Simple reactive agent World:

Simple reactive agent
World: - Environment in Java.
We will work with reactive agents in simple world implemented in
Java. World is static, deterministic and contains only one agent. It is
a room with obstacles and dirties, which should be cleaned by the
agent. The world is implemented as two dimensional array of
integers, where:
0 = clean
1 = dirty
2 = wall(obstacle)
For visualization of the world we have a simple GUI. World can be
fixed or random. The textfile 'world.txt' describes random world in
the following form:
1. First row contains a string. If it is "random", dirties and walls
are generated randomly.
2. Second row is an integer = width of the world.
3. Third row is an integer = height of the world.
4. Fourth row is an float = probability of dirt occurence.
5. Fifth row is an float = probability of wall occurence.
The textfile 'reactive.txt' describes fixed world in the following form:
1. First row is empty.
2. Second row is an integer W = width of the world.
3. Third row is an integer H = height of the world.
4. Follows H lines, each conisting of W characters of the form:
o '#': denotes WALL tile
' ': denotes CLEAN tile
'*': denotes DIRTY tile
'@': denotes AGENT's starting position on CLEAN tile
'0': denotes AGENT's starting position on DIRTY tile
Agent has only one sensor that is implemented by
the percept() method. This method returns a two-dimensional
(2n+1)x(2n+1) array of integers, where n is agent's perception
(parameter describing agent's horizon). Agent's percept may be 0
as well as bigger than the size of the world. In the first case, agent
sees only only its actual tile. In the second case, everything outside
the boundaries of the world is seen as WALL. The percept size of the
agent can be acquired by the getPerceptSize() method.
The first line of the percept array always represent the north side of
percepted area. The orientation of agent can be acquired by
the getOrientation() method which returns numbers 0
(World.NORTH), 1 (World.EAST), 2 (World.SOUTH, 3 (World.WEST).
Agent's starting orientation in random worlds is random as well. In
fixed worlds it is fixed to the North.
Agent knows dimensions of the world. These can be found in the
MyAgent's constructor.
Agent's actuators are implemented by methods:
moveFW() (one step forward according to agent's orientation)
 turnLEFT() rotating 90° left
 turnRIGHT() rotating 90° right
 suck(), which cleans agent's position from dirty
Actuators should be called in the method act(), which is executed
regularly in a given time period. At most one of the actuator's
method should be executed during the act() execution, otherwise
program will be halted with an exception.
The method halt() terminates the program and displays the number
of executed actions (actuator's methods). We will not use it in this
Download and unzip
Eclipse(Indigo) project import:
General->Existing Projects into Workspace
Select root directory -> Browse
choose folder "agent-cistic"
Running Eclipse(Indigo):
Run->Run Configurations...
double click on "Java Applications"
in tab "Main" choose/write 'GuiStarter' for the main class
in tab "Arguments" copy "world.txt WAIT-TIME PERCEPT-SIZE" into
Program arguments text-box, where WAIT-TIME is time between
two agent's steps in milliseconds and PERCEPT-SIZE is length of
agent's horizon.
5. Apply, Run
Exercise (1 point):
Implement a simple reflex (reactive) agent, that is able to clean the
environment (That is, given an unlimit amount of time, the world
will be clean). Agent cannot store anything (except of the current
percept), it should act according to actual percept and orientation
only. An agent does not have to halt but can not loop or get stuck.
Implement the agent for different PERCEPT-SIZE (0, 1). In both
cases agent has to suck dirties below the agent, and with PERCEPTSIZE=1 agent furthermore must be able to move to the
Agents and environments - Goal-oriented agent - Environment in Java.
We will work in the Agent-cleaner environment. Observe that:
MyAgent has a constructor with world's height and width
arguments. Use them appropriately.
Screen of the world will be saved into agent-cistic/screen.png, if
an agent is halted with halt() method.
Today, we are interested in goal-oriented agent, that will use simple
path-finding algorithm for finding the shortest path between two
tiles. Goal-oriented agent has an internal state, so it can create its
own model (map) of the world and remember anything. However, it
is still allowed to perform only one call of the method percept()
and one action (method moveFW(), turnLEFT(),turnRIGHT() or suck()).
Consider the problem of agent-cleaner and define what correspond
to following terms: state, state space.
Assume that agent only moves forward, turns left and right (that is,
it can not suck dirties). How many states correspond to the
following two-tiled-world? Draw the whole state space diagram.
The breadth-first search can be described with the following
OPEN - the queue of states that will be visited
CLOSE - the set of already visited states
State - variable containg state that is currently visited
SucState - variable containg a successor state of State
1. OPEN = {starting-state}
2. CLOSE = {}
State = get and remove first element from OPEN
if (State ∉ CLOSE)
add State to CLOSE
if (State is our goal)
return path from starting-state to State
for all successors SucState of State
if (SucState ∉ CLOSE)
add SucState as last to OPEN
12. return failure
Which data structures are useful for efficient BFS implementaion?
You may findthis survey of data structures helphul. How can the
path (line 8) be computed?
Assume the two-tiled map with the starting state as on picture
above and the set of goal states where the agent is on the right tile.
Simulate the breadth-first search and write actual content of OPEN
and CLOSE lists.
Set the agent's percept to 8. Implement the breadth-first
search and use it for navigation to the lower left corner of the
'reactive.txt' world. How much actions did agent perform? Is it the
shortest path?
Implement a new method void updateMap(int[][] percept) that will
gradually create the map of the world. That is, the part of the
agent's map is rewritten by the current percept. Test your solution
by printing agent's map and running the agent with percept=1 on
the 'reactive.txt' world.
Exercise (1 point, Monday)
In this exercise, assume that agent can move to the next tile only if
it is not wall and the next tile is horizontally or vertically adjacent
with wall. That is, if the next tile is clean but the upper, lower and
tiles on the left and the right are not walls, the tile is not reachable.
Set the agent's percept to 20. Implement the breadth-first
search and use it for cleaning the 'catmove.txt' world from the
Exercise (1 point, Wednesday)
In this exercise, assume that agent can not suck and is able to
move only from dirty tile to clean one and vice versa.
Set the agent's percept to 20. Implement the breadth-first
search and use it for navigation to the upper left corner of the
'sachovnica.txt' world. Program will be tested only on the
'sachovnica.txt' world, therefore the coordinations of the goal tile
can be hard coded.
Exercise (1 point, Thursday)
In this exercise, assume that agent is able to move to the next tile
only if it is not wall and the next tile is horizontally or vertically
adjacent at most with one wall. That is, if the next tile is adjacent
with two or more walls, the tile is not reachable.
Set the agent's percept to 20. Implement the breadth-first
search and use it for cleaning the 'claustrophobic.txt' world from all
dirties. At the end, agent should halt.
horizontally/vertically (diagonals are not necessary) adjacent dirty
Agent will be tested on the 'reactive.txt' map.