TECHNICAL EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME Phase-II Sub-Component 1.1 15th MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS DETAILED AGENDA &NOTES Date: 28/10/2015 Time: 10.00 a.m. Venue: Chamber of Principal, College of Engineering Trikaripur. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TRIKARIPUR CHEEMENI P.O., KASARAGOD - 671313KERALA Phone: 04672250377 Fax: 04672250750 Background: 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 1 The meeting of Board of Governors is convened regularly to monitor the progress of implementation of TEQIP-II activities at College of Engineering Trikaripur, Cheemeni, under Sub component 1.1, with particular emphasis to procurement and academic activities, and to accord the necessary approvals and clearance for the ongoing activities as required in the implementation guidelines of the scheme. The 14th meeting of the BoG was convened on 17th of June, 2015. The agenda items are given below: Agenda Items Part A Procedural Sl. No Items Page No. A0 Condolence for the sad demise of Dr. M K Radhakrishnan. 4 A1 Confirming the Minutes of the 14th Meeting of the Board of Governors held on 17-06-2015 at the College of Engineering Trikaripur, Cheemeni. 4 A2 Report on the action taken/action pending on the pertinent decisions in the Minutes of the 14th Meeting of the Board of Governors held on 17-06-2015 at the College of Engineering Trikaripur, Cheemeni. 4 Part B Discussion, Consideration and Ratification/Approval Sl. No Items B1 Ratification of the various in- house training programmes for the students and staff. 8 B2 Ratification of the various training programmes attended by faculty, technical and administrative staff outside the institution. 11 B3 Approval for National Conferences. 16 B4 Approval for adding a Member to BoG 21 B5 Approval for the Accreditation material cost in IOC 21 B6 Approval for the internship Program for students. 21 B7 Approval for the expenditure incurred towards the preparation of Annual Budget. 21 Approval for consolidated salary of Accountant and Data Entry Operator 21 B8 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page No. Page 2 Part C Reports Sl. No Items Page No. C1 Status of fund position as on 30-09-2015. 22 C2 Status of Faculty position as on 30-09-2015. 26 C3 Report on Remedial Classes 28 C4 Result Analysis 29 Part D Any other item with the permission of the Chair Sl. No D1 Items Other Items Page No. 29 TECHNICAL EDUCATION QUALITY IMPROVEMENT PROGRAMME 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 3 Phase-II Sub-Component 1.1 14th MEETING OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS DETAILED AGENDA &NOTES Part A Procedural Items A0. Condolence for the sad demise of Dr. M K Radhakrishnan. The BOG, College of Engineering Trikaripur hereby condole the untimely death of Dr. M K Radhakrishnan, the BoG member and founder principal of the college and convey our hearty condolence to the beloved family. A1. Confirmation of the Minutes of the 14th Meeting of the Board of Governors held on 17-06-2015 at the CE Trikaripur, Cheemeni. The Minutes of the 14th Meeting of Board of Governors of TEQIP Phase II of College of Engineering Trikaripur held on 17-06-2015 at the College of Engineering Trikaripur was sent to the Chairman and upon his consent copies were circulated among the other members of the BoG. A copy of the Minutes is appended as Annexure A1 for confirmation. BoG may consider the Minutes for approval. A2. Report on the action taken/action pending on the pertinent decisions in the Minutes of the 14th Meeting of the Board of Governors held on 17-06-2015 at the CE Trikaripur, Cheemeni. The decisions taken by the Board as recorded in the Minutes of the 14th Meeting of the Board of Governors of TEQIP Phase II held on 17-06-2015 have been noted and actions have been initiated. A report on the action taken and actions pending is presented in the Table A2.1 given below. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 4 Table A2.1 Item No B1 Decision Taken BoG suggested to split up the Table B1.1 presented in the Action Taken Implemented BoG also suggested to write the respective heads of the expenditure under the eight main activities of TEQIP-II. BoG suggested to split up the Table B2.1also, which is Implemented agenda and notes which is related to the in-house training programmes, into three different categories such as: amount settled, amount not settled but programme conducted, and advance incurred but programme to be conducted. B2 Implemented related to the external training programmes, into three categories such as amount settled, amount not settled but programme attended, and advance incurred but programme to be attended. B3 The estimation for the conferences may be revised. Revised the Estimate and submitted in this BoG B4 a. To prepare a Master plan for Institutional Development and submit the same on next BoG meeting. For this the institute may organize some effective discussions with the stakeholders, industrial experts, educationalists, local a) Deputed Mr. Sekhar J to prepare the Master Plan and he has prepared a rough report of the same. body members etc and may seek the help of an Architect for the preparation of the same. b. To prepare an Annual budget for the year 2015-16 and submit the same in the next BoG meeting. The institute can seek the help of a Professional Chartered Accountant b) Annual Budget Prepared in the same way instructed by BoG. for preparing the Annual Budget. c. To submit the SARs of all 3 departments in printed form on next BoG meeting. d. A feedback system can be implemented for the c) Submitted the eSAR. performance evaluation of Head of the Institution. A draft 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 5 evaluation format shall be prepared and submit the same on next BoG meeting. e. To prepare an Annual report for the year 2014-15 and submit the same on the next BoG meeting. e) Annual Report Prepared f. A register of ‘interest of members of the BoG’ may be kept in the Institute. A brief resume of all BoG members shall be prepared and publish it in the website. B5 f) No conflict of interest for the members. a. Reports shall be submitted by the concerned Departments a) Not completed against a specific item (Index A-F) under the main activity (No.1) mentioned in the revised IDP (Page No. 50 of detailed Agenda and Notes). b. Conduct an STTP on Applied Mathematics. b) Not Conducted. c. Different Departments shall initiate seed money proposals. c) Received proposals from CE and EEE departments . d. To initiate steps to carry out joint research programmes d) Not Initiated. with reputed institutions. e. Establish an Innovation Centre to facilitate the students to e) Not established. convert their innovative ideas into reality by providing them a minimum level assistance (equipments of minimum affordable cost, tools and manuals) and also to organize seminars and symposiums in this regard. f. To establish an Energy Audit Cell. f) Since there is no certified auditors, cell could not be formed. g. All Faculty members should be a member of any of the g) Process being initiated. professional societies. 50% of membership fee can be provided from TEQIP-II. h. Start Student chapters in the Campus. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th h) Student chapter of IEEE exits. Page 6 i. FDP can be carried out by using service procurement. The i) Proposals not Procurement Co-ordinator shall take necessary steps in this submitted by the regard to invoke the proposals submitted by the different departments departments and may submit the same on the next BoG meeting. j. Send maximum j) Initiated number of faculty members to management capacity development programmes. k. Increase the number of MoUs. l. Impart training to public. k) Trying to get more. l) Trying to organize one programme on this semester break. m. To conduct an Entrepreneurship Development workshop m) Not Conducted. for young entrepreneurs in the North Malabar region. n. Associate NSS and other bodies for a clean and eco- n) Carried Out. friendly campus. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 7 Part B Items for Discussion, Consideration and Ratification/Approvals B1. Ratification of the various in-house training programmes for the students and staff. The various in-house training programmes conducted and to be conducted by different departments are given in Tables below Decision needed: The board may kindly ratify the expenses incurred on the programmes for which the bills are settled. In-house Training Programmes completed and settled In-house Programme Settled Head of Account period Name Programme From To Amount(in Rs.) CSE Campus Recruitment for final year students by engaging Grace Lab Placement System 02/03/2015 Enhanced Interaction with Industries 24,605 ECE FDP Workshop Workshop Workshop FDP on Digital Signal Processing Tools For Engineering Applications organized by ECE Workshop on Embedded System Design and Development, Dept of ECE workshop on hands on Training -8051 Workshop o n Hands on Training -PIC microcontrollers ,Arm Processors and Raspberry Pi organized by ECE Dept. Faculty and Staff Development 10/11/2014 14/11/2014 programme Enhanced interaction with 27/07/2015 01/08/2015 industries Advance to 03/08/2015 05/08/2015 employee Enhanced interaction with 21/07/2015 25/07/2015 industries 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 92,385 87,860 53,380 83,369 Page 8 EEE STTP FDP on Latex -A Document Preparation System organized by Dept of EEE STTP on control engineering theory and applications, Organized by EEE Expert Talk Expert talk on Training on Simulation Tools FDP Faculty and Staff Development 27/04/2015 29/04/2015 programme Faculty and Staff Development 08/12/2014 12/12/2014 programme Enhanced Interaction with 28/08/2015 29/08/2015 Industries 61,876 93,804 18,218 Applied Science Placement Traning Placement Programme Placement Traning Placement Programme Placement Traning Placement Programme Placement Traning Placement Programme Enhanced Interaction with 04/09/2014 industries Enhanced Interaction with 20/08/2014 26/08/2014 industries Enhanced Interaction with 18/08/2014 23/08/2014 industries Enhanced Interaction with 25/08/2014 30/08/2014 industries 69,540 69,420 68,940 71,460 In-house Training Programmes completed but unsettled In-house Programmes completed but not settled period Name Programme From To Head of Account Amount (in Rs.) EEE Workshop workshop on Web Designing Advance to 28/07/2015 29/07/2015 employee 15,000 CSE Placement Training Program for CSE/IT Advance to Placement Students 01/10/2015 06/10/2015 employee 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 50,000 Page 9 Placement Training Program for ECE Placement Students 08/10/2015 13/10/2015 Placement Training Program for EEE Placement Students 15/10/2015 20/10/2015 Advance to employee 50,000 Advance to employee 50,000 Advance to 14/10/2015 17/10/2015 employee 35,000 Applied Science Soft Skill Soft Skill Training Programe for Final year students In-house Programmes to be conducted In-house Programmes to be conducted period Name Programme From To Head of Account Amount (in Rs.) EEE Placement Placement Training Programe 11/12/201 5 Advance to 12/12/2015 employee 20,000 CSE Placement Placement Training Program for CE Students 26/10/201 5 Advance to 30/10/2015 employee 50,000 Applied Science Soft Skill Soft Skill Training Program for Final year students 14/10/201 5 Advance to 17/10/2015 employee 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 35,000 Page 10 B2. Ratification of the various training program attended by faculty, technical and administrative staff outside the institution. The details of various external training programmes attended by the Faculty members/Staffs are given in Table B2.1 below. Decision needed: The board may kindly ratify. External Training Programmes settled External Programs settled period Name Programme From To Head of Amount Account (in Rs.) EEE Binesh Mohan Workshop on Innovations in cable technology at PSG coimbatore Workshop on Innovations in cable Sujith D K technology at PSG coimbatore Failure of Distrubution Transformers and Remedial Measures at Sreekanth.P ESCI,Hyderabad Failure of Distrubution Transformers and Remedial Measures at Binesh Mohan ESCI,Hyderabad International conference on Smartgrid Technologies (ICSGT2015),Amria Gireeshkumar.A,A School of Engg. .P in EEE Coimbatore 06/05/201 5 06/05/201 5 6,603 1,000 5,141 1,000 Faculty and Staff 27/05/201 29/05/201 Developmen 5 5 t programme 31,249 Faculty and Staff 27/05/201 29/05/201 Developmen 5 5 t programme 31,249 Faculty and Staff 06/08/201 08/08/201 Developmen 5 5 t programme 15,204 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Salaries 1.1.9.A(IOC) Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Salaries 1.1.9.A(IOC) Salaries 1.1.9.A(IOC) Page 11 International workshop on Solar voltanic power systems for residential, commercial & off Grid Applications,Rajagiri Binesh Mohan.P, School of Engg. A.P in EEE Cochin International workshop on Solar voltanic power systems for residential, commercial & off Grid Applications,Rajagiri Gireeshkumar.A,A School of Engg. .P in EEE Cochin Faculty and Staff 22/07/201 23/07/201 Developmen 5 5 t programme 22/07/201 23/07/201 5 5 Binesh Mohan Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 18/06/201 20/06/201 5 5 Gireesh Kumar.A Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 18/06/201 20/06/201 5 5 Praseetha.K Gireeshkumar.A Swathimon N Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai National Conference on Emerging Technologies 2015 at Barton Hill Trivandrum FDP onPCBDesigh and Fabrication Technologies at COE karunagapally 16/07/201 18/07/201 5 5 Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme 7,724 7,724 5,537 5,537 5,251 Faculty 25/09/201 26/09/201 Developmen 5 5 t Program 6,412 Faculty 16/09/201 18/09/201 Developmen 5 5 t Program 5,006 CE Shyni.T.V George Alex Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 27/04/201 29/04/201 5 5 27/07/201 29/07/201 5 5 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen 11,825 5,537 Page 12 t programme Applied Science Roshina.K.V Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 27/04/201 29/04/201 5 5 Rekha.K.P Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 27/04/201 29/04/201 5 5 Aneeshkumar.P Pedagogical Training programme at IITM, Chennai 02/09/201 04/09/201 5 5 Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme 28,401 28,401 16,372 ECE Priya.M Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 19/03/201 21/03/201 5 5 Joby James Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 19/03/201 21/03/201 5 5 Deepthi.P.M Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 19/03/201 21/03/201 5 5 R.BijuKumar Joby James Priya.M Recent Advances in Engineering,Science & Technology,Noorul Islam Tamilnadu FDP on Automatic Control Systems and Design with MATLAB/SIMULINK FDP on Automatic Control Systems and Design with MATLAB/SIMULINK 17/04/201 5 19/05/201 22/05/201 5 5 19/05/201 22/05/201 5 5 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Salaries 1.1.9.A(IOC) Salaries 1.1.9.A(IOC) Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen 13,946 13,817 13,817 5,000 6,575 4,730 5,000 4,730 5,000 Page 13 t programme Dayesh K.G FDP onPCBDesigh and Fabrication Technologies at COE karunagapally Faculty 16/09/201 18/09/201 Developmen 5 5 t Program 4,514 CSE Anoop.P.V Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 27/07/201 29/07/201 5 5 Muhammed Sajeer.N Pedagogical Training programme at IITM, Chennai 02/09/201 04/09/201 5 5 Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme 5,617 11,436 ME Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme Faculty and Staff Developmen t programme 17,568 Faculty and Staff 16/07/201 18/07/201 Developmen 5 5 t programme 5,251 09/07/201 5 4,150 Deepu.R.J Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai 27/07/201 29/07/201 5 5 Sudheesh.N Pedagogical Training programme at IITM, Chennai 02/09/201 04/09/201 5 5 5,617 IT Reejamol.K.J Santhosh.S.N Pedagogical Training Programme at IITM Chennai Work shop on "Day with RSA Security" Bangalore 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Salaries 1.1.9.A(IOC) Page 14 External Training Programmes unsettled External Program completed but not settled period Name Programme From To Head of Amount Account (in Rs.) EEE Hi impact Leadership Gireeshkumar. Programme at Barton Hill A Trivandrum Special training Program on Power IndustryBinesh Familiarisation at Mohan.P PETRARC,Moolamattom Special training Program on Power IndustryFamiliarisation at Sreejith V Nair PETRARC,Moolamattom Special training Program on Power IndustryFamiliarisation at Cyriac Bernard PETRARC,Moolamattom 08/10/201 5 10/10/201 Advance to 5 employee 45,000 15/10/201 5 17/10/201 Advance to 5 employee 11,000 15/10/201 5 17/10/201 Advance to 5 employee 11,000 15/10/201 5 17/10/201 Advance to 5 employee 11,000 10/10/201 Advance to 5 employee 45,000 ECE Dr.R.Bijukuma r Hi impact Leadership Programme at Barton Hill Trivandrum 08/10/201 5 External Training Programmes to be settled External Program not completed period Name Programme From To Head of Account Amount (in Rs.) EEE Sujith.D.K Binesh Mohan.P National traing Course on Wind Energy Technology at NIWT Chennai National traing Course on Wind Energy Technology at NIWT Chennai Advance to 26/10/2015 30/10/2015 employee 32,000 Advance to 26/10/2015 30/10/2015 employee 32,000 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 15 B3. Approval for National Conferences The institution slightly lags in the R&D activities. The Mentor and the BoG suggested organizing National Conferences by different departments during this financial year. In this context, to enhance the R&D activities of the institution, the CSE/IT and ECE departments have proposed National Conferences separately. The estimation and brochures of each programme are given below. Decision needed: The BoG may discuss the matter and approve the same. 1. National Conference organized by CSE and IT Dept. The department of CS/IT is planning to conduct a National Conference “RETICS ’15” on 04/11/15 and 05/11/15. The BOG may discuss the same for the approval. The estimation for the programme and the copy of brochure are given below. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 16 COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TRIKARIPUR TEQIP PHASE – II ESTIMATION FOR ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 1 Department/ committee / cell CSE/ IT 2 Title of Program RETICS’16 3 Type of the Program National Conference 5 Duration of Program with date(Attach a schedule of the program) Two day 16/02/2016 to 17/02/2016 6 Number of Resource persons /Trainers participated. Eight 7 Total No. of participant 100 8 Resource persons / Trainers Amount(In Rupees) 1 Remuneration 5000*8=40000 2 TA 4000*8= 32000 3 Accommodation 19000*4= 76000 4 Other expenses 9 25000 Participants 1 Study/stationary material 50000 2 Food & Venue 10 This column for office use 399000 Miscellaneous Expenses 1 Printing 20000 2 Other items 15000 TOTAL Date: 20/10/2015 Place:CET ,Cheemeni 612000 staff in charge / Head of dept 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 17 Copy of Brochure 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 18 2. National Conference organized by ECE Dept. The department of ECE is planning to conduct a National Conference “RACE’16” on 12/01/16. The BOG may discuss the matter for approval. The brochure and estimation are given below. COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING TRIKARIPUR TEQIP PHASE – II ESTIMATION FOR ACADEMIC PROGRAMS 1 Department/ committee / cell ECE 2 Title of Program RACE’16 3 Type of the Program National Conference 5 Duration of Program with date(Attach a schedule of the program) Two days 8/3/2016, 9/3/2016 6 Number of Resource persons /Trainers participated. Five 7 Total No. of participant 100 8 Resource persons / Trainers Amount(In Rupees) 1 Remuneration 5000*5=25000 2 TA 4000*5= 20000 3 19000*3= 57000 Accommodation 4 Other expenses 9 25000 Participants 1 Study/stationary material 50000 2 Food & Venue 10 This column for office use 399000 Miscellaneous Expenses 1 Printing 20000 2 Other items 15000 TOTAL 611000 Copy of Brochure 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 19 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 20 B4. Approval for adding new Member in BoG. The vacant arised in BoG due to the sad demise of Dr.M.K.Radhakrishnan. The BoG may sanction to include one new member in BoG. The BoG may also suggest an eminent personality for the same. B5. Approval for the cost of consumables for accreditation works. The stationery items like posters, files, papers etc. has to be purchased for the purpose of accreditation works. The BoG may be permitted to meet the cost of these materials from the IOC. B6. Approval of the expenditure norms for Internship Program for students. The BoG may be fixed the daily allowance that has to be paid to a student who undergone internship in Kerala state and outside the Kerala state. B7. Approval for the expenditure incurred towards the preparation of Annual Budget. As per the 14th BoG decision, the institute has prepared an Annual Budget Report with the help of an external Chartered Accountant. The total expenditure committed for this is Rs. 10000/-. The BoG may be sanctioned the amount for the same. B8. Approval for consolidated salary of Accountant and Data Entry Operator The BoG may be revised the salary of Accountant and Data Entry Operator as per the minutes of 7th and 8th State Steering Committee Teqip-II. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 21 Part C Reports C1. The status of fund position as on 30.09.2015 Fund utilization status for the allotted 900 Lakh is presented in Table C1.1 given below Bank interest and other income Rs.1422507/In addition to the above, 1. Committed an amount of Rs. 29.48 Lakh. Table C1.1 -MFMR for the month September 2015 Monthly Financial Management Report (Activity and Sub-Activity wise) Sub-component 1.1 Government Funded and Government Aided Institution For the month of September 2015 Name of the Institution: College of Engineering Trikaripur, Cheemeni (Rs. in lakhs) Activities (1) Procurement of goods (equipment, furniture, books, LRs, software and minor items) and civil works for improvemen t in teaching, training and learning facilities Total funds receive d till date Category of expenditure (Head of expenditure ) (2) 900.00 (3) Sub-Activity (4) Expenditure on ICT enabled learning, related softwares & hardware. Expenditure on New laboratory for new PG programs Expenditure on New laboratory for existing PG programs Expenditure on Procurement Existing laboratories modernized/Strengt hened Expenditure on Library i.e. books, e-books, journals, e-journals course specific softwares Expenditure on membership of online journals & Cumula tive Exp. Up to 31.08.20 15 (5) Com mitte Total Exp. d cumulative To Expen expenditure 30.09 diture upto .2015 upto 30.09.2015 31.10. 2015 (6) 16.10 16.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 310.62 310.62 92.32 92.32 0.00 0.00 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th (7 = 5 + 6) (8) 2.90 Expendit ure in pipeline for next Qtr. Ending on 31.12.201 5 (9) 10.00 Page 22 consortium Expenditure on digitally/virtually accessible courses/subjects Expenditure on Modernising Classrooms Expenditure on Procurement of Equipments etc. for Institutes/ TEQIP unit. Expenditure on Civil Work Others. (Specify if Material) Enhanceme nt of R & D and institutional consultancy activities Assistantshi ps Expenditure on Masters students enrolled with TEQIP teaching assistantship Expenditure on PhD Students enrolled with TEQIP research assistantship Others. (Specify if Material) Total 8.19 8.19 57.99 57.99 5.00 32.53 32.53 14.10 0.00 0.00 Expenditure incurred on Research projects taken by UG/ PG students Expenditure incured on research publications in engineering in refered journals Expenditure on Organising Conferences for R & D Topics Expenditure on Patenting of Research Products Others. (Specify if Material) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 22.00 10.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.73 0.73 0.15 0.73 0.35 0.73 0.00 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 517.75 0.00 0.00 Total R&D 0.00 517.75 Total Provide Teaching and Research Assistantshi ps to increase enrolment in existing and new PG programmes in Engineering disipilines 0.00 0.20 10.00 10.00 Page 23 Faculty and staff developmen t for improved competence FSD Expenditure on Faculty with B Tech enrolled for M Tech against total B Tech faculty Expenditure on Faculty with M Tech enrolled for PhD in engineering against total M Tech faculty Expenditure on faculty members attended training in subject domain Expenditure on faculty members attended pedagogical training Expenditure on organising inhouse subject area training Programs/ Workshops/ seminars / conferences / continuing education programs. Expenditure on paticipation by faculty in Seminar/ Confrences/ workshop etc. Expenditure on staff development Others. (Specify if Material) I-I-I- Cells 0.64 6.06 0.20 1.00 1.29 0.35 1.64 0.25 0.80 6.90 2.10 3.00 2.43 0.52 1.00 11.05 11.05 1.20 4.75 0.54 0.54 0.36 2.27 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.90 1.97 27.17 Total Enhanced interaction with Industry 5.41 Expenditure on academic Programs i.e. MTech/PhD etc. with industry Expenditure on short term programs with industry Expenditure on academic networking with other institutions 0.45 1.45 0.00 0.00 1.09 1.09 0.00 0.00 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 28.62 2.00 4.63 14.82 5.00 0.25 1.75 2.50 Page 24 Expenditure incurred on Campus placements (UG & PG) Expenditure on UG Students attended industrial internship Others. (Specify if Material) Capacity developmen t Expenditure on Sr. Officials & Sr. faculty attended management development training Others. (Specify if Material) Implementat ion of Institutional academic reforms Reforms Expenditure on accredition fee for NBA Expenditure incurred on Autonomous Institution status concurred by UGC Expenditure on Curricula revision/restructuri ng Others. (Specify if Material) Academic support for weak students Student support Incrementa l operating cost GRAND TOTAL 900.00 1.78 1.78 Expenditure on students transition from first year to second year of UG Programs (clearing all subjects /courses of 1st year in first attempt) Others. (Specify if Material) 0.88 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 8.87 8.87 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.00 8.95 14.00 14.00 0.49 0.49 1.50 2.40 2.00 1.75 13.65 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.00 Total 14.50 0.00 14.50 0.00 13.00 IOC 31.85 0.43 32.28 0.75 10.00 607.60 2.76 610.35 29.48 71.47 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 7.52 0.00 8.95 Total 4.66 0.00 0.00 Total 0.88 0.00 6.65 Total Institutional Managemen t Capacity enhancemen t 3.78 Page 25 C2. The status of Faculty position as on 30.09.2015 The faculty position as on 31-09-2015 is given in the Table C2.1 Table C2.1 Electrical and Electronics Engg. Department Professor Associate Professor Sanctioned Nos. 1 2 Available Nos. Nil Nil Vacancy Nos. 1 2 Assistant Professor 7 7 Nil Contract Faculty Qualification M. Tech 5, B.Tech 1, B.Tech doing 1 M.Tech 5 5 Electronics and Communication Engg. Department Professor Associate Professor Sanctioned Nos. 1 2 Available Nos. Nil 1 Vacancy Nos. 1 1 Assistant Professor 7 6 1 Contract Faculty 10 Qualification Ph D -1 doing M.Tech 4, M.Tech doing 2 M. Tech 10 Computer Science &Engg. Department Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Contract Faculty Sanctioned Nos. 1 2 7 Available Nos. 0 1 6 4 Vacancy Nos. 1 1 1 Qualification Ph D -1 doing M. Tech 6 M.Tech 4 Information Technology Department Professor Associate Professor Sanctioned Nos. Nil 1 Available Nos. 0 0 Vacancy Nos. Nil 1 Assistant Professor 3 4 0 Contract Faculty 5 Qualification Ph D -1 doing M.Tech 1, M.Tech 2 doing M. Tech 2 Mechanical Engineering Department Professor Associate Professor Assistant Professor Contract Faculty Sanctioned Nos. Nil Nil 3 Available Nos. Nil Nil 3 1 Vacancy Nos. Nil Nil 0 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Qualification M. Tech 3 B. Tech 1 Page 26 Civil Engineering Department Professor Associate Professor Sanctioned Nos. 1 1 Available Nos. Nil Nil Vacancy Nos. 1 1 Assistant Professor 7 5 2 Contract Faculty Professor Assistant Professor Contract Faculty 10 Applied Science Department Sanctioned Available Vacancy Nos. Nos. Nos. 1 1 Nil 4 4 Nil 5 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Qualification M.Tech 4 B. Tech 1doing B. Tech 10 Qualification M. Sc 1 PhD 1, M. Sc.NET 3 MA 2, M.Sc. SET 2, PhD. 1 Page 27 C3. Report on Remedial Classes For the first year students, the weak students were identified based on the first sessional exam and conducted remedial classes for them during February-March. For higher semester students, the remedial classes were conducted during study leave (March- April) for 16 theory subjects. Following remedial classes were conducted for students. REMEDIAL CLASS RESULT ANALYSIS 2014-2015 DEPARTMENT SL.NO APPLIED SCIENCE EEE ECE IT CS CE Semester & Subject Code Total no of students who attended the remedial class Total no of students who passed after attending the remedial class Pass Percentage 33 13 28 5 9 11 3 4 25 5 2 11 7 13 0 7 11 3 1 8 2 0 33% 53% 46% 0 78% 100% 100% 25% 32% 40% 0 9 90% 4 8 2 8 100% 72.7% 100% 88.9% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 S3 1301 S3 EE305 S3 EE304 S3 EE306 S5 EE507 S5 EE508 S5 EE503 S5 EE502 S3 1302 S5 1502 S5 EC503 S5 CS504 10 12 No remedial classes taken last year 13 S5 CE1503 4 14 S5 CE1502 11 15 S3 CE1302 2 16 S3 CE1303 9 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 28 C. Result Analysis Result Analysis Result analysis S5 (Nov 2014) Branch CE CS EEE ECE IT Total Students Registered 69 66 58 66 21 280 Passed Failed 46 23 16 50 27 31 33 33 14 7 136 144 Pass % 54 24 47 50 59 49 Result analysis S3 (Nov 2014) Branch CE CS EEE ECE IT Total Students Registered 59 61 50 60 18 248 Passed Failed 38 21 11 50 5 45 18 42 6 12 78 170 Pass % 64 18 10 30 33 31 Part D D. Other items with the permission of the Chair Items to be included in the agenda with the permission of the Chair. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 29 Annexure A1 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 30 TECHNICALEDUCATIONQUALITYIMPROVEMENTPROGRAMME PhaseII SubComponent1.1 14th MEETING MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS Date: 17-06-2015 Time:10.00am Venue: Chamber of Principal, College of Engineering Trikaripur COLLEGEOFENGINEERING TRIKARIPUR CHEEMENIP.O.,KASARAGOD- 671313KERALA Phone: 04672250377Fax:04672250750 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 31 Agenda Part A(Procedural) Part A Procedural Item. No Items A1 Confirming the Minutes of the 13th Meeting of the Board of Governors held on 2402-2015 at the College of Engineering Trikaripur, Cheemeni. A2 Report on the action taken/action pending on the pertinent decisions in the Minutes of the 13th Meeting of the Board of Governors. Part B (Discussion, Consideration and Ratification/Approval) Part B Discussion, Consideration and Ratification/Approval Item. No Items B1 Ratification of the various in- house training programmes for the students and staff. 5 B2 Ratification of the various training programmes attended by faculty, technical and administrative staff outside the institution. 6 B3 Approval for National Conferences. 11 B4 Approval for Governance Development Plan. 16 B5 B6 B7 Approval for Revised Institutional Development Plan. Proposal to incorporate an Industrial person in the BoG. Approval for Finishing School Activity. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page No 16 16 16 Page 32 Part C(Reports) Part C Reports Sl. No Items Page No. C1 Status of fund position as on 31-05-2015. 20 C2 Accreditation status of the UG programmes. 23 C3 Report on Remedial Classes 23 Part D (OtherItems) Part D Any other item with the permission of the Chair Sl. No Items Other Items D1 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page No. 24 Page 33 MembersAttended: The meeting was started at10.00a.min Principal’s chamber, and presided over by Sri. K.Raghavan, Chairman BoG. The following members of the BoG were participated in the meeting. 1. Dr. M.K. Radhakrishnan 2. Dr.A.K.Padmini 3. Dr. V. Gopakumar 4. Dr.S.Raveendran 5. Sri.Vijayamohan J 6. Dr. R. Bijukumar 7. Prof. P. Kunhikannan 8. Sri.Mahesh.V.V 9. Sri. Sudheesh N 10. Sri. Suresh kumar.A.V. The Principal welcomed all the members and briefed the actions taken/pending on the recommendations of the previous meeting held on 24/02/2015. After detailed discussion the following decisions were taken. ItemNo.1(A1&A2):Confirming the minutes of the previous BoG Meeting held on 24-022015 and report on the action taken/pending. Minutes of the previous BoG Meeting held on 24-02-2015 was approved. (Refer AnnexureA1 of detailed agenda and notes). ItemNo.2(B1):Ratification of Various In-house training programmes for the students and staff. BoG ratified all the in-house training programmes for the students/staff and approved as per Table B1.1 of detailed agenda and notes. BoG suggested to split up the Table B1.1 presented in the agenda and notes which is related to the in-house training programmes, into three different categories such as: amount settled, amount not settled but programme conducted, and advance incurred but programme to be conducted. BoG also suggested to write the respective heads of the expenditure under the eight main activities of TEQIP-II. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 34 In House Training Programmes settled as on 17-06-15 Date Programme Type Workshop Expert Talk Workshop FDP Workshop Workshop Palcement Title Workshop on Hands on Training on Embedded System Design and Product Development Expert Talk on How to Research, Publish and Perish Worksop on Study and Maintenance of Electrical and Electronics Laboratory Equipments FDP on Recent Advances in Civil Engineering Workshop on automation and management of accademic libraries organaised by Central Library Workshop on Communication strategies for Engineering Teachers organaised by Applied Science Campus Recruitement for final year students by engaging Kite Software Solutions Head of Account From To FDP 12-012015 16-012015 FDP 22-012015 FDP 08-012015 09-012015 48,849 40,000 FDP 12-012015 16-012015 67,785 75,000 FDP 05-032015 07-032015 61,595 40,000 FDP 19-022015 20-022015 41,495 30,000 EAP 04-032015 106,924 14,924 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Amount(Rs.) Advance(Rs.) 20,759 15,000 Page 35 80,000 Palcement Campus Recruitement for final year students by engaging Grace Lab System EAP 02-032015 24,605 15,000 Expert Talk Expert Talk on How to Research, Publish and Perish FDP 22-012015 14,924 FDP 05-022015 06-022015 30,266 FDP 06-012015 07-012015 29,019 STTP Worksop Moodle Open Sourc Learning Platform workshop on Outcome based Education and for NBA Accreditation organaised by Dept. of EEE In House Training Programmes Advance Unsettled as on 17-06-15 Progra mme Type Date Title Latex -A Document Preparation System organaised by Dept. of EEE FDP Head of Account Advance to Employee s From To 27-042015 29-04-2015 Total Amount(R s.) Advanc e(Rs.) 70,000 ItemNo.3(B2):Ratification of the various training programs attended by faculty, technical staff and administrative staff, outside the institution. BoG ratified the various training programs attended by faculty, technical and administrative staff outside the institution and approved as per TableB2.1 of detailed agenda and notes. BoG suggested to split up the Table B2.1also, which is related to the external training programmes, into three categories such as amount settled, amount not settled but 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 36 programme attended, and advance incurred but programme to be attended. External training Programmes Laya Raj Shyni.T.V Sekhar.J STTP STTP STTP Learn about the incubation centre Chinma ya Kannur IOC Chinma ya Kannur IOC LBS Kasarag od IOC From To 21-10-2014 2,580 1,880 1,880 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Advance(Rs .) 21-10-2014 IOC Total Amount(Rs .) 21-10-2014 STTP Chinma ya Kannur 20-10-2014 Sekhar.J Enhancing Quality of technical and higher Education kerala by Integrating NPTEL content and open Education resours of degree programs Enhancing Quality of technical and higher Education kerala by Integrating NPTEL content and open Education resours of degree programs Enhancing Quality of technical and higher Education kerala by Integrating NPTEL content and open Education resours of degree programs Place CE 20-10-2014 Name Name of the Programme 20-02-2015 Progr amme Type 20-10-2014 Date Head of Accou t 1,570 Page 37 STTP Structural Analysis and Design Using STADD COE Kannur FDP & IOC Shyni.T.V STTP Probability in Engineerimg COE Kannur FDP & IOC Dona Maria Joseph STTP COE Kannur FDP & IOC Sekhar.J STTP Probability in Engineerimg Workshop on Stress assisted Environmental Damage in Structural Materials at IITM Chennai 2,313 1000 & 2313 27-012015 31-012015 Dona Maria Joseph 07-02-2015 IOC Laya Raj 02-02-2015 COE Kannur 02-022015 07-022015 STTP Structural Analysis and Design Using STADD Place ment Recruitment Drive Centrl Universi ty Kasarag od FDP & IOC LBS Kasarag od Vimal Jyothi COE Chempe ri 27-01-2015 31-01-2015 27-02-2015 02-03-2015 1,993 III III 07-02-2015 Rafeekh.A. P IOC 06-02-2015 Recruitment Drive COE Vadakar a 200 & 366 28-02-2012 Place ment 5000 & 6122 11-02-2015 Rafeekh.A. P IITM FDP Chennai & IOC CSE 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 1000 & 2180 19-012015 23-012015 Shabna Salam Pattern Recognition and FDP Machine Learning Seminar on Frontier in Machine Learning and Speech Processing at Semin Central University ar at Kasargod Naveena.A. K 1000 & 2180 3,696 5,376 Page 38 STTP FDP ESCI Hyderab ad FDP & IOC 21-03-2015 IITM Chennai 21,952 23-01-2015 Rafeekh A P Windows 2012 Server Administration at ESCI, Hyderabad III 12-02-2015 Rafeekh.A. P Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme Recruitment Drive COE Thalasse ry 19-03-2015 Place ment 19-01-2015 Rafeekh.A. P 14,015 25281 & 21436 32000 TKM Institute Kollam FDP & IOC Data mining and Data Analysis NIT tamilnad u FDP & IOC 15-12-2013 Advances in Computer and Electronics World 27-03-2015 IOC 13-12-2013 TKM Institute Kollam 26-03-2015 Control, Communication and Computing 3,508 Priya.M Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme IITM Chennai FDP Joby James Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme IITM Chennai FDP 21-03-2015 FDP 21-03-2015 Joby James 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 4,930 5000 & 4102 5000 & 6271 19-03-2015 BijuKumar. R IOC 19-03-2015 Joby James DTE Trivandr um 24-112015 28-112015 Joby James Work shop Intern ationa l Confe rence Intern ationa l Confe rence Review of self assesment Report for NB Acreditation at DTE Trivandrum 05-06-2014 ECE 13,946 13,817 Page 39 19-032015 21-032015 FDP & IOC IIST Trivandr um FDP & IOC IIST Trivandr um FDP & IOC STTP Enhancing Quality of technical and higher Education kerala by Integrating NPTEL content and open Education resours of degree programs Chinma ya Kannur IOC STTP Learn about the incubation centre LBS Kasarag od IOC Arun.M.S Sujith D K ESCI Hyderab ad FDP & IOC EEE 100320 15 20-10-2014 ESCI Hyderab ad FDP & IOC 100320 15 5000 & 4730 12 03 20 16854 & 15 21174 12 03 20 16,854 & 15 21174 25,000 25,000 2,580 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 5000 & 4730 20-022015 FDP 22-05-2015 Ratheesh.T Mana geme nt Priya.M 22-05-2015 Arun P L Mana geme nt FDP on Automatic Control Systems and Design with MATLAB/SIMUL INK Workshop on Quality initiatives in technical & Higher Educational Institutions Workshop on Quality initiatives in technical & Higher Educational Institutions 5000 & 6575 21-10-2014 FDP Noorul Islam Tamilna du 13,817 19-05-2015 Joby James FDP FDP 19-05-2015 R.BijuKum ar Recent Advances in Engineering,Scien ce & Technology FDP on Automatic Control Systems and Design with MATLAB/SIMUL INK IITM Chennai 17-042015 Deepthi.P. M Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme 1,570 Page 40 Arun.M.S Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme IITM Chennai FDP Sreekanth.P Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme IITM Chennai FDP FDP on Lab View and its application COE Thalasse ry FDP & IOC FDP & IOC 2000 & 2126 FDP FDP on Lab View and its application GireeshKu mar A Work shop Workshop on Wind Energy Technology NIWE Chennai IOC & FDP Binesh Mohan.P Work shop Workshop on Cyber Security for Power Engineers CPRI Bengalu ru FDP & IOC Sujith.D.K Work shop Workshop on Cyber Security for Power Engineers CPRI Bengalu ru FDP & IOC GireeshKu mar.A Work shop Research Perspectives On Solar PV Systems PSG,Coi mbatore FDP & IOC 2000 & 2126 18-032015 20-032015 Praseetha.K COE Thalasse ry 21,000 16-032015 9127 & 16854 3933 & 6160 16-032015 8000 3933 & 6160 8,000 26-032015 29-032015 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th 5,107 5,107 10-04-2015 FDP 5,107 06-042015 10-042015 Sujith.D.K 25-04-2015 FDP 25-04-2015 IITM Chennai 20-02-2015 Sujith.D.K Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme 932 23-042015 25-042015 STTP 23-04-2015 IOC Swathimon 23-04-2015 LBS Kasarag od 06-04-2015 Learn about the incubation centre 3750 & 10178 12000 Page 41 Shammal.P. K Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme 19-032015 21-032015 IT IITM Chennai FDP 14,015 IITM Chennai FDP 21-03-2015 Anoop.K.T Pedag ogical Pedagogical trainin Training g Programme 19-03-2015 ME 5,318 External training Programmes Unsettled Name of the Programm Programm e Type e Name Pedagogica Pedagogica l training l training programme Pedagogica Pedagogica l training Rekha.K.P l training programme Roshina.K .V Shyni.T.V Binesh Mohan.P Pedagogica Pedagogica l training l training programme Workshop Sujith.D.K Workshop GireeshKu mar.A Workshop Workshop on Innovation In Cable Technolog y Workshop on Innovation In Cable Technolog y Nuclear Power & Nuclear Date Head of Place Accout ASM IITM Chenna Advance to i Employee IITM Chenna Advance to i Employee CE IITM Chenna Advance to i Employee EEE PSG, Coimba Advance to tore Employee PSG, Coimba tore ESCI Hydera bad From 27-042015 29042015 29042015 27-042015 29042015 27-042015 20,000 20,000 20,000 06-052015 6,000 Advance to Employee 06-052015 6,000 Advance to Employee 12-052015 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th To Total Advan Amoun ce(Rs. t(Rs.) ) 15052015 34,000 Page 42 Sreekanth. P Binesh Mohan.P FDP FDP Fuel Cycle Programme in India Failure Distrubutio n Tranformer s and Remedial Measures Failure Distrubutio n Tranformer s and Remedial Measures ESCI Hydera bad Advance to Employee ESCI Hydera bad Advance to Employee 27-052015 29052015 25,000 27-052015 29052015 25,000 ItemNo.4 (B3):Approval for National Conferences. BoG has given approval for two National conferences to b e conducted on the m o n t h s o f D e c e m b e r a n d J a n u a r y a s proposed by the two departments. BoG has also given suggestions to plan the conference for at least two days and try to publish the conference papers in any standard journals, as it could bring up much publicity and validity for the events. Similarly, efforts should be taken to bring up eminent personalities as keynote speakers. Brochure should be modified accordingly and published very soon in the website. The venue for the conference may be fixed by the concerned departments. The estimation for the conferences may also be revised. Item No.5(B4):Approval for Governance Development Plan (GDP). After a detailed discussion, the BoG has approved the GDP with some suggestions. g. To prepare a Master plan for Institutional Development and submit the same on next BoG meeting. For this the institute may organize some effective discussions with the stakeholders, industrial experts, educationalists, local body members etc and may seek the help of an Architect for the preparation of the same. h. To prepare an Annual budget for the year 2015-16 and submit the same in the next BoG meeting. The institute can seek the help of a Professional Chartered Accountant 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 43 for preparing the Annual Budget. i. To submit the SARs of all 3 departments in printed form on next BoG meeting. j. A feedback system can be implemented for the performance evaluation of Head of the Institution. A draft evaluation format shall be prepared and submit the same on next BoG meeting. k. To prepare an Annual report for the year 2014-15 and submit the same on the next BoG meeting. l. A register of ‘interest of members of the BoG’ may be kept in the Institute. A brief resume of all BoG members shall be prepared and publish it in the website. m. BoG has a plan to interact with Faculty, Staff, Students and Parents in the next BoG meeting. n. The grade points allotted in the items C3 and E1 of GDP can be upgraded to 1. ItemNo.6 (B5): Approval for Revised Institutional Development Plan(Revised IDP). After detailed discussion, the BoG has approved the revised IDP with the following comments. o. Reports shall be submitted by the concerned Departments against a specific item(Index A-F) under the main activity (No.1) mentioned in the revised IDP (Page No. 50 of detailed Agenda and Notes). p. Conduct a programme on Research Methodology. q. Conduct an STTP on Applied Mathematics. r. Different Departments shall initiate seed money proposals. s. To initiate steps to carry out joint research programes with reputed institutions. t. Establish an Innovation Centre to facilitate the students to convert their innovative ideas into reality by providing them a minimum level assistance (equipments of minimum affordable cost, tools and manuals) and also to organize seminars and symposiums in this regard. The purchase of consumables for these activities can be booked under IOC. u. To establish an Energy Audit Cell. v. All Faculty members should be a member of any of the professional societies. 50% of membership fee can be provided from TEQIP-II. w. Start Student chapters in the Campus. x. FDP can be carried out by using service procurement. The Procurement Co-ordinator 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 44 shall take necessary steps in this regard to invoke the proposals submitted by the different departments and may submit the same on the next BoG meeting. y. Send maximum number of faculty members to management capacity development programmes. z. Increase the number of MoUs. aa. Impart training to public. bb. To conduct an Entrepreneurship Development workshop for young entrepreneurs in the North Malabar region. cc. Associate NSS and other bodies for a clean and eco-friendly campus. ItemNo.7(B6):Proposal to incorporate an Industrial person in the BoG. BoG verified the profile of the proposed industrialist, Sri. Jayakrishnan Divakaran, and permitted to take necessary further actions to include him in the BoG. ItemNo.8(B7):Approval for Finishing School Activity. BoG verified the proposal of CSE/IT department. BoG directed to utilize service procurement to conduct the programme with strict compliance to the norms in TEQIP-II. ItemNo.9(C1):Status of Fund Position as on 31-05-2015. BoG noted the status of fund position based on the MFMR for the month of 31-05-2015. The status of fund position is given in Table C1.1 of detailed Agenda & Notes. ItemNo.10(C2):Accreditation status of the UG programmes. Reported to BoG the accreditation status of the UG programmes.BoG directed to submit the SARs of all 3 departments in printed form on next BoG meeting. ItemNo.11(C3):Report on Remedial Classes. Reported to BoG about the remedial classes. Refer detailed Agenda & Notes.BoG asked to identify 10 week subjects in each department and to give special attention on these subjects in remedial classes. ItemNo.12(D1):Other Itemss. a. TOR of High Intensity Training Programme of ECE department under Finishing School. BoG approved TOR of High Intensity Training Programme of ECE department. BoG suggested to utilize the service procurement to conduct the programme. 15 BoG detailed Agenda and Notes, TEQIPII, CE Trikaripur, 28 October 2015 th Page 45