Senior Design Week 1-2

Research on Malware and its Analysis
Alex Finkelstein
Kevin Hao
Dom Amos
Josh Suess
Mike Hite
The following report outlines a brief history of malware development from the early 1970’s through
2010 and discusses notable malware of the last five years. Additionally, types of malware and the
propagation techniques they use are discussed along with prevention techniques for standard users as
well as for enterprises. The final section of the report discusses creating a safe environment for malware
analysis, techniques for analyzing samples of malware, and the difference between static and dynamic
History of Malware Development
1971 – “Creeper Virus” was created. An infected computer would display the message daring them to
“capture the creeper” This was an experiment and not meant to be malicious, it did however
foreshadow a future of malicious attacks. The “Reaper” was created to find and “destroy” the Creeper
and can be considered one of the first anti-virus programs.
1978 – The first “Trojan is released and known as ANIMAL. This Trojan did not destroy a system, but was
able to be passed to other computers through copies over networks which were created while the user
played a game.
1981 – “Elk Cloner” is developed for the Apple II. It spreads through floppy disks and displays a poem to
the user.
1983 – Frederick Cohen coins the term “virus” to describe a computer program capable of selfreplicating.
1986 – The first virus for IBM-PC is released.
1987 – The “Jerusalem virus” is released and is designed to destroy files every time the date is Friday the
13th. This is notably one of the first time-release viruses that appear repeatedly since.
1988 – The “Morris Worm” is created and is the first worm to spread extensively through the internet.
1992 – The “Michelangelo worm” threatens to wipe machines around the world on March 6th and
creates a media frenzy. The damage of the worm was very minimal, but it raised concern of the general
1994 – Canadian virus “MONKEY” uses self-concealing to evade detection.
1999 – Significantly more advanced malware which includes the first email virus - “Happy99 virus”, the
“Melissa worm”, and “Kak worm” are released and spread quickly through Microsoft environments used
by many internet users.
2000 – A 15-year-old Canadian boy crashes with a DDoS attack. This is even more significant
because Yahoo was the number one search engine at the time.
2000 – The “ILOVEYOU” VBScript worm infect millions of Windows machines within hours of being
2001 – Worms like “Nimda” are released and take advantage of backdoor entrances created by earlier
2004 – “Santy” is the first webworm and spreads through phpBB, using Google to find new targets.
2007 – A deliberate DDoS attack on Estonia crashes the prime minister’s site as well as other
government-run organizations including schools and banks.
2008 – “Conficker” becomes one of the most notorious and widespread pieces of malware ever
generated. It infects around 10 million Microsoft server systems, including government and military
machines. This event furthers public concern and consciousness in regards to the necessity for network
2008 – 2009 – “Scareware” program numbers increase rapidly. These programs appear to be free antimalware applications, but are actually a form of malware.
2010 – “Stuxnet” allegedly targets Iranian nuclear facilities and it widely considered to be the most
advanced malware ever created.
The above dates are significant advances in the field of malware and show some interesting trends.
When we consider the earliest stages of malware development it was all for research purposes and
developed at a much slower rate. Looking at the past decade we can see swift development,
deployment, and exponentially more victims of attacks. This makes sense when we consider how few
people owned a computer in the 1980’s compared to the billions of systems which exist today.
We also see a change in the motive of attackers over time. To elaborate, the earliest forms of malware
appear to have been used for the purpose of proving it could be done. They provide minor
inconveniences to users, but do not render their systems useless. Looking at more recent forms of
malware we see a much more malicious intent. Programs are designed for the purposes of deleting all of
a user’s files, or completely denying service, and even with the intent of accessing military weapons.
These attacks have financial, political, and sinister motives and are far more technically advanced. If we
consider the evolution of motive it appears to go from fun and research, to financial motives, to
espionage and warfare.
Radware. Web. 15 Sep. 2014.
Infamous Malware (last 5 years)
how they infected users’ computers
Heartbleed (2014)
The heartbleed vulnerability was an exploit in the OpenSSL cryptography library which is widely
used in the TLS protocol. It allowed theft of exploited servers’ private keys and users’ session
cookies and passwords.
Around the time of its discovery it is believed that around 17% of all secure web servers certified
by trusted authorities were infected. This is approximately half of a million.
The difference here is that this is a vulnerability with SSL which is used widely all over the
internet and therefore not something a normal user could avoid being a victim to if they had
information stored on an infected server.
The commonality we see here is that heartbleed took advantage of an existing weakness.
Target Credit Card Breach (2013)
In the days before Thanksgiving 2013 someone installed phishing software on Target’s security
and payment systems which was designed to steal every credit card used at any of the
company’s 1,797 stores in the United States.
This was the largest breach in United States retail history until just recently when Home Depot
was compromised. Approximately 40 million card accounts were stolen and the personal data of
over 70 million customers were also stolen in the breach and even a year later the effects are
still being felt by Target as their stock value consistently dropped.
The malware was installed on Target’s point of sales machines days before Thanksgiving. The
spin is that Target spent $1.6 million on a highly advanced anti-malware system, called FireEye,
just six months before the heist. This system would have caught and destroyed the malware
with no human interaction, but was turned off.
The financial motive appears yet again in this attack. Also notable is that prevention was
possible in this case and this was the fault of bad communication and mistakes made by security
personnel. The target was the POS system which was undoubtedly not being monitored as
closely as Target’s computers and servers.
Stuxnet (2010)
Windows worm – approximately 1000% larger than a typical worm. Infects a system, hides itself
with a rootkit and checks to see if the system is connected to a “Siemens Simatic factory
system.” If the connection is found the worm changes the commands sent from the Windows
computer to the PLC (programmable logic controller). F-Secure Labs estimates that it would take
more than 10 man-years of work to complete this virus. Its complexity and the fact that it could
be used to impair the ability of a centrifuge to enrich uranium with no monetary gain suggest it
was developed by the (US and Israeli?) government.
This worm damaged Iran’s centrifuges and delayed its uranium enrichment efforts.
Most likely spread through USB devices.
This attack was uncommon and had specific military/espionage/sabotage intent. It was far more
advanced than any other worm ever created.
CryptoLocker (2013)
Trojan Virus that targeted computers running Microsoft Windows and encrypts files on a user’s
hard drive, then prompts them to pay a ransom in order to receive the decryption key. This is
considered the first true “ransomware”.
In December 2013 the bitcoin addresses associated with the CryptoLocker showed movements
of approximately 42,000 bitcoins which, at the time, was worth ~$27 million. Calculations made
after the shutdown suggest that the operator extorted around $3 million total. On top of this
tens of thousands of users lost all of their files.
It propagated through infected email attachments and from an existing botnet.
Email and botnets seem to be a common distribution technique as they are able to infect the
most users in the least time. We also see here the financial motive which is a recurring theme in
more recent attacks and bitcoin the preferred method of payment due to it anonymity.
SpyEye (2009 - 2011)
Trojan Horse Virus that steals money from bank accounts while simultaneously creating fake
statements to show that the money is still there.
Has infected more than 1.4 million computers. The main developer of the virus, a Russian
named Aleksandr Andreevich Panin, is expected to have sold the virus to at least 150 clients
who used it to set up C2 servers. These clients compromised more than 10,000 bank accounts.
One of the clients is reported to have made over $3.2 million in a six month period.
The virus is sold as a “kit” to cybercriminals who, after purchasing, are provided with a graphical
interface to set up “drop zones” which are servers to receive stolen online banking credentials.
There are also configuration files customized for attacking most online banking websites. This
allows the attacker to inject extra fields over a bank’s web page asking for other login
information and passwords. The fields appear to be a part of the legitimate site, but export all of
the information to the drop zone.
Again we see the financial motive here as the developer of the malware made it to sell to
criminals for profit and the criminals used the malware to steal money from unsuspecting
Abrams, Lawrence. bleepingcomputers. 14 Oct. 2013. 17 Sep. 2014.
FBI. Atlanta Division. 28 Jan. 2014. 22 Sep. 2014.
Kirk, Jeremy. pcworld. IDG News Service. 14 Oct. 2011. 22 Sep. 2014.
NationalInterest. Center for the National Interest. 2014. 16 Sep. 2014.
Rainie, Lee; Duggan Maeve. PewResearch Internet Project. Heartbleed’s Impact. 30 April 2014. 22 Sep.
Sandra. Safe&Savvy. F-Secure, WordPress. 2014. 16 Sep. 2014.
Smith, Chris. BGR. 13 Mar. 2014. 22 Sep. 2014.
Malware Propagation Techniques
Virus – Replicates by attaching its program instructions to an ordinary host program or document so the
virus’ instructions are executed when the host program executes.
Examples of this include attaching to files, the boot sector, an email, RFID viruses, and macros
Network Worms – Self-propagating programs that spread over a network, typically through the Internet,
but can also propagate over a private network that is not connected to the internet. They are unlike
viruses in that they do not depend on other programs or user actions for replication or execution.
Examples of this include propagating through emails, IM, IRC, the Internet, and P2P worms.
Trojan Horse and Spyware – Destructive program that appears to be non-dangerous and serve some
function, thus tricking the user into downloading or executing.
Examples of this include backdoor, data-collecting, downloaders, rootkits, bots, and tracking cookies.
Blended Attacks – These involve combining attack vectors. For example, using a worm as the delivery
mechanism for another type of malware.
Embedded Malicious Code – Logic bomb/time bomb that causes harm to the system once the code is
Crimeware – Clicker, session hijacker, email redirector.
DoS and DDoS Tools – Flood the system with requests/pings rendering it useless for any purpose as it is
dealing with the large amount of incoming traffic.
Malware Constructors – Tools designed to create malware.
Exploits – Take advantage of known vulnerabilities in a system.
Traditional Propagation Techniques
Social Engineering – Oldest and most effective method. Uses stories and ambiguous filenames to entice
victims into clicking or some other action which begins the infection process.
File Execution – Straightforward method and foundation for all malware. Popular file types such as .flv,
.doc, .ppt, .xls, .exe, .pdf, and .bat are delivered through social engineering techniques, P2P networking,
file sharking, email, or memory device transfer and contain malware which is then executed.
Metamorphic Propagation Techniques
Metamorphic Malware – Changes as it reproduces or propagates, making it difficult to identify with
signature-based antivirus or software removal tools, but does not completely alter its code.
Polymorphism – Self-replicating malware that changes its structure from the original. It is able to create
an unlimited number of new decryptors that can all use different encryption methods making detection
extremely difficult.
Oligomorphic – “Poor man’s polymorphic engine.” Selects a decryptor from a set number of predefined
alternatives. Cannot change the encrypted base code.
Obfuscation Propagation Techniques
Archivers – ZIP, RAR, CAB, and TAR utilities which are unpacked and installed on the victim’s host. These
are easily detectable with modern antivirus scanners.
Encryptors – Core code is encrypted and compressed making it hard to analyze. Recent implementations
use public key encryption.
Packers – An encryption module used to obfuscate the actual main body of code that executes the true
functionality of the malware. Many of these are publically and privately available. Can be very difficult to
detect and analyze.
Network Encoding – Sneak past boundary protection systems through HTTP or HTTPS channel.
DDNS and Fast Flux Propagation Techniques
Dynamic Domain Name Services (DDNS) – DNS where the domain name to IP resolution can be updated
in real-time. IP address of the compromised host could be anywhere and move at any moment.
Fast Flux – Used by various botnets, malware and phishing schemes and delivers content and
command/control through a constantly changing network of proxied compromised hosts. Much faster
and harder to detect than DDNS.
Single-Flux – Associates a single DNS address record for a single DNS entry and produces a fluctuating list
of destination addresses for a single domain name that can have thousands of entries.
Double-Flux – Similar to Single-Flux, but the multiple hosts are name servers and register/deregister NS
records that produce lists for the DNS zone. More difficult to implement.
Malware Prevention Techniques
Malware Prevention Policy as outlined in NIST 800-83. These policies are for organizational compliance.
Requiring the scanning of media from outside of the organization for malware before they can
be used.
Requiring that email file attachments, including compressed files, be saved to local drives or
media and scanned before they are opened.
Forbidding the sending or receipt of certain types of files (.exe for example) via email and
allowing certain additional file types to be blocked for a period of time in response to an
impending malware threat.
Restricting or forbidding the use of unnecessary software, such as user applications that are
often used to transfer malware, and services that are not needed or duplicate the organizationprovided equivalents and might contain additional vulnerabilities that could be exploited by
Restricting the use of administrator-level privileges by users, which helps to limit the privileges
available to malware introduced to systems by users.
Requiring that systems be kept up to date with OS and application upgrades and patches.
Restricting the use of removable media, particularly on systems that are at high risk of infection,
such as publicly accessible kiosks.
Specifying which type of preventive software are required for each type of system and
application, and listing the high-level requirements for configuring and maintaining the
Permitting access to other networks only through organization-approved and secured
Requiring firewall configuration changes to be approved through a formal process.
Specifying which types of mobile code may be used from various source.
Restricting the use of mobile devices on trusted networks.
For standard users these guidelines may seem too strict, but NIST is the government agency in charge of
security policies for networks and organizations so there recommendations are undoubtedly the most
secure way to assure prevention. Prevention steps for home users include the following:
Install a Firewall
Install Anti-Virus software
Keep system updated and patched
Backup data frequently in case of malware attack
Use a secure browser
Use a secure email client
Activate real-time spyware protection
Use a HOSTS file
Further prevention techniques to consider are being vendor agnostic. By this we mean the company
whose firewall you use should not be the same company whose anti-virus protection, and spyware
protection you use. This is because any weakness that company has will be present in all of their
products so by using software all from different brands you are able to increase the overall effectiveness
and protect against a wider range of potential attacks.
Bugeja, Joseph. Malware and Modern Propagation Techniques. 1 Dec. 2013. 23 Sep. 2014.
Mell, Peter; Kent, Karen; Nusbaum, Joseph. Guide to Malware Incident Prevention and Handling. NIST SP
800-83. Nov. 2005. 23 Sep. 2014.
Shanmuga. Ten Steps to Malware Prevention. MalwareHelp. 23 Sep. 2014.
Analysis Techniques – how to analyze samples
Before discussing techniques to analyze malware it is important to understand why we would want to
do this. Malware analysis takes time and resources and sometimes a significant amount of each so it is
important to consider the reasons behind it. Some potential reasons for analysis include:
Assessing damage from an intrusion
Discovering and cataloguing indicators of compromised systems to compare with other
potentially compromised machines.
Determining the sophistication level of the malware author.
To identify what vulnerability was exploited.
To identify the intruder or responsible party.
Furthering understanding.
After we have considered these reasons and identified our purpose we must also consider what we are
dealing with. Because malware is innately designed to cause harm we do not want to be analyzing it on
our own computer in a normal environment as the side effects on our own system could be
catastrophic. There are multiple solutions to this problem and they are outlined below.
First, we can create an “analysis lab” by placing computers on their own physically partitioned network
and giving them an easily restorable, standardized software build. This way we can test malware and let
it destroy the system and then simply restore from a backup image.
Another solution, that is easier and less expensive, would be to use virtual machines to create a
simulated lab environment. Like in the first solution, this allows us to infect the system with malware
and then revert back to an old build. This is not as safe as the first solution and there are multiple things
to consider if this is the solution being implemented. First, the virtualization software is not perfect and
could potentially allow for information to “leak” from the virtual machine onto the host machine in an
unexpected way. Second, malicious code can often detect that it is running in a virtual environment and
may modify its behavior accordingly. Finally, a 0-day worm that can exploit a listening service on the
host OS will escape the virtual sandbox. These are important considerations when dealing with
particularly nasty malware.
After deciding between using a virtual lab or physical lab the next item for consideration is the level of
network access the machines will have. Using a machine connected to the Internet is faster and easier,
but has several drawbacks which are listed below.
An attacker may change their behavior if they see connections from a machine they did not
Allowing malware to connect to a controlling server, you could potentially be entering a realtime battle with a human for control of your machine.
The external IP address used by your machine may become the target for additional attacks.
If the malware spreads automatically or conducts DDoS attacks you may be unintentionally
attacking others.
Considering the gravity of these possibilities it may be better to use a closed network with virtualized
services, but this method requires more time and significantly more effort to set up.
When analyzing there are two main classifications of analysis – static and dynamic. In static analysis the
code does not actually run which makes it safer than dynamic analysis. Static analysis is the process of
inspecting the code and examining the external features. Dynamic analysis involves running the code
and examining its actions. Recommended steps for both static and dynamic analysis are discussed
Static Analysis
File Fingerprinting
The first step is creating a cryptographic hash value for all files being investigated. This will allow for
verification when seeing if the program has been modified or modified itself.
Virus Scanning
If the file being investigated is a known piece of malware then it may be recognized by anti-virus
software. If it has been, then the vendor will typically post their analysis of the malware which can assist
in your analysis.
Packer Detection
A complicated factor when analyzing malware is that many programs modify an executable file to
obfuscate its contents and hide the actual program logic from a reverse engineer performing analysis.
Programs that modify other program files to compress or disguise their content are referred to as
“executable packers”. When an executable program is packed it runs as it did before, but looks much
different from a static analysis perspective. Once it has been packed the original logic and other
metadata are difficult to recover through static analysis. There are free tools, such as PEID, which assist
in determining if a program has been packed.
Examine Strings
There is no instruction manual to walk through malicious code, but much can be learned from analyzing
strings of readable text embedded within the program. Be aware that the writer of the malicious code
may have potentially embedded information to mislead an analyzer.
Examining PE Formatted File
Portable Executable (PE) is the format used by executable files on Windows systems and contain useful
information which can be extracted by examining the metadata. This information includes date and time
of compilation, functions imported and exported by the program, icons, menus, version information,
and Strings embedded in resources. Again, there are many tools available to aid in this task.
After completing the previously discussed steps it is common practice to disassemble the file and
analyze the assembly code instructions that make up the program. In the industry IDA Pro is the tool
everyone uses for this.
Dynamic Analysis
For dynamic analysis you must have a secured, safe environment to avoid infecting your own system or
others’. When analyzing malware on Windows machines programs will interact with the file system, the
registry, other processes, and the network so it is important to be able to capture information from
those sources. Tools like Process Monitor and Wireshark are two widely used tools for collecting such
Process Monitor
Process Monitor is a SysInternals tool that allows users to monitor all file, registry, and process activity
on Windows systems. It installs a device driver that captures information about activity happening inside
the kernel of the system and presents it to the user in a graphical interface. The user must know what
they are looking for and filter accordingly.
Wireshark is a protocol analyzer that captures, analyzes, and filters network traffic. The flaw of
Wireshark is that it does not know what process generates each packet of captured network data,
making it difficult to determine if a packet was generated by the malicious program. There are similar
tools which do offer this feature such as Port Explorer.
Using these two tools, or like tools, in conjunction give a good picture of how the malware works. These
techniques will answer the most important questions about malware, however they will not be
sufficient for analyzing full featured backdoors or botnet clients that may use custom encoding
methods, complicated command sets, and multiple layers of obfuscated or encrypted data. For these
more complicated pieces of malware the best approach is static analysis with IDA and dynamic analysis
with a debugger like Ollydbg or Windbg.
Egele, Manuel; Scholte, Theodoor; Kirda, Engin; Kruegel, Christopher. A Survey on Automated Dynamic
Malware Analysis Techniques and Tools. SBA. 1 Oct. 2014.
Kendall, Kris. Practical Malware Analysis. Mandiant. 1 Oct. 2014.