to a religion may
benefit the individual and the
wider community
Explore the ways in which religious
practice engenders a shared sense
of identity in belonging to a faith in
a local, national and global context
Enquire into and explain some
personal, religious and cultural
reasons for rites of passage which
mark significant events for
individuals and groups
Appreciate the diverse ways in
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
which people, including faith
members, express their identity
Express my views on the sense of
identity and belonging shared by
faith members through religious
Express insights into the
significance and value of rites of
passage on identity and belonging
at a personal, local, national and
global level
7.3 – Vision, Values & Purpose
Beliefs, Teachings & Sources
Practices & Ways of Life
Expressing Meaning
Explore and explain the ways
in which people practice
religion and show commitment
in their personal life as a
member of a faith community
Experience, interpret and
analyse forms of religious and
spiritual expression and
explain their significance in
Reflect on the benefits and
challenges of commitment
both in my life and within
religious traditions
Make a reasoned response to
the diversity of expression in
religious and secular contexts
identifying the commonality of
Autumn Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Spring Unit………….
…...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Identity, Diversity & Belonging
Meaning, Purpose & Truth
Values and Commitments
Explore and analyse life-changing
events for significant people of faith
which resulted in commitment
Assess the impact of life-changing
events on the values and actions of
significant people of faith
Express personal insights into the
challenges of religious commitment
Recognise how religious value systems
influence the actions and commitment
of followers and consider how they
may be relevant in my life
Summer Unit…………. …...…./…….…outcomes =……………….%
Yearly Total…...…./…….…
Outcome =……………….
These follow the same lines as those as Preston but as you will see, they are further broken down/arranged into units and fields of enquiry, as we now have a number of
teachers from out of the area, so the syllabus is new to them. I have just found that for those who are not as familiar with the syllabus as others, it makes each
learning outcome a little easier to find when they are teaching as units as a starting point. Also, the blank areas give opportunity to easily add in additional field of
enquiry for each unit that may fit in/be added as part of the school curriculum and demonstrate that more than the statutory elements are being studied (if they
are). From our own school perspective, this also clearly demonstrates if some children are experiencing/exceeding expectations. We are moving away from levels and
to using a new assessment framework designed by myself and the head teacher, which is based upon the percentage of outcomes achieved, so the tracking element is
based upon that as you will be able to see. The document is designed to literally follow the child through the school, so it should demonstrate coverage throughout the
school and obviously not be dependent on what order each unit is delivered to the pupil, also gaps should be easily identifiable.
I don't know if people will find it useful or not and we are only just beginning trialling across the whole school, but it is another perspective at least.