Econ 302. Econometrics Bilkent University Department of Economics Taskin Homework Exercise 3 Pooled and Panel data exercise Part I: 1. Fixed Effect Model: Suppose that the panel data estimation with group fixed effects model is represented by the following equation: yit = ati + bit xit + uit or in matrix form the equation is; é ê ê ê ê ê ê ê êë y1 ù é I 0 . . . 0 ùé a1 ù é X1 ù é ú ê ú ê ú ê úê y2 ú ê 0 I . . . 0 úê a 2 ú ê X2 ú ê ú ú ê úê . ú ê . ú=ê + ê ú ê úB + ê ê ú . ú ê . ê ú ê ú ê ú ú ê ú ê ú ê . ê ú . ú ê 0 0 0 0 0 I úê ú ê ú ê yn ûú ë ûêë a n úû êë Xn ûú êë u1 ù ú u2 ú ú . ú . ú . ú ú un úû where there are n group and T observations on each group. The equation can also be written as: y = éë d1 d2 . . . dn é a ù ú+ u X ùûê êë b úû a)What are the coefficients that will be estimated in the above system and how are the interpretation? b) Suppose that the model is formulated with an overall constant term and n-1 dummy variables (by dropping last dummy variable). Examine the effect this will have on the coefficients of the set of dummy variables and the OLS estimates of the slopes? 2. Random Effects model: 2. The random effects model: The regression equation is: yit = ai + bit xit + uit Instead of treating a i as fixed we assume that ai = a + ei for i =1, 2....n . e Where i is the random error with mean zero and variance equation will be: s e2 . If the substitute for , a i the regression yit = a + bit xit + uit + ei and the new error is wi = ei + uit where i =1, 2....n The assumptions of the model are: uit ~ N(0, s u2 ) and ei ~ N(0, s e2 ) Furthermore, E(eiuit ) = 0, E(ei e j ) = 0 (i ¹ j), and E(uit uis ) = E(uit u jt ) = E(uit u js ) = 0 Drive the form for the Var(w) matrix. This will give you the special form of GLS correction relevant in the Random Effects model. (hint: write out the error vector for the NxT observations) Part 2: Computer Exercise: Topic: Implementation of seat belt rules are seen as a policy rule designed to decrease the fatality rates in traffic crashes in all countries. The following questions and data will give you an econometric analysis of the impact of the change in the seat belt rules on the severity of traffic accidents. The relationship between fatality and seat belt usage is modelled in a panel data framework with data collected across states and time period 1983-1997, for US. The description of the data can be found in the file: Seat-belts_description.pdf. (Stock and Watson) The work file designed for pooled estimation via EVIEWS is in seatbelts2.xls. 1. In the following model: fatalityratei = b0 + b1sb_usei + b2 speed65i + b3speed70i + b4ba08i + b5dage21i + b6 ln(incomei )+ b7agei + ui ESTIMATIONS: a) Compute summary statistics of the variables in the given data, and plot the dependent variable across different groups. b) Pool data across different groups and estimate a ‘pooled estimation’, ie. estimate with common intercept and slope coefficients. Examine the significance of the variables. c) Estimate the equation using fixed effect model. Formulate to include group (state) fixed effects. Examine the significance of the variables. d) Estimate the equation using time fixed effects model. Examine the significance of the variables. e) Estimate the equation using both cross section and time fixed effects model. Examine the significance of the variables. CORRECTIONS f) Continuing from part (c ); estimate the model with group weights (correction for different error variance across groups, Var(uit ) = s i2 where i =1...n ). Compare the coefficient estimates and their significance. g) Continuing from part (d )Estimate the model with correction for different error variance across time, ie Var(uit ) = s t where 2 t =1983...1997 ). Compare the coefficient estimates and their significance. h) Estimate the model using White’s Heteroscedasticity consistent standard errors, with the assumption that error variances changes across groups (states). Evaluate the estimation results. i) Estimate the model using White’s Heteroscedasticity consistent standard errors, with the assumption that error variances changes over time (years). Evaluate the estimation results. (not reported) j) Estimate the model using Random Effects estimation model, with fixed effects for states and white’s heteroschedasticity consistent standard errors. ANALYZE THE FOLLOWING STATEMENTS ACCORDING TO THE ESTIMATION RESULTS: k) Does the estimated coefficient suggest that increased seat belts reduce fatalities? How does this conclusion change across different estimations when you add fixed effects? Why? l) Do the results change when you add time fixed effects? m) Explain which regression is most reliable? Explain why? n) Using the results in (h) discuss the size of the coefficient on sb_use. How many lives would be saved if seat belts use increase from 50% to 80% Report the results of these estimations into the following table, where each cell reports the coefficient value and relevant t_stat. Dependent variable: Number of fatalities per million of traffic miles Regressor (1) (2) (3) (4) SB_USE (5) (6) (7) example: XXX* (t-stat) SPEED65 SPEED70 BA08 DAGE LN(INCOME AGE Method of estimation STATE EFFECTS TIME EFFECTS WHITE’S ST. ERROR GSL CORRECTION (GROUP) GSL CORRECTION (YEAR) no yes no yes no yes yes no no no no yes no no no yes no no yes no yes no no no yes no no no no no no no yes no no RANDOM EFFECTS MODEL no no no no no no Restrictions Tests State effects=0 Time effects=0 Haussman Test # of lives saved due to seat belts usage No Speed Limit *, **, *** indicates that the coefficient is significant at 1%, 5% and 10% respectively. yes