Elizabeth – The Golden Age Film questionnaire Did you enjoy the

Elizabeth – The Golden Age
Film questionnaire
Did you enjoy the film? Why? Why not?
Who is the director?
Who are the main characters?
Explain the title.
When and where does the story take place?
Describe briefly the following characters (about 20 words each):
- Sir Walter Raleigh
- Sir Walsingham
- Bess
- Mary Stuart
- Philip II
7- Choose three adjectives to describe Queen Elizabeth II and give evidence of your choice.
8- What was the fact that caused the Spanish attack?
9- How did the English manage to defeat the Spanish Armada?
translate the following quotes:
Queen Elizabeth I: Go back to your rathole! Tell Philip I fear neither him, nor his priests, nor his armies. Tell
him if he wants to shake his little fist at us, we're ready to give him such a bite he'll wish he'd kept his hands
in his pockets!
Don Guerau De Spes: You see a leaf fall, and you think you know which way the wind blows. Well, there is a
wind coming, Madame, that will sweep away your pride.
[turns to leave with his ministers]
Queen Elizabeth I: I, too, can command the wind, sir! I have a hurricane in me that will strip Spain bare if
you dare to try me!
Queen Elizabeth I: Please, just give me hope.
Dr. John Dee: The forces that shape our world are greater than all of us, Majesty. How can I promise that
they'll conspire in your favor even though you are the Queen? But this much I know. When the storm
breaks, each man acts in accordance with his own nature. Some are dumb with terror. Some flee. Some
hide. And some spread their wings like eagles and soar on the wind.
Queen Elizabeth I: You are a wise man, Dr. Dee.
Queen Elizabeth I: How many Catholics are there in England, sir?
Cabinet Minister #1: [snorting] Immense numbers, Majesty.
Cabinet Minister #2: Half the nation cling to the old superstitions.
Queen Elizabeth I: What would you have me do? Hang half the people in England, or just imprison them?
Cabinet Minister #2: We must act, Majesty! Our inaction is perceived as weakness!
Queen Elizabeth I: If my people break the law, they shall be punished. Until that day, they shall be
Cabinet Minister #1: Majesty, we have proven reason to fear every Catholic in the...
Queen Elizabeth I: [cutting in] Fear creates fear. I am not ignorant of the dangers, sir. But I will not punish
my people for their beliefs. Only for their deeds. I am assured that the people of England love their Queen.
My constant endeavor is to earn that love.