ECE 305: Semiconductor Devices - Prof. Mark Lundstrom Fall 2014

ECE 305: Semiconductor Devices - Prof. Mark Lundstrom
Fall 2014: EE 270, MWF 3:30-4:20 PM
Instructor: M. S. Lundstrom (lundstro at
Office Hours: Mon. Tues., Wed., 5:00-6:00 PM, Wang 3055
(or make an appointment for a different time by e-mail)
Teaching assistant: Nathan Conrad (conradn at
Office Hours: M-F 9:00-10:00AM, Wang 3055
In addition to office hours, students are encouraged to make use of the ECE Fall
2014 Discussion Forum
Course Description
This course is about semiconductors and semiconductor devices, in particular: 1)
the PN junction, 2) the metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET),
and 2) the bipolar junction transistor (BJT). The course is divided into three parts.
The first part treats semiconductor fundamentals (energy bands, electrons and
holes, the Fermi function), doping and carrier densities, carrier transport and
generation-recombination, and the “semiconductor equations,” which provide a
complete, mathematical description of electrons and holes in semiconductors,
subject to some important simplifying assumptions. The second part of the course
applies these concepts to PN junctions and PN junction devices, and the third part
treats the dominant electronic device today, the metal-oxide-semiconductor fieldeffect transistor (MOSFET) as well as the bipolar junction transistor, another
important device.
The course covers a lot of ground, but it provides a basic understanding of
semiconductors and devices for those interested in circuits and applications, and a
starting point for further studies, for those who intend to focus on electronic
materials and devices.
For a useful collection of practice exams, see Prof. Robert Pierret’s: Semiconductor
Device Fundamentals Textbook
Students interested in more advanced treatments of the topics discussed in 305,
should see the graduate version of this course, ECE 606.
The course homepage provides complete information about this course and will be
used for posting weekly reading assignments, homework assignments and solutions,
supplemental material, announcements, etc. (
Lecture Format:
Students are expected to read assigned material prior to class. Each class will begin
with a short quiz. Class periods will be devoted to brief review of the assigned
reading, questions, answers, discussions, etc.
1) In-class quizzes 20%
2) Exams (6)
Exam 1: Friday, September 5
Exam 2: Friday, September 26
Exam 3: Friday, October 10
Exam 4: Friday, October 31
Exam 5: Friday, November 21
Exam 6: (Final Exam) Date TBD
The plus/minus grading system will be used when assigning final grades.
Quizzes are scored as follows. There are a total of 40 quizzes. Your lowest 8 will be
dropped. If you average 60% or more on the remaining quizzes, you will receive
100% of the quiz points.
Exams are scored as follows. You MUST take all exams. Your lowest score of the
first five exams will be dropped, and your exam score will be based on the
remaining 5 exams.
You will have an opportunity to re-take one exam question and earn up to 80% of
the points by explaining the correct solution to my orally in my office.
Note that the Final Exam will be in the same format and of the same length as Exams
Make-up Exam Policy:
There will be no written make-up tests.
Homework will be assigned weekly and solutions will be posted. Homework will
not be graded, but the exams will be closely related to the homework assignments.
Course Outcomes:
A student who successfully fulfills the course requirements will have demonstrated:
an understanding of the semiconductor bonding and energy band
models, of semiconductor carrier properties and statistics, and of
carrier action.
(ii) an ability to apply standard device models to explain/calculate critical
internal parameters and standard terminal characteristics of the pnjunction diode and the Schottky diode
(iii) an ability to apply standard device models to explain/calculate critical
internal parameters and standard terminal characteristics of the MetalOxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor and the Bipolar Junction
Exams 1 and 2 will assess outcome (i), exams 3 and 4 will access outcome
(ii), and exams 5 and 6 will access outcome (iii).
Class Attendance:
Your attendance at class is important. If you must miss class, you are responsible for
any material, information, handouts, announcements, etc. you missed. Attending
class is the only way to earn the 20% of the grade for in-class exams.
Class announcements will supersede prior written information and will be
posted on the course homepage
Academic Dishonesty is unacceptable and may result in a grade of zero on the
exam, or the entire course – depending on the severity of the incident as determined
by me.
Definition of Academic Dishonesty
Purdue prohibits "dishonesty in connection with any University activity. Cheating,
plagiarism, or knowingly furnishing false information to the University are examples
of dishonesty" (University Regulations, Part 5, Section III, B, 2, a). Furthermore, the
University Senate has stipulated that "the commitment of acts of cheating, lying, and
deceit in any of their diverse forms (such as the use of ghost-written papers, the use
of substitutes for taking examinations, the use of illegal cribs, plagiarism, and
copying during examinations) is dishonest and must not be tolerated. Moreover,
knowingly to aid and abet, directly or indirectly, other parties in committing
dishonest acts is in itself dishonest" (University Senate Document 72-18, December
15, 1972).
Students with Disabilities: Any student who feels s/he may need an
accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact me privately to
discuss your specific needs. Please contact the Disability Resource Center in room
830 Young Hall to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with
documented disabilities.
As we begin this semester I want to take a few minutes and discuss emergency
preparedness. Purdue University is a very safe campus and there is a low
probability that a serious incident will occur here at Purdue. However, just as we
receive a “safety briefing” each time we get on an aircraft, we want to emphasize our
emergency procedures for evacuation and shelter in place incidents. Our
preparedness will be critical if an unexpected event occurs.
To report an emergency, call 911.
To obtain updates regarding an ongoing emergency, and to sign up for Purdue
Alert text messages, view
There are nearly 300 Emergency Telephones outdoors across campus and in
parking garages that connect directly to the Purdue Police Department (PUPD). If
you feel threatened or need help, push the button and you will be connected
If we hear a fire alarm, we will immediately suspend class, evacuate the
building, and proceed outdoors, and away from the building. Do not use the
If we are notified of a Shelter in Place requirement for a tornado warning, we
will suspend class and shelter in the lowest level of this building away from
windows and doors.
If we are notified of a Shelter in Place requirement for a hazardous materials
release, or a civil disturbance, including a shooting or other use of weapons,
we will suspend class and shelter in our classroom, shutting any open doors or
windows, locking or securing the door, and turning off the lights.
Please review the Emergency Preparedness website for additional information.
Campus Emergency Policies: In the event of a major campus emergency, course
requirements, deadlines and grading percentages are subject to changes that may be
necessitated by a revised semester calendar or other circumstances. Information
about changes will be posted on the course web page and available from
------------ECE 305 Fall 20134 Week by week course schedule-----------All reading assignments are from: Semiconductor Device Fundamentals, 2nd ed., R.F.
Pierre (which is referred to below as SDF)
Aug. 25: Week 1: Material properties
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 3-19, 23-32
Topics: General material properties, crystal lattices, crystal growth, quantization,
semiconductor models
Week 1 Quiz 1
Week 1 Quiz 2
Week 1 Quiz 3
Week 1 Quiz Answers
Week 1 Homework Assignment
Week 1 Homework Solutions
Week 1: References and Supplementary Information
Sept. 1: Week 2: Carrier properties
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 32-49
Topics: Carrier properties (charge, effective mass, intrinsic and extrinsic carrier
densities), density of states, carrier distributions.
Week 2 Quiz 1
Week 2 Quiz 2
Week 2 Quiz Answers
Week 2 Homework Assignment
Week 2 Homework Solutions
Exam 1 Goals
ECE 305 Key Equations
Exam 1:
Exam 1 Solutions
Exam 1 Results
Week 2: References and Supplementary Information
Sept. 8: Week 3: Equilibrium carrier concentrations
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 49-67, 75-93
Topics: Equilibrium carrier concentrations, drift, mobility, resistivity, band bending
Week 3 Quiz 1
Week 3 Quiz 2
Week 3 Quiz 3
Week 3 Quiz Answers
Week 3 Homework Assignment
Week 3 Homework Solutions
Week 3: References and Supplementary Information
Sept. 15: Week 4: Semiconductor equations
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 94-124
Topics: Carrier diffusion, the Einstein relationship recombination-generation,
equations of state
Week 4 Quiz 1
Week 4 Quiz 2
Week 4 Quiz 3
Week 4 Quiz Answers
Week 4 Homework Assignment
Week 4 Homework Solutions
Week 4: References and Supplementary Information
Sept. 22: Week 5: Diffusion lengths and quasi-Fermi levels
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 124-134
Topics: Diffusion lengths, quasi-Fermi levels
Week 5 Quiz 1
Week 5 Quiz 2
Week 5 Quiz Answers
Week 5 Homework Assignment
Week 5 Homework Solutions
Exam 2 Goals
ECE 305 Key Equations
Exam 2:
Exam 2 Solutions
Exam 2 Results
Week 5: References and Supplementary Information
Sept. 29: Week 6: PN Diodes I
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 149-174, 195-209
Topics: PN diode fabrication and physical properties. PN diode equilibrium
Week 6 Quiz 1
Week 6 Quiz 2
Week 6 Quiz 3
Week 6 Quiz Answers
Week 6 Homework Assignment
Week 6 Homework Solutions
Week 6: References and Supplementary Information
Oct. 6: Week 7: PN Diodes II
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 209-223, 235-259
Topics: PN diode electrostatics—quantitative. IV characteristics ideal diode
Week 7 Quiz 1
Week 7 Quiz 2
Week 7 Quiz Answers
Week 7 Homework Assignment
Week 7 Homework Solutions
Exam 3 Goals
ECE 305 Key Equations
Exam 3:
Exam 3 Solutions
Exam 3 Results
Week 7: References and Supplementary Information
Oct. 13: Week 8: PN Diodes III
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 260-270, 270-281, 301-313
Topics: Junction breakdown, R-G current, reverse bias capacitance
Week 8 Quiz 1
Week 8 Quiz 2
Week 8 Quiz 3
Week 8 Quiz Answers
Week 8 Homework Assignment
Week 8 Homework Solutions
Week 8: References and Supplementary Information
Oct. 20: Week 9: MS Diodes
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 477-487
Topics: Ideal MS contacts, Schottky diode electrostatics
Week 9 Quiz 1
Week 9 Quiz 2
Week 9 Quiz 3
Week 9 Quiz Answers
Week 9 Homework Assignment
Week 9 Homework Solutions
Week 9: References and Supplementary Information
Oct. 27: Week 10: MS and Optoelectronis Diodes
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 487-496, 347-368
Topics: MS d.c. and A.C. current and optoelectronic diodes
Week 10 Quiz 1
Week 10 Quiz 2
Week 10 Quiz Answers
Week 10 Homework Assignment
Week 10 Homework Solutions
Week 10: References and Supplementary Information
Exam 4 Goals
ECE 305 Key Equations
Exam 4:
Exam 4 Solutions
Exam 4 Results
Nov. 3: Week 11: MOS Fundamentals
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 584-598, 525-530, 563-584
Topics: MOS-fundamentals, ideal structures and electrostatics, MOS CapacitanceVoltage
Week 11 Quiz 1
Week 11 Quiz 2
Week 11 Quiz 3
Week 11 Quiz Answers
Week 11 Homework Assignment
Week 11 Homework Solutions
Week 11: References and Supplementary Information
Nov. 10: Week 12: MOS IV
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 611-630
Topics: Current voltage characteristics of MOSFETs
Week 12 Quiz 1
Week 12 Quiz 2
Week 12 Quiz 3
Week 12 Quiz Answers
Week 12 Homework Assignment
Week 12 Homework Solutions
Week 12: References and Supplementary Information
Nov. 17: Week 13: Non-Ideal MOS
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 645-673
Topics: Nonideal MOS capacitors
Week 13 Quiz 1
Week 13 Quiz 2
Week 13 Quiz Answers
Week 13 Homework Assignment
Week 13 Homework Solutions
Week 13: References and Supplementary Information
Exam 5 Goals
ECE 305 Key Equations
Exam 5:
Exam 5 Solutions
Exam 5 Results
Nov. 24: Week 14-1: BJTs I (Thanksgiving)
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 371-385
Topics: Bipolar transistor fundamentals
Week 14 Quiz 1
Week 14 Quiz Answers
Week 14 Homework Assignment
Week 14 Homework Solutions
Week 14: References and Supplementary Information
Dec. 1: Week 14-2: BJTs II
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 371-381
Topics: Bipolar transistor fundamentals
Week 14-2 Quiz 1
Week 14-2 Quiz 2
Week 14-2 Quiz 3
Week 14-2 Quiz Answers
Week 14-2 Homework Assignment
Week 14-2 Homework Solutions
Week 14-2: References and Supplementary Information
Dec. 8: Week 15: BJTs III
Reading Assignment: SDF, pp. 389-407, 407-426
Topics: BJT static characteristics—ideal theory. Deviations from the BJT ideal
Week 15 Quiz 1
Week 15 Quiz 2
Week 15 Quiz 3
Week 15 Quiz Answers
Week 15 Homework Assignment
Week 15 Homework Solutions
Week 15: References and Supplementary Information
Exam 6: Final exam (date TBD)
Exam 6 (Final Exam) Goals
ECE 305 Key Equations
Exam 6
Exam 6 Solutions
Exam 6 Results