IUB General Education Curriculum Common Ground: Breadth of Inquiry, Fall 2012 Arts and Humanities (A&H) Social and Historical Studies (S&H) World Culture (WC) (Note: Courses appearing in more than one list may only be used to fulfill one requirement.) Arts and Humanities (A&H) AAAD-A 131 AAAD-A 150 AAAD-A 169 AAST-A 200 AAST-A 201 AMID-D 191 AMST-A 200 AMST-A 202 ANTH-A 208 CLAS-C 101 CLAS-C 102 CLAS-C 205 CLAS-C 206 CLLC-L 110 CLLC-L 210 CMCL-C 121 CMCL-C 190 CMCL-C 205 CMCL-C 207 CMCL-C 209 CMCL-C 220 CMCL-C 222 CMCL-C 228 CMLT-C 147 CMLT-C 151 CMLT-C 155 CMLT-C 205 CMLT-C 217 CMLT-C 251 CMLT-C 255 CMLT-C 257 CMLT-C 265 CMLT-C 291 COGS-Q 240 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 COLL-C 103 Early African American and African Diaspora Literature Survey of the Culture of Black Americans Introduction to African American Literature Asian American Literature Asian Diaspora Experience Design Studies: Form and Function Comparative American Identities U.S. Arts and Media Topics in the Anthropology of the Arts and Expressive Behavior Ancient Greek Culture Roman Culture Classical Mythology Classical Art and Archaeology Collins Seminar: Text, Image, Sound Collins Colloquium: Culture, the Arts, and Society Public Speaking Introduction to Media Introduction to Communication and Culture Topics in Cultural Analysis and Interpretation Topics in Rhetoric and Public Culture Performing Human/Nature: Defining Relationships with the Environment Democratic Deliberation Argumentation and Public Advocacy Images of the Self: East and West Introduction to Popular Culture Culture and the Modern Experience: An Interdisciplinary and International approach Comparative Literary Analysis Detective, Mystery, and Horror Literature Lyrics and Popular Song Modern Literature and Other Arts: An Introduction Asian Literature and Other Arts Introduction to East Asian Poetry Studies in Non-Western Film Philosophical Foundations of the Cognitive and Information Sciences Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Morality, Literature and Film Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Zombies and the Culture of Fear Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Sacred Spaces Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Youth Sub-Cultures and Music Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Question of Identity: Judaism Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: War as Representation and Idea Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: The Ebonics Controversy Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Pleasure, Pain and Peak Oil Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: Kung-Fu Heroes/Anime Goddesses COLL-C 103 EALC-E 100 EDUC-M 200 ENG-L 111 ENG-L 203 ENG-L 204 ENG-L 205 ENG-L 207 ENG-L 220 ENG-L 223 ENG-L 224 ENG-L 240 ENG-L 249 ENG-W 103 FINA-A 206 FINA-A 280 FINA-D 210 FINA-F 100 FINA-F 101 FINA-F 102 FINA-H 100 FINA-N 110 FINA-N 130 FINA-S 270 FINA-S 271 FINA-S 291 FOLK-E 112 FOLK-E 295 FOLK-F 101 FOLK-F 111 FOLK-F 131 FRIT-M 222 GLLC-G 210 HON-H 211 HON-H 213 HON-H 232 HON-H 233 HON-H 234 HON-H 235 HON-H 242 INTL-I 201 JSTU-J 203 MUS-P 110 MUS-P 120 MUS-T 109 MUS-T 151 MUS-Z 101 MUS-Z 111 MUS-Z 120 MUS-Z 201 MUS-Z 211 MUS-Z 260 PHIL-P 100 Critical Approaches to the Arts and Humanities, TOPIC: The Semiotics of Advertising East Asia: An Introduction Artifacts, Museums, and Everyday Life Discovering Literature Introduction to Drama Introduction to Fiction Introduction to Poetry Women and Literature Introduction to Shakespeare Introduction to Ethnic American Literature Introduction to World Literatures in English Literature and Public Life Representations of Gender and Sexuality Introductory Creative Writing Classical Art and Archaeology The Art of Comics Digital Art: Survey and Practice Fundamental Studio—Drawing (Note: FINA studio courses require a serious time commitment) Fundamental Studio--3D (Note: FINA studio courses require a serious time commitment) Fundamental Studio--2D (Note: FINA studio courses require a serious time commitment) Introduction to Art History and Visual Culture for Non-Majors Introduction to Studio Art for Nonmajors Digital Imagery for Nonmajors Sculpture I Introduction to Figurative Sculpture Fundamentals of Photography Black Music of Two Worlds Survey of Hip Hop Introduction to Folklore World Music and Culture Folklore in the United States Topics in Italian Culture Global Village Colloquium Ideas and Experience I Madness and Melancholy Meaningful Writing Great Authors, Composers, and Artists Literature of Time and Place Religion in Literature, Music, Art, and Performance Animal Ethics Culture and the Arts: International Perspectives Arts and Humanities Topics in Jewish Studies Beginning Piano Class 1, Non-Music Majors Beginning Piano Class 2, Non-Music Majors Rudiments of Music Music Theory and Literature I Music for the Listener Introduction to Music Theory Music in Multimedia History of Rock 'n' Roll Music I Music Theory II Music in American Society Introduction to Philosophy PHIL-P 105 PHIL-P 135 PHIL-P 140 PHIL-P 150 PHIL-P 201 PHIL-P 211 POLS-Y 105 REL-A 210 REL-A 220 REL-A 230 REL-A 250 REL-A 270 REL-B 210 REL-R 133 REL-R 153 REL-R 170 SLAV-R 223 SLAV-R 263 THTR-T 100 THTR-T 101 THTR-T 120 Thinking and Reasoning Introduction to Existentialism Introduction to Ethics Elementary Logic Ancient Greek Philosophy Modern Philosophy: Descartes through Kant Introduction to Political Theory Introduction to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible Introduction to the New Testament Introduction to Judaism Introduction to Christianity Introduction to Islam Introduction to Buddhism Introduction to Religion Religions of Asia Religion, Ethics, and Public Life Introduction to Russian Culture Pushkin to Dostoevsky Introduction to Theatre Script Analysis for the Theatre Acting I: Fundamentals of Acting Social and Historical Studies (S&H) AAAD-A 210 AAAD-A 264 AAST-A 101 AFRI-L 231 AFRI-L 232 AMST-A 201 ANTH-A 105 ANTH-A 200 ANTH-E 101 ANTH-E 105 ANTH-E 200 ANTH-E 210 ANTH-P 200 ANTH-P 210 ANTH-P 230 ANTH-P 240 BUS-F 260 BUS-L 100 BUS-L 201 BUS-X 100 CEUS-R 293 CJUS-P 100 CJUS-P 200 CJUS-P 202 CLLC-L 120 CMCL-C 122 CMCL-C 201 CMCL-C 212 CMCL-C 290 Black Women in the Diaspora History of Sports and the African American Experience Introduction to Asian American Studies African Civilization Contemporary Africa U.S. Movements and Institutions Human Origins and Prehistory Topics in Anthropology of Culture and Society Ecology and Society Culture and Society Social and Cultural Anthropology Rethinking Race Globally Introduction to Archaeology Life in the Stone Age Archaeology of the Ancient Maya Archaeology of the Movies Personal Finance Personal Law Legal Environment of Business Introduction to Business Religion and Revolutions in Europe and Asia Introduction to Criminal Justice Theories of Crime and Deviance Law and Social Science Collins Seminar: Politics, Identity, and Resistance Interpersonal Communication Race and the Media Communicating Sustainability Hollywood I COLL-C 104 COLL-C 104 COLL-C 104 COLL-C 104 COLL-C 104 Cares? COLL-C 104 ECON-E 201 ECON-S 202 EDUC-F 200 EDUC-F 205 EDUC-G 203 EDUC-K 205 EDUC-P 248 EDUC-P 250 FINA-A 101 FINA-A 102 FOLK-F 210 GEOG-G 110 GEOG-G 120 GLLC-G 220 GNDR-G 105 GNDR-G 215 HIST-A 200 HIST-A 205 HIST-A 222 HIST-A 265 HIST-B 200 HIST-B 204 HIST-B 226 HIST-B 260 HIST-C 200 HIST-C 205 HIST-C 210 HIST-D 102 HIST-D 103 HIST-D 200 HIST-H 101 HIST-H 102 HIST-H 103 HIST-H 105 HIST-H 106 HIST-H 211 HIST-H 251 HIST-H 259 HIST-H 263 HIST-W 200 HON-H 212 HON-H 238 HON-H 240 HPER-F 150 HPER-F 255 HPER-F 258 Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Sciences, TOPIC: People and Animals Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Sciences, TOPIC: Oil, Islam and Geopolitics Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Sciences, TOPIC: Death Penalty in America Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Sciences, TOPIC: Eyes,Vision, Color Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Sciences, TOPIC: What Is Science and Who Critical Approaches to the Social and Historical Sciences, TOPIC: Sickness and Health Introduction to Microeconomics Introduction to Macroeconomics: Honors Examining Self as a Teacher Study of Education and the Practice of Teaching Communication in the Classroom Schools, Society, and Exceptionality The Elementary School Child: Physical, Emotional, and Social Development General Educational Psychology Ancient and Medieval Art Renaissance through Modern Art Myth, Legend, and Popular Science Introduction to Human Geography World Regional Geography Global Village Colloquium Sex, Gender, and the Body Sex and Gender in Cross-Cultural Perspective Issues in United States History Asian American History Law in America Gender and Sexuality in American History Issues in Western European History Medieval Heroes The Mafia and Other Italian Mysteries Women, Men, and Society in Modern Europe Issues in Ancient History Introduction to Islamic Civilization The Making of the Modern Middle East Icon and Axe: Russia from Earliest Times to 1861 Icon and Axe: Russia from 1861 to Present Issues in Russian/East European History The World in the Twentieth Century I The World in the Twentieth Century II Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon American History I American History II Latin American Culture and Civilization I Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion American Jewish History Indiana University, Past and Present Issues in World History Ideas and Experience II Politics and Communication Science and Society Introduction to Life Span Human Development Human Sexuality Marriage and Family Interaction HPER-H 172 HPER-H 174 HPER-H 220 HPER-H 235 HPER-H 263 HPER-R 160 HPER-T 142 HPSC-X 102 INTL-I 100 INTL-I 202 INTL-I 203 INTL-I 204 INTL-I 205 INTL-I 206 JOUR-J 110 JSTU-J 204 JSTU-J 251 LATS-L 101 LATS-L 102 LESA-L 105 LING-L 103 LSTU-L 101 LSTU-L 110 LSTU-L 230 LTAM-L 210 NELC-N 204 NELC-N 208 PACE-C 210 PACE-C 211 POLS-Y 100 POLS-Y 103 POLS-Y 107 POLS-Y 109 POLS-Y 200 POLS-Y 200 POLS-Y 200 POLS-Y 200 POLS-Y 211 PSY-P 102 SOC-S 100 SOC-S 101 SOC-S 210 SOC-S 217 SOC-S 230 SPEA-A 163 SPEA-E 162 SPEA-S 160 SPEA-S 161 SPEA-S 162 SPEA-S 163 SPEA-S 220 SPEA-V 160 SPEA-V 161 International Health and Social Issues Prevention of Violence in American Society Death and Dying Obesity and Health Personal Health Foundations of Recreation and Leisure Living Well Revolutions in Science: Plato to NATO Introduction to International Studies Health, Environment, and Development Global Integration and Development Human Rights and Social Movements: International Perspectives International Communication Nations, States, and Boundaries Foundations of Journalism and Mass Communication Social and Historical Topics in Jewish Studies Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion Introduction to Latino Studies Introduction to Latino History Beyond the Sample Gates Introduction to the Study of Language American Labor History Introduction to Labor Studies: Labor and Society Labor and the Economy The Latin American Experience Topics in Middle Eastern Culture and Society Muslim Communities in Europe and the U.S.: Transnational Islam Public Leadership Making Public Decisions American Political Controversies Introduction to American Politics Introduction to Comparative Politics Introduction to International Relations Contemporary Political Topics: Politics of What’s for Dinner Contemporary Political Topics: Election 2012 Contemporary Political Topics: Contemporary Middle East in World Politics Contemporary Political Topics: Politics of South Asia Introduction to Law Introductory Psychology II Introduction to Sociology Social Problems and Policies The Economy, Organizations, and Work Social Inequality Society and the Individual Arts Worlds: Management, Markets, and Policy Environment and People Honors--National and International Policy Honors--Urban Problems and Solutions Honors--Environment and People Honors--Art Worlds: Management, Markets, and Policy Honors--Law and Public Affairs National and International Policy Urban Problems and Solutions SPEA-V 220 SWK-S 100 SWK-S 221 SWK-S 251 TEL-T 101 TEL-T 205 Law and Public Policy Understanding Diversity in a Pluralistic Society Human Behavior and the Social Environment I Emergence of Social Services Media Life Introduction to Media and Society World Culture (WC) AAAD-A 221 Dance in the African Diaspora AAST-A 201 Asian Diaspora Experience AFRI-L 231 African Civilization AFRI-L 232 Contemporary Africa AMST-A 100 What is America? CLAS-C 101 Ancient Greek Culture CLAS-C 102 Roman Culture CLAS-C 205 Classical Mythology CLAS-C 206 Classical Art and Archaeology CMLT-C 147 Images of the Self: East and West CMLT-C 265 Introduction to East Asian Poetry CMLT-C 291 Studies in Non-Western Film EALC-E 100 East Asia: An Introduction ENG-L 224 Introduction to World Literatures in English FINA-A 101 Ancient and Medieval Art FINA-A 102 Renaissance through Modern Art FINA-A 160 Introduction to East Asian Art FINA-A 206 Classical Art & Archeology FINA-A 262 Introduction to Japanese Art and Culture FOLK-F 111 World Music and Culture FRIT-M 222 Topics in Italian Culture, TOPIC: Manhood and Masculinities in Modern Italy GER-E 121 An Introduction to German Culture HIST-B 200 Issues in Western European History, TOPIC: Immigrants and Refugees-Post War Europe HIST-B 200 Issues in Western European History, TOPIC: War and Violence in 20th Century Europe HIST-B 200 Issues in Western European History, TOPIC: International Relations in Europe, 1814-1938 HIST-B 204 Medieval Heroes HIST-B 226 The Mafia and Other Italian Mysteries HIST-C 210 The Making of the Modern Middle East HIST-D 102 Icon and Axe: Russia from Earliest Times to 1861 HIST-D 200 Issues in Russian/East European History, TOPIC: Russian History Through Films HIST-H 101 The World in the Twentieth Century I HIST-H 103 Europe: Renaissance to Napoleon HIST-H 211 Latin American Culture and Civilization I HIST-H 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion HPSC-X 102 Revolutions in Science: Plato to NATO INTL-I 100 Introduction to International Studies INTL-I 201 Culture and the Arts: International Perspectives INTL-I 202 Health, Environment, and Development INTL-I 203 Global Integration and Development INTL-I 204 Human Rights and Social Movements: International Perspectives INTL-I 205 International Communication INTL-I 206 Nations, States, and Boundaries JSTU-C 240 Contemporary Israeli Culture JSTU-J 251 Introduction to Jewish History: From the Bible to Spanish Expulsion LTAM-L 210 The Latin American Experience NELC-N 204 Topics in Middle Eastern Culture and Society PHIL-P 201 Ancient Greek Philosophy REL-A 210 Introduction to the Old Testament/Hebrew Bible REL-A 220 Introduction to the New Testament REL-A 230 Introduction to Judaism REL-A 250 Introduction to Christianity REL-A 270 Introduction to Islam REL-B 210 Introduction to Buddhism REL-R 153 Religions of Asia SLAV-R 223 Introduction to Russian Culture SLAV-R 263 Russian Literature: Pushkin to Dostoevsky