Hoover/Meredith MYP Vertical Unit Planner Subject Area: Sciences Collaborators: Vanderley, Herrmann, Morris, Cochran, Weida, Murray, Leverich, McKinstry, Hall, Lane, Blair, Puderbaugh Sci 6 Unit Unit Title Unit length Unit 1 Science Skills 4 weeks Unit 2 Body Organization 6 weeks Unit 3 Structure & Function 6 Weeks Concept Statement (key concept) Key: Relationships Related: Observation, Questioning, Evidence Key: Systems Related: Interaction, Function Key: Systems Related: Interdependence, Structure, Function AOI/ATL Cluster Community & Service Communicators Why ask why? Environments Thinking What is survival? Culminating Task Written Informative: Light, sand experiment Presentation: written/oral Owner’s guide Assessed MYP D. Scientific Inquiry E. Processing Data Unit Title Unit length Science Tool Use and Measurement 3 weeks Key Concepts: Systems Related Concept: Evidence A. One world; C. Knowledge and understanding Inquiry in Science 3 weeks Unit Question Sci 7 Concept Statement (key concept) AOI/ATL Cluster Human ingenuity Thinking Unit Question How do scientists use tools? Key Concepts: Relationship Related Concept: Interactions, Patterns, Models, Evidence Health & social education Organization How does science help me ask questions about the Unit 4 Growth & Development 6 weeks Key: Relationships Related: Change, Consequences Unit 5 Disease & System Breakdown 3 weeks Key: Relationships Related: Interaction, Consequence Unit 6 Intro to Matter 7 Weeks Unit 7 Weather & Climate 3 Weeks Key: Change Related: Transfer, Energy, Form Key: Change Related: Energy, Interactions Health & Social Ed. Thinking Health & Social Ed. Communication Environment/ Research Human Ingenuity Self-Management Environments Thinking What is “good” living? “Life is good,” or is it? Written: Narrative I am a a red blood cell What impacts human development? Project: Label & Explain diagrams, Pink & Blue What keeps us healthy? Why does matter, matter? Why does weather change? Written: Essay Infectious disease essay? Research project: Element Research A. One world; C. Knowledge and understanding Characteristics of Life 6 Weeks Key Concept: Systems Related Concept: Evidence B. Communication A. One World B. Communication D. Scientific Inquiry A. One World Written Informative: Water cycle or human impact on weather and climate E. Processing Data Classification of Living Things 6 weeks Key Concept: Systems Related Concepts: Diversity Plants You Can’t Live Without 6 Weeks Key Concept: Change Related Concepts: Communication Periodic Table 3 weeks Environment Collaboration Health and social education Information literacy Should we be immunized? Community & service Communication Why are plants important to Earth’s survival? Environment Thinking Human ingenuity Collaboration What is the structure of an atom? How does the way matter intersects create the world How do I differentiate between living and Key Concept: Systems Related Concepts: Structure Chemistry – What’s the Matter 6 Weeks Key Concept: Relationships Related Concepts: Interaction, Energy, From Sci 8 world around me? Project: Science Fair non-living? Written Informative: Brochure D. Inquiry E. Processing data F. Attitudes in Science Forces and Newton’s Law 6 Weeks B. Communication E. Processing Data Culminating Task Science Lab: Station Lab Assessed MYP Criteria C. Knowledge and understanding Unit Title Unit length Motion 3 Weeks Concept Statement (key concept) Key: Motion Related: Relationships Key concept: Force Key: Change Related: Transfer AOI or Global Contexts Environments Human ingenuity Scientific and technical innovation Energy 3 Weeks Science Lab: Station Lab around us? Written Informative: Analysis of Unknown Lab Presentation: Technology Global Warming Presentation A. One World B. Communication Written Test: District Assessment A. One World C. Knowledge and understanding D. Inquiry Astronomy 8 weeks Cells and Heredity 7 weeks Nature of Science 3 weeks Key concept: Structure Related concepts: Patterns Key Concept: Structure Related Concepts Evolution Globalization and sustainability Scientific and technical innovation Health and Social Education Key Concept: Communication Related Concepts: Observation, Questioning, Evidence Written: Informative Lab Conclusions C. Knowledge and understanding F. Attitudes in Science Properties of Mechanical & Electromagnetic Waves 6 Weeks Key concept: Energy Related concepts: Interactions Thinking ATL Cluster Unit Question How does the relationship between time and distance define motion? Written: Comic strip on motion Why do some things move while others stay still? How can energy be conserved? How can we use light to communicate? Where are we? Why do living things evolve? How do scientists communicate findings? Performance : Lab Written: Informative Research Authentic Task: Space Camp Written: Persuasive Essay Assessed MYP Criteria C: Knowledge and understanding C. Knowledge and understanding D. Inquiry E. Processing data Presentation: Various formats Resources A. One World C. Knowledge and understanding D. Inquiry B. Communication C. Knowledge and understanding A One World F Attitudes in Science Unit Title Unit length Concept Ecology 6 weeks Populations are Cell Theory 6 weeks Models are used to Cell Processes 6 Weeks The environment B. Communication C. Knowledge and understanding F. Attitudes in Science Genetics 6 weeks People can use Authentic Task: Personal Science Project B. Communication E. Processing data Evolution 6 weeks Change is Human Response 6 weeks Knowledge and Culminating Task Sci 9 Bio Information literacy Sci 9 Earth Statement (key concept) interdependent understand the structure of all systems must maintain a balance of energy through change patterns to predict consequences of genetic inheritance demonstrated through evolutionary relationships over a long period of time AOI/ATL Cluster Environment/ Organization Human Ingenuity/ Collaboration Human Ingenuity/ Reflection Environment/ Information Literacy Unit Question How are ecosystems altered? Why do we need models? Environment/ Reflection & Information Literacy What happens when a system is out of balance? How can relationships cause change? Culminating Task Food web Cell model and potato lab Why are we all different and why is that the best for our species? Family pedigree education can impact how society appreciates and reacts to organizational relationships Health & Social Interaction/ Communication How can we stop an outbreak at Hoover High School? M & M Lab Dissection Assessed MYP Criteria Processing data; knowledge & understanding Science Skills 6 weeks One world; scientific inquiry One World; knowledge & understanding Oceanography 6 weeks Communication Communication; One world Meteorology 6 weeks Astronomy 6 weeks Reflection Information Literacy Why should I care what happens to the ocean? How does a world that is not in balance impact me? Collaboration; Reflection Is there a Goldilocks planet out there? Investigate and create a book that communicates the features of the ocean and how it affects the world and our community. Investigate a weather occurrence and communicate what the community can do to help. What will happen if the energy balances changes? Unit Title Unit length Concept Statement (key concept) AOI/ATL Cluster Unit Question Culminating Task Students collect evidence in the form of data to look for patterns and form inferences Community & Service/Organization How do we construct answers by observing the world around us? Unit Test; Practicum Labs Leaf disk; color change lab; FAST Plant lab Processing data; scientific inquiry Rocks & Minerals Geologic Time 6 weeks Students examine the ways the Earth's structure cycles through change as part of its evolution Environment/ Collaboration How do changes in the earth affect me? Dynamic Earth 6 weeks Unit Test; Unknown Mineral Lab Exercise; Geologic Time-line; Research & Create a geologic timeline for a specific location on earth. Present to Unit Test; The shaping of the Earth shadow-box. Students examine how the transfer of energy causes movements in the earth Human Ingenuity/ Information Literacy How do you react to an ever- changing world? Identify the features of our solar system that allows life to be sustained on earth. Use this knowledge to come up with a plan to explore for new worlds that class (Ppt) Sci 9 Physics Sci 10 Enviro Science Assessed MYP Criteria Processing Data; Scientific Inquiry Knowledge and Understanding Unit Title Unit length Measurement/ Motion 6 weeks Conservation Laws 6 weeks Concept Statement (key concept) Measurement can provide patterns in systems Forces act in action/reaction AOI/ATL Cluster Human Ingenuity/ Organization Environments/ Collaboration Unit Question Can I predict where the marble will hit the target? Who is at fault? Culminating Task Student will be able to predict where a projectile will land. How fast was the car going lab. Summative – performance task. Assessed MYP Criteria Knowledge and Understanding; Processing data Knowledge; scientific inquiry Unit Title Unit length Concept Statement (key concept) Ecology 6 weeks Populations are interdependent AOI/ATL Cluster Environments/ Populations 6 weeks Human and nonhuman influences control populations around the world in differing ways Health & Social have the features that sustain life. One World; Communication in Science Electrical Circuits 6 Weeks Static Electricity: Magnetism, Motors & Generators 6 weeks Forces interact to produce changes that impact our daily life. Human Ingenuity/Reflection & Collaboration Waves & Sound 6 weeks Light & Optics 6 weeks The interaction of energy through its environment occurs through waves. Community Service/Information al Literacy The interaction of energy on a system causes change. Can I build a transmitter from household parts? What are characteristics of waves? Students will wire a model house and draw a schematic. MacGyver Speakers – Students build a speaker. Students will expand speaker with resonating box/frequency. Knowledge & Understanding of science processing data Energy 6 Weeks The amount of energy we receive is dependent on how its transferred Scientific Inquiry One World, knowledge and understanding, scientific inquiry. Land & Agriculture 6 weeks Humans often do not responsibly use land resources. How could the behavior and properties of waves be an influencing factor to our health and our lives, socially? Write a persuasive essay – Effects of electromagnetic spectrum pro/con on human health. One World, Scientific Inquiry Human Ingenuity & Community & The flow of energy through a system is determined by its structure. Health & Social Education/Reflectio n & Information Literacy Why should I know how my electronics work? Air 6 weeks Air quality affects populations and the health of an ecosystem Environments & Health & Social Education/Collabora tion & Reflection Water 6 weeks Quality of water in an environment affects quality of living and thus populations Health & Social Thinking Unit Question Culminating Task Assessed MYP Criteria Sci 10 Chem Why does every part of an ecosystem matter? Identify your local biome. Unit Title Unit length C: Knowledge & Understanding, F: Attitudes in Science Matter 6 weeks Concept Statement (key concept) Change occurs when energy is either removed or adde3d AOI/ATL Cluster Environments Unit Question Interaction/ Research How does population affect health and lifestyle? Infer how human activities may influence local biodiversity by observing species diversity in two different locations. B: Processing Data, D: Scientific Inquiry Environments/ Communication How will we provide enough energy for the future? Evaluate your energy consumption and write a proposal to your parents suggesting ways to reduce your family’s carbon footprint. A: One World, E: Communication in Science Atoms & elements 6 weeks Molecules & Compounds 6 weeks Evidence is used to Composition create models which influences structure allow us to identify and function patterns and make predictions Service/SelfManagement What is our responsibility in air quality? Assess quality of air we breathe in school and at home Human Ingenuity/Social What can we learn by listening to our environment? PCP related to corn plot, water, soil quality and testing. Interaction/ Communication Why do we have so many tests for water in Iowa? Work with the State Hygienic Lab to determine the quality of water in nearby streams, lakes, and tap water. A: One World, D: Scientific Inquiry A: Knowledge & Understanding F: Attitudes in Science Stoichiometry 6 weeks B: Processing Data C:Communications in Science Chemical Reactions 6 weeks Critical thinking skills are needed to identify relationship between a problem and developing a solution that minimizes consequences. Human Ingenuity Mathematical relationships can be used as evidence to predict the outcome of an interaction. Solutions & Gases (Lend me your Ear) 6 weeks Pressure and stress on a system has consequences, and pushes the system to change. Community Service Human Ingenuity Human Ingenuity What’s happening when matter changes? Health & Social Interactions How does human curiosity unlock mysteries? What’s composition got to do with it? How do we initiate and evaluate change? How much, how many, what to expect? Culminating Task Mixture separation lab experience Research paper/ lit review Research proposal Public Audience Material Assessed MYP Criteria C, E A,C, D, F Molecular visualization project/presentation C, B How have our lives been affected by knowing the behavior of solutions & gases? Lab report/written project B, D, F C, E A,D, E