Rules of Procedure Points/Motions Point of Inquiry Point of Clarification Point of Information Point of Order Point of Personal Privilege Purpose Clarify rule or committee procedure Clarify nonsubstantive point (grammar, etc.) Substantive question for speaker Violation of Rules Delegate’s participation is impaired Appeal to the Chair Challenge a decision of the Chair Motion to Set the Agenda Set the order of topics for debate Motion to Open the Speakers Start list at beginning List of committee or restart after prior closure for new topic Motion to Set the Speakers’ Set or change Time Speakers’ Time Limit Motion to Close the Speaker’s No additional List speakers can be added to the list Motion for a Moderated Best for fast-paced Caucus discussions; must specify length of caucus, length of speaking time and purpose/topic of caucus Motion for an Unmoderated Informal debate and Caucus discussions; writing time Motion for Right of Reply Defense against personal attack (immediate) Motion to Introduce Working After dais staff Paper/Resolution/Amendment distributes paper to committee; must specify number of document submitted Debate None None None Vote None (accepted at chair’s discretion) None (accepted only at intro of resolutions) None None (accepted at chair’s discretion) Dais will address (use with extreme caution) Dais will address None Majority 2 for/2 against Majority None Majority 2 for/2 against Majority None Majority None Majority None Majority None Must be submitted in writing to Chair None Majority None Motion to Table the Topic Motion to Close Debate Motion for Roll Call Vote Motion to Divide the Question Reconsideration Motion to Recess Motion to Adjourn Motion to Question the Competence of the Committee to Discuss Motion to Question Competence of the Chair End debate on topic and move to next item on the agenda Move into voting procedure Each country called individually to cast vote Divide out a portion of a resolution for separate voting Re-open debate on an issue (must be made by delegate who voted for adjournment of debate) Suspend debate at end of session (break) 2 for/2 against Majority 2 against 2/3 Majority None Automatically adopted with Chair’s approval 2 for/2 against Majority 2 against 2/3 Majority None End meeting Topic in resolution or committee outside the jurisdiction of the committee charter Chair running committee poorly or ill-versed in procedure None 2 for/2 against Majority (after Chair indicates open to such motions for recess) None Majority (if passes, topic/resolution will be stricken from debate) Dais will address (use with extreme caution) None ***Procedural votes are yes/no (no abstentions); Substantive votes can allow abstentions and passes ***All Motions require a “Second,” another delegate who speaks up as agreeing with proposed motion Voting Key Yes No Abstains Yes/No with Rights Pass Purpose He/she in favor of resolution He/she is against resolution He/she does not wish to cast a vote on resolution He/she wishes to explain vote; at end of roll call vote, delegate will be given 30-second speech He/she unsure how to vote, will be called upon after other delegates have voted to cast vote; barred from voting with rights Yields & Comments Yield to the Chair Yield to Questions Yield to Another Delegate Yield to Comments Comments (No Yield Required) Purpose Speaker forfeits remaining speaking time to Chair Speaker allows questions within remaining allotted speech time Speaker allows next delegate to elaborate on prior speech with remaining time given (one yield per list; no additional topic will be considered in second speech) Two 30-second speeches can be made by any delegate in response to original speech Failure to yield remaining time; Delegate can motion for comment (Chair will choose 2 delegates for 30-second speeches in response to original speech) Timing End of speech on speakers list At Chair’s discretion at immediate end of delegate speech, will not count towards speaker’s time End of speech on speakers list (be sure next delegate will speak in favor of prior speech topic) End of speech on speakers list Warranted after a speech on the speakers list