DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET Distribution denied ___ Dental Hygiene Name ____________________________ Birthday Preferred _____________________ ____/___/___ month / day / year AB Tech Student ID #____________ Soc Sec# _______________________ Address while at school: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Phone: Cell Phone: ( ( )____________________ email address: _____________________ )____________________ Home Address: Emergency Contact: ________________________________________ Relation to student: ________________________________________ Phone : ________________________________________ Reason You Chose an Allied Dental Profession: I acknowledge that I have read and completed the necessary forms in the Dental Hygiene Student Orientation Packet and will bring it with me to orientation on June 13, 2012. Signature A-B Tech Date 1 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION A-B TECH: TOBACCO FREE FYI: Since August 1, 2007, A-B Tech has been a tobacco free campus. Use of tobacco products is not allowed in any buildings or on the campus grounds. OCCUPATIONAL HAZARDS/RISKS Allied Dental students who enter the Dental Hygiene Program have the potential of being exposed to the following occupational hazards/risks: Bloodborne pathogens, ionizing radiation, various hazardous chemicals and musculoskeletal disorders. All Allied Dental Students will be expected to adhere to all institutional Bloodborne Pathogen and safety policies. STUDENT MEDICAL FORM for NC Community College System Institutions (See Attached Medical Form) You must have the medical form completely filled out by your physician. The completed form may be returned to Mrs. Fisher at the orientation; however, the deadline for submitting the completed form is the first day of class. IMMUNIZATION/VACCINATION RECORDS Students will be immunized according to NC laws governing students. Students must have the HBV vaccination series or sign a declination. You must have had injections #1 and #2 OR sign the declination of your Hepatitis B vaccine by the first day of class. All students must have a PPD within one year of entering the program. Proof of vaccinations or declination for hepatitis B vaccine and results of the PPD must be given to the lead instructor on the first day of class. HEPATITIS B VACCINE This immunization can be obtained through your family physician or your local health department. The cost through the Buncombe County Health Department (828.250.5096) is: Hep B only…… $ 46.00 per injection if you are 19 years old or older, $ 138.00 for the series of (3). No charge if you are 18 years old or younger. Twinrix (Combination Hep A and Hep B)………..$ 62.00 per injection $ 186.00 for the series of (3). Tetanus……….. free T Dap…………..$ 49 (tetanus with diphtheria) PPD Skin Test….$15 A-B Tech 2 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION CPR CERTIFICATION All Allied Dental students are required to have certification in Basic Life Support for the Healthcare Provider. We require students take the course offered through A-B Tech’s Allied Dental Program. This course will be conducted during your first Fall Semester (exact date TBD). There will be a nominal fee for the course and CPR certification card. NO EXCEPTIONS will be made for prior CPR Certification Courses that may still be current; this is done in order to insure current certification throughout the 2 year program. WAIT! Do not have routine dental x-rays, cleaning or sealants done before entering program. Students will use each other as patients as these skills are learned in the radiography, preclinical and dental materials classes. DRESS CODE Purpose Good grooming habits and personal hygiene must be a constant practice in a professional atmosphere. Each dental assistant or dental hygienist represents the entire profession. The patient whom she/he serves is very apt to judge all other dental professionals by her/his appearance, health and attitude toward her/his profession. No line of endeavor demands as much cleanliness of the body and personal hygiene as does dental hygiene and dental assisting. This is not only because we work so close to patients, but also because we are teachers of health and appearance. The reason for the existence of any regulation on attire is that patients judge students by their behavior and appearance. Whether or not they should judge students competence by their behavior and appearance in or out of the clinic is immaterial, because studies prove that this is the basis of their judgment. Patients should feel comfortable with the health care provider, not put off by initial appearance. Therefore, we choose to present a fairly traditional appearance rather than cutting-edge or unusual style. The purpose of the allied dental student dress code is to provide students with guidelines for appropriate dress in their school and professional environment. Student roles vary depending on scheduled activities (i.e. clinic, laboratory, classroom). Therefore, separate guidelines for each setting are required. The purpose of these guidelines is to set standards which will be uniformly interpreted by students and faculty and which lend themselves to professionalism. In all situations, each student should exhibit and be a model of optimum oral and personal hygiene. (a) thorough oral and personal hygiene must be practiced every day, and (b) use of dependable deodorants is essential. A-B Tech 3 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION Classroom Appearance 1. Halter tops, exposed midriffs and short shorts are not appropriate classroom attire. 2. Shoes and appropriate undergarments must be worn. Undergarments should not show beyond clothes. Laboratory/ Clinical Appearance 1. Uniforms A. Students must wear selected clinic uniforms during all lab/clinic sessions. B. All uniforms should be clean and neatly pressed. 2. Shoes: White, low-heeled, close-toed shoes are required. Athletics shoes may be worn if totally white. They should be cleaned, polished and buffed at all times and have clean laces if laced. 3. A white, long-sleeved turtle neck or dickey or specifically designated t-shirt may be worn under clinic uniforms during clinic sessions. No other color is permitted. 4. One Cover-up design will be chosen for each class. Your name will be embroidered on the cover-up. 5. Hair must be kept clean and neat at all times. If hair is between collar and shoulder length, it must be styled off the face or pulled back. If hair is longer than shoulder length, it must be worn up or braided down the back so that hair does not fall forward over the shoulder. Bangs or waves across the forehead must not fall below the eyebrows. Hair must be styled in a neat manner so that it will not fall in the operator's face or the patient's face, or block the unit light. Hairclips or barrettes must be unobtrusive. 6. Fingernails are to be trimmed short enough to be flush with the top of the finger pad. Clear fingernail polish is acceptable if not chipped. No acrylic nails are allowed. Cuticle should be kept healthy and intact. 7. The only jewelry/pierced items which may be worn are a wristwatch; a pair of small, plain earrings for students with pierced ears; and/or a necklace with a small chain which may have a single, small charm or wedding/engagement ring and is worn under the lab coat/ cover-up. Only one pair of earrings (no larger than a dime and of a material that could be disinfected) may be worn at a time, one in each ear lobe. No other visible jewelry and no visible pierced jewelry retainers may be worn. We STRONGLY discourage tongue piercing due to high incidence of potential oral health problems (infection, chipped teeth). A-B Tech 4 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION 8. Glasses or face shields must be worn to protect the eyes. Face shields will be provided. If you wear contact lenses or you do not already wear glasses, you will need to purchase a pair of glasses with plain lenses and solid side panels. 9. Perfume and other scented preparations should not be used, since they may be offensive to some people. 10. All make-up is to be unobtrusive and natural. 11. Gum cannot be chewed during lab/clinic. 12. No caps are to be worn, baseball style or otherwise. 13. Tattoos that show outside the uniform/lab coat must be covered with makeup, or Band-Aids. INDIVIDUAL PARTS OF THE CLINIC UNIFORM MAY NOT BE WORN UNLESS THE ENTIRE CRITERIA FOR CLINICAL APPEARANCE IS FOLLOWED, WHETHER IN OR OUT OF CLINIC. “SPICE” TRAINING Included in DEN 111 Infection/Hazard Control class Upon successful completion of DEN 111 Infection/Hazard Control course, students will acquire the certification mandated by the North Carolina Statute .0206, Infection Control in Health Care Facilities Rule, that requires that there be one person designated in each health care facility (i.e. Dental Office Practice) that has completed the certified or state approved .0206 Infection Control Course. The course will provide the most updated information relating to the NC laws concerning Infection Control in Dental Practices, Epidemiology and Risk of Infection in the dental office, Principals/Practices of Asepsis and Hand Hygiene, Disinfection and Sterilization in the Dental Practice, Environmental Issues in Dental Practices, Engineering Controls, Work Practices, Personal Protective Equipment, and Outbreaks and Safe Injection Practices; all according to CDC, OSHA, OSAP, and SPICE guidelines. Outcomes: Upon completion of this activity, the participant should be able to: 1. List the elements of the pertinent NC Communicable Disease Laws that apply to the prevention of bloodborne pathogens 2. Describe the epidemiology of dental care associated bloodborne pathogens transmission 3. Discuss the principles and methods of decontamination, disinfection, and sterilization of equipment, instruments, and waterlines used in dental practices 4. Demonstrate the principles of hand hygiene and medical asepsis 5. Demonstrate appropriate selection and use of recommended personal protective equipment in the dental practice setting 6. Compare the NC Medical Waste management Rules to OSHA Rules for infectious versus non-infectious medical/dental waste handling A-B Tech 5 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION FINANCIAL AID Financial aid packets may be obtained through AB Tech’s Financial Aid Office. For information, contact Donna Turner at Ext. 161 or Crystal Smith at Ext 159. In addition to possible grants and loans, all scholarships available are handled through the Financial Aid Office. Scholarship opportunities will be listed in your Dental Hygiene Clinic Manual, Introduction Section. (purchased for Fall Courses) ITEMS TO PURCHASE You will need to purchase the following items. These items will be used for all DEN 121 lab sessions. 2 Scrubs & Cover-Ups with name embroidered on the front – color and style chosen by the Dental Hygiene Department. Specific information will be given at orientation session: order after orientation but before July 15th and wear first day of class. Purchased at : Read’s Uniform Center 123 Sweeten Creek Road Asheville, NC 828.298-5282 1 Pair safety glasses with solid side shields (Source may be Walmart’s “Shooting/Hunting” department; bring first day of class) 1 Pair heavy duty Nitrile gloves (purchased through program first week of class- cost about $5.00) Dental Hygiene Curriculum Estimate of Cost In-State Tuition (2/12) **All costs listed are estimates and are subject to change. First Semester (Fall) Tuition Fees : Student Insurance Activity Fee Computer Use and Technology Fee Consumable Supply Fees Books Instrument Kit #1 Uniforms / Shoes / 2 Coverups Nitrile Gloves (first week of class) Safety Glasses ADHA Student Member Dues (first week of class) Total $ A-B Tech 6 $900 2 19 16 30 700 340 245 10 10 80 2352 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION Second Semester (Spring) Tuition Fees : Student Insurance Activity Fee Computer Use and Technology Fee Consumable Supply Fees Books Instrument Kit #2 Total $900 2 19 16 30 550 400 $ 1917 Total $ 900 2 19 16 30 275 300 $ 1542 Third Semester (Summer) Tuition Fees : Student Insurance Activity Fee Computer Use and Technology Fee Consumable Supply Fees Books Instrument kit #3 Fourth Semester (Fall) Tuition Fees : Student Insurance Activity Fee Computer Use and Technology Fee Consumable Supply Fees Books National Board Review Course National Board Examination ADHA Student Member Dues Total $ 900 2 19 16 30 300 200 – 600 380+ 80 $ 1927- 2327 Total $ 900 2 19 16 30 300 40 40 1350+ 350 75+ $ 3122 Fifth Semester (Spring) Tuition Fees : Student Insurance Activity Fee Computer Use and Technology Fee Consumable Supply Fees Books Graduation Fee A-BTech Dental Hygiene Pin CITA Regional Board Examination, Site/Facility Fee CITA State Board Trip State Fee for Licensure Approximate Grand Total A-B Tech 7 $ 10,860 – 11,260 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION The 1995 ADHA House of Delegates has approved and ratified the following Code of Ethics for Dental Hygienists. Six years in the making, acknowledgment and appreciation go to the Special Committee on Ethics - including Gail Bemis, RDH, chair, Karla Girts, RSDH, RDH; Merry Jo Thoele, RDH, BA; and Beverly Whitford, RDH, BS - plus consultant, Mary Alice Gaston, RDH, MS, for their efforts and dedication. Code of Ethics for Dental Hygienists 1. Preamble As dental hygienists, we are a community of professionals devoted to the prevention of disease and the promotion and improvement of the public's health. We are preventive oral health professionals who provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services to the public. We strive to live meaningful, productive, satisfying lives that simultaneously serve our profession, our society, the world, and us. Our actions, behaviors, and attitudes are consistent with our commitment to public service. We endorse and incorporate the Code into our daily lives. 2. Purpose The purpose of a professional code of ethics is to achieve high levels of ethical consciousness, decision making, and practice by the members of the profession. Specific objectives of the Dental Hygiene Code of Ethics are to increase our professional and ethical consciousness and sense of ethical responsibility. to lead us to recognize ethical issues and choices and to guide us in making more informed ethical decisions. to establish a standard for professional judgment and conduct. to provide a statement of the ethical behavior the public can expect from us. The Dental Hygiene Code of Ethics is meant to influence us throughout our careers. It stimulates our continuing study of ethical issues and challenges us to explore our ethical responsibilities. The Code establishes concise standards of behavior to guide the public's expectations of our profession and supports existing dental hygiene practice, laws, and regulations. By holding ourselves accountable to meeting the standards stated in the Code, we enhance the public's trust on which our professional privilege and status are founded. 3. Key Concepts Our beliefs, principles, values, and ethics are concepts reflected in the Code. They are the essential elements of our comprehensive and definitive code of ethics, and are Interrelated and mutually dependent. 4. Basic Beliefs We recognize the importance of the following beliefs that guide our practice and provide context for our ethics: The services we provide contribute to the health and well being of society. A-B Tech 8 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION Our education and licensure qualify us to serve the public by preventing and treating oral disease and helping individuals achieve and maintain optimal health. Individuals have intrinsic worth, are responsible for their own health, and are entitled to make choices regarding their health. Dental hygiene care is an essential component of overall healthcare and we function interdependently with other healthcare providers. All people should have access to healthcare, including oral healthcare. We are individually responsible for our actions and the quality of care we provide. 5. Fundamental Principles These fundamental principles, universal concepts, and general laws of conduct provide the foundation for our ethics. Universality The principle of universality assumes that, if one individual judges an action to be right or wrong in a given situation, other people considering the same action in the same situation would make the same judgment. Complementarity The principle of complementarity assumes the existence of an obligation to justice and basic human rights. It requires us to act toward others in the same way they would act toward us if roles were reversed. In all relationships, it means considering the values and perspective of others before making decisions or taking actions affecting them. Ethics Ethics are the general standards of right and wrong that guide behavior within society. As generally accepted actions, they can be judged by determining the extent to which they promote good and minimize harm. Ethics compel us to engage in health promotion/disease prevention activities. Community This principle expresses our concern for the bond between individuals, the community, and society in general. It leads us to preserve natural resources and inspires us to show concern for the global environment. Responsibility Responsibility is central to our ethics. We recognize that there are guidelines for making ethical choices and accept responsibility for knowing and applying them. We accept the consequences of our actions or the failure to act and are willing to make ethical choices and publicly affirm them. 6. Core Values We acknowledge these values as general guides for our choices and actions. A-B Tech 9 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION Individual autonomy and respect for human beings People have the right to be treated with respect. They have the right to informed consent prior to treatment, and they have the right to hill disclosure of all relevant information so that they can make informed choices about their care. Confidentiality We respect the confidentiality of client information and relationships as a demonstration of the value we place on individual autonomy. We acknowledge our obligation to justify any violation of a confidence. Societal Trust We value client trust and understand that public trust in our profession is based on our actions and behavior. Non malfeasance We accept our fundamental obligation to provide services in a manner that protects all clients and minimizes harm to them and others involved in their treatment. Beneficence We have a primary role in promoting the well being of individuals and the public by engaging in health promotion/disease prevention activities. Justice and Fairness We value justice and support the fair and equitable distribution of healthcare resources. We believe all people should have access to high-quality, affordable oral healthcare. Veracity We accept our obligation to tell the truth and assume that others will do the same. We value selfknowledge and seek truth and honesty in all relationships. 7. Standards of Professional Responsibility We are obligated to practice our profession in a manner that supports our purpose, beliefs, and values in accordance with the fundamental principles that support our ethics. We acknowledge the following responsibilities: To Ourselves as Individuals... Avoid self-deception, and continually strive for knowledge and personal growth. Establish and maintain a lifestyle that supports optimal health. Create a safe work environment. Assert our own interests in ways that are fair and equitable. Seek the advice and counsel of others when challenged with ethical dilemmas. Have realistic expectations of ourselves and recognize our limitations. A-B Tech 10 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION To Ourselves as Professionals... Enhance professional competencies through continuous learning in order to practice according to high standards of care. Support dental hygiene peer-review systems and quality-assurance measures. Develop collaborative professional relationships and exchange knowledge to enhance our own life-long professional development. To Family and Friends... Support the efforts of others to establish and maintain healthy lifestyles and respect the rights of friends and family. To Clients... Provide oral healthcare utilizing high levels of professional knowledge, judgment, and skill. Maintain a work environment that minimizes the risk of harm. Serve all clients without discrimination and avoid action toward any individual or group that may be interpreted as discriminatory. Hold professional client relationships confidential. Communicate with clients in a respectful manner. Promote ethical behavior and high standards of care by all dental hygienists. Serve as an advocate for the welfare of clients. Provide clients with the information necessary to make informed decisions about their oral health and encourage their full participation in treatment decisions and goals. Refer clients to other healthcare providers when their needs are beyond our ability or scope of practice. Educate clients about high-quality oral healthcare. To Colleagues... Conduct professional activities and programs, and develop relationships in ways that are honest, responsible, and appropriately open and candid. Encourage a work environment that promotes individual professional growth and development. Collaborate with others to create a work environment that minimizes risk to the personal health and safety of our colleagues. Manage conflicts constructively. Support the efforts of other dental hygienists to communicate the dental hygiene philosophy of preventive oral care. Inform other healthcare professionals about the relationship between general and oral health. Promote human relationships that are mutually beneficial, including those with other healthcare professionals. A-B Tech 11 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION To Employees and Employers... Conduct professional activities and programs and develop relationships in ways that are honest, responsible, open and candid. Manage conflicts constructively. Support the right of our employees and the employers to work in an environment that promotes wellness. Respect the employment rights of our employers and employees. To the Dental Hygiene Profession... Participate in the development and advancement of our profession. Avoid conflicts of interest and declare them when they occur. Seek opportunities to increase public awareness and understanding of oral health practices. Act in ways that bring credit to our profession while demonstrating appropriate respect for colleagues in other professions. Contribute times talent, and financial resources to support and promote our profession. Promote a positive image for our profession. Promote a framework for professional education that develops dental hygiene competencies to meet the oral and overall health needs of the public. To the Community and Society... Recognize and uphold the laws and regulations governing our profession. Document and report inappropriate, inadequate, or substandard care and/or illegal activities by any healthcare provider, to the responsible authorities. Use peer review as a mechanism for identifying inappropriate, inadequate, or substandard care and for modifying and improving the care provided by dental hygienists. Comply with local, state, and federal statutes that promote public health and safety. Develop support systems and quality-assurance programs in the workplace to assist dental hygienists in providing the appropriate standard of care. Promote access to dental hygiene services for all, supporting justice and fairness in the distribution of healthcare resources. Act consistently with the ethics of the global scientific community of which our profession is a part. Create a healthful workplace ecosystem to support a healthy environment. Recognize and uphold our obligation to provide pro bono service. To Scientific Investigation... We accept responsibility for conducting research according to the fundamental principles underlying our ethical beliefs in compliance with universal codes, governmental standards and professional guidelines for the care and management of experimental subjects. We acknowledge our ethical obligations to the scientific community: A-B Tech 12 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION Conduct research that contributes knowledge that is valid and useful to our clients and society. Use research methods that meet accepted scientific standards. Use research resources appropriately. Systematically review and justify research in progress to insure the most favorable benefit-to-risk ratio to research subjects. Submit all proposals involving human subjects to an appropriate human subject review committee. Secure appropriate institutional committee approval for the conduct of research involving animals. Obtain informed consent from human subjects participating in research that is based on specifications published in Title 21 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46. Respect the confidentiality and privacy of data. Seek opportunities to advance dental hygiene knowledge through research by providing financial, human, and technical resources whenever possible. Report research results in a timely manner. Report research findings completely and honestly, drawing only those conclusions that are supported by the data presented. Report the names of Investigators fairly and accurately. Interpret the research and the research of others accurately and objectively, drawing conclusions that are supported by the data presented and seeking clarity when uncertain. Critically evaluate research methods and results before applying new theory and technology in practice. Be knowledgeable concerning currently accepted preventive and therapeutic methods, products, and technology and their application to our practice. Dental Hygiene Program Mission The mission of the AB Tech Dental Hygiene Program is to prepare students for licensure as dental hygienists and to meet the job requirements to participate as a member of the dental team in the delivery of dental health care to the public in accordance with the ADA accreditation standards. Dental Hygiene Program Philosophy The philosophy of the dental hygiene department is twofold: (1) that of providing an educational environment that promotes problem solving, self-discipline and self-esteem in acquiring the skills necessary to provide preventive and therapeutic dental hygiene care to the public; (2) that of encouraging the students to recognize the need for continued growth by actively supporting their chosen profession, participating in community activities, and continuing their education, “in the interest of the dental hygiene profession and the public it serves.” Program Goals In order to prepare students for licensure as dental hygienists and to meet job requirements needed to participate as a member of the dental team in the delivery of dental health care to the public, our goals are to provide the students with opportunities: A-B Tech 13 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION 1. to become competent in providing the dental hygiene process of care, including assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation using evidence-based best practices, including: a). providing care for a child, adolescent, adult, geriatric and medically complex patient b). providing dental hygiene care for all types of classifications of periodontal disease, including moderate to severe periodontal disease 2. to become competent in interpersonal and communication skills to effectively interact with diverse populations 3. to become competent in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating communitybased oral health programs 4. to become competent in providing appropriate life support measures for medical emergencies which may occur in dental hygiene practice 5. to become competent in applying ethical, legal, and regulatory concepts to the provision and/or support of oral health care services. 6. to become competent in the application of self-assessment skills to prepare for life-long Learning 7. to become competent in the evaluation of current scientific literature 8. to become competent in problem-solving strategies related to comprehensive patient care and the management of patients Entry Level Clinical Competencies Upon graduation the students will be clinically competent, being able to: 1. Maintain a professional attitude toward patients and members of the dental profession. 2. Prevent transfer of disease by providing adequate protection for the patient and self in the dental environment. 3. Recognize and observe all safety measures in the handling and use of all materials, instruments and equipment. 4. Follow HIPAA guidelines to insure confidentiality during patient care and use of patient records. 5. Accurately record all facts pertinent to a patient’s condition or treatment. A-B Tech 14 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION 6. Collect, evaluate and utilize sufficient information from the patient to complete a medical and dental health history, identifying possible problems that could require medical consultation or alternative treatment, and to determine the patient’s ASA classification. 7. Complete and evaluate vital signs to identity possible problems that could require medical consultation or alternative treatment. 8. Inspect the intra and extraoral structures of the head and neck for possible pathology or deviations from normal. 9. Expose, process and mount diagnostically acceptable radiographs and digital images while providing adequate protection for the patient, operator and dental staff. Critique radiographs/images for technique, anatomy, and possible pathology. 10. Make alginate impressions of the dentition with accurate detail of all hard and soft tissues necessary for study models or bleaching trays. 11. Pour, trim and finish study models that have proper outline form and accurate detail of hard and soft tissues. 12. Collect and record accurate information about the periodontium to help assess the periodontal status of the patient. 13. Assess patient’s risk for caries, periodontal disease, oral pharyngeal cancer, and orally related systemic conditions. 14. Assess the patient’s risk for a medical emergency during dental care. During role play, demonstrate effective response to medial emergency situations. 15. Document oral conditions using an intraoral camera. 16. Assess the nutritional needs of the patient and provide counseling. 17. Assess the patient’s need for antimicrobials and use or place them as indicated. 18. Present a comprehensive dental hygiene treatment plan to the patient after all assessment data has been collected and evaluated. 19. Provide home care/plaque control instructions which meet the individual needs of the patient. 20. Assess the patient’s need for pain control and plan and/or provide treatment, minimizing patient discomfort. 21. Use appropriate instrumentation techniques that will debride all surfaces of the teeth/ A-B Tech 15 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION implants without unnecessary trauma to the hard or soft tissues. 22. Offer selective polishing using techniques that remove stain from the teeth without trauma to the hard or soft tissues. 23. Clean removable dental appliances 24. Record all existing dental conditions necessary for patient evaluation, permanent records, and dental referral. 25. Apply topical fluoride / fluoride varnish using procedures that allow for complete coverage of all surfaces and optimal uptake of the fluoride. 26. Apply pit and fissure sealants using procedures that provide maximum retentive properties. 27. Maintain instruments and equipment for maximum performance and longevity. 28. Efficiently perform the necessary activities to manage and maintain the business office of the Teaching Clinic. 29. Accept responsibility for providing support to other Students, Faculty and Business Office Personnel while assigned to Office Assistant, Clinic Assistant, Screening Assistant, or Radiographic Assistant duties. Lab Competencies 1. Demonstrate preparing and placing temporary restoration material. 2. Demonstrate placement of retraction cord. 3. Demonstrate suture removal. 4. Demonstrate monitoring nitrous oxide oxygen analgesia. 5. Demonstrate placement and removable of periodontal dressing BACKGROUND CHECK In order to determine suitability for a license to practice dental hygiene, most State Dental Practice Acts mandate the State Board of Dental Examiners make a thorough investigation of your personal records and employment history. It is in the public’s best interest that any and all relevant information concerning your personal and employment history be disclosed. Therefore, you may be requested to authorize any former and present employers, educational institutions, doctors or other healthcare professionals including mental health, alcohol treatment centers, hospitals or other repositories of medical records, government agencies, criminal and civil A-B Tech 16 Allied Dental Department DENTAL HYGIENE STUDENT ORIENTATION courts, including any private law firms and or certification/licensing boards or commissions, any other individual agency or firm to produce and provide true copies of any and all information and documents, including but not limited to privileged or confidential documents to the Board regarding yourself. REGISTRATION Prior to your assigned registration date for each semester an instructor will create an education plan (ed-plan) in WebAdvisor for you. It is your responsibility to follow this ed plan and register yourselves on-line: Access to WebAdvisor is attained by: >student > WebAdvisor Instructions for registration are found at: The ed plan will only list the Subject Name and Course Number. Once your ed plan has been created you will be sent an e-mail. You must carefully read the e-mail because some courses have more than one Section and you will be assigned the section you are to register for. The email will tell you exactly which Section (D1, D2, YD5, etc.) of the course to register for: Example: DEN 121 D1>> DEN =Subject 121= Course Number D1 = Section At the time you register you may pay online or print a statement of your charges and pay in the business office at a later date. Tuition must be paid before the first day of class or your name will be dropped from the classes for which you registered and no registrations may occur once the class has started. Pay attention to payment registration deadlines! It is your responsibility to follow the ed plan created for you each semester to insure you have all the required courses necessary for graduation! A-B Tech 17 Allied Dental Department