What is a constitution? SS.5.C.1.2 Define a constitution and discuss its purposes. LAFS.5.RI.2.4 – Determine the meaning of general academic and domain-specific words and phrases in a text relevant to a grade 5 topic or subject area. 1 SS.5.C.1.2 Define a constitution and discuss its purposes. Correlated Florida Standard (See Full Text on Cover Page) LAFS.5.RI.2.4 Essential Question What is a constitution? Learning Goals/Objectives Students will create a vocabulary map for the term “constitution”. Overview Students will understand the term “constitution” through discussion and a vocabulary mapping activity. They will also discuss the purposes and need for a constitution. Materials Constitution Brainstorm handout Constitution Vocabulary Map handout Time 15-20 minutes Activity Sequence INTRODUCTION/HOOK 1. Pass out the Constitution Brainstorm handout and stimulate prior knowledge by having students tell you what they know about the word “constitution”. 2. Instruct students to fill in the brainstorming clouds on the handout during the discussion. ACTIVITY 3. Write or project the definition of a constitution: Constitution - a written plan outlining how a country or organization is governed. It contains a set of basic standards or rules to govern a particular group. A constitution defines the principles of the organization and sets up a process to establish laws. 4. Discuss the reasons why groups of people need constitutions and rules. List reasons on the board. Examples may include: safety; organization; order 5. Divide the class into groups. 6. Distribute the Constitution Vocabulary Map handout. 7. Instruct students to complete the handout in their groups. CLOSURE 8. Have groups share their maps. OPTIONAL EXTENSION SUGGESTION 1. Engage the students in a discussion about creating a classroom constitution. 2. Divide students into groups and instruct each group to outline the purpose and need for creating a classroom constitution. 2 CONSTITUTION BRAINSTORM 3 Constitution Vocabulary Map Define in your own words: Synonyms: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ CONSTITUTION Symbol: Reasons for having a constitution: Examples: _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 4