QUALIFICATION DETAILS: What qualifications do you have or are you working towards? EXAM DETAILS QUALIFICATION TYPE (Exam Board, Month and Year) (e.g. GCSE / BTEC Level 2 etc) TO BE COMPLETED AT REGISTRATION MEETING BY STANTONBURY STAFF SUBJECT ACTUAL GRADE: TUTORSplease insert the STANTONBURY CAMPUS, SIXTH FORM, COOKSEY HALL APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION - SEPTEMBER 2014 Please complete ALL applicable sections in BLOCK CAPITALS ONLY APPLICATION FOR EXTERNAL STUDENTS TOTAL number of GCSE grades: TOTAL NO OF A*s = TOTAL NO OF As = STUDENT DETAILS: Legal Surname: Middle name(s): Surname known as: Address: Home Telephone: TOTAL NO OF Bs = TOTAL NO OF Cs = Forename: Student Mobile: TOTAL NO OF Ds = Student email: TOTAL NO OF Es = TOTAL NO OF Fs = Postcode: Gender: TOTAL NO OF Gs = Date of Birth: How old will you be on 1st September? M / F (please circle) 1ST PARENT OR CARER IN RESIDENCE AT ABOVE ADDRESS: Surname: Forename: Title: Relationship to student: Address: Gender: M / F (please circle) Home Telephone: Mobile: Postcode: MEDICAL / SPECIAL NEEDS DETAILS: Health Centre: Telephone Number: Address: Do you have any medical conditions? Yes / No Do you have dyslexia / spelling problem? Yes / No Work Telephone: Order of contact email: 1st / 2nd / 3rd (Please circle) in an emergency: ND 2 PARENT OR CARER IF THIS IS A PARENT LIVING ELSEWHERE, WILL THEY REQUIRE REPORTS? Surname: Forename: Title: Relationship to student: Address: Gender: Have you ever had a statement of special needs? Yes / No Are you visually impaired? Yes / No Are you hearing impaired? Yes / No Home Telephone: Do you have mobility difficulties? Yes / No Are there other aspects of learning we should know about? Yes / No Mobile: Have you ever received support? Yes / No If the answer is ‘YES’ to any of the above, please specify: Postcode: Order of contact: M / F (please circle) Work Telephone: 1st / 2nd / 3rd (Please circle) email: OTHER CONTACT IF NOT RESIDENT WITH THE STUDENT THEN THE ADDRESS AND TELEPHONE NUMBER MUST BE PROVIDED FOR DATABASE PURPOSES Surname: Forename: Title: Relationship to student: Address: Gender: Home Telephone: Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________ Date: ________________ Return to: Student Services, Stantonbury Campus, Milton Keynes, MK14 6BN Yes / No (please cicle) Postcode: Order of contact: Mobile: 1st / 2nd / 3rd (Please circle) Work Telephone: M / F (please circle) Academic Route: Nearly all A*-B at GCSE Mixed Route Average GCSE grades around B-C Vocational Pathways EDUCATION DETAILS: DETAILS OF SECONDARY SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES ATTENDED: DATE (FROM – TO) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Option Block A Option Block A Option Block A 1. Business Studies Communication and Culture English Literature French Government and Politics ICT Physics Sociology 2. 3. 4. 5. Art and Design BTEC National Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks A, B and D) Creative Media Production BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and B) Health and social Care Single Award Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness BTEC Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and D) Information Technology BTEC 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Option Block B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Biology Design and Technology: Product Design 3D Economics English Literature History Music Psychology Sociology Option Block B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Applied Business Studies Double Award (must be selected in blocks B and C) Applied Science BTEC National Subsidiary Diploma Art and Design BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks B and D) Creative Media Production BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and B) Design and Technology: Product Design 3D Performing Arts BTEC Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks B, C and D) Option Block B 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Option Block C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Art and Design Biology Business Studies Geography History Maths Maths GCSE re-take* Psychology Theatre Studies Art and Design BTEC National Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks A, B and D) Communication and Culture Creative Media Production BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and B) Health and social Care Single Award Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness BTEC Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and D) Information Technology BTEC Option Block C 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Applied Business Studies Single Award Art and Design Communication and Culture English GCSE re-take* History Maths GCSE re-take* Performing Arts BTEC Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks B, C and D) Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness BTEC Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks A, C and D) Theatre Studies 5. 1. 2. NB. We will need to contact your current or most recent school or college for a reference. Please sign/print your name here to confirm you give us your permission to do so: HAVE YOU EVER BEEN A STUDENT AT STANTONBURY CAMPUS? Yes / No (please circle ) APPLICATION DETAILS: Please give relevant details to support your application. Include information about the courses you particularly wish to study and why; and previous education (e.g. long periods of time missed through illness, any education abroad, any examinations taken other than detailed to be given on back page (please feel free to use an extra sheet of paper if required) Applied Business Studies Single Award English GCSE re-take* Maths GCSE re-take* Performing Arts BTEC Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks B, C and D) Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness BTEC Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks A, C and D) PROPOSED CAREER: What do you hope to do after completing this course? COURSES AGREED AT APPLICATION MEETING (TO BE COMPLETED BY STANTONBURY CAMPUS STAFF) Route of preference (subject of grades) Please circle1st, 2nd and3rd Option Block D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Chemistry Communication and Culture Computing Dance Government and Politics Maths Music Technology Psychology Option Block D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Art and Design BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks B and D) Communication and Culture Creative Media Production BTEC National Extended Diploma (must be selected in Blocks A, B and D) Dance Financial Studies Health and Social Care Double Award (must be selected in blocks A and block D) Music Technology Performing Arts BTEC ExtendedDiploma (must be selected in blocks B, C and D) Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness BTEC Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and D) Option Block D 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. NAME AND ADDRESS OF SCHOOL / COLLEGE Applied Business Studies Double Award (must be selected in blocks B and C) Applied Science BTEC National Subsidiary Diploma Art and Design BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks B and D) Creative Media Production BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and B) Design and Technology: Product Design 3D Performing Arts BTEC Extended Diploma (must be selected in blocks B, C and D) Option Block C 1. 2. 3. 4. NAME OF TUTOR Art and Design BTEC National Diploma (must be selected in blocks B and D) Communication and Culture Creative Media Production BTEC National Extended Diploma (must be selected in Blocks A, B and D) Financial Studies Health and Social Care Double Award (must be selected in blocks A and block D) Music Technology Performing Arts BTEC ExtendedDiploma (must be selected in blocks B, C and D) Sport: Development, Coaching and Fitness BTEC Diploma (must be selected in blocks A and D) Academic Route 1st 2nd 3rd Mixed Route 1st 2nd 3rd Vocational Route 1st 2nd 3rd Block A Block B Block C Block D Block A Block B Block C Block D Block A Block B Block C Block D INTERVIEW DETAILS (TO BE COMPLETED BY STANTONBURY CAMPUS STAFF) FIRST APPLICATION MEETING DATE AND TIME: SECOND APPLICATION MEETING DATE AND TIME: NAME OF STAFF CONDUCTING MEETING: RELEVANT COMMENTs: