Resolution Didier - Hoffmann Properties

RESOLUTION NO. 2013 - _______
WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove is a Home Rule Unit pursuant to the Illinois Constitution
of 1970; and
WHEREAS, the Village has certain rights to plan for land use and development of extraterritorial
areas within 1.5 miles of its corporate boundary (65 ILCS 5/11-12-6); and
WHEREAS, the Village has a long history of exercising such rights through its 1973
Comprehensive Plan, 1986 Comprehensive Plan, 1992 Comprehensive Plan, 1998 Comprehensive
Plan and 2009 Comprehensive Plan and supporting studies; and
WHEREAS, the quality of life in the Village and its surrounding environs is enhanced by highquality, well-planned land uses, transportation and infrastructure service; and
WHEREAS; contained within the Village’s 1.5 mile planning boundary is an area comprising
approximately 93.1 acres and generally bound by Buffalo Grove Road to the west, Aptakisic
Road to the south, Brandywyn Lane to the north and Prairie Road to the east; and
WHEREAS, said property is presently used for agricultural and commercial purposes and is
situated within unincorporated Lake County; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Buffalo Grove, pursuant to its home rule and extraterritorial planning
authority, has designated the future development of said property, commonly known as the
Didier Property and the Hoffmann Property, on the Future Land Use Map of the adopted
Comprehensive Plan as low-density residential (78.7 acres), parks and open space (7.8 acres),
commercial (3.8 acres) and utilities (2.8 acres) land uses; and
WHEREAS, the Didier Property provides an oasis of sustainable local food, consistent with the
Livable Communities theme of the GOTO 2040 Comprehensive Regional Plan published by the
Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP); and
WHEREAS, the Village Board on August 19, 2013 took action to refer a concept plan to the Plan
Commission for further review to develop the Hoffmann Property with low-density residential
uses and in furtherance of the 2009 Comprehensive Plan; and
WHEREAS, the United States Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) released the Upper Des Plaines
River and Tributaries, Illinois and Wisconsin Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental
Assessment on September 3, 2013; and
WHEREAS, contained within the report and assessment was a proposal to convert the Didier
Property and the Hoffmann Property from its existing uses to a 550 acre-foot storage reservoir,
so noted as Aptakisic Creek Reservoir (NED ACRS08), Buffalo Grove, (Plate 17) in the plan; and
WHEREAS, the NED ACRS08 plan description contemplates the excavation of the site to a depth
of 4.5 feet along with the addition of a berm levee structure around the perimeter of the Didier
Property and Hoffmann Property with an above-grade height varying from six to twelve feet and
spoil areas of ten and twelve feet in height; and
WHEREAS, the NED ACRS08 project is included within the Full and NED plans of the report and
assessment; and
WHEREAS, the USACE has adopted a comment period on the plan, to be submitted to the
Chicago District until October 2, 2013.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village President and Board Trustees of the Village of Buffalo
Grove, Cook and Lake Counties, Illinois, as follows:
Section 1:
That the proposed conversion of the Didier Property and Hoffmann Property to
a 550 acre-foot reservoir would have a deleterious effect on the subject property, adjoining
properties, the essential character of the locality and the community as a whole.
Section 2:
That the Upper Des Plaines River and Tributaries, Illinois and Wisconsin
Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental Assessment proposal to develop project ACRS08
is in conflict with the Village of Buffalo Grove’s 2009 Comprehensive Plan and the Future Land
Use Map.
Section 3:
That the Village of Buffalo Grove does not support, in whole or in part, the
conversion of the Didier Property and the Hoffmann Property into uses other than those uses
designated and contemplated in the adopted 2009 Comprehensive Plan, or the 1998, 1992, 1986
or the 1973 comprehensive plan documents.
Section 4:
That the Village of Buffalo Grove encourages the United States Army Corps of
Engineers, the Lake County Stormwater Management Commission and the Metropolitan Water
Reclamation District to consider alternative flood mitigation measures and locations in lieu of
the Didier Property and Hoffmann Property.
Section 5:
That the Village Manager is hereby authorized and directed to submit this
resolution as a comment to the United States Army Corps of Engineers for the Upper Des Plaines
River and Tributaries, Illinois and Wisconsin Integrated Feasibility Report and Environmental
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Village President
Village Clerk